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1、中原工学院信息商务学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸第14页浅谈三维动画设计2011作为一个设计师,在整个设计过程很大一部分的工作将涉及素描和绘画。这些视觉探索不仅让自己的想法转达给他人, 更会让你在设计时看到问题并且帮助 你完善你的想法。计算机三维建模和动画设计可视化超越了手绘草图和泡沫模 型,他们在任何角度和任何照明条件下,允许你创建一个你所设计和研究的完整 副本。利用三维动画设计2011,你可以使用颜色,纹理,灯光,和其他因素来实 验下,这些因素是如何影响你的设计。你可以得到一个你设计的仿真实效果图来 帮助你作出更好的决定,这是你设计过程中的一个重要步骤。掌握三维动画设计2011的目的是帮助

2、建筑师,设计师和虚拟化艺术家通过 三维模型渲染静态图像、动画来提出他们的设计。本书侧重于使用三维动画设计 2011作为建模和演示工具。因为掌握三维动画设计 2011的重点是设计问题,你 不会找到关于角色动画或先进的特殊效果全面的信息。你也不会在三维动画设计 2011中找到每一个单一的工具或功能描述。你会一步一步的发现教程所涵盖的主要功能软件是在使用的过程中的可视 化设计项目。这本教程是多年根据三维动画设计项目实际的要求和期限的经验。学完本教程之后,你将学习到如何构建复杂的几何形式、如何运用现实纹理以及 照明系统设计研究。你还将学习如何创建效果以强调和介绍你的设计部分。三维动画设计2011也是正

3、式培训3DMAX设计专业认证考试的专业指南。三维动画设计对于可视化设计和动画是首选软件,有许多功能在许多学科中 专为协助建筑师,工程师,设计师在实现自己的项目设计。这是和 3Dmax软件 相匹配,是用来开发的插件,提供额外的功能的程序。除了具有三维动画所有功能,三维动画设计提供了两个专用工具。照明分析工具用于帮助满足领先能源与环境设计(建筑)8.1标准认证。民事可视化扩展,可作为美国电脑软件公司三维动画设计认证的用户下载。在这本书中,我们参考该程序作为三维动画和三维 动画设计。三维动画设计2011为用户提供了先进的渲染技术,易于使用的建筑材料,提高了其他相关设计和绘图软件互操作性, 增强建模和

4、动画工具,比以往任何时候有着更好的观点互动。本章介绍了一些三维动画设计2011个特色,让你开始了解三维动画界面。在这一章中,你将学会:浏览和配置视图浮动工具栏复制对象和使用变换工具创建命名选择集引入新的三维动画设计2011功能三维动画设计2011发布和扩展了综合特征和功能并有着新的功能和更新现有的许多特点。不管你是否已使用三维动画了数年,或是要进行新的可视化设计,这个重要的发布伴随着很多的改进和补充,将极大地影响你的项目。每一个新版本的三维动画包含着更多的新功能来提高你的能力和工作流程,同时对你的计算机系统来说也增加了程序的性能。 利用这些新功能的关键是提高你的技能和减少所需的时间完成您的项目

5、。 帮助您查找信息,三维动画设计2011 的学习。影片对话框(见图1.1)包括链接到基本技能的影片,教会你使用的三维动画基本技能,以及链接到影片,解释新的功能和其他方面相关教程。注意,如果你没有看到这个对话框,你可以去帮助菜单和开始的基本选项中找到图1.1学习影片的对话框在这个对话框中,没有特定的顺序,只是关于三维动画设计2011的一些重要的特点:视口绘画系统 这是以前发布的一个视口绘画功能,但它已被修改和扩展的 太多了,因此像是在2011中的新功能。你可以使用多层复合绘画系统直接在三 维物体在视窗中创建位图。它有二维以及三维模式,所以你可以绘制展开的贴图 或在面板中挑选一个三维物体来绘制。画

6、位图纹理,就像PS中可以在任何你喜欢的通道中进行绘制。了解更多关于视口绘画,见 9章,“提高模型的材料。”三维动画组合 基于视频合成软件,用来称为三维动画。三维动画组合特征 完全是以节点为基础的合成,能够使你工作在静止图像或视频序列, 并可以支持 元素渲染通道中的新的公开异常请求。如果你使用Combustion、Adobe Premiere Adobe、After、Effects、or even Video Post你会想要探索三维动画组合的特点和 提供的可能性。了解更多关于三维动画组合,参见15章,“结束:大气、效果、和合成。”板岩材质编辑器板岩是一个以节点为原理的材质编辑器,在那里你能把材

