已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、最新非谓语动词试题及答案and blooddown from his mouth.一、单项选择非谓语动词1The man fell to the ground, his left footA breaking;runningC breaking ; run 【答案】 B 【解析】BDbroken;runningbroken; run详解】考查独立主格结构。句意:那人摔倒在地,左脚骨折, 时候,如果分词的逻辑主语与句子主语没有关系,就在分词的前面直接加上逻辑主语,形 成独立主格结构,该结构在作用上相当于一个状语从句。本句中的第一空的名词血从嘴里往下流。当分词做状语的his leftfoot 与动

2、词 break 构成逻辑上的被动关系,故使用过去分词。第二空的名词 run 构成主动关系,故使用现在分词。故选blood 与动词B。2Dont turn a deaf ear to the advice which will make ato your future.A messBdifferenceC fuss 【答案】 BDremark【解析】 不要对能够对你未来产生影响的建议掩耳不闻。make a different to 对什么有影响,是固定短语,所以选 B。3 He is thought _foolishly .Now he has no one but himself to bla

3、me for losing the job.Ato actB to have acted C actingD having acted【答案】 B【解析】试题分析:句型“有人认为 .已 可”用 It is thought/ believed/ .that sb have/has done.结 构。从句中的动作发生在主句动作之前。该结构可转化为 sb is thought/believed +不定式的完成式。如:It is reported that Cheng Yifei died several days ago. The news reports that Cheng Yifei died

4、 several days ago. Cheng Yifei is reported to have died several days ago. 因此 B 选项正确。句意为“有人认为他已做了一件傻事。现在应怪他自己丢掉这份工作。 考点:考查动词非谓语形式。4With Father s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank presents for my dadAbuy Bto buy C buying Dto have bought【答案】 B【解析】句意:父亲节将要到来 , 为了给爸爸买礼物我已经从银行

5、取了一些钱。题干中空格划在名词后, 但是空格后的部分不是对 bank 解释说明 , 而是说明取钱的目的 做目的状语 , 非谓语动词中不定式做状语用来表示目的 , 因此选择, 因此此题中非谓语动词5by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.A Being encouragedC Encouraged【答案】 CBEncouragingD Having encouraged解析】 试题分析:考查过去分词做状语:句意:被科技的进步鼓舞着,很多农民在自己的土地上 建起了风力发电厂。逗

6、号前面的是非谓语动词做状语, encourage 和这句话的主语 manyfarmers 是被动关系,用过去分词做状语,选C。6 When we saw the road考点:考查过去分词做状语with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.A blockBto blockC blocking 【答案】 DDblocked解析】详解】我们决定在家里度假。此处用非谓考查非谓语动词。句意:当我们看到路上被雪覆盖时,语动词作宾补,动词 block 与 see 的宾语 the road 之间为被动关系,构成短语 see sb/ sthdone 。故

7、选 D。7 More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced concern over food safety.Ato raise Braising Cto have raised D having raised 【答案】 A【解析】 略people8(福建 )basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.AKnownC Knowing 【答案】 CB Having knownD Being known解析】

8、详解】考查动名词。句意:了解基本的急救知识可以帮助您快速应对紧急情况。分析句子成分,谓语是 will help ,所以前面的是主语,用动名词做主语,故选C项。9 (北京 ) Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy timewith his students.Ato spend C spending 【答案】 DBspendDspent解析】详解】考查非谓语动词。句意: Jim 已经退休了, 句子已经有了谓语,空格只能填非谓语动词, 系,故用过去分词 spent。故选D项。但是他依然记得和学生一起度过的快乐时光。 逻辑主语是time ,

9、和 spend 之间是被动关10 The playersfrom the whole country are expected to bring us honor in thissummer game. A selecting C selected 【答案】 CB to selectD having selected解析】详解】考查非谓语动词。 句意:从全国各地挑选出来的运动员将在这场夏季比赛中为我们争光。 分析句子可知, select 与 players 在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词。故选C 项。11 IPhon e, the worlds largest mobile phone m

