



1、1)欢迎辞 It is my special pleasure to welcome our new staff member, Mr. John Water, who has come here from the Un ited States.2)欢迎辞 It is really a great honor and pleasure for me to attend and speak at the opening ceremony of 1995 Summer Chin ese Program for the Can adia ns. On behalf of An huiUni vers

2、ity, I exte nd my warm welcome to all Can adia n friends who .3)欢迎辞 On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 1975 Beijing InternationalSwim ming Meet, I exte nd my warm welcome to all of you to this ope ning ceremony.4)开幕辞 Allow me now to call the meeting to order. First, I welcome you all on be

3、half of the Executive Committee of the Con gress on the Peaceful Use of Atomic En ergy.5)开幕辞 Welcome everybody. Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for coming tonightto celebrate this happy and joyous occasi on.6)开幕辞 Happy New Year, everybody. I am very happy to see all of you here to celebrate th

4、e arrival of the new year.7)祝酒辞 I'd like to propose a toast to Mr. Black on his seventieth birthday.8)欢送辞 We are very sad to say good-bye to Mr. Brown.9)欢送辞 We enjoyed every minute that we worked with you.10)祝贺辞 I am truly happy to speak for all of us in congratulating Mr. Brown, the winner of t

5、he con test.11)祝贺辞 We are all thrilled that you won in such a famous con test.12)祝福语:I wish you the best of luck in the new year.13)祝福语 I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay.14)祝福语 I take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty welcome.15)答谢辞 Words cannot express how grateful I am to you all

6、. I am truly honored by the kindn ess and atte nti on you have show n me today.16)答谢辞 I wish, first of all, to thank myhost and hostess for inviting me to this Christmas dinner."As we bring the Olympic dream to life, our warm tha nks go to the Beiji ng Orga nisi ng Committee for its tireless wo

7、rk. Our special tha nks also go to the thousa nds of gracious volun teers, without whom none of this would be possible.""Beiji ng, you are a host to the prese nt and a gateway to the future. Thank you.""I now have the honour of ask ing the Preside nt of the People's Republic

8、of China to ope n the Games of the 29th Olympiad of the moder n era." 本文来源于枫叶教育网()原文链接:http:/www.fyeedu. net/i nfo/95467-2.htmProfessor Liyin SHEN, The Preside nt of The Chin ese Research In stitute ofCon struct ion Man ageme nt; The Chairma n of theOrga nizi ng Committee for the 10thCRIOCM 200

9、5 Intern ati onalResearch Symposium on Adva nceme nt of Con struct ionMan ageme nt and Real EstateDear Preside nt HU Jia nm iao, Our Hono rable Guests, Ladies and Gen tleme n,lt is my great honor to prese nt the ope ning address on behalf of the Chin ese Research InstituteofConstructionManagementand

10、 the Organizing Committee for the 10th CRIOCM2005 InternationalResearchSymposium on Advancement of ConstructionManagement andReal Estate, and the 10thAnn iversary of the CRIOCM! I have great pleasure inwelcomi ng all you to atte nd and participate in this Intern ati onal Symposium!This symposium is

11、orga ni zed by the Chin ese Research In stitute of Con structi onManagement andZhejiang University,in collaborationwith other organizersincludingHan gzhou Binjia ng Real EstateCooperatio n, Zhejia ng Uni versity of Tech no logy,Zhejiang Universityof Finance and Economics, The Hong Kong PolytechnicUn

12、iversity,Shen zhe n Uni versity, the Jour nal of Con struct ion Economy,Uni versity of Readi ngof Un ited Kin gdom, and Uni versity of New South Wales of Australia. A great deal of support has been contributed by all the organizers for the preparation of this Symposium and I would like to take this

13、opport unity to exte nd to all you our sin cerest gratitude.The Chin ese Research In stitute of Con struct ion Man ageme nt has experie need a hard-work ing and yetfruitful ten-years history. With over 200 members, theIn stitute has become a well-k nown and in flue ntialresearch forum in the field o

14、fcon struct ionman ageme nt and real estate. Our Intern ati onalJour nal of Con structi onMan ageme nt has bee n con tributi ng valuably to the developme nt of both research and practice in its discipli ne, and it has bee n subscribed by in creas ing nu mber of academic institutionsworld wide. Our g

15、oal is to develop the Journal to one of theleading internationaljournals in our fields. Our annual research symposium on theAdvancement of Construction Managementand Real Estate has been well received among both academics and practitioners in Chinese Mainland and an increasing number of overseas cou

16、ntries and regions. The past nine symposiums were successfully held in various locations inChinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. We are actively planning to conduct the future Symposiums in other overseas countries. These events have been providing an important venue for academics andprofessionals

17、toexchange research findings and practical experience. They have contributed significantlyto the promotion of collaboration on construction management andreal estate between China and othercountries. We are now witnessing our 10thSymposium, with the attendance of over 100 delegates and the contribut

18、ion of more than 90 research papers. I believe this will be a great event!In line with the globalization of the economy, construction management and real estate is developingtowards the era of internationalization. Countries such asChina have been making great progress towardsthis direction. We are

19、very proudthat we are part of the driving force for this development. In the coming two days, you will be able to share each other yourleading edge research findings andexperience over 10th CRIOCM 2005 International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estatewide ran

20、ge of topics under the themesof Construction Management in 21st Century; The Impact of Land, Population, Finance on the Real Estate Development; Sustainable Development in Construction and Land Use; Urbanization and Regional Development; Land Use and Management; Housing and Real Estate; Construction

21、 Project Management; and IT Applications in Construction Management and Real Estate.This Symposium provides us with a good opportunity to meet our old friends, make new friends and shareour most updated knowledge. I understand that many of youcome from a long way all over the world forthis special e

22、vent. Many of you areMembers of CRIOCM.Wehave delegates from many academic institutes including those top prestigious universities, public sector organizations and business firms in Chinese mainland. Wehave overseas delegates from United Kingdom, Japan, Netherlands, India, the United Arab Emirates,

23、Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Wealso have the honorable attendance bythe officials and experts from the Ministry of Landand Resources, the Ministry of Construction and theMinistry of Science andTechnology. All you have worked very hard in preparing for this visit. It is all you who make this

24、symposium happen. Your continuous support and participation will increase our confidence in making greater contributions to the development of construction management and realestate.For the preparation of this great event, much effort has been made by the members of the Organizing Committee, the mem

25、bersof the International Scientific Committee, and the members of the Symposium Secretariat. On behalf of the CRIOCM and all the delegates here I would like to extend to all you oursincerest gratitude. Ourspecial gratitude goes to the Host of this Symposium, the Institute of Land Scienceand Property

26、 Management at Zhejiang University, for your excellent contribution!For the success of holding this Symposium, the senior management of Zhejiang University has kindly provided us with valuable support. We have also received support from the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Science and Technology. On behalf of the CRIOCMand the Organizing Committee of the Symposium, I have great pleasure to extend to all you our sincerest gratitude. Finally, I wish all you have an enjoyable time during the Symposium, and have a


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