7、 质属性结合在一起,并且在视口中将材料赋给该物体。多视图和材料组让你整理 材料比以往任何时候都更容易。现在三位动画设计省去了很多麻烦, 如以贴图为 例,贴图是可以复制的。原材料编辑仍然可用,现在称为小型材料编辑。旧材料 的贴图可以三维动画设计2011中删除。想要学习更多关于板岩材质编辑器,看第 九章。材质 来自于发明人或者Revit最新的发布的三维动画设计中的移动文件, 现在使用的共享库材料标准化。这些材料的替代在三维动画设计2010中金属漆的角色。在金属材质的基础上,你会发现在 Revit和三维动画中有1200个新的 材质。视口增强材质显示器 如果您的显示卡符合最低要求在顶视图中正在使用 的

8、是MetaSL着色器。这意味着你可以在顶视图中进行实时反射。未来三维动 画制作中发展将继续提高视图经验并使它看起来更接近渲染的图片。最终将成为不需要渲染,拯救一个屏幕捕获的视图将你所需要的一切。石墨建模工具 新补充的石墨工具特征对象绘画的绘画系统让你在物体表 面绘制3D对象。这多年来已有的很多脚本在执行,但现在这个版本是它的正式 部分基础程式。其他新的石墨工具功能包括镜像元素和自定义功能。想要学习更多关于石墨工具,见第四章,“编辑网格划分和制造复杂物体。”用户界面 当你需要它的时候,你可以最小化命令面板、使其浮起来或把它 放在一个自动模式。止匕外,作为许多编辑多边形的浮动对话框, 编辑已经换成

9、了“球形”。一个新的用户界面漂浮在你顶视图的光标上。止匕外,使预览功能已被 移动到“工具”菜单创建动画序列文件的抓取视图文件下。捕捉和选择 在转换器的中心有一个新的对齐操作,使捕捉变得更为简单和 直接。三维动画设计当使用Ctrl键选择时也会改变选择行为。在以前的版本,三维动画中有令人恼火的行为是都使用Ctrl增加和减少一个选择集。现在 Ctrl只是增加;它不减。使用一直按住 Alt键,一个选择集删减。FBX连接 三维动画设计2011现在支持的文件格式是文件 FBX链接。以前 的版本,这样做只有DWG档的;现在你可以使用更智能的 FBX从2009 Revit 连接到你的场景。这意味着更新的文件并

10、保存在Revit联系FBX文件可以自动反映在三维动画文件中。请注意FBX仍然是一个巨大的文件,所以在整个三维动 画事件中你可能要终止你们成碎片组装Revit项目。猫角色动画编辑器以前只提供给客户认购,猫是一个插件,是双足插件的一个竞争对手并且是三维动画的一部分。猫骨骼系统被设计去做的骨骼问题。猫 带有预制组培装置设计各式角色除了人类,无论他们用2、4、或100条腿来走路。马、蝶蚣与龙模板只是一些选择。猫带有一个肌肉系统,让你做许多事情,比如沿着路径,但不能提供两足角色动画。prerigged刻划人物的集合包含在你三 维动画中设计的文件夹里。保存到以前版本三维动画设计将让保存的三维动画文件到以前

11、的版本号。在三维动画设计2011你能保存2010版使共享项目文件变得更容易,如果你与其 他用户没有转移到最新的版本。在其 20年的历史中三维动画是第一次拥有这种 能力。相关文件改进 你现在可以直接导入草图大师(优秀建模软件)文件。你还 可以导入和导出固体,作为来自于创作者的源文件和Revit为主体的对象。你不再需要有发明家安装在同一台机器上的作为三维动画打开一个电话或是文件的 文件格式。OpenEXR已更新,所以现在持有所有渲染元素和GBuffer渠道在一个单一的文件中。就像旧 RPF / RLA文件类型,新OpenEXRC件保护可以让你接近所有单独层的通道、遮罩等等。 OpenEXR也已经接

12、触到脚本语言。SGI的文件格式的支持一直扩展到支持所有的格式。 这包括一个可以关闭压缩保存操作选项的一个组成部分。如果正在进行的是一个开放性的工作,你会欣赏这个改进。水银硬件渲染 水银硬件渲染另一个新的渲染引擎已被添加到三维动画的工具中。水银一个快速、高质量的渲染器,凭借着图形处理器与CPU进行快速渲染。与智能光渲染器相比,一旦完成文件的转换,你会发现,随后呈现的渲染速度远远超过任何你所见过的。原文出处:John Wiley & Sons.Press,Mark Gerhard Jeffrey M . Harper.Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 20

13、11M.Publisher: John Wiley & Sons,2012.22-32.Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011A significant portion of your work as a designer will involve sketching and drawing throughout the design process. Not only will these visual explorations help convey your ideas to others, but they will help you se

