1、完型文章中常见的上下文(句)逻辑关系 并列关系&部分常用标志词和短语aJao, likewise, similarly, as;and, and also, or, neither eittre r not, only部分常用标志词和短语equally, in the same way, that is to say, as well as, same 递进关系&besides, additi on ally,in additi on,furthermore, moreover, what is more;also, then,in deed;因果关系&because,
2、 for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so.that, suchorder that, con seque ntly, accord in gly, due to, tha nks to, in response to, on acco untof, because of, con sideri ng that, see ing that, in that, now that, lest, as a result,for this reas on;转折关系&部分常用标志词和短语部分常用标志词和短语- .thbut, however,
3、yet, con trarily, on the con trary, by con trast, on the other hand, unfortun ately;让步关系&部分常用标志词和短语although, though, even though, even if, even, n evertheless, des pite, in sp ite of; regardless of;any way, an yhow列举(顺序)关系 &部分常用标志词和短语firstsec on dlast of all, in the first p lacei n the sec o
4、nd p lace'fi nally, to beg inwith to continue, first thenqone hand thneother hand, for onethingfor ano ther, one ano ther, some others still others;对比关系&部分常用标志词和短语- . but;while, whereas, as, / rather tha n, in stead of, not 时间关系&部分常用标志词和短语whe n,whe never,before, after, since, as, while,u
5、n til,till,simulta neously,mea nwhile, i n the mean time, at the same time;条件关系&部分常用标志词和短语if, only if, if only, uni ess, otherwise, as soon as, as long as, in case, supp ose that, supposing that, p rovided that, p rovid ing that, whe n, whe never, with;举例关系&部分常用标志词和短语such as, for exa mple, f
6、or in sta nee, of (these, those, them), among (these, those,them), to illustrate, as an illustration, to take an example, more specifically sp eak ing, n amely;关联词运用实例说明1 .表示举例说明a case in point, after all, as a proof, as an illustrati on, as an exa mple, for exa mple, for in sta nee, in p articular,
7、 just as, n amely, such, sp ecifically, that is, to illustrate, to dem on strateAtla nta is aa) Many souther n cities are grow ing above the n atio nal average case in point.b) The n ews about calcium and kid ney stones is a case in point.c) Prisoners should be treated with respect they are huma n b
8、eings after all.d) These are, after all, very familiar sp ecies.e) It's extremely expen sive to live in New York. For exa mpl e, I pay $1,250for a on e-bedroom ap artme nt.f) Many coun tries, for exa mple Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.g) Old En glish was in many ways similar to Mod
9、er n Germa n. For in sta nee, thenouns, adjectives, and verbs were highly in fleeted.h) We n eed to reth ink the way we con sume en ergy. Take, for in sta nee, ourapp roach to transport.i) Automobile p rices in p articular have falle n in rece nt mon ths.j) His last album sold half a milli on copies
10、 and we hope this one will be just as(=equally) popu lar.k) One of the most imp orta nt stages has yet to be started, n amely begi nningto fit the person into their new job.l) The issues are in two main clusters, n amely the safety and the pricing andp rocureme nt of drugs.m) The rules make it quite
11、 clear what should be done in such a situati on.n) We're talk ing about moneysp ecifically, the money we n eed to rep air ourschools.o) One soluti on would be to cha nge the sha pe of the scree n, that is, to makeit wider.2 .表示增补意义additi on ally,aga in, along with, also, and, and the n, as well
12、as, besides, equally,even, further, furthermore, in addition, in other words, just as, likewise, moreover, not onl y.but also, similarly, to put it ano ther way, to rep eat, the n, too, what's morea) They may also additi on ally rep rese nt much more; they may in deed have ahighly in tegrat ing
13、social function.b) And aga in, these worksh ops will ben efit the com munity con siderably.c) Dunne was murdered, along with three guards.d) Sugar is bad for your teeth. It can also con tribute to heart disease.e) This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and adva need users
14、 alike.f) Fry the onions gen tly, and the n add the meat and cook for a few minu tes.g) The orga ni zati on gives help and support to people in n eed, as well as raisingmoney for local charities.h) People choose jobs for other reasons besides mon ey.i) We want the economy to grow, but equally we wan
15、 t low in flati on.j) It is po ssible to make good movies chea ply. Further, "low-budget" does n'thave to mean "bad."k) The majority of America ns in creased their wealth in the p ast decade. Furthermore, the gains were substa ntial.l) A new security system was in stalled. In
16、 additi on, extra guards were hired.m) The company providescheap Internet access. In addition,it makesshareware freely available.words, then) The tax only affects people on in comes over $200, 000 in other very rich.o) The clams were delicious. Likewise, the egg plant was excelle nt.p) Using Ian gua
17、ge is a very complex enterp rise. Moreover, there is more to com muni cati on tha n merely pu tt ing sentences together.q) The system was not only comp licated but also in effective.r) The cost of food and clothi ng has come dow n in recent years. Similarly, fuel p rices have falle n quite con sider
18、ably.the greaters) Money makes mon ey. To put it ano ther way, the more you in vest, your poten tial p rofit will be.way, localt) The p roblem dema nds a global soluti on. To put it ano ther regulati ons will have very little effect.u) First you n eed to collect all the in formatio n and make detail
