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1、整理ppt名词性从句复习名词性从句复习The revision of Noun Clauses高三英语组高三英语组Welcome to our class!整理pptTeaching GoalsKey points:1.Definition(定义定义)2.Types(种类)(种类)3.Conjunctions(连接词)(连接词)Difficult pointThe difference between Appositive Clause and Attributive clause.(同从与定从区别)(同从与定从区别)整理pptWhat kind of clauses did you use

2、yesterday ?1.The activity will be held in our gym where we used to exercise.(From 欧阳为)欧阳为)2.What I want to tell you is that nowadays our school tries to hold an activity ,which is about sharing something meaningful by some foreign students who study in China.(From 汤益南)汤益南)3.There will be an interest

3、ing activity in our school which is intended to appeal to foreign students to tell stories.(From 段文雪)段文雪)4.Gone are the days when you studied in China, but I believe that the valuable memory is in your mind.(From夏晨霞)夏晨霞)定从定从主从主从表从表从定从定从定从定从定从定从定从定从宾从宾从整理ppt1.Definition(定义): What is Noun clause? 名词性从

4、句的作用相当于名词性从句的作用相当于_,因此主语因此主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句分别作主句的分别作主句的_、_、_和和_。 而定语从句跟在而定语从句跟在_或或_后面,后面,在主句中作在主句中作_. 名词名词 主语主语 宾语宾语 表语表语 同位语同位语 名词名词 代词代词 定语定语整理ppt 名词性从句名词性从句 noun clause 主语从句主语从句subject clause 宾语从句宾语从句object clause 表语从句表语从句predicative clause 同位语从句同位语从句appositive clause2.Types整

5、理pptSubject Clause1. That she was chosen made us very happy.2. What developing countries really need to do is to stop poverty by fighting the causes of it.3.It was obvious that the driver cant control his car. Questions: 1.Whats the difference between that and what? 2.When the Subject is too long, w

6、hat should we do? 3.Can the conjunction(连词连词)that be left out in the Subjective Clause?整理pptIt is 名词名词 从句从句 1. It is time that(虚拟语气虚拟语气) 2. It is the first time that(现在完成时)(现在完成时) 3. It is a pity /no wonder/ an honor/a shame/ that It is 形容词形容词 从句从句 4. It is necessary /important/that(should )do It 不及

7、物动词不及物动词 从句从句 5. It turned out/occurred to sb/ that; It is 过去分词过去分词 从句从句 6. It is said /reported/believed/ that; It is suggested /required, ordered/ that(should) do Oral practice: (it作形式主语)作形式主语)Try to make some sentences by using one of the sentence structures below.整理pptObject Clause1.We all agree

8、 with_ you said at the meeting.2.We thought _the question is too difficult.3.We know you are a kind boy and_ you are always helping others.4.Our school made_ a rule that we read English every Wednesday and Friday thatwhatthatit整理pptTips: it作形式宾语作形式宾语 1. find/feel/think/consider/make/believe+it +n /a

9、dj + 宾语从句宾语从句 2. hate/like/appreciate/see to/have/help / rely on +it +宾语从句宾语从句Translation: 我认为你们课堂上踊跃参加讨论是很重要的。我认为你们课堂上踊跃参加讨论是很重要的。b. 如果你能给我一些找工作的建议,我会很感激。如果你能给我一些找工作的建议,我会很感激。I think it important that you can take an active part in discussion in class.I will appreciate it if you can give me some ad

10、vice/suggestions on seeking for a job.整理pptObject Clause1.We all agree with_ you said at the meeting.2.We thought _the question is too difficult.3.We know you are a kind boy and_ you are always helping others.4.Our school made_ a rule that we read English every Wednesday and Friday 5.I wonder_he wil

11、l get there in time or not.thatwhetherwhatthatitWhat is the difference of whether and if?整理ppt只用只用whether不用不用if 的情况的情况1._、_、 _以及以及_后的宾语从句中。后的宾语从句中。2.whether后直接可接后直接可接_或者或者_.主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句同位语从句同位语从句介词介词to door not整理ppt_happens, I will understand and forgive _you do.Whatever/No matter whatwhateverWh

12、atever/whoever/whichever.与与no matter what/who/which区别区别point: _等同类词既可以引导名词性等同类词既可以引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,而从句,也可引导让步状语从句,而_等只能引导让步状语从句。等只能引导让步状语从句。whateverNo matter what整理pptYou can pick_ you like.You cant imagine _difficult the situation is. I hold the belief that you can overcome_ difficulty you meet.

13、A. whichever B. whatever C. howeverACAttention:however+_ Whatever+_Whichever_范围,翻译成范围,翻译成_;B形容词或副词形容词或副词名词名词有有无论哪一个无论哪一个整理ppt很多人想知道为什么胡歌吸引了这么多粉丝。原因可能是很多人想知道为什么胡歌吸引了这么多粉丝。原因可能是他拥有帅气的外表和精湛的演技。他拥有帅气的外表和精湛的演技。Many people wondered_(attract).The reason why he is popular is_ _._.why Hu Ge attracted so many

14、 fansobject clause宾语从句宾语从句 that he has handsome appearance and excellent performancePredicative clause表语从句表语从句整理pptTip: 同位语从句与定语从句的区别同位语从句与定语从句的区别Comparison:同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句The fact that your compositions have improved really makes me satisfied.The fact that you told me yesterday really shocked me

15、.Tip:共同点:共同点:都跟在都跟在_后面。后面。不同:不同:1.that: 在定从中当成分,做在定从中当成分,做_可省;可省; 在同从中在同从中_成分,只起连接作用。成分,只起连接作用。2.作用:定从修饰作用:定从修饰_,而同位语从句而同位语从句_前面的前面的 名词。名词。名词名词宾语宾语不当不当先行词先行词解释说明解释说明整理ppt 2.改错改错 The thought he might fail in the exam worried him.1)The request that you returned the book on time was made yesterday.1.Th

16、e manager put forward a suggestion that we should have an assistant.2.We expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.3.The news that we got last week is true.4.The question that we discussed yesterday is hard.同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句thatreturn1.判断从句类型判断从句类型名词性从句中如果有表示建议、命令、请求、忠告时,名词性从句中

17、如果有表示建议、命令、请求、忠告时,用虚拟语气,从句动词用(用虚拟语气,从句动词用(shoud)do定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句整理pptSummary:名词性从句连接词的选择名词性从句连接词的选择连接词连接词只起连接作用,没有意义只起连接作用,没有意义:_:_连接代词连接代词( (名词性从句中充当主语、宾语、表语或者定语名词性从句中充当主语、宾语、表语或者定语) )_连接副词连接副词( (名词性从句中当状语,带有疑问意义名词性从句中当状语,带有疑问意义) )_what / who / which /whom/whose/whatever/whoever/whicheverwhether/

18、if/when/where/why/how/wheneverthat整理pptPlease find the mistakes in this dialogue.A: How was it successful is still a puzzle.B: No one can be sure what can you do in the future.it wasