1、本文由【中文word文档库】 搜集整理。中文word文档库免费提供海量教学资料、行业资料、范文模板、应用文书、考试学习和社会经济等word文档电子工程与信息科学系光纤实验室负责人: 钱景仁教授(博导)电 话: 05513601319(O) 3601353(H)E-mail: jrqian光纤实验室成立于1981年,主要从事光纤理论与光纤技术的研究。本实验室面积近一百平方米,拥有单色仪,锁相放大器,熔锥型光纤耦合器制作系统,保偏光纤拍长测试系统、各种激光器、高级光功率计以及多台微机。 本实验室经常进行学术讨论,具有良好的学术气氛,并且十分重视人才培养。已培养博士和硕士共三十人,目前有实验室工作人
2、员教授一人、讲师一名、助教一名和在读的博士生共五人。 光纤实验室重视与中外著名大学和研究所的技术合作、学术交流和友好往来。目前与英国南安普顿大学、日本东京大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学、香港城市大学、北京航空航天大学、复旦大学、南京航空大学、安徽大学等保持合作关系或保持联系。本实验室有两名副教授在日本,一名在攻读东大博士,另一名在日本近代通信研究所工作并即将回耒。此外,实验室和企业关系密切,我们和安徽省民生光电子公司、合肥正阳光电科技有限公司等常有交流和业务往来。本实验室有博士后一名。主要研究方向:1. 光纤电流传感器2. 光纤气体传感器3. 光纤水声传感器4. 微孔光纤及偏振器件的研究5. 光纤环形
3、腔窄带激光器和光纤环形腔滤波器6. 光纤激光器及其在光纤激光陀螺中的应用7. 计算机控制技术在光纤测量领域和无源器件制造中的应用8. 光纤无源器件的研究与开发,包括:光纤耦合器、光纤波分复用器、光纤环形腔和全光纤干涉仪9. 光纤模斑扩散技术及其器件研究10. 掺铒光纤超荧光宽带光源及其在陀螺中的应用11. 波分复用通信中用的多波长光源12. 光纤光栅的理论建模和测量13. 光纤光栅在光传感器中的应用研究成果:承担完成的科研基金项目主要有:1. 单模光纤及其传感器应用(198490年: 校重点基金);2. 微孔光纤多功能研究(198790年:国家自然科学基金)3. 传感光纤多功能研究(19889
4、1年:博士点基金);4. 微孔光纤元件及系统的研究(199093年:博士点教委科技基金);5. 掺杂有源光纤环形激光器关键技术及其在有源环形光纤陀螺中的应用(1991年-1994年:校重点基金);6. 高圆双折射光纤及其器件研究(199294年:国家自然科学基金);7. 有源光纤环形激光陀螺的研究(199396年:国家自然科学基金);8. 光纤环形腔选频放大器(199799年:国家自然科学基金);9. 用于光纤陀螺的掺铒光纤超荧光宽带光源的实用化研究(19992000年:863-409项目子课题)。 主要发表论文目录(自1996年):1. W.W.Hu and J.R.Qian, "
5、The Comprehensive Analysis for the Measurement of the Birefringence in Optical Fiber Based on the Hydrostatic Pressure Method", Journal of USTC, vol. 26, No.2, 1996, pp250256 2. W.W.Hu, J.R.Qian and B.Zhu, "A Simple Method for Calculation of the thermal Stress-induced Birefringence in Pola
6、rization Maintaining Optical Fibers", Acta Photonica Sinica, vol.25, No.1, 1996, pp6569 3. B.Zhu, J.S.Li, W.W.Hu, H. Hu, and J.R.Qian, "Study of Spectrum Characteristic of Fused Taper Single Mode Fiber Coupler", Acta Photonica Sinica, vol.25, No.1, 1996, pp134137 4. B.Zhu, Z.Y.Liu, W.
7、W.Hu and J.R.Qian, "Polarizer Formed by Tapered Metallic Fiber", International Conference on Application of Photonic Technology, July ,1996, Canada 5. B.Zhu, Z.Y.Liu, W.W.Hu and J.R.Qian, "Improve the Extinction Ratio of Metallic Fiber Polarizer Use TEC Technology", Conference on
8、 Photonic of China, 1996 6. JunSong Li and J.R.Qian, "All Single-Mode Fiber Bandpass Ring Resonator", Proc. of 1996 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves, pp.6467 7. JunSong Li and J.R.Qian, "All Fiber Compound Bandpass Ring Resonator Comprised of Fused-tapered Fiber Couplers."
