



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上七下Unit4单元测试题.单项填空( )1.I dont like this radio . Would you please show me ? A. other B. the other C. the others D. another( )2.My clock doesnt . Can you mend it for me ? A. work B. walk C. use D. go( )3.Mr. Read went home hour ago .A. / B. the C. an D. a ( )4.They will build a new bridge

2、the river in front of my house .A. on B. over C. above D. near( )5.Please stop the book . Ill show you some pictures . OK . Ill stop at your pictures .A. to read ; to look B. reading ; looking C. reading ; to look D. to read ; looking( )6.How do you come to school , bike or foot ?A. on ; on B. by ;

3、on C. by ; by D. on ; by( )7.There a football match this evening .A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. will be have( )8.Ill walk the road and turn right 4th Street .A. on ; on B. along ; to C. down ; onto D. along ; into( )9.We are happy you at this party .A. to seeing B. to see C.

4、see D. seeing( )10.Harry Potter is an book for children , but my cousin isnt in it at all .A. interesting ; interesting B. interested ; interesting C. interesting ; interested D. interested ; interested( )11.After the train goes the tunnel , it will go a plain(平原).A. through ; across B. across ; dow

5、n C. into ; on D. up ; down( )12.Look ! They are their car and running away .A. getting out of B. getting on C. getting out from D. getting into ( )13.We have lunch in middle of day .A. / ; a ; / B. the ; / ; an C. a ; the ; / D. / ; the ; the( )14. the zoo , you should the road .A. To get to ; acro

6、ss B. To get to ; cross C. Get to ; cross D. Get to ; across( )15.The moon goes the earth .A. through B. over C. around D. to.完形填空 Im very happy to 1 you to a farewell party for our friends from Britain . Well 2 the party in Sunshine Park 3 Saturday , 26th April from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm Well 4 at the

7、 Park gate . Well have a picnic in the park . We would like everybody to 5 their own food and drinks . We would like to invite students , parents and 6 to come . Well 7 different ball games . Please complete the 8 on the page to tell us if you can come . The map shows you 9 to get to Sunshine Park .

8、 We hope you can come . We look 10 To seeing you at our party .( )1.A. tell B. ask C. push D. invite( )2.A. show B. make C. have D. let( )3.A. in B. on C. at D. for( )4.A. climb B. find C. meet D. go( )5.A. cook B. start C. complete D.bring( )6.A. teachers B. doctors C. waiters D. cashiers( )7.A. pl

9、ay B. take C. teach D. share( )8.A. routes B. note C. page D. postcard( )9.A. how B. where C. what D. why( )10.A. on B. out of C. forward D. outside.词汇A.将下列句子改为同义句1.Turn right at the first crossing . on the .2.He goes home on foot every day .He every day .3.Dont stop walking until you see the place

10、. until you see the place .4.To walk from your home to mine is very easy . walk from your home to mine .5.Cross the bridge and you will see the school on your right . the bridge and you will see the school on your right .6.How about coming to my party ? you to come to my party ?7.Walk across the sma

11、ll bridge . the small bridge 8.Turn left at the third crossing . the third crossing the left .9.To walk from your home to mine is not hard .Its to walk from your home to mine .10.We will have a big New Years Party in our school tomorrow .There a big New Years Party in our school tomorrow .用括号中所给词的适当

12、形式填空1.Its too late . Millie (have to) go home quickly .2.Everyone knows autumn (follow) summer .3.Daniel (be) very afraid , because he cant find the key to his house .4.What about (go) to the cinema with us tonight ?5. (not be) late for class .6.The giraffe is eating the (leaf) on the tree .7.How ma

13、ny (knife) do you have ?8.Everybody (be) at the zoo .9.A tiger is very (danger) .10.The students are helping the old man (clean) the windows .11.Never go near (they) .参考答案七下Unit4单元测试题.单项填空1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C .完形填空1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C .词汇A.将下列句子改为同义句1.Take the first turning ; right 2.walks home 3.Walk o


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