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1、冀教版八年级(下)Unit 5 Lesson 37 说课稿Good morning, everyone,Today, it s a pleasure for me to stand here and I m very pleased tohave such an opportunity to share some of my teaching ideas with you.First, let me introduce myself. My name is Guo Xinzhi, and I amworking as an English teacher in Yong an Middle S

2、chool, CongtaiDistrict of Handan.My topic today is taken from Lesson 37 of Unit 5 in Student Book 4.The main content of this unit is“ Go With Transportation ” , and thetopic of Lesson 37 is“ FDlyoinnguts ” . I have decided to say the lessonfrom six parts:Part One Analysis of the Teaching MaterialOne

3、: Status and Function1. This unit tells us the improvement of traffic transportation andthe related stories. Besides learning this, students will also learn some words, phrases and expressions of traffic, and so on. In Lesson 37, Danny will introduce a new type of transportation to us, it is imagina

4、ry.2. To attain “ four skills ” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I will have the students do some exercise about the text.3. Such a topic is very important in this unit. I will lead the studentsto use their imagination and encourage them to be creative. Forexample, helping them u

5、se English to describe their imaginarytransportation. So I think if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.4. While teaching them, I will also encourage them to say somethingabout what they think the future transportations will be like. I

6、n a way, from practising such a topic, it can be helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken language.Two: Teaching Aims and DemandsThe teaching aim's basis is established according to Junior SchoolEnglish syllabus' provision.1. Knowled

7、ge objects(1) To study the new words“ fuel ” , “ oil ” and “ coal, have(2) To learn and master the phrases“ think of, on the way tofun ” , etc.2. Ability objects(1) To develop the studentsabilities of lisitnegn, speaking, readingand writing.(2) To train the studentsability of working in pairs.(3) To

8、 develop the studentsabilities of communication by learningthe useful structures.3. Moral objects(1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.(2) Love to know more knowledge about transportation and dare to express their opinions in English.(3) Encourage the student

9、s to be more creative and try to make contributions to making new inventions in the future.Three: Teaching Keys and Difficult PointsThe teaching keys and difficult points basis is establishedaccording to Lesson 37 in the teaching material's position and function.1. Key points:(1) .Be able to exp

10、ress words, phrases and sentences in English.(2) . Know about the improvement of transportation and Danny sinvention.2. Difficult points:Be able to talk about their imaginary future transportation in oral English.Part Two The Teaching Methods1. Communicative teaching method; 2. Audio-visual teaching

11、 method;3. Task-based teaching method;4. Classified teaching method.As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English inthe Middle School is to cultiva te students abilities of listening,speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.So in this lesson I ll main

12、ly use “ Communicative ” teaching method,“ Audio -visual ” teaching method and “ T-absaksed ” teachingmethod and “ Classified ” teaching method. That is to say, I ll let thestudents get a better understanding of the key structures. I ll give thestudents some tasks and arrange some kinds of activitie

13、s, like talking,watching CAI, and reading in roles.In a word, I want to make the students the real masters in classwhile the teacher himself acts as director. I also hope to combine thelanguage structures with the language functions and let the studentsreceive some moral education while they are lea

14、rning the Englishlanguage.Part Three Studying ways1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.2. Make situation and provide meaningful duty, encourage thestudents to study the text by themselves.Part FourTeaching stepsAs this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of

15、 this unit, I have decided the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and speaking ability.The entire steps are:Step1 Warm-up and Lead-inShow the students some pictures of common transportations, likecar, bike, train and so on. Ask the

16、students: What can you see from thepicture? Is there another kind of transportation around us?Purpose of my designing: In this part, have the students say moreabout what t hey see or what they don ' t see. In this way, they will know today ' s lesson has something to do with their discussion

17、.Step2 Presentation1. Learn new words in groups. The new word in this lesson are fuel, oil and coal. Show them pictures of these things and teach them these new words.Purpose of my designing: After seeing the pictures, the students will know what they are and they can learn them quickly and easily.2

18、. Play the tape recorder. Let the students listen and imitate the text.Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. Then finish the exercises on the computer.Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the students get the general idea of the text. At the same time let the student

19、s have a chance to practise their listening and speaking ability.3. Text Learning and a QuizI ' ll use CAI to present the whole text. I' ll write the key points onthe blackboard while they are watching. After watching, I' ll teachthem to read the words and sentences on the Bb. Make sure