9、 Proc. of 1996 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves pp.5659. 8. Zhu Bing, Li Junsong, Hu Weiwei, Hu Hao and Qian Jingren, "Study of Spectrum Characteristic of Fused Taper 3*3 Signal Mode Fiber Coupler", ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA, Vol.25, No.Z1, March, 1996, pp134137 9. Hu Zongfu and Qian Ji
10、ngren, "Analysis of Misalignment Tolerance in Coupling LD Between Laser and Single-Mode Fiber", Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics", Vol.13, No.3, June 1996 10. W.W.Hu and J.R.Qian, "Recent Development and Research in Microhole Optical Fibers", Proceeding of Japan-China
11、Advanced Information Technology, Huangshan, March, 1997 11. Hu Zhongfu, Qian Jingren and Shen Huiming, "Light Source Effects on Effective Fineness of a Fiber-Optic Ring Resonator", Acta Optica Sinica, Vol.17, No.5, May 1997,pp609613 12. Qian J.R and Hu Zhongfu, "Single-Longitudinal Mo
12、de and Single-Polarization State Er3+ Doped Fiber Compound-Ring Laser with a M-Z Interferometer", APMC'97, p377379 13. J.R.Qian, "A note on the beat length of spun linear birefringence fiber", Microwave and optical technology letters, Nov., 1997, vol.16, no.4, pp225227 14. 胡薇薇,钱景仁
13、,微孔光纤双折射的研究,光子学报,17卷,No.10, pp14291434, 199715. Zhongfu Hu, and Jingren Qian, "Effects of resonator's optical path fluctuation on the characteristics of a fiber-optic ring resonator", J. of Modern Physics, Vol.45, No.1, 1998,pp4550 16. 钱景仁,程旭,朱冰,“掺铒光纤超荧光宽带光源的实验研究”,中国激光,1998,A25(11):989
14、992。17. Qian Jingren, Zhang Zhichun, Zhang Hua, "Twisted Fiber Ring Resonator of Keeping Faraday Rotation", ACTA OPTICA SINICA, March, 1998, vol.18, No.3, pp324329 18. J.R.Qian and H.F.Chen, "Gain flattening fiber filters using phase-shifted long period fiber gratings", Electroni
15、cs Letters, May, 1998, vol.34, No.11, pp11321133 19. Hu Zongfu, Qian Jingren, "Rate Limit of Loop Length Modulation for a Fiber-Optic Ring Resonator and Its Applications",Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Oct.1998, vol.28, No.5, pp550555 20. Qian Jingren, Cheng Xu a
16、nd Zhu Bing, "The Experimental Research of a Broadband Erbium-doped Fiber Superfluorescence Source", Chinese Journal of Lasers, Nov.1998, vol.A25, No.11, pp989992 21. Zhu Bing, Qian Jingren, Ning Ding and Zhao Jinqi, "Tapered Single Mode Fiber Passive Device Manufactured with Hermetic
17、ally Carbon Coated Optical Fiber", Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 8990, vol.29, No.1.,1999. 22. Cheng Xu,Qian Jingren, "Effects of Spectral Characteristics of Broad-Band Fiber Source to Rayleigh Backscattering Noise in Fiber-Optic Gyroscope", Journal of Sout
18、heast University, 3237, vol.29, No.2.,1999. 23. 胡薇薇, 钱景仁, 开环新型全光纤陀螺的初步研究, 光子学报, 1999, vol.28, No.Z1, p36924. 陈登鹏, 钱景仁, 俞本立, 朱冰, 用于超荧光光纤光源光谱平坦化的新型光纤滤波器, 光子学报, 1999, vol.28, No.Z3, p7925. 钱景仁, 陈后飞, 相移长周期光栅及其在增益谱平坦化中的应用, 光学学报, 1999, vol.19, No.9, p120726. W.W.Hu, Z.Y.Liu, B.Zhu and J.R.Qian, “Modal pro