19、ed no tes. Then you can start to actually write your essay.v) Think about what you owe, too, in terms of mortgages, credit cards, loa ns or hire pu rchase.w) Gas is a very efficie nt fuel. And what' s more, it's clea n.3 表示强调'above all, any way, as a matter of fact, certa inly, in deed,
20、in fact, in p articular, most important, obviously, of course, surely, to be sure, truly, undoubtedly, without doubta) Although it is somewhat limited in its app licati ons it is easy to op erate and above all it is fun.b) He got lost and spent hours look ing for the stati on, and any way it was p a
21、st midni ght by the time he got home.c) And, as a matter of fact, the U. S. Golf Associatio n was delighted.d) Books and people certa inly affected him.e) Most of the essays were very good in deed.f) Her teachers said she was a slow lear ner, whereas in fact she was p artially deaf.g) Automobile p r
22、ices in p articular have falle n in recent mon ths.h) But the reverse is true when an attorneyrepresentsa person who is obviouslyguilty or whose guilt is widely p erceived.i) This is very obviously the approach of some one writingexclusively andsp ecifically for the young.j) Of course there will be
23、some difficult times ahead.k) If a sig n were n eeded that the Internet has become a real market, the arrival of tax avoida nee is surely it.l) Throw ing money at the p roblem is surely not the way to convince people of sin cerity.m) It was difficult, to be sure, but somehow we man aged to finish th
24、e job.n) If we truly believe we can win, the n we have a very good cha nee at doingit.o) Un doubtedly, p ublic in terest in folk music has decli ned.P)Sally was without doubt one of the fin est swimmers in the school.10 .表示顺序and, besides, fin ally, first, firstly, further, i n the first p lace, last
25、, n ext, sec ond, sec on dly, third, thirdly, to begi n with, to start with,a) It also assig ned staff people to work with in dividual companies that wan ted to launch a p rogram.beg innersandinvolve, firstly,on the "Move"b) This is a flexible and user-friendlysystem suitable foradva need
26、users alike.c) You n eed to know what tights you have and how to use them.d) Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she tides horses on Saturdays.e) And fin ally, I' d like to tha nk the crew.f) First, I'd like to tha nk every one for coming.g) The application of the five stages to the task
27、 illustrated would the defi niti on of the task.h) It is po ssible to make good movies chea ply. Further, "low-budget" does n't have to mean "bad."i) And there i. s the questi on of the releva nee of the tradi ng of in formati on in the first p lace.j) Connect the red wires f
28、irst and the black ones last.k) First you need to select the text you want to move. Next, click comma nd at the top of the scree n.l) But, sec ond, in the vast majority of markets, efficie nt p roduct ion can be atta ined with a high degree of comp etiti on.m) The more you p ractise the better you w
29、ill become at select ing historical in formati on to suit firstly your essay and sec on dly your argume nt.n) To begi n with, much of this new hous ing is not affordable.o) r m not going to Vegas. To start with, I don' t like gambli ng, and I also can' t get time off work.3、观点转折,反面论证4. 表示对比或
30、对照by con trast, but, con versely, in con trast, in stead, on the con trary, on theother hand, otherwise, un like, whereas, while, yeta) The birth rate for older wome n has decli ned, but, by con trast, births to teen age mothers have in creased.b) The purpose of the scheme is not to help the empio y
31、ers but to p rovide work for young people.c) American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely,British buyers like brown eggs.d) Scandin avia n cruises are very popu lar in the summer; con versely, the Carib bea n is most popu lar in the win ter.e) The stock lost 60 cents a share, in con trast to las
32、t year, whe n it gained 21 cen ts.f) In stead of being anno yed, he seemed quite pl eased.g) It was n't a good thing; on the con trary it was a huge mistake.h) Nuclear po wer is relatively chea p. On the other hand, you could argue that it's not safe.i) It is equally vital that both should b
33、e mentioned,otherwise a client,p articularly a buyer, could be seriously misled.j) Un like most people in the office, I don't come to work by car.k) A bowl of in sta nt oatmeal costs about $1.5, whereas regular oatmeal costs only $0. 5 per bowl.l) The old system was fairly comp licated whereas t
34、he new system is really very sim pie.m) Schools in the north tend to be better equipp ed, while those in the south are relatively poor.n) Last summer there was a drought, yet some people were still wateri ng their lawns every day.5. 表示比较'by comp aris on, equally, equally importan t, i n comp ari
35、s on, in the same way, inthe same mann er, like, likewise, similarlya) After mon ths of livi ng in a trop ical climate, Spain seemed cool by comp aris on.b) By comp aris on with other European coun tries, car p rices in the UK are very high.c) Even whe n the correct word was give n a high p robabili
36、ty, there were many other words with an equally high p robability.Equallyd) Many bus in ess people do not know what sexual harassme nt is. important, they do not know how to prevent it.e) an extremely unpl easa nt disease which is, however, easy to treatf) Cott on p roduct ion was on the in crease.