10、aker, said that over the first nine months of the23 million handsets in China, an increase of 77 percent the sameyear it _period a year ago. Ahad sold; compared to C sold; comparing with 【答案】 AB has sold; compared toD had sold; comparing with【解析】考查时态和非谓语动词。句意:IPhone,世界最大的手机制造商,说今年头九个月期间,它已经在中国销售了 2,

11、300 万台手机,与一年前的同期相比增加了77%。第一空根据主句动词said可知,从句时态也应用过去时态,再根据over the first nine mon ths of the year,判断应用过去完成时态;第二空是非谓语动词的固定句式com pared to,意为 与相比较”。故选 A。energetic and ready to start a new day.12 John always gets up early in the morning A feel Bto feelC feeling Dfelt【答案】 C【解析】考查现在分词。句意:John总是一大早起床,感觉精力充沛并

12、准备开始新的一天。现在分词做伴随状态。故选Co13. The rain forest is an amaz ing p lace, any where else in the world.A. filling B. filledwith plants and ani mals that arent foundC. being filled D . to fill【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:热带雨林是一个令人惊讶的地方,充满了世界其他地方不能找到的动植物。固定词组:be filled with被充满,此处place和fill之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去分词做伴随状态,故选Bo14.

13、 The lecture mainIy deals with the trouble young children have _A. distinguishedB. distinguishingright from wrong.C. to distinguish【答案】BD. to be distinguished【解析】试题分析:首先 have difficult /trouble doi ng sth 是固定词组。The lecture mai niy deals withthe trouble young children have distinguishing right from w

14、rong 在这个句子中, deal with 的宾 语是trouble,所以后面的句子是修饰trouble这个词的定语从句。考点:固定用法考查点评:对于固定用法,平时一定要多归纳、总结和记忆。15. Some one who lacks stay ing po wer and p ersevera nee is un likely toA. make B. turna good researcher.C. get D. grow【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。make表示发展成为(=develop in to),是及物动词;turn表示变成,成为” 是不及物动词;get变成,做成”是不及物动词

15、;grow表示 生长,成长”根据句意 缺乏 智能和毅力的人是不可能成为一个好的研究人员的。”及句式结构可知,此处应使用及物动词表示 使成为之意,make a good researcher意为 成为一个出色的研究者 ”故最佳答案 应为A项。16. Some of them, _in rural villages, had n ever see n a trai n.A. to be born and brought upB. born and brought upC. having born and brought up 【答案】BD. having been born and brought

16、 up【解析】【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:他们中的一些人,在农村长大,从来没见过火车。分析句子可 知, in rural villages 部分为定语,修饰 Some of them ,与其为动宾关系,故用过去分词形 式,同时也是表示一种状态,故选B。【点睛】 过去分词作定语,过去分词作定语可以位于名词之前或名词之后。位于名词之前的过去分词定语一般只有单个词。The new product finally passed the required test. 新产品终于通过了要求的测试。Those repeated efforts were still inadequate. 这些重复的努力

17、仍然不足。 过去分词之前还可以有副词修饰,如:The prime minister issued a cautiously worded statement this afternoon. 今天下午首相发表了 一份措辞谨慎的声明。如果是过去分词短语或结构,则放在名词后作后置定语。The idea presented by Peter is much simpler. 彼得提出的想法要简单得多。 It is a house built by the Romans. 它是一栋古罗马人建的房屋。 本题为过去分词作定语,修饰主语。more than 100,013017 The Haiti earth

18、quake at the beginning of 2010 is believedpeople and makes millions homeless, it perhaps the most destroying earthquake inhistory.Ato kill; making Bto have killed; making Chaving killed; to make Dkilling; made 【答案】 B解析】 详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:据认为, 2010 年的海地地震造成了 1000130 人的死亡,几百万人 无家可归,这使得它成为历史上最具破坏性的地震。 sth

19、is believed to have done 是固定句 型,意思是 据认为”故第一空填to have killed ;分析句式,第二空所在处做句子的结 果状语,死伤人数众多,成为史上最严重的地震是自然而然的结果,用现在分词作结果状 语,故选 B。18New policies, to insure that compulsory education is truly free,local government across China since the start of school on September 1. A intending; have been made knownby t

