1、2019-2020 年九年级英语上册 Un it 12You are supposed to shakeha nds教案 人教新目标版Lan guage goals:In this unit stude nts lear n to tell what they are supposed to do.New Ian guages:What are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one?You re supposed to shake han ds.When were you supposed to arrive? I was supposed to
2、 arrive at 7:00.You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.New words:bow, kiss, customs ,greet, relaxed, in stead towards , pick , point, full, knife,rubbish , besideDifficult poin ts:1. Lear n differe nt coun tries have differe nt mann ers.2. How to express the habit of your own life and
3、say your opinions.3. Understand what should do and what shouldnt do.4. Howto improve the studentswritingability according to the reading materials.Teach ing aids:puter, video, recorderTeach ing periods:Period 1: Section A 1a / 1b / 1c / 2a / 2b / 2c / Grammar focusPeriod 2: Section A 3a / 3b / 4Peri
4、od 3: Section B 1a / 1b / 2a / 2b / 2cPeriod 4: Section B 3a / 3b / 3c / 4 / Self checkPeriod 5: Section B Readi ngPeriod 1Teach ing aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Target la nguages:What are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time?You are supposed to shake han ds.What are pe
5、ople in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?They are supposed to bow.3. Train the speaking and listening abilities.4. Master “ be used to do sth”, and use it freely.Teach ing procedures:Step 1. Warming upShow a map of the word, point different countries and ask some questions.Ask
6、the stude nts to explain where each of the coun tries is. For example:Brazil is in South America, n ext to Peru.The n the teacher asks: Do you know what the people are supposed to do whe n they meet forthe first time in these coun tries?(Ask the students to talk about it.)Step 2. Section A 1a1. Read
7、 the instructions to the class.According to the picture ask the students to say the different customs.2. Read the list of countries and customs to the class. Then talk about the customs (fill in theforms).3. Point out the sample answer. Tell the students to guess if they arentsure.Keys: (1) c (2) b
8、(3) a (4) b (5) aStep 3. Section A 1bThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spokenconversation.1. Read the instructions to students. Point to the lists in activity 1a and say: Now youwill hear a conversation between a boy and girl. Their conversation contains t
9、heanswers to the questions in activity 1a.2. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listenPlay the second time. Say: Now listen to the conversation again and check youranswers to activity 1a.3. Check the answers.4. Explanation. (show the picture)Step 4. Section A 1c Pair workThis activ
10、ity provides guided oral practice using the target language.1. Read the instructions.2. Point out the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class.3. Point to the lists of countries and customs again.Say: First one student asks the questions. Then the other student doesit.4. Ask diff
11、erent pairs of students ask and answer a question for the class.Step 5. Section A 2a / 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.1. Point out the picture. (show the picture), and ask students to tell what is happening. Helpstudents understand that the people are at a picn
12、ic. Point to Maria and ask: WhatsMaria wearing? Ask if she looks fortableor unfortable.2. Then say: Listen to Maria talking to a boy about what happened at the picnic. She madeseveral mistakes. Listen to the recording and check the mistakes she made.3. Play the recording. Students only listen for th
13、e first time. Play the recording again. This timeask students to check the mistakes and then fill in the blanks. (show the picture)4. Check the answers.Keys:1. arrive at 7:00 2. e later 3. shake hands 4. wearStep 6. Pairwork Section A 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target la
14、nguage.1. Read the instructions for the activity.2. Point to the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class.3. Point out the mistakes in activity 2a and the sentences in activity 2b.Say: Role play Dan and Marias conversation using information from activities 2a and 2b.4. Check the
15、answers by calling on different pairs to say their conversation to the class.Step 7. Grammar focusReview the grammar box. Ask students to read the questions to the class.(Show the pictures, ask the students to read the sentences loudly.)Step 8. Conclusion1. Learn and master the vocabulary words.2. M
16、aster the target languages:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?When were you supposed to arrive?You should have asked what you were supposed to wear. Homework:1. Write a short passage about the customs about diff
17、erent countries.2. Read the new words and write them well.3. Learn to use the target languages.Period 2Teaching aims:1. Learn to different customs in different counties.2. Know the attitude towards“being on time , visiting a friends house, makingplans with friends”.3. Train the reading and speaking