37、However, it was still a small in dustry comp ared to hemp and can vas p roducti on.hav ingg) The deaf children of hearing parents are almost normal in comparison, everyth ing exce pt Ian guage exp erie nee.h) There is ofte n stron ger social con trol evide nt in the socialisati on of girls in comp a
38、ris on to boys.but arei) Good management accounts separate the well-organised from the rest not vital in the same way.j) I don't want him treat ing me like Jim treated me.k) The clams were delicious. Likewise, the egg plant was excelle nt.l) The cost of food and cloth ing has come dow n in rece
39、nt years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.6 .表示让亘admittedly, after all, all the same, although, certa inly, clearly, even so, it is true (that), in sp ite of, n evertheless, of course, still, truea) The tech nique is pain ful, admittedly, but it ben efits the p atie nt greatly.
40、b) Prin ti ng and p rese ntati on should be as attractive as po ssible after all thelibrary is an attractive pl ace, is n't it?c) I realise she can be very annoying, but I think you should apo logise all thesame.d) We decided to take rooms in Lon gwood House, although we knew we could not really
41、 afford the rent.e) We are not esp ecially well-treated, certa inly not as well as the locals.f) Clearly, the racial p roblems in America have no easy an swers.g) The fines for speeding are large, but even so, they are not always a deterre nt.h) And it is true that after his death she ceased to exis
42、t for the world bey ond the farm.i) But in sp ite of the hardsh ips, real efforts and p rogress are being made.j) A false belief may n evertheless be justified.k) Though employment growth is dow n, the area is still attract ing health care, high tech, banking and spo rts-related in dustries.8 .表示转折a
43、lthough, but, des pite, exce pt for, though, however, i n sp ite of, i nstead,n evertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, rather tha n, though, yeta) You can copy dow n my an swers, although rm not sure if they're right.b) In the US it is no rmal for the p olice to carry guns, but not in Brita
44、in.c) Desp ite intern atio nal p ressure, p rogress has slowed in the p eace talks.d) Pen P ros: Exce pt for person al letters, han dwritte n no tes are witheri ng into ext inction.e) The rooms, though small, were pl easa nt and airy.f) This is a chea p and simple pro cess. However there are dan ger
45、s.g) In sp ite of her success, Spencer continues to get dep ressed.h) Cardew did not join the navy. In stead, he decided to join the theater and become an actor.i) Thus we can talk of a local gover nment system which is differe nt from acen tral gover nment system but n evertheless in teracts with i
46、t.j) Rei ntroductio n of food after eleme ntalregime nsmust n everthelessbeun dertake n with the greatest of care irres pective of whether or n ot elim in ati ondiets are used.k) The hamburger was tough and overcooked. The fries, on the other hand, were terrific, and well worth the mon ey.l) Stir th
47、e sauce un til it cools, otherwise it will be lumpy.m) It presumes that reality is dynamic rather than static, and therefore seeks relati onships betwee n ideas, to aim at syn thesis.n) There is no important theory-based reason why these coun tries rather tha nothers were selected.o) The Offen ders
48、were dealt with firmly though fairly.p) They charge in credibly high p rices, yet customers kee p coming back for more.7 .表示结果accord in gly, as a result, con seque ntly, for this reas on, hence, in this way, so,therefore, thusa) Some of the laws were con tradictory. Accord in gly, measures were take n to clarify them.b) As many as 2, 500 people died as a result of the earthquake and th
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