20、they can read them well.After teaching them the whole text, including the meanings of new words, the use of similar expressions and so on. Get the students to try and say out some phrases on the screen, like I don' t think so, have fun,a new kind of, on the way to school, and so on.Purpose of my

21、 designing: To present the text by CAI is much easier for the students to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the students better.4. Key Structures and Difficult Points LearningFirst, I will divide the stude

22、nts into three groups and tell them to have a discussion about what they learn in this lesson. Then encourage them to try to understand the whole text, know what the difficult points are, and so on. At last, I will help them to master them all.For example, I teach the students know the differences b

23、etween phrases think of, think about and think over. I will show them some sentences and get them to know the use of these phrases. Encourage them to do some exercise about these phrases.Purpose of my designing: By practising using these new words and similar phrases, the students will know how to u

24、se them in English and master the use of them better.5. Read and SayGive the students two or three minutes to prepare, and then get them read the text together in three groups. Tell them to read aloud.Then help the students say something about the future transportation or their imaginary transportat

25、ion. Encourage them to say more.Purpose of my designing: By reading the text and saying such things, get the students to practise their reading and speaking ability again.Part FiveSummarize and HomeworkAsk the students such questions:What have we learned from this lesson? What does Danny say about h

26、is new kind / type of transportation? Do you like his idea? What new phrases have we learned today? Do you have enough confidence tos try!finish these exercises? Now, letThen show them some exercises and help them to finish them.At last, tell the students what today' s homework is. While doingth

27、is, the teacher can have the boys and girls have a competition to see who are better.Part SixBlackboard DesigningLesson 37 Flying DonutsLanguage points:1. . think of 认为,想起;think over仔细考虑;think out 想出2. at/in the front of 在前面(部)/ in front of 在前面3. on the way to school在上学的路上/ on one ' s way hom在回家

28、路上4. With用Purpose of my designing: Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors the students to knowledge grasping.OK. That ' s all. Thanks for listening to me and helping me.初中英语说课稿各位评委,老师:下午好!今天我说课的内容是仁爱英语七年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 的Section A。 下面我将从六个方面进行叙述,请各位专家指正。一、教材分析(说教材)1、教材的

29、地位和作用:本节课是仁爱英语七年级上册 Unit 4 Topic 1 的Section A。本课是 本单元的重要组成部分,也是核心教学部分,以口语练习为主,主要学习购物时 的简单交际用语并学会用简单的词汇谈论衣服,同时也学会用1000以内的数字谈论价格。它上承上个单元学习就餐时的表达话题的教学,下接Section B 与以后有关英语教学。本部分是前后知识的载体,本课在今后的英语教学中都占有 重要的地位。2、教学目标课程标准中说:英语教学的目的是培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力, 为用而学,在用中学,学了就用。因此,我把本课的教学目标定为以下几个方面: (1)知识目标掌握单词及词组:madam ,

30、 try , try on , How much , buy , thirty , forty , fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty , ninety , hundred ,掌握句子(日常交际用语)1、What can I do for you?2、May I help you? / Can I help you?3、I want 4、I ' d like 5、Can I try it on?6、You look very nice.7、How much is it/are they?8、It ' s /They ' re 9、 We w

31、ill take it.掌握语法:How much is/are ?It ' s/They ' re (2)能力目标在连贯的听、说、读、写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维、快速反应能力和实 践能力,使学生能熟练应用 What can I do for you? Can /May I help you?How much is 计/are they? It' s/They ' re 70 yuan.同 1000以内的数字谈论价格。(3)情感目标通过形象、生动的教学,使学生掌握如何使用交际用语,向别人提供帮助和 寻求别人帮助,利用对话形式,学会简单问衣服的价格等。培养学生学

32、习英语的 强烈兴趣,乐于参加各种活动的积极情感,并从教用英语问价格的过程中,让学 生体会到父母为生活奔波的艰辛,告诉学生应该关心理解父母。3、重点与难点重点:学会掌握和熟练运用词汇、日常用语、句型本课学习了用 What can I do for you? May I help you?这类向别人提供帮助的句型,通过用 How much is it/are they? It' s/They ' re这些句型的操练,来熟练运用交际用语以及熟记 20-999这些基数词。难点:数词(20-999基数词)的表达。确定重点与难点的依据:根据课程标准的要求,和本课所呈现的知识及学生在学习本课