18、abilities.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming upShow the pictures:(Show some pictures about Colombia and Switzerland.)Let the students know more things about the two counties.Step 2. Reading Section A 3a1. Read the instructions. Ask the students what an opinion is.2. Point to the chart. Point to the
19、 word attitude on the chart and say. An opinion is like anattitude. Ask students what they will write in the chart (the attitude of the Colombian girl andthe Swiss boy toward these three things: being on time, visiting a friends house andmaking plan withfriends)3. Read the first paragraph on their o
20、wn and then fill in the form of Colombia.(Look at the picture, fill in the form.)4. Read the second paragraph on their own and then fill in the form ofSwitzerland.5. Ask students to read the paragraph again and check their answers.Keys: Colombian: Were pretty relaxed about time. Weoften just drop by
21、 our friend shomes.We dont have to make plans when we get together with friends.Swiss: Itsvery important to be on time. We never visit a friends house without callingfirst. We usually make plans to meet friends.Step 3. Pairwork Section A 3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target langua
22、ge.1. Read the instructions. Point out the conversation inthe box and ask twostudents to read it to the class.2. Role play a conversation between Teresa and Marc. Talk about the different attitudes inColombia and Switzerland. (according to the pictures )3. Ask students to work in groups of four or f
23、ive. As they work, move around theroom helping the groups as necessary.4. Ask several groups to share part of their conversation with the class.Step 4. Pairwork Section A 41. Read the instructions to the class.2. Point out the sample language in the box. Ask a student to read it to the class.3.Ask a
24、 pair of students to model the sample dialogue. Correct any pronunciationerrors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the restof the class.4. Ask students to plete the work in pairs.5. Review the task. Aska few students toshare their conversationswith theclass.Step 5.PracticeDeal
25、with some exercises on the video.Step 6.ConclusionLearn to different customs in differentcounties. Know the attitudetowards“being on time , visiting a friends house, making plans with friendsMaster some vocabulary words and target language.Homework:Write a short passage to describe the customs about
26、 Colombia and Switzerland.Preview Section B 1a / 1b / 2a / 2b.Search some information about some countries and learn more about their customs and then writethem down.Period 3Teaching aims:1. Learn some new languages words and learn some useful expressions.pick up, wipe , napkin, chopstick, noodle, p
27、oint, polite, rude , behave2. Strengthen the target language and practice more.3. Train the speaking and listening abilities.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Presentation Section B 11. Show a picture (a family is eating a meal). Point to the picture and ask students to say whatis happening in it.2. Point
28、 to the title. Mind your manners! And ask students what they think might mean.3. Then read the instructions and point to the five statements about manners. Read thestatements or ask different students to do it. Review the five statements to be sure studentsunderstand what each one means. Ask student
29、s to act out and / or explain some of thestatements in their own words.Then ask students to plete the quiz on their own.Step 2. Section B 2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding target language in spoken conversation.1. Show the following pictures and then point it to say: You will
30、hear the exchange student,Steve, talking with his Japanese friend, Satoshi. Satoshi is explaining some things you areand arent supposed to do when eating in Japan.2. Point to the boxes where students are supposed to write a number next to each picture. Say:Number these 1 through 4 to show the order
31、you hear Satoshi talk about these things in therecording.3. Play the recording again. As they listen to the recording this time, have the students numberthe pictures.4. Check the answers.Keys: 2 1 4 3Step 3. Section B 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.1. Read the
32、instructions and point to the numbered list of sentence starters and the lettered listof sentence endings.2. Say, you will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully to write the letter ofthe correct sentence ending after each sentence starter.(Show the form, and then fill it.)3. Poin
33、t out the sample answer. Read the correctly pleted sentence to the class.4. Play the recording again. Ask students to write their answers in the blanks.5. Check the answers: Keys: 1.d 2.a 3. b 4. cStep 4. Pairwork Section B 2c1. Read the instructions for the activity.2. Point to the example in the b
34、ox. Ask two students to read the sentence starters and pleteeach one with a true statement about table manners in their country.3. Point out the sentence starters in activity 2b. Say: Havea conversationabout table manners in your country wit ha partner. You can use the sentence starters inactivity 2
35、b to help you get started.4. Ask students to work in pairs. Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs andoffering help as needed.5. Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Step 5. ConclusionLearn the vocabulary words.Practice more about the target language. Learn
