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1、初中英语数词讲解及练习(含答初三数词掌握分数、时间、日期的表达法。【复习要点(一)基数词基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示 数量的词叫基数词。最基本的基数词 如下表所示。1 one11 eleven100 a hundred2two12 twelv e20 twen ty1000 a thousand313301 , 000, 000 athr eethirte enthirtymillion4 fou r14 fourt een40 forty10, 000, 000 ten million5five15 fiftee n50 fifty100, 000, 000 a hundred milli

2、on6six16 sixtee n60sixty1, 000, 000, 000 a billion71770 seventy初三数词sev enseventeen8 eig ht18 eighteen80 eighty9 nin e19 nineteen90 ninety10 ten说明:1. 1319是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意其中13、15的拼写是thirteen 和 fifteen。2. 2090由个位数加后缀-ty构成, 注意其中2050的拼写分别是twenty, thirty, forty 和 fifty;80 的 拼写是 eighty。3. 其它非整十的两位数 2199是

3、由 整十位数加连字符-“',再加个位数构 成。如: 81 eighty-one。4. 101999的基数词先写百位数,后 加and再写十位数和个位数。如:691 six hundred and ninety-one。5. 1000以上的基数词先写千位数,后写百位数,再加and,最后写十位数和 个位数。如:5893 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three 。 在基数词 中只有表示百”、千”的单位词,没 有单独表示 万“、亿”的单位词,而 是用 thousand (千)和 million (百万) 来表达,其换算关系为:1万=10 thou

4、sand;1 亿=100 million; 10 亿二a thousand million=a billion 。6.多位数的读法:1) 1000以上的多位数,要使用计数间隔或逗号;”。即从个位起,每隔 三位加一个间隔或逗号。第一个间隔 或逗号前是thousand (千),第二个间 隔或逗号前是million (百万),第三个 间隔或逗号前是 a thousand million或 a billion(十亿)。2)每隔三位分段以后就都成了 101999o读的时候十位数(或个位 数)的前面一般要加ando如:888, 000, 000 读作:eight hundred and eighty-ei

5、ght million基数词的用法:初三数词1.基数词在句中的作用基数词的作用相当于名词和形容词, 在句中可作定语、主语、宾语(介宾)、 表语、同位语等。例如:Three and We is eight. 3+5=8 (作表语)How many oranges do you want?你要多少桔子?I want eight,我要八个。(作宾语) There are eight boats in the lake.湖 里有八条小船。(作定语)2. Hundred, thousand, million, dozen, score这些词前面如有表示具体数字的词,它们不能加"s'反之

6、则须加“ s,”并要与of短语连用。例如:three hundred people, fivethousand years;thousands of people, hundreds of students, thousands of trees(二)序数词表示顺序的词,叫序数词。序数词 用来表示数词顺序。除特殊情况外, 序数词一般都由相应的基数词加后缀-th构成。初三数词请见下表:第一到 第十第十到 第十九第一十 以上firsteleventhtwentie thsecondtwelfththirtiet hthirdthirteenthfortiethfourthfourteenthfif

7、tiethfifthfifteenthsixtiethsixthsixteenthseventie thseventhseventeentheightiet heightheighteenthninetiet hninthnineteenthhundre出htenththousandth说明:1 .英语中表示第一、第二、第三的 序数词属特殊形式,要注意它们的拼 写。2 .表示 几十”的序数词通常是将基初三数词数词词尾y变成i再加上后缀-eth。3 .其余的二位数序数词是以相应的 整十基数词加个位序数词。如: fifty-first (第五H一)。4 .少数序数词拼法不规则,如:fifth (第

8、五),eighth (第八),ninth (第 九),twelfth (第十二)等。注意:1 .序数词可缩写为阿拉伯数字加序数 词最后两个字母。例如:第一:(the) first=1st 第二:(the) second=2nd第三:(the) third=3rd 第 五:(the) fifth=5th第 九 十 七: (the) ninety-seventh=97th第一百 零一:(the) one hundred (and)first=1O1st2 .编了号的事物要用基数词表示顺序,但是基数词要后置。例如:第一课:Lesson One第三十二页:Page 32第305房间:Room 305

