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1、生物学复习笔记普通生物学于兰州大学继续教育学院生命科学学院生物学基地班2013/7/3生物学化学部分:、 糖是多羟基醛或多羟基酮,而糖类是糖及其衍生物、或水解时能产生这些化合物的物质的总称。、 实验式为(CH2O)n、碳水化合物(carbohydrate)、 糖类的作用:1. 作为生物体的结构成分2. 作为生物体内的主要能源物质3. 在生物体内转变为其他物质4. 作为细胞识别的信息分子、 直链淀粉分子量约1万-200万,平均250-260个D-葡萄糖分子,以a(14)糖苷键聚合而成。呈螺旋结构,遇碘显蓝色。在天然淀粉中约有20-30%的淀粉为直链淀粉。支链淀粉中除了a(14)糖苷键构成糖链以外

2、,在分支点处存在a(16)糖苷键,遇碘显紫红色。在天然淀粉中约有70-80%的淀粉为支链淀粉。支链淀粉的分子量较直链淀粉大得多,一般平均由6000个D-葡萄糖残基组成,分子量为1百万左右。、 直链淀粉的二级结构是一个左手螺旋,每圈螺旋含6个残基,螺距0.8nm,直径1.4nm。碘分子正好能嵌入螺旋中心,每圈可容纳一个碘分子(I 2),通过朝向圈内的羟基氧(提供未共享电子对)和碘(提供空轨道)之间的相互作用形成稳定的深蓝色淀粉碘络合物。产生特征性的蓝色需要约36个即6圈葡萄糖残基。支链淀粉螺旋(约2530个残基)中的短串碘分子比直链淀粉螺旋中的长串碘分子吸收更短波长的光,因此支链淀粉遇碘呈紫色到

3、紫红色。、 糖蛋白(glycoproteins)寡糖结合到蛋白质上形成糖蛋白。许多膜内在蛋白和分泌蛋白是糖蛋白。、 蛋白聚糖(Proteoglycan)蛋白聚糖是一类特殊的糖蛋白,由一条或多条糖胺聚糖链和一个核心蛋白共价连接而成。蛋白聚糖是细胞表面或细胞外基质的大分子。蛋白聚糖分子有较强的亲水性,分子内间隙中和分子周围结合着相当量的水分子。、 氨基酸的通式: 、 常见氨基酸: 、氨基酸的甲醛滴定曲线:由于加甲醛与氨基酸的氨基反应,减弱了氨基的碱性,使得滴定终点向中性pH偏移,由pH12左右降低到pH9左右,正好是酚酞指示剂的变色区域 、蛋白质的水解:(1)酸水解:用6 mol/L HCl或4

4、mol/L H2SO4回流20h左右可使蛋白质完全水解。酸水解不引起消旋作用,得到的是L-氨基酸。但色氨酸被完全破坏,丝氨酸和苏氨酸有一小部分被分解,同时天冬酰胺和谷氨酰胺的酰胺基被水解下来。(2)碱水解:与5 mol/L NaOH共沸1020h可使蛋白质完全水解。碱水解导致多数氨基酸破坏,并引起消旋作用,得到的是D-和L-氨基酸的混合物。碱水解引起精氨酸脱氨,生成鸟氨酸和尿素。但色氨酸是稳定的。(3)酶水解:不同的蛋白酶有不同的切割特异性,需要几种酶共同作用才能使蛋白质完全水解。酶水解常用于产生肽段。、20种常见氨基酸的平均分子量为138;组成蛋白质的氨基酸的平均分子量为128; 每个氨基酸


6、倾向于共平面,形成所谓的多肽主链的酰胺平面(amideplane)或称肽平面(peptide plane)。 CN 键的长度为0.133nm,比正常的 CN 单键(0.145nm)短,但比典型的 C=N 键(0.125nm)长。估计肽基中的 CN 键具有约40%的双键性质,而 C=O 键具有40%的单键性质,在室温下足以防止 CN 键旋转。杂化的中间态酰胺带有0.28个净正电荷,羰基带有0.28个净负电荷,肽键具有永久偶极。、在某一pH下,肽中各可解离基团解离得到的净电荷为0,这个pH就是该肽的等电点。、单克隆抗体的制备方法:用目的抗原免疫小鼠,取小鼠脾脏制成B淋巴细胞悬液;繁殖小鼠骨髓瘤细胞