14、e problems within a design and help you refine your ideas. 3D computer modeling and animation take design visualization beyond hand-drawn sketches and foam-core models by allowing you to create a complete replica of your design and study it from any point of view in any lighting condition.With 3ds M

15、ax Design 2011, you can apply color, texture, lighting, and other effects to see how variations of these elements affect your design. You can get a realistic look at your design to help you make better decisions as you progress through the design process.Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 is int

16、ended to help architects, designers, and visual-ization artists present their designs through 3D models, rendered still images, and animations. This book focuses on the use of 3ds Max Design 2011 as a modeling and presentation tool. Because Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 is focused on design

17、 issues, you will not find comprehensive information about character animation or advanced special effects. You also will not find descriptions of every single tool or function available in 3ds Max Design 2011.you will find step-by-step tutorials covering the primary functions of the soft-ware that

18、you will use in the process of visualizing design projects. These tutorials are based on years of experience using 3ds Max on real projects with real requirements and deadlines. By completing the tutorials, you will learn how to construct complex geometric forms and how to apply realistic textures a

19、nd lighting to study a design. You will also learn how to create effects to help emphasize parts of your design for presentations.MasteringAutodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 is also an Official Training Guide for Autodesk' s 3dsMax Design 2011 professional certification exams.Welcome to Mastering Auto

20、desk 3ds Max Design 2011. Autodesk 3ds Max Design is the premier software package for design visualization and animation and has many features specifically designed to assist architects, engineers, and designers in many disciplines in the realization of their projects. It is comparable to 3ds Max, t

21、he entertainment software, and is essentially the same product without the Software Developer Kit (SDK), which is used to develop plug-ins that give the programs additional functionality. In addition to having all the features that 3ds Max has, 3ds Max Design offers two exclusive tools. The Lighting

22、 analysis tool is used to help meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 8.1 certification standards. The Civil Visualization Extension, which will be available as a download for those users on Autodesk 3ds Max Design Subscription. In this book, we refer to the program as both 3d

23、s Max and 3ds Max Design.Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 provides users with cutting-edge rendering technology, easy-to-usearchitectural materials, improved interoperability with other related design and CADD software, enhancements to modeling and animation tools, and better viewpoint interactivity tha

24、n ever before.This chapter introduces some of 3ds Max Design 2011' special features and then gets you started working with the 3ds Max interface. In this chapter, you will learn to: Navigate and configure the viewports Dock and float toolbars Copy objects and use the transform tools Create a nam

25、ed selection setIntroducing the New 3ds Max Design 2011 Features3ds Max Design 2011 is a significant release that extends the comprehensive features and functionality with new exciting capabilities and also updates many existing features. This is an important release with a long list of improvements

26、 and additions that will greatly impact your projects whether you have been using 3ds Max for a number of years or are new to design visualization.Each new version of 3ds Max incorporates fresh and exciting tools to enhance your capabilities and workflow while also increasing the performance of the

27、program on your computer system. Utilizing these new features is key to improving your skills and decreasing the time it takes to complete your projects. To help you find information, 3ds Max Design 2011' s Learning.Movies dialog box (see Figure 1.1) includes links to essential skills movies tha

28、t teach many of the basic skills for using 3ds Max, as well as links to movies that explain the new features and additional 3ds Max -related tutorials. Note that if you don' t see this dialog box, you can go to the Help menu and launch the Essential Skills Movies from there.Figure 1.1The Learnin

29、gMovies dialog boxHere, in no particular order, are some of the high points of 3ds Max Design 2011:Viewport canvas paint system There was a viewport canvas feature in the previous release, but it has been reworked and extended so much that it is like it ' s completely new in 2011. You can paint

30、directly on the 3D objects in the viewport to create your bitmaps using a layered composite paint system. It has a 2D mode as well as a 3D mode, so you can paint on the flat unwrapped map or paint on the 3D objects in space take your pick. Paint with bitmap textures, just like the Clone brush inAdob

31、e Photoshop, into any channel you want. To learn more about the viewport canvas system, see Chapter 9,Enhancing Models with Materials. II3ds Max Composite Based on the video compositing package that used to called Autodesk Toxik3ds Max Composite now comes for free with 3ds Max 2011. 3ds Max Composit

32、e features completely node-based compositing, allowing you to work on still images or video sequences, and works seamlessly with new Open EXR support for render element channels. If you use Combustion, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, or even Video Post, you will want to explore the features and

33、 possibilities provided by 3ds Max Composite. To learn more about 3ds Max Composite, see Chapter 15, Finishing It Off: Atmosphere, Effects, and Compositing. IISlate Material Editor Slate is a node-based schematic material editor, where you can wire material properties together, and wire the material

34、 to the object in the viewport. Multiple views and material groups let you organize your material work more easily than ever. Now you can spot with no trouble at all which maps are instanced and which are copies. The original material editor is still available, now called the Compact Material Editor

