



1、Id love to, but Istudy for the test.语法九六年真题回顾1.(2018 -:A. look upC. look after2. (2018 -:云南中考云南中考)We cansome in formatio n about this city on the Internet.B. look likeD. look forward to)Will you go camp ing with us, Bob?A. mayB. mustC. canD. could(2017 云南中考 )Tom, the baby is sleep ing. Pleasethe rad

2、io a bit.A. turn onB. turn offC. turn upD. turn down(2017 云南中考 )Youd bettermore time talk ing with your pare nts so that they canun dersta nd youbetter.A. spendB. takeC. costD. pay5. ( 2017 云南中考)I saw Susan in the library just now.No, it be her.She went to Shan ghai this morning.A. mustB. cantC. may

3、D. neednt6 .(2016 云南中考)As lo ng as all the Chi nese people pull together, our Ch inawill _.A. come trueB. come outC. come upD. come down7. ( 2016 云南中考)Nowadays, some robots are very human-like. They_walk and dan ce.DreamA. canB. mustC. n eedD. have to8. (2015 云南中考)一 May I watch TV now, mum?No, you .

4、 You must clea n your room first.A. may notB. need ntC. cantD. must nt9. (2015 - 云南中考)The volun teers _ many sig ns to remind people to protect theen viro nment.A. put onB. put upC. put downD. put off10. (2014云南中考 )Oh, dear! Your room is untidy.Sorry, mom. IllA. set it upB clea n it upC. put it upD.

5、 look it up11 . (2014 云南中考 )Weuse mobile phones when the plane takes off.A. may notB. should ntC. need ntD. must nt12. (2013云南中考) Hello! May I speak to Mr. Zhang?Sorry, hes out. Can you a message?A. askB. leaveC. takeD. want13. (2013云南中考 )You dont have toeverynew word in the dictionary while reading.A. look forB. look upC. look atD. look after14. (2013云南中考)一 Where is my watch? Ifind it.Dont worry. It must be somewhere in


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