7、;将制得的B淋巴细胞与骨髓瘤细胞融合,产生杂交瘤细胞;转移到只有杂交瘤细胞才能生长的培养基中进行选择性培养;用ELISA法筛选出能分泌目的抗体的单克隆杂交瘤细胞株;扩大培养,从培养液中提取纯化单克隆抗体。18、肌肉收缩: 19、蛋白质测序:酶水解肽链成短的肽段。采用两套以上的酶水解方法,得到互相重叠的肽段。分离纯化这些肽段,并鉴定各肽段的C末端氨基酸及N末端氨基酸。测定各肽段的序列。确定天冬酰胺、谷氨酰胺以及链内或链间二硫键的位置。拼出完整肽链的序列。N末端分析:二硝基氟苯法(DNFB法):用DNFB(Sanger试剂)与肽链N末端的氨基反应,生成DNP多肽或DNP蛋白质。然后水解肽链,分离得



10、肽酶C和Y可以释放任何一种C末端氨基酸。二硫桥的断裂:先加8mol/L尿素或6mol/L盐酸胍使蛋白质变性,再用氧化法或还原法断裂二硫键。还原法产生的巯基要用烷基化试剂如碘乙酸保护起来,以免重新形成二硫键。氨基酸组成的分析:酸水解分析除色氨酸外的其它氨基酸,碱水解分析色氨酸。为了准确分析酸水解中被部分破坏的Ser、Thr、Tyr、Cys的量,酸水解24、48、72小时后,分析这些氨基酸的量,然后外推至0时得到这些氨基酸不被破坏时的量。分析酸水解液中NH3的量,得出有多少个Asn + Gln。氨基酸的分析:离子交换柱层析分离,茚三酮染色,比色定量。 20、稳定蛋白质三维结构的作用力主要是一些所谓


12、也称为3.613螺旋。22、R基太大也不能形成螺旋,如多聚亮氨酸。脯氨酸的CN键和CN都不能旋转,而且不具有酰胺氢,不能形成链内氢键。因此,多肽链中只要出现脯氨酸,螺旋即被中断,产生一个“结节”(kink)23、折叠片(pleated sheet):侧链基团都垂直于折叠片的平面,并交替地从平面上下二侧伸出。折叠片有两种形式,一种是平行式(parallel),另一种是反平行式(antiparallel),氢键在股间形成。折叠片中的每条肽链称为折叠股或股(strand)。24、转角(turn):由于甘氨酸缺少侧链,在转角中能很好地调整其它残基的空间障碍,因此甘氨酸是形成转角最合适的氨基酸。脯氨酸具

13、有固定的角,在一定程度上迫使转角形成。25、无规卷曲(random coil):无规卷曲泛指那些没有明确的、有规律的二级结构的肽链区段。26、结构域(domain)是多肽链在二级结构或超二级结构的基础上形成三级结构的局部折叠区,它是相对独立的紧密球状实体。结构域是球状蛋白质的独立折叠单位。27、结构域大体可分为 4 类:反平行螺旋结构域(全结构),平行或混合型折叠片结构域(,结构),反平行折叠片结构域(全结构),富含金属或二硫键结构域(不规则小蛋白结构)。28、蛋白质变性的实质是分子中的次级键被破坏,引起天然构象发生重大变化,但一级结构保持不变。蛋白质变性过程中,往往发生下列现象:1生物活性丧