33、时已掌握的语言知识能力二、学情分析本人任教于农村中学,教学辅助资源有限,学生的整体英语语言运用能力偏 低,发言不踊跃,同时农村学生的学情特点,英语学习对学生有一定难度。由于 缺乏必要的语言基础,学生必定在课堂上不敢发言和交流, 所以课堂教学中要积 极调动学生课堂气氛,在学习语言知识的同时创设生生和师生交流。三、说教法本课以交际为核心教学,我主要采取以下几种教法:1、听力训练法听录音是学习英语的重要方法,也是课堂教学的重要步骤。在听中可以感知, 可以模仿,通过问题的回答提高听力能力。2、提问引入法通过提问,集体、分组回答,或个别学生回答形式开展教学,检查和巩固新 旧知识。3、情境教学法我充分利用

34、课文对话,创设典型场景,激起学生的学习情绪,把认知活动与 情感活动结合,学生一旦进入情境,教材所介绍的购物场景都会一下子推到他们的眼前,引起他们的关注,激起他们应用新学的购物场景句型的热情。 与此同时, 学生对教材语言的感受也会随之而敏锐起来。4、任务型教学法:以完成任务为动力,把知识和技能融为一体,提倡学生 主动参与,以学生为主体,师生合作,生生合作,体现教与学的互动、交往。5、竞赛教学法:通过背诵、提问抢答、给学生以真实感,让学生身临其境, 唤起他们的形象思维降低学生理解句型的难度,激发学生们的学习兴趣为巩固旧 知识,学习新知识打好基础。四、说学法及学法指导1、创造条件,发展听力学生要经常

35、听录音,听教师讲英语,听同学们讲英语,这对学好英语大有好 处。2、储备知识,实践中学学生必须了解语言规律,掌握丰富的词汇,熟知语法规则,会熟练表达由各 个话题而展开的交际内容。要学会在实践中学,在应用中学,这样学来的知识记 忆深刻,灵活度大。3、及时巩固,反复记忆凡是教师在课堂上所讲到的语言难点, 学生应及时整理,再次认识并积极使 用。对前面已学过的课文,学生要有安排地经常复习,否则,常常是学了新的, 忘了旧的。4、积极操练,重在口头在课堂上,学生要积极参与教师设计的每个教学活动, 要大胆开口,创造性 地说自己想说的话。课后和其他同学及时进行英语交流。只有这样,才能将书本 知识变成自己的知识,

36、提高语言能力;也只有这样,才能实现脱口说英语的目的。五、说教学程序1、利用短片,激趣导入(约5分钟)短片中出现的日常购物和母亲的艰辛对学生进行情感教育,并从影片中所呈现的可数名词和不可数名词导入本课教学。设计意图:引出课题,放松而愉快,缩短了师生之间的距离,抓住学生的 注意力,将学生自然引入学习情境之中,而购物问题能够贴近生活,贴近学生。2、用旧学新,突破难点(约12分钟) 复习第3单元所学过的单词:可数名词和不可数名词。 复习所学过的数词,让学生背诵1-19的数词。 听录音跟读P78/2a ,结合板书设计让学生总结数词的构词规律。完成2 b听录音注意数词的发音及重音区别,带读、跟读。任务型教

37、学设计,让学生在四人小组中竞赛记忆20-999基数词的表达。 小组竞赛后选出优秀选手,教师进行当场提问。设计意图复习基数词1-19后学习20-999符合学生的认知规律,结合板 书让学生能轻松的掌握基数词的写法。任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导 下,通过感知、实践、参与和小组合作并竞赛的方式,实现掌握基数词读写的目 标,感受成功;让学生用积极的学习态度,促进本课基数词读写难点的突破。3、创设情境,学习重点(约12分钟)看图片学习句型 How much is it/are they? It' s/They ' re 并做大量操练练习。(用图片)完成2c听录音并将服装与相同的数字匹配。(请个别同学回答)听录音P77/1a两遍(不看书),回答黑板上两个简单的问题,然后校 对答案再听录音。教新单词,学生自己解决读的障碍,学生扮演角色。让学生找出不明白的语言点。设计意图把枯燥的任务转换为用图片同桌问答的形式, 使学生的学习有的


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