9、第12路公共汽车:Bus No.12初三数词序数词的用法序数词表顺序,主要作定语,其前 面须加上定冠词the,此外,也作主语、 宾语、表语和定语等,这时,被它所 修饰的名词往往被省略。 如:The first (person ) to arrive is Kate.例如:The first is bigger than the second.(作主语)第一个比第二个大。Give me the first.(作宾语)把第一She' s oftenhe first to go to school.(作表语)她经常第一个去上学。We re going to learn the eighth

10、lesson.(作定语)我们将要学习第八 课。(三)分数表达法先写基数词表示分子,后写序数 词表示分母,如果分子大于 1时,分 母用复数。如:one-fourth, two-fifths, three-tenths(四)小数表达法小数点前的整数按基数词的规则表示)小数点写作point,小数后的数字初三数词应按其数字直接表示出来。如:18.38 可写成: eighteen point three eight。注意:小数在句中常作定语,尤其 在比较方式状语从句中被使用。如: This stone is 3.5 times heavier than that one.(五)百分数表达法(根据学生情

11、况选择使用)在数词后加percent o例如:15%读 作:fifteen percent; 60% 读作:sixty percent(六)表示倍数(根据学生情况选择使用)1)几倍大小(长短,数量)二 几倍(或分数)+the size(length, amount)。例如: The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon.地球是月球的49倍。2)比一几倍=倍数(或分数)+ 形容词(副词)比较级+than+被比部 分。例如: His house is three times bigger than mine.他的房子比我的房初三数词子大三倍。

12、3)是倍=倍数(或分数)+as +形容词+as +被比部分。例如: This factory is four times as big as that one.这个工厂是那个工厂 的四倍。(七)表示约数(根据学生情况选择使用)1) 多于"用 more than 或 over。例如:The street is over(more than)500 metres long.这条街有 500多米 长。2)小于"用 less thano例如:Three are less than 30 people in the classroom. 教室里不到三十人。3) 或以上”用or mor

13、e。例如:The building can hold 5000 people or more.那座建筑物可容纳5000人或5000人以上。4) 或以下”用or less。例如: We can finish the work in two weeks or less.我们可以在两周内或不到初三数词两周完成这件工作。5)大约“用 about, around, nearly 等。例如:The box weighs about 50 pounds.这箱子重约50镑。6)"右”用。r so.如:In the past ten years or so, they have changed a l

14、ot. 在过去的十年里, 他们改变了许多。(八)年、月、日和时间的表达法1 .年份用基数词表达,分两位一读, 年份前用介词in o例如:1999 nineteen ninety-nine 2000two thousand 2001 two thousand and one2 .月份的第一个字母要大写,有些 月份名称有缩写形式。例如:一月 January(Jan.), 二 月 February(Feb.),三月 March(Mar.), 四月(Apr.),五月May,六月June,七 月 July,八月 August(Aug.)九月 September(Sep.),十月 October(Oct.

15、), H月 November(Nov.), 十二月December(Dec.)o3 .日期的表达要用序数词,读时前面要加定冠词the,介词要使用on。例如:在6月1日:on June 1st读 作:on June the first.年、月、日同时表达时,一般应先写月、日、后写年。如:在2001年5月4日:on May 4 th, 2001 o4 .年代用基数词的复数表示。例如:20世纪90年代:nineteen nineties; 21 世纪 20 年代:twenty twenties5 .时间表达法:时间可用顺读法或 倒读法两种方式表达。例如:5: 00 five (o ' clo

16、ck)6:18 six eighteen 或 eighteen past six12: 15 twelve fifteen 或 fifteen (a quarter) past twelve4: 30 four thirty 或 half past four6: 45 six forty-five a quarter to seven注意:1)表示整点时间,直接用基数词表 达,后边可接o' clock(也可不力口)。表 达 几点几分”时,绝不能用。'clock2)表达“1汾”或“4汾”时,常用 quarter (亥U)。初三数词3)在倒读法中,如果钟点不过半, 须用 分钟数+p