14、失:催化活性、运输功能、运动功能、与其它物质结合的功能等丧失。2一些侧链基团暴露:结构变得松散。3一些物理化学性质改变:聚集、沉淀、粘度增加、旋光及紫外吸收改变。4生物化学性质改变:易受蛋白酶水解。29、变性剂(denaturing agent)尿素和盐酸胍能与主链竞争形成氢键,破坏蛋白质的二级结构。还能增加疏水基团在水中的溶解度,破坏蛋白质的三级结构。SDS(Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate,十二烷基硫酸钠,注意:不是SodiumDodecyl Sulfonate,十二烷基磺酸钠)也是蛋白质的变性剂,它也是破坏蛋白质分子内的疏水作用。30、有些酶仅由蛋白质组成,也有些酶除了蛋白质


16、对偏向一侧,形成一条大沟和一条小沟。(3)双螺旋的平均直径为2nm,两个相邻的碱基对之间相距的高度,即碱基堆积距离为0.34nm,两个核苷酸之间的夹角为36。因此,沿中心轴每旋转一圈有10个核苷酸,每一圈的高度(螺距)为3.4nm。(4)两条核苷酸链依靠彼此碱基之间形成的氢键而结合在一起,A必须与T配对,G必须与C配对。AT之间形成两个氢键,GC之间形成3个氢键。 (5)碱基在一条链上的排列顺序不受任何限制,但根据碱基配对的原则,当一条链上的碱基序列确定后,另一条链上的碱基序列必须与之互补。两条链互为互补链。33、激素按其化学本质可以分为3类:含氮激素,包括蛋白质、多肽、氨基酸衍生物。甾醇类激


18、产生2分子ATP。糖酵解途径在胞质溶胶中进行。 36、中间产物磷酸化至少有三种意义:带有负电荷的磷酸基团使中间产物具有极性,从而使这些产物不易透过脂膜而失散;磷酸基团在各反应步骤中,对酶来说,起到信号基团的作用,有利于与酶结合而被催化;磷酸基团经酵解作用后,最终形成ATP的末端磷酸基团,因此具有保存能量的作用。 37、在糖酵解途径中,由己糖激酶、磷酸果糖激酶和丙酮酸激酶催化的反应实际上都是不可逆反应,因此,这三种酶都具有调节糖酵解途径的作用。38、柠檬酸循环(citric acid cycle)也叫三羧酸循环(tricarboxylic acid cycle, TCA循环), 因为德国科学家H

19、ans Krebs在阐明柠檬酸循环中作出了突出贡献,又将此途径称为Krebs循环。在有氧条件下,糖酵解途径产生的丙酮酸进入线粒体,先转变成乙酰CoA,乙酰CoA再进入柠檬酸循环彻底氧化成CO2。在真核细胞中,柠檬酸循环是在线粒体中进行的。39、 40、 41、线粒体中脂肪酸彻底氧化的三大步骤: 植物生理学1、Secondary Metabolites【次生代谢】:Secondary metabolites are organic compounds that are not directly involved in the normalgrowth, development, or repro

20、duction of organisms.2、特点:does not resultin immediate death Not ubiquitouslydistributed3、Major Groups of Plant Secondary Metabolites:Lipid derivates、Phenolic compounds、Triterpenes 、N-containing compounds 4、Shikimic acid pathway(莽草酸途径)plantphenolic compounds biosynthesis: 苯丙氨酸 、酪氨酸 是植物芳香族氨基酸合成的基本途径 是

21、植物初生代谢与次生代谢将要产生分支的代谢节点 5、草甘磷抑制催化5-磷酸莽草酸与PEP合成3-烯醇丙酮酸莽草酸-5-磷酸的酶。本途径存在于高等植物、真菌和细菌中,而动物则无,所以动物不能合成苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸和色氨酸这3种芳香族氨基酸,必须从食物中补充。6、The branch pointenzyme between primary and secondary (phenylpropanoid) metabolism:PAL【苯丙氨酸到肉桂酸】7、Flavonoids黄酮类 (or bioflavonoids),also collectively known as Vitamin P and c

