1、unit 5part i pre-reading tasklisten to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions:1. what happened to the singer?2. what helped her pull through all the hardships she suffered?3. what is the tone of the song?part iitext alook at the following two sayings and then se
2、e if the story of michael stone bears out the points they make.¡ª¡ª molierewhen it is dark enough, you can see the stars.¡ª¡ª charles a, beardtrue heightdavid nasterwhere he flew would always coincide with his mother's stories. wherever he flew was with a
3、keen eye for detail and the free spirit of his mother's love. his dad, on the other hand, was not a dreamer. bert stone was a hardcore realist. he believed in hard work and sweat. his motto: if you want something, work for it!from the age of 14, michael did just that. he began a very careful tra
4、ining program. he worked out every other day with weightlifting, with some kind of running work on alternate days. the program was carefully monitored by michael's coach, trainer and father. michael's dedication, determination and discipline was a coach's dream. besides being an honor st
5、udent and only child, michael stone continued to help his parents with their farm chores. mildred stone, michael's mother, wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. on one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickl
6、y interrupted, smiled and said, "you want something, work for it!"when michael cleared the bar at 17 feet 2 inches and 17 feet 4 inches, again he showed no emotion. as he lay on his back and heard the crowd groan, he knew the other vaulter had missed his final jump. he knew it was time for
7、 his final jump. since the other vaulter had fewer misses, michael needed to clear this vault to win. a miss would get him second place. nothing to be ashamed of, but michael would not allow himself the thought of not winning first place.he rolled over and did his routine of three finger-tipped push
8、-ups. he found his pole, stood and stepped on the runway that led to the most challenging event of his 17-year-old life.the runway felt different this time. it startled him for a brief moment. then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay. the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. t
9、hat's only one inch off the national record, he thought. the intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety. he began shaking the tension. it wasn't working. he became more tense. why was this happening to him now, he thought. he began to get nervous. afraid would be a more accurate de
10、scription. what was he going to do? he had never experienced these feelings. then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his mother. why now? what was his mother doing in his thoughts at a time like this? it was simple. his mother always used to tell him when you felt t
11、ense, anxious or even scared, take deep breaths.so he did. along with shaking the tension from his legs, he gently laid his pole at his feet. he began to stretch out his arms and upper body. the light breeze that was once there was now gone. he carefully picked up his pole. he felt his heart poundin
12、g. he was sure the crowd did, too. the silence was deafening. when he heard the singing of some distant birds in flight, he knew it was his time to fly.as he began sprinting down the runway, something felt wonderfully different, yet familiar. the surface below him felt like the country road he used
13、to dream about. visions of the golden wheat fields seemed to fill his thoughts. when he took a deep breath, it happened. he began to fly. his take-off was effortless. michael stone was now flying, just like in his childhood dreams. only this time he knew he wasn't dreaming. this was real. everyt
14、hing seemed to be moving in slow motion. the air around him was the purest and freshest he had ever sensed. michael was soaring like an eagle.with all the media attention and sponsorship possibilities, michael's life would never be the same again. it wasn't just because he won the national j
15、unior olympics and set a new world record. and it wasn't because he had just increased his personal best by 9 l/2 inches. it was simply because michael stone is blind.(1170 words)new words and expressionsbear outprove that (sth.) is true ֤ʵsweatvi. ³öº¹n
16、. º¹Ë®toweln. ë½í£¬ÊÖ½ípole-vaultvi., n. ³Å¸ÍÌø¸ßvaultn. ³Å¸ÍÌø¸ß (=pole vault)£»³ÅÎïÌøÔ¾gracen. qu
17、ality of being smooth and elegant, esp. in movement or structure ÓÅÃÀ£¬ÓÅÑÅ£»ÑÅÖÂgymnastn. Ìå²Ù¼Ò£¬Ìå²ÙÔ˶¯Ô±body buildern. ½
18、¡ÃÀÔ˶¯Ô±merea. nothing more than ½ö½ö£¬Ö»²»¹ýfantasyn. »ÃÏënumerousa. very many Ðí¶àµÄ£¬ÎÞÊýµÄpassionn.
