



1、考纲词汇过关检测(一)姓名_1. 抛弃,放弃v_2. 反常的,变态的adj_3. 废除v_4. 完全的,绝对的adj_5. 吸收,使全神贯注v_6. 摘要,概要n 抽象的,深奥的adj_7. 荒谬的,可笑的adj_8. 大量的,充裕的adj_9. 加速,促进v_10. 口音,重音n_11. 权利,进入n_12. 住宿,膳宿n_13. 陪伴,与同时发生v_14. 积累,聚集v_15. 完成,使成功v_16. 报告,描述,账目n_17. 准确的adj_18. 控告,谴责_19. 习惯于,惯常的adj_20. 承认v_21. 熟人n_22. 获得,得到v_23. 避免,逃避v_24. 实际上,事实上

2、adv_25. 适应,改编v_26. 使沉迷v_27. 地址,演说n,v_28. 足够的,令人满意的adj_29. 管理,行政部门n_30. 调整,使适合v_31. 热爱,敬仰v_32. 采纳,收养v_33. 承认,准许进入,录取v_34. 可到达的,易相处的adj_35. 提倡,鼓吹v_36. 劝告,建议v_37. 平均adj, n_38. 农学,农业n_39. 警报n 恐吓v_40. 过敏的adj_41. 可供替代的adj 选择n_42. 救护车n_43. 数量,总计n,v_44. 分析v_45. 周年纪念n_46. 生气adj_47. 宣布,宣告v_48. 忧虑,不安n_49. 道歉 n

3、_50. 显而易见的adj_51. 呼吁,上诉v_52. 出现,外貌n_53. 申请 n_54. 欣赏,感激_55. 靠近,接近v_56. 合适的,恰当的adj_57. 赞成,同意v_58. 大约,近似adj_59. 可获得的,有空的adj_60. 逮捕,吸引,阻止v_61. 到达 n_62. 人造的,假的adj_63. 评价,评定v_64. 助手,助理n_65. 联系,联想v_66. 假定,假设n_67. 运动员 n_68. 大气,气氛n_69. 粘贴,隶属于 v_70. 达到,获得v_71. 态度n_72. 观众,听众n_73. 意识到的,明白的adj_74. 令人敬畏的,可怕的adj_高

4、考英语短文改错考点解析:非谓语动词一、考点规律分析: 短文改错对非谓语动词的考查主要涉及不定式符号 to 的有无,介词后该使用动词的什么形式(用动名词),并列结构中几个非谓语动词是否一致,动词用作主语时用何种形式(可用动名词或不定式,但不能用动词原形)等。二、真题单句归纳(1) David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted on staying near the car. (全 国卷)(2)rather than go into the forest and getting lost. (全国卷)(3)David pointe

5、d to a path which he thought would probably leading to a village. (全国卷)(4)I went back to get David and helped him to stood up.(全国卷)w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m(5)Charles and Linda Mason do all of these things as well as climbed building. (全国卷)(6)Modern people know more about health, have better food, and to

6、live in clearer surroundings.(全国卷)(7) The World Health Organization and  other organizations are working improve health all over the   world.(8) you pay the cost of send a postcard, the librarian will write to you. (全国卷)(9) and let you to know when the book you want has returned(

7、全国卷)(10) I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holidays.(全国卷)(11) I had always wanted return to the village after moving away.(全国卷)w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m(12) It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. (全国卷)(13) I look forward to he

8、ar from you soon. (全国卷)(14) Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit.(15) I was often a little tired after a days work and watch TV demands very little effort.(全国卷)(16) Id like very much come but I have an examination on Monday morning.(北京春季卷)(17) Ill spend the whole weekend reading and prepare for it.(北京春季卷)(18) But then there is always more mysteries look into. (北京春季卷)(19) After learn the basics of the subject, nothing else seemed ver


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