35、. The old Material Map Browser has been removed from 3ds Max Design 2011. To learn more about the Slate Material Editor, see Chapter 9.Autodesk Materials Moving files from Inventor or Revit into the latest release of 3ds Max Design now uses a shared library of standardized materials. These materials

36、 replace the role ProMaterials played in 3ds Max Design 2010. Based on MetaSL shaders, there are 1,200 new materials that you will find in both Revit and 3ds Max.Enhanced viewport material display MetaSL shaders are now used in the viewport if your graphic card meets the minimum requirements. That m

37、eans you can get real-time reflections in the viewport. Future 3ds Max development is going to continue improving the viewport experience and making it appear closer to the rendered image. Eventually there will be no need to render; saving a screen capture of the viewport will be all you need.Graphi

38、te Modeling Tools New additions to the Graphite Tools feature an Object Paint system that lets you paint 3D objects onto surfaces.There have been scripts to do this over the years, but now it' s officially pa-tagfethOthase packnew Graphite Tools features include the ability to mirror elements an

39、d the capability to customize the ribbon. To learn more about Graphite Tools, see Chapter 4,一 EdMeshes and Creating Complex Objects. IIOther UI improvements You can minimize the Command panel, float it, or put it in a mode that automatically appears when you need it.Also, many of the floating dialog

40、 boxes that appearedas part of Edit Poly editing have been replaced with Caddies,a new UI that floats under your cursor in the viewport. Also, the Make Preview feature has been moved to the Tools menu under Grab Viewport Create Animated Sequence File.Snaps and selection There ' s a new Snap hand

41、le at the center of the Transform gizmo that makes snapping simpler and more straightforward. Autodesk also changed the behavior of selection when using the Ctrl key. In previous versions, 3ds Max had the maddening behavior of using Ctrl to both add to and subtract from a selection set. Now Ctrl onl

42、y adds ; it doesn ' t subtract. Use the Alt key to subtract from a selection set.FBX linking 3ds Max Design 2011 now supports the FBX file format for file linking. Previous versions did this with only DWG; now you can use the much more intelligent FBX from Revit 2009 and onward to link into your

43、 scene. This means that updates made to the Revit file and saved over the linked FBX file can automatically be reflected in the 3ds Max file as well. Note that FBX is still a huge file, so you may have to break up your Revit project into pieces to assemble the whole thing in 3ds Max.CAT character an

44、imation toolset Previously available only to subscription customers, CAT is a plug-in that was a competitor to Biped and is now part of 3ds Max. CAT complements the Biped system; it ' s designed to do the things Biped has trouble with. CAT comes with prebuilt rigs designed for all kinds of chara

45、cters besides humans, whether they walk on 2, 4, or 100 legs. Horse, centipede, and dragontemplates are just some of the possible choices. CAT comes with a muscle system and lets you do things like walk along a path, something Biped doesn' p rovide. A collection of prerigged skinned characters i

46、s included in the partners folder of your 3ds Max Design installation.Save to previous versions 3ds Max Design will now let you save your 3ds Max files back-ward to the previous version number. In 3ds Max Design 2011 you can save back to the 2010 version to make sharing of your project files easier

47、if you are collaborating with other users who haven' t transitioned to the newest version yet.This is a first; 3ds Max has never had this capability in its 20-year history!File-related improvements You can now import SketchUp (SKP) files directly. You can also import and export solids as SAT fil

48、es from Inventor and Revit as Body Objects. You no longer need to have Inventor installed on the same machine as 3ds Max to open an IPT or IAM file.The OpenEXR file format has been updated, so it now holds all the render element and GBuffer channels in a single file. Just like the old RPF/RLA file t

49、ype, the new OpenEXR file saver gives you access to all the various channels as separatelayers for composting, masking, and so on. OpenEXR has been exposed to MAXScript as well.The SGI file format support has been extended to support all formats. This includes an option to turn off Compression as pa

50、rt of a save operation. If you' rworking with Open Flight, you' lbppreciatethis improvement.Quicksilver hardware rendering Another new rendering engine has been added to the 3ds Max toolset. Quicksilver is a lightning fast high-quality renderer that leverages the power of the GPUs and CPUs i

51、n your workstation for blazing fast rendering. Competitive with mental ray, once it has completed the file translation, you will find subsequent renders are much faster than anything you have seen before.五分钟搞定5000字毕业论文外文翻译,你想要的工具都在这里!在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常 必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多, 慢慢地就发现 了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:Google福译I频道、金山词霸(完 整版本)和CNKI-翻译助手"。具体操作过程如下:1 .先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献;2 .遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给 Google处理,处理后的结 果猛一看,不堪入目,可是


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