20、heBintended; have been made knownC intending; are made known 【答案】 BDintended; had made known解析】【详解】考查非谓语动词和时态及语态。句意:自从9月1 号开学以来,为了确保义务教育是真的免费的政策已经被全国各地的政府知晓。分析句式结构,第一空处是做Policies的定语,且与其是被动关系,此处是过去分词短语做后置定语;根据上文可知,新的政策已经被知 道,要用现在完成时,主语是Policies,与谓语make known之间是被动关系,要用现在完成时的被动语态,故选 Bo【点睛】动词作为常考词性,要求考生

21、掌握其精确的用法,在考查其谓语形式是常考动词的时态和 语态,语态主要靠分析出主谓关系和动宾关系。对于被动语态首先要知道其基本结构(bedone),其次是要根据需要的时态和人称选择be的形式。本小题对时态和语态均进行了考查,要求考生们全面分析试题,不可顾此失彼。19. Tony, would you go and see if Sam has any difficultyhis tape recorder?A. to fix B. fixingC. for fixing D . fix【答案】B【解析】考查短语:have difficulty (in )doi ng sth做什么事情有困难,句意

22、:托尼,你去看看萨姆再 修他的录音机方面有困难吗?所以选Bo20. herself with routi ne office work, she had no time to atte nd to her childre n.A. OccupyingC. Being occupied【答案】AB. OccupiedD. To be occupied【解析】试题分析:A考察现在分词做状语:句意:每天忙于办公室的日常工作,她没时间照顾孩子。Sb occupy on eself with sth某人忙于某事,这里的 she和occupy是主动关系,用现在分 词做状语,如果这题没有 herself,就

23、应该填occupied,用于词组be occupied with。选Ao 考点:考察非谓语动词。21. The young man.in heavy traffic on the way, got home an hour later tha n usual.A. catchingC. having caught【答案】BB. caught.D. to be caught【解析】试题分析:句意:这个年轻人,在路上堵车了,比往常到家晚了一个小时。 入”做状语时省掉be动词,表示状态,选 Bo考点:考查非谓语动词Be caught in 陷22. The great hall was crowde

24、d with many people, parents laps.many childre non theirA. ineluding; seatedC. in eluded; sat【答案】AB. ineluding; seatingD. in eluded; sitt ing【解析】in elude【详解】 考查介词和过去分词。句意:这个大厅挤满了人,包括一些坐在父母腿上的小孩。是介词,由其领导的这个句子是做状语成分之用.ineluding somebody,包括某人=somebodyin eluded , seated是动词+ed淇引导的seated on their paren ts

25、la ps是后置定语的成分,表示 状态,用来修饰前面的children。故选A。23. The discovery of newevide nee led toA. the thief having eaughtB.eateh the thiefC. the thief being eaught【答案】C【解析】D.the thief to be eaught【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:新证据的发现导致小偷被捕。 其需接动名词作宾语,此处the thief作动名词的逻辑主语;系,所以此处需用动名词的复合结构的被动形式。故选由句子结构可知,此处to是介词,the thief与eateh之间是被

26、动关Co24.it many times, I st ill cant make Tom un dersta nd what I said.A. ExplainedC. To explain【答案】BB. Having explainedD. Having been explained【解析】【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管我已经解释过很多次了,我还是不能让Tom明白我说的话。exp la in和主语I之间为逻辑主谓关系,应使用现在分词形式;由逻辑关系:先解释后明 白,应使用到现在分词的完成式形式,所以选择B项。故选B项。【点睛】分词(短语)作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句中主语相一致。当现在分词

27、表示的动作发生在 谓语动词之前时,则用现在分词的完成式。25. Clearly and thoughtfully seek their own an swers.,the book inspires con fide nee in stude nts who wish toA. writingB. to writeC. written【答案】CD. being written解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:这本书写得既清楚又意味深长,该书激励了那些希望寻求自己的 答案的学生的自信心。根据 write 与 the book 是被动的关系,所以要用过去分词作状语。 故选 C。26 Mark often attempts to escape whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A having been fined C to have been fined 【答案】 BB being finedD to be fined解析】详解】考查 escape 的用法。句意:马克经常试图逃脱罚款,每当他违反交通规则的时候。escapedoing sth 逃脱、避免干某事。故选 B。27 His food


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