19、pagation characteristics of D-shaped metallic optical fibers”, Elect. Lett., Jan, 2000, vol.36, no.2, p12327. 钱景仁, 陈铭, 俞本立, 有源环形腔滤波器, J. of USTC, 2000, 30卷, No.1, p6928. Linfang Shen, Jingren Qian, "The numerical analyses for erbium-doped superfluorescent fiber sources", Proc. of APCC/OECC
20、'99, Beijing, , October 1999, p.153029. Chen Dengpeng and Qian Jingren, "Calculation of Coupling Coefficient between Core Mode and Cladding Modes of Fiber Grating", Proc. of APCC/OECC'99, Beijing, , October 1999, pp1471147330. Qian Jingren, Chen Dengpeng and Chen Houfei, "Phas
21、e-Shifted Long-Period Fiber Gratings: A Numerical Investigation", Proc. of ICCEA'99, Beijing, Nov., 1999, pp34134431. Linfang Shen, Jingren Qian and Dengpeng Chen, "The Numerical Analyses for Erbium Doped Superfluorescent Fiber Sources", Proc. of ICCEA'99, Beijing, Nov., 1999,
22、 pp34935132. .Jingren Qian Coupled Mode Theory and its Application to Fiber Gratings, Proceeding of OFSET'2000, pp20-23. Osaka Japan 33. Jingren Qian and Dengpeng Chen, Coupled Mode theory and its application to optical waveguides, Proceeding of 3rd Asia-Pacific Engineering Research Forum on Mic
23、rowaves and Electromagnetic Theory, pp8-16. Fukuoka, Japan. 34. Dengpeng Chen and Jingren Qian, Coupled Mode equations for generalized LP modes utilizing variational principle, Proceeding of OFSET'2000, pp239-242. Osaka Japan.35. Dengpeng Chen and Jingren Qian, Higher order cladding mode resonan
24、ces in long period optical fiber gratings, Cross Strait Tri-regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference. Session FA2, P147. 36. 陈登鹏,钱景仁,沈林放,俞本立。高功率掺铒光纤宽带光源。光子学报,29卷,Z1期,64页,2000年。37. 沈林放,钱景仁。双程后向结构铒光纤超荧光光源的理论分析。量子电子学,17卷,4期,345页,2000年。38. 沈林放,钱景仁。高稳定宽频带掺铒光纤超荧光光源。光学学报21卷3期,300页,2001年。39
25、. 沈林放,陈登鹏,钱景仁。掺铒光纤超荧光光源的理论模拟。计算物理,18卷,1期,1页。2001年.40. 俞本立,钱景仁,罗家童,杨瀛海,孙志培。有源光纤环形腔滤波器优化。量子电子学报。18卷,2期,114页、2001年。41. 俞本立,钱景仁,杨瀛海,罗家童,窄线宽激光的零拍测量法。中国式激光,28卷,4期,351页,2001年。42. Yu Benli, Qian Jingren, Luo Jiatong, Yang Yinghai, Fiber ring laser in-cavity phase modulation. Chinese Journal of Lasers. Vol.B
26、10, No.3, June, 2001, P161.43. 俞本立,钱景仁,罗家童,孙志培,杨瀛海。线宽小于0.5KHz稳态的单频光纤环形腔激光器。电子学报,18卷,4期,345页,2001年8月。 44. . Luo Jiatong,Qian Jingren, et al,“Light source effects on output spectrum of an inner-phase modulated optical fiber ring resonator”,ICMMT2002, Beijing45 Qian Jingren, Luo Jiatong, “Elongation Characteristics of fused taped optical fiber loop reflectors”, APOC2002, Shanghai, (Accepted)46 罗家童,钱景仁:“激光输入光纤环形腔内调制频谱分析”,光学学报,(已录用)47 钱景仁,罗家童,俞本立,“有源光纤环形腔的频率滤波特性”,量子电子学报(已录用)48 罗家童,钱景仁:“光纤S型环形腔的非互易性分析”,中国科学技术大学学报(已录用)49 钱景仁,罗家童,俞本立,“光纤放大器增益饱和对有源光纤环形腔滤波特性的影响”,光学学报,Vol.22, No.3,pp303-307,200250 Luo J
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