19、strong feeling, esp. of love ÈÈÇédetailn. small, particular fact or item ϸ½Ú£¬ËöËéµÄÊÂrecur¡øoutrun (outran, outrun)vt. run faster or better than; go beyond Åܵñȡ
20、¿ì£»ÅܵñȡºÃ£»³¬¹ýeaglen. Ó¥coincide¡øvi. happen at the same time; be in agreement ͬʱ·¢Éú£»Ò»ÖÂcoinc
21、ide withÓë¡Í¬Ê±·¢Éú£»Óë¡Ò»ÖÂhard-corea. Íç¹Ì²»»¯µÄcoren. the most important part ºËÐÄrealistn. a person who deals in a
22、 practical way with situations as they actually are ÏÖʵÖ÷ÒåÕßmotton. ¸ñÑÔ£¬×ùÓÒÃúwork outgo through a physical exercise session ÌåÓý¶ÍÁ¶£¬&
23、#209;µÁ·weightliftingn. ¾ÙÖØ£¨Ô˶¯£©alteinate¡øa. every other or second; happening by turns ½»ÌæµÄ£»ÂÖÁ÷µÄcoachn. £¨ÌåÓ&
24、#253;Ô˶¯µÄ£©½ÌÁ·dedicationn. giving oneself, time, effort, etc. (to sth.) ·îÏ×£¬Ï×Éídedicate¡øvt. Ï×ÉíÓÚ£¬ÖÂÁ¦Ó
25、18;choren. ¼ÒÍ¥ÔÓÎñrelaxon one/two/several occasion(s)ÓÐÒ»£¨Á½£¬¼¸£©´Îvaina. too pleased with one's own abilities or looks ÐéÈٵģ¬×
26、;Ô¸ºµÄbarn. ºá¸Ë£»Ìõ£»¿éinflatev. fill (sth.) with air £¨Ê¹£©³äÆø£¬£¨Ê¹£©ÅòÕÍmatn. µæ×
27、1;£»Ï¯×Ón. ¾ºÕùÕߣ¬¶ÔÊÖemotionn. Çé¸Ð£¬¸ÐÇépreparationn. the act or process of preparing ×¼±¸be ashamed offinger-tippeda. using or operated
28、by the fingers ÓÃÊÖµÄpush-upn. (ame) ¸©ÎÔ³Årunwayn. ÅܵÀstartle¡øvt. give a sudden shock or surprise to ʹ´ó³ÔÒ»¾ªbalen. £¨Ò»£©
29、80;óÀ¦£¬£¨Ò»£©´ó°ühayn. ¸É²Ýintensityn. the state of being intense Ç¿ÁÒ¡¢¾çÁÒ£¬½ôÕÅanxietyn. a feeling of worry or fear Ó
30、;ÇÂÇ£¬µ£ÐÄtensionn. worry or nervousness ½ôÕÅ£¬²»°²tensea. feeling worried or nervous; making people worried or nervous ½ôÕŵģ»ÁîÈ˽ô&
31、#213;ŵÄalong withtogether with Á¬Í¬stretch outÉìÕ¹breezen. ΢·ç£¬Çá·çdeafenvt. make (sb.) unable to hear, esp. for a short time ʹÁûdeafa. unable to hear at all or to hear we
32、ll ¶úÁûµÄsprintvi. run at one's fastest speed, esp. for a short distance ¼²ÅÜtake-offn. ÆðÌø£»£¨·É»ú£©Æð·Éeffortlessa. needing little or no effort È
33、21;Ò׵ģ¬²»·ÑÁ¦ÆøµÄeruptionn. ±¬·¢erupt¡ø vi.thumpn. (noise made by) a heavy blow ÖØ»÷£¨Éù£©bring (sb.) back to earthʹ»Ø
34、;µ½ÏÖʵÖÐin one's mind's eyeÔÚÏëÏóÖÐcongratulatevt. ×£ºØmedian. ´óÖÚ´«²¥Ã½½ésponsorshipn. ×ÊÖú£»Ô
35、ÞÖúproper namesdavid naster´óÎÀ¡¤ÄÉÊ·ÌØthe olympics = olympic games °ÂÁÖÆ¥¿ËÔ˶¯»ámichaelÂõ¿Ë¶û£¨ÄÐ×
36、ÓÃû£©bert²®ÌØ£¨ÄÐ×ÓÃû£¬albert, herbert, bertram µÄêdzƣ¬Òà×÷burt£©mildredÃ׶ûµÂÀïµÂ£¨Å®×ÓÃû£©language sense enhancement1. read aloud paragraphs 9-10 and learn them by heart.2. read aloud the following poem written by the american deaf-blind writer and educa
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