22、itrin 8、Plant triterpenesbiosynthesis: two pathways :甲瓦龙酸途径:磷酸甲基赤藓糖醇途径:9、Function ofSecondary Metabolites: Defense against diseases Defense againstherbivory Allelopathy化感作用: abiological phenomenon by which an organism produces one or more biochemicalsthat influence the growth, survival, and reproduc

23、tion of other organisms.10、植物韧皮部结构:Sieveelements 筛板,筛孔,筛域,异染色质,光面内质网-胼胝体,p蛋白Companioncells普通伴胞,转移细胞,中间细胞11、Sugars AreTranslocated in Non-ReducingForm 12、Source: anyexporting organs, typically mature leaves, that are capable of producingphotosynthate in excess of their own needs13、Sink: anynonphotosy

24、nthetic organs of the plant and organs that do not produce enoughphotosynthetic products to support their own growth or storage needs.14、Source-sink unit一个源器官和直接接受其输出同化物的库器管所组成的供求单位。 15、The mechanism oftranslocation in the phloem:Pressure Flow Model1. Sucrose蔗糖 is loaded into sieve tubes by activetr

25、ansport. 2. Water potential decreases and water enterssieve tubes by osmosis, turgor膨压 pressure.3. Turgor pressure pushes solutes to sink,where it is needed while water moving in and out of the sieve tubes4.Removal of sucrose at sink increases waterpotential causing water to move out of the sieve tu

26、be at the sink5. Solutes move to sink cells and water goesback to xylem. 16、Sucrose is activelytaken up into the sieve elements by H+/sucrose co-transporters 17、Sucrose is exportedthrough SWEETs,a group of sucrose unitranpoters. 18、The Principal Auxinin Higher Plants Is Indole-3-Acetic Acid 19、Biosy

27、nthesis andMetabolism of Auxin:IAA is synthesized mainly in meristems, young leaves, and developing fruits and seeds.Multiple pathways exist for thebiosynthesis of IAA (referred to by their key intermediates)-The IPA (indole-3-pyruvic acid) pathway;The TAM (tryptamine) pathway;The IAN (indole-3-acet

28、onitrile) pathway20、IAA is degraded bymultiple pathways: Decarboxylation Peroxidase The biologicalsignificance is unclear although peroxidases are ubiquitous and have abilitiesto degrade IAA. Non-decarboxylationpathways IAA-Asp, IAA-Glu 21、IAAconjugation/modification: storing inactive forms or trigg

29、ering degradation ofIAA IAA-amino acids: IAA-Ala, IAA-Leu,IAA-Phe, and etc IAA-Asp, IAA-Glu IAA-sugar IAA-methyl ester Indole-3-butyric acid(IBA)Converted to IAA through -oxidation22、Polar transport In plants, auxin istransported mainly from apical to the basal end (basipetally). This type ofunidire

30、ctional transport is term polar transport. 23、Chemiosmotic Model(溶质跨膜运输的化学渗透模型):1. The cell wall is maintained at an acidic pH by the activity of the plasmamembrane H+-ATPase. A portionof auxin (pKa 4.75) molecules are in IAAH form (15%).2. IAA enters the cell either passively inthe un-dissociated f

31、orm (IAAH) or by secondary active co-transport in theanionic form (IAA).3. In the cytosol, which has a neutral pH, the anionic form (IAA) predominates4. The anions exit the cell via auxin anionefflux carriers that areconcentrated at the basal ends of each cell in the longitudinal pathway. 24、AUX1, t

32、he auxin influx carrier;PINs, theauxin efflux carriers,Different PIN proteins orient differently,Thedistribution of PIN proteins contributes to the auxin gradients25、Auxin TransportInhibitors (ATIs) 三碘苯甲酸等26、 Roles of Auxin: Physiological roles Cell elongation promote or inhibitgrowth, depending on

33、tissues Tropisms Phototropism Gravitropism Thigmotropism Developmental roles Apical dominance Promotes the Formation of Lateral andAdventitious Roots Delays the Onset 开始of LeafAbscission Auxin TransportRegulates Floral Bud Development Induces Vascular Differentiation Promotes Fruit Development27、Aux

