Chapter 3 Noun and Noun phrase_第1页
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Chapter 3 Noun and Noun phrase_第5页
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1、 Chapter 3 Noun and Noun phrase (1) Noun and Number Noun phrase In function, it can play such grammatical roles as subject, object, complement and modifier. Some kinds of noun phrases can even act as adverbial. proper nouns 具体性 名词Nouns countable nouns抽象性 名词 common nouns concrete nouns mass nounsabst

2、ract nounsWhat are proper nouns?Proper nouns denote individual persons, places, etc. which normally begin with a capital letter, have no plural forms and cant occur after an article.可数和不可数Nouns that can take plural are called countable nouns (a book/ books) and those cannot take plural are called ma

3、ss nouns (butter).What are collective nouns?Collective nouns are countable nouns referring to groups of people, animals or things. People,人们; peoples, 民族的复数 Family, people, government, group, committee, team, class, audience, company. 既可作单数,也可作复数。 Police, cattle, poultry. 只能作复数。Mass nouns in plural

4、forms: There are many famous teas in China. The broad waters of Yangtze River. The sands 沙滩,沙漠 The sufferingsP58 识记Customs, arms, damages, pains, papers, greens, peoples, minutes, looks, wage, wages, goods, sands, manners, sprits, times, outskirts, interests, suburbs, brains, troops, thanks, source,

5、 dregs, tears, premises, archives, stairs, contents, fireworks, funds, congratulation.Unit nouns p65 Army 大批,大群 An army of soldiers/ beggars/ officials/ ants The growing army of the unemployed Article, 物品中的一件 An article of clothing/ furniture/ luggageArticle of value 贵重品 Attack 疾病的突然发作,某种情绪的侵袭Have a

6、n attack of measles/ fever/ blues bar 条,块a bar of gold/ soap/chocolate band 群,伙,帮,队a band of people/ musicians/ wild dogs/ robbers batch, 面包,糕饼的一炉,一批,一组,一群a batch of cakes/ breads/ loaves/ letters/ recruits bench a bench of judges/ examiners bevy 尤其指女孩,妇女色一群a bevy of pretty girls/ ladies/ birds/quai

7、ls/ larks/roes blade 片,叶a blade of grass/ wheat blocka block of ice/ wood/ stone/ iron/ flats/ office buildingboard 委员会,董事会,理事会,委员(全体)a board of directors/ advisers/ examiners bottle 一瓶的容量a bottle of wine/ sodabowl 一碗或钵的容量a bowl of rice/ flours/ fruitbrood 雏鸡等的一窝,一组,一批,一群a brood of chicken/ modern p

8、ainting/ thieves/a new brood of poets 一群新派诗人bucket 一桶的容量a bucket of water/ coal/ honey/ sandbunch 束,串,俚语,一伙,一群a bunch of flowers/ keys/ boys/ monkeys/ rascalsbundle 一捆,一束,一包,俚语,一大堆,一大笔钱a bundle of straw/ hay/ cloths/ mistakes/ dollarsburst 迸发,爆发,突发,猝发,突然的显现 a burst of flame/ thunder/ cry/ laughter/

9、applause a tiny burst of hope 突然出现的一线希望 cake 坚实的块状物 a cake of soap/ icechoir 合唱团, 歌唱队,唱诗班 a choir of singerscluster 簇,串;群,组 a cluster of grapes/ flowers/ tourists/ spectators/ islands/ beescongregation 集会,集合,圣会a congregation of prayers/ photographerscrew 一群人,informala crew of sailorscrowd 一堆,一批a cro

10、wd of people/ pupilscup 一杯a cup of tea/ coffeecut 切块,切段a cut of cake/ meatdisplay a display of arms/ non-material culturedrop 滴a drop of water/ oil/ rain/ bloodear 穗an ear of wheat/ corn/ grain/ barley/ milletfield 茫茫的一大片a field of snow/ ice/ cattle/一片雪海flash a flash of lighting/ hope 一线希望flight楼梯或是

11、台阶的一段a flight of stairs/ stone stepsflock 群a flock of sheep/ geese/ birdsfit 疾病的发作,阵发,感情的突发a fit of colic/ coughing a fit of temper/ tears/ enthusiasm/ the bluesgang 一帮a gang of thieves/ robbers/ rascalsglass a glass of milkgrain 细粒,颗粒a grain of wheat/ sand/ dustgroupa group of people/ bystanders/ b

12、uildingsherd 群a herd of elephants/ whales/ swans/ camels/ deer/ crowsherds of cattle and flocks of sheep 牛羊成群Item 新闻的一条,一则An item of newsLitter 一窝仔畜A litter of puppies/ piggies/ kittensLump 不定形的块A lump of coal/ clay/ sugarLoaf 长方形的一大块A loaf of bread/ cake/ cheeseHalf a loaf is better than no bread.

13、Mob 暴徒,群A mob of rebels/ demonstrators Pack 贬义,一群;小箱,小盒A pack of cigarettes/ matches/ canned goodsA pack of wolves/ hounds 猎犬A pack of nonsenses 一派胡言A pack of hooligans 一群小流氓/ hoodlums/ foolsPair 双,对,套,副A pair of socks/ gloves/ glasses/ shoes/ pajamas 睡衣A sharp pair of eyesParty 共同活动的队,组,群A party of

14、 guests/ boys/ Peal响亮持久的声音A peal of thunder/ applause/ Piece 文艺作品、事例A piece of paper/ cake/ bread/ ropeA piece of furniture/ sculpture/ poem/ luck/ advice张,块,片,段,件,首一件侥幸的事 a piece of luckRay 光线A ray of light/ sunshine/ hope/ solaceRoast 一块烤肉A roast of pork/ beef/ lamb/ meatSack 一大麻袋,小的纸袋,塑料袋的量A sack

15、 of cement/ coal/ earth/ candy/ popcornSchool 鱼群,鲸群,学派A school of catfish/ hairtails/ whales/ scholarsShoal 鱼群, 大群,大量,学派A shoal of fish/ tourists/ troublesSheet 薄片,薄板,长方形的纸A sheet of paper/ grass/ ironSlice A slice of bacon/ meat/ lamb/ beetSpeck 斑点,污点A speck of ink/ oil/ bloodStaff 全体雇员A staff of teachers/ workersStick 棒状物,条状物A stick of chalk/ candy/ butter 一根粉笔,棒糖,Strip 条,狭条,A strip of land/ paper/ A blue stri


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