17、ast+钟点数”的形式;如 果钟点过半,则用差多少分钟数+to+ 全钟点(下个钟点数)”的形式。两组与数词有关的介词短语:in+定冠词the+数词的复数形 式,表示年代。如:in the 1870s或 1870' sin+物主代词+数词的复数形 式,表示某人的年龄。如: in one' thirties。有时在物主代词后面可加上 形容词early或late使其含义更确切 些。如: The young man is at most in his early thirties.注意:带有数词的名词作定语的 表达:a seven-year-old boy)a hundred-metr

18、e race初三数词K T809, D. February数词专项练习(一)( )1. Lincoln was bornA. February 12, 1809 February 12C. 1809, 12 February 1809,12Doy can sing theC ) 2. A English song very we I."A. ten-year-ola B. ten years oldmen.A. two B. the second C. theC. ten-year-old D. fifth years old ( )3. An hour later, _ minis

19、ter was sent to seethe box by those two two D. second( )4. Abraham Lincoln was _ President of the United StatesZ thA. 16 B. the 16 C. 16th 16th( )5. Do you think there is any for us?A. Two B-. the two C.D. theroomsecondD. the second( )6. 一How many students are there in your class? 一A. Twenty nine IT

20、iirty and two C. Forty-five D. fifties()7. Which number is wrong?A. Ninety B. Ninteen C. NinthD. Nineteenth ,( )8. The People s Liberation Army1927, 1 inis readwas founded _ _A. on August 1, 1927 B. in AugustC. on August 1st, 1927 D. August 1, 1927 ()9. The number 4,123-A. four thousand one hundred

21、and twenty-threeB.four thousand and one hundred twenty-threeC. four thousand and a hundred and twenty-threeD. four thousands a hundred and twenty-three( )10. The old professor still works hard though he is _ _ A. in his sixty B. in his sixties C. in sixties D. in the sixty 数词专项练习(二)( )76. Tuesday is

22、 theday ofa week in English.A. first B. fifth C. thirdD. fourth( )77. There areseasons in ayear in our countryA. twoD. fourthB. fourC. second()78. The gameOlympics will beyheld 20D8A. 29 B. the 29th29thof inC.Beijinginthe 29 D.( )79. Most of the stars are much more Digger than the sun. But they are

23、igrit years away from us.A. thousand B. thousandsC. thousand of D. thousands of yBO.of the surface(表面)ofearth is covered with water.A. First third B. Two thirdsC. One three D. Two three( )81. There are people inmy family. We live on the floor in a fall building.A. five, six B. fifth, sixth C. fifth,

24、 six D. five, sixth :)82. Boys and girls, we are going to earn _ tocFay.A. Four Lesson B. the fourth lessonC. the Lesson Four D. the Four Lesson()83. My lovely daughter is .7 A. y eight 蝙ars -old- B. eight-year-ola C. eight year old D. eight-years-old( )84. The flood happened _A. in the summer of 19

25、98 B. in the summer of 1998sC. in 1998 of the summer D. in 1998s of the summerB.( )85. February 28 should be read as一A. February of the 28thFebruary of 28C. 28 of February D. the 28th of February( )86. 一 How soon will you finish your work? 一 In about _A. one and a half monffi BTPne month and a halfC

26、. one and half a month D. a month and half ()87. We will have a _holiday. What about going to Suzhou?A. five days B. five day C. five-day D. five-days ()88. We are sure the century will bring us more hopes:A. twentieth-first B. twentieth-oneC. twenty-one D. twenty-first()89. - What is 1/2 and 1/3?It

27、 s _ /A. 2/5BT-I/5C. 5/6D. 4/6()90. At the age of, he hadhis own lab.A. thirty B. thirtieth C. the thirtieth D. the thirty( )91. Five times five is A. five B. zero -C. ten D. twenty-five( )92. are in the army. A. Twotheir sons B. Their two sonsC. Their sons two D. Two sons their()93. My sister is a

28、student ofA. the First Class B. Class One C.One Class D. Class Firstbananathree peoples family 'sfay.Ten and five isD. threetwoB. fifty C. fifteenD.Hamburger $ 1.20$1.50 Ice-creamPopcorn $1much will he pay?A. Three dollars and sixty cents.B. Five dollars and thirty-five cents.C. Five do ars and sixty cents.D. Two do ars.初三数词( )94. The boy can count from one to.A-hundred B. a hundr


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