34、in SignalTransduction:When auxin level is low, thetranscriptional activity of ARF is repressed by Aux/IAA If auxin level is high, TIR1 binding with auxin initiates proteolysis of Aux/IAA ARF takes effect on gene expressions 28、Auxin receptors:Theauxin-receptor TIR1is a component of the SCF ubiquitin

35、 ligase complex SCFTIR129、26S proteasome30、GA:Commonfeatures of bioactive Gas【GA1、3、4】A hydroxyl group on C-3A carboxyl group on C-6A lactone between C-4 and C-10 31、Gibberellin issynthesized mainly in the shoot apex顶点and in youngdeveloping leaves.32、GibberellinBiosynthesis:Stage 1: Production of te

36、rpenoid precursors and ent-kaurene inplastids 【CPS:ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase(古巴基焦磷酸合酶)质体 KS: ent-kaurene synthase(贝壳杉烯合酶 )质体 】甲基赤藓糖醇途径为主,甲瓦龙酸途径为辅。Stage2: Oxidation reactions from ent-Kaurene to GA12 【KO: ent-Kaureneoxidase (贝壳杉烯氧化酶)质体KAO: ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase (贝壳杉烯酸氧化酶)内质网上 】Stage 3: Fr

37、om GA12to bioactive GAs 【GA20ox: GA 20-oxidase、GA3ox: GA 3-oxidase细胞质】早期(非)C13途径33、Gibberellins aredeactivated by ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE (EUI) through 16,17-epoxidation环氧化作用 and bygibberellin methyltransferases (GAMTs) through methylation34、Physiological roles: Shoot elongation Juvenile trans

38、ition Sexual differentiation Seed germination 35、Signal transduction DELLA proteins: RGA andGAI SCF (stem cell factor)-type E3 ligase GA receptor: GID136、Cytokinins:反式玉米素(t-zeatin)是高等植物中最普遍存在的细胞分裂素;结合态的细胞分裂素没有激素活性37、细胞分裂素的拮抗剂:N,N-联苯脲 ;噻苯隆/脱叶脲 38、Root apical 顶端meristemsare major sites of synthesis of

39、 the free cytokinins in whole plantsThe cytokinins synthesized in roots movethrough the xylem into the shoot 39、合成:adenosinephosphate-isopentenyl-transferase (IPT),腺苷磷酸-异戊烯基转移酶(限速酶) 40、: LOG producesactive CKs in a single step:LONELY GUY: cytokinin nucleoside 5-monophosphatephosphoribohydrolase 细胞分裂

40、素核苷5-单磷酸磷酸核糖水解酶41、Physiological Rolesof Cytokinins: Shoot/root growthand development Through regulating celldivision and cell differentiation Cell cycleregulation Adventitiousshoot formation The apicaldominance Senescence andflowering Reproductive development42、The Auxin: CytokininRatio Regulates Mo

41、rphogenesis in Cultured Tissues :43、Signal Transduction:CKI1 AHK4 CRE1 Function as a CytokininReceptor 44、Abscisic Acid:S-cis-ABA Presented in all plants including liverworts, in animals from seasponges to mammals. 45、Biosynthesis of ABAin plants (indirect pathway):NCED 9-顺-新黄质双加氧酶ABA is synthesized

42、 in the plastid andcytoplasm 46、ABA Can BeInactivated by Oxidation or Conjugation红花菜豆酸 ABAD葡萄糖脂6羟甲基脱落酸、ABA Signaling: PYR1 、Roles of ABA: Guard cell responses Root growth Vegetative dehydrationresponses and osmoprotectants Seed development Biotic stressresponses Drought-tolerant plants、Ethylene:Ethy

43、lene is produced from methionine (Met) via S-adenosylmethionine(AdoMet) by the action of ACC synthase (ACS) and ACC oxidase (ACO).ACC合成酶:ACC synthase(乙烯合成关键酶),以磷酸吡哆醛为辅酶,被AVG(amino-oxy acetic acid)、AOA(aminoethoxy-vinylglycine)抑制ACC氧化酶:ACC oxidase,也称乙烯形成酶(ethylene formation enzyme),活性发挥需要铁、抗坏血酸和CO2,被