36、to the table manners of different countries.Homework:Preview Section B 3a / 3b / 3c / Self check 1 / 2. Review the new word in Section B.Write a short passage: The table manners in Japan.Period 4Teaching aims and demands:1. Knowledge: Talk about the table manners.2. Moral education: munication with
37、others freely.3. Train the reading and writing abilities. Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming-upGreet the whole class as usual.Have a petition about the table manners in different countries.The teacher writes it on the blackboard. Step 2. Section B 3a1. Ask one or more of the students to read the pa
38、ssage aloud. And then the teacher explains someimportant sentences. (Explanation)My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.but I am used to it.2. Ask the students to plete the work on their own or in pairs, then ask someone to tell theanswers. (show the pictures )3. Let stud
39、ents read it aloud. Step 3. Writing: Section B 3b1. Read the instructions and point to the beginning of the e-mail message. Read it to the class.2.Point to the pictures in activity 2a and the matching exercise in activity2b. Say: You can use the pictures and theinformation in activities 2a and2b to
40、help you write your letters.3. Ask the students to finish the activity on their own.4. Check the answers. Ask different students to read their letters to the class and ask otherstudents to ment.Step 4. Section B 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language.1. Read the instruct
41、ions and then ask students to look back at activity 2c. Remind the studentsthat they made conversations about table manners in their own country.2. Ask students to work on their own. Tell them that they can use what they wrote for activity2c as a guide.3. Have a student to read his or her message to
42、 the class. Have any other students add anyinformation that is missing from the first studentsreport.Step 5. Groupwork Section B 41.Read the instructions to the class. Give an example from your own experience. You mayask a good student to do this instead if you would prefer.2.Ask students to plete t
43、he work in small groups. And then Review the task. Ask a fewstudents to tell the class about what one should do in different situations. Answers will vary,but should emphasize politeness.Step 6. Self-check 1Ask the students to find the sentences with the five wordsarrive, meet,spend, behave, imagine
44、 in Section A and Section B, and pay attention to the meanings andusage of them.Let the students make sentences with the five words.Get the students to fill in the blanks with the proper forms, then check the answers together.Step 7. Self-checkLook at the picture.Read the instructions to the class a
45、nd ask students what the answer would be.Ask students to plete the work in pairs.Review the task. Ask a few students to read the end of the story. Answers will vary but will probablyinclude watching what others do first or asking the host or hostess or one of the guests.Step 8. plete the crosswordTh
46、is activity focuses on the new vocabulary introduced in this unit.Do the example with the class to show them how to do a crossword puzzle.Ask students to plete the crossword puzzle on their own.Check the answers:DOWN: 1. how 2. shake 3. kiss ACROSS : 4. chopsticks 5. knifeHomework:Write an article a
47、bout the table manners in China.Review the whole unit and preview Reading.Period 5Teaching aims:1. Train the reading and speaking abilities.2. Learn some e-mail English and try to use it.3. Master some vocabulary words and target language.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Section 1 Before you read1. Ask t
48、he students to discuss the e- mail.2. Divide the class into groups, and ask them to discuss the differences between the e- mailEnglish and the standard English.3. Ask a few groups to report their findings and then write down some more examples theycan think of. They may have seen the similar example
49、s on the Internet, in mobiles phones, oreven on television.4. Ask for some examples and write them up in the board. Ask the class tosuggest where and when this style of writing English would be acceptable. Step 2. Section 2While you read1. Ask students to look at the illustrations first and ment on
50、the Englishused. Can they understand it, and explain it? Ask for different opinions.2. Nowtell students they are going to learn how to text-message in English.3. Ask the students to go through the reading twice, first slowly, then faster. And then find outthe difficulties.4. Ask students to work in
51、groups of four or five. As they work, move around the room helpingthe groups as necessary.5. Show the pictures and let the students know much information about the e-mail English.Step 3. Section 3 After you read1. Ask the students to work in the same pairs as in Section 1a to identify the three types ofE-mail English mentioned in the reading, and to give an example.2. Show the answers:(1) abbreviations: BTW (by the way ), CSL (cant stop
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