44、Co2抑制ACC N-丙二酰转移酶:ACC N-malonyltransferase,防止乙烯过量产生、Triple responses:茎伸长抑制,侧向(增粗)生长,上胚轴水平生长、Epinasty偏上性:The upper(adaxial) side of the petiole grows faster than the lower (abaxial) side istermed epinasty、ETR1, the ethylene receptor, is a negative regulator: 、Brassinosteroids油菜素内酯:Roles of BR in plan

45、ts 种子萌发 程序性死亡光形态建成向光反应BRI1, the BR receptor 、Necrosis is death brought about by physical damage, poisons, orother external injury、Senescence is a normal, energy-dependent developmental process thatis controlled by the plants own genetic program、Monocarpicsenescence:The entire plant on the left under

46、went senescence after floweringand producing fruit (pods). The plant on the right remained remained green andvegetative because its flowers were continually removed. (Courtesy of L. Noodn.)、Cell growth: Driven by turgorpressure Determined by old wallloosening and new wall assembly XETs(木葡聚糖内糖基转移酶) E

47、xpansins PMEs、Differentiationis the process by which a cell acquires metabolic,structural, and functional properties that are distinct from those of itsprogenitor cell、Totipotency: plant cells, if having nucleus, retain all the genetic informationrequired for the development of a complete plant、Stem

48、cell niches:Specific environments that providesignals to block differentiation (No stem cell niches, no stem cell),In plants,stem cell niches are situated in the shoot, root, and vascular meristems 、Shoot Stem Cell Niche :KNOX CLVWUS62、Maintenance of shootstem cell niches KNOX regulation of thecytok

49、inin/gibberellic acid balance WUS controlsmeristem function by direct regulation of cytokinin-inducible responseregulators. WUS is required for expression of the CLV3 gene in the stem cell region of shoot and oralmeristems63、The QCfunctions as organizer of the root stem cell niche64、Cell polarity: t

50、he asymmetric distribution of cellular components along a particular axis within a cellCell polarity isfundamental to development, growth, and morphogenesis in every stage of theplant life cycle. 65、Model cell polaritysystems in plants.(a)Tip growth model: the pollen tube. (Left) A schematic of the

51、top portion ofa pistil with growing pollen tubes. (Right) A schematic showing the polarizedcellular structure of pollen tubes. (b) Epidermalcells as a model for the study of planar cell polarity and/or the polarityof diffuse growth. (Left) Single-cell leaf trichome. (Middle) Trichoblast androot hair

52、s. (Right) Pavement cells. (c) Thepolar localization of PINs (PIN-FORMED proteins), which directs auxin owand produces auxin gradients, is used as a model for the study of asymmetricdistribution of molecules within a cell. (d )Guard cell differentiation as amodel for the investigation of the polarit

53、y of cell division. 66、The plant subfamilyof conserved Rho GTPases, ROP, isthe central regulator of cell polarity signaling 67、The L1 layer givesrise to the epidermis, L2 to mesophyll cells that provide germ line cells thatform gametes, and L3 cells to central tissues of the leaf and stem. 68、Embryo

54、genesis is theprocess by which a single cell is transformed into multi-cellular, microscopic,embryonic plant (embryo).69、胚胎发生时期:The globular stage embryo. Afterthe first zygotic division, the apical cell undergoes a series of highlyordered divisions, generating an eight-cell (octant) globular embryo

55、 by 30hours after fertilizationThe heart stage embryo. Thisstage forms through rapid cell divisions in two regions on either side of thefuture shoot apex. These two regions produce outgrowths that later will giverise to the cotyledons and give the embryo bilateral symmetryThe torpedo stage embryo. Thisstage forms as a result of cell elongation throughout the embryo axis andfurther development of the cotyledonsThe maturation stage embryo.Toward the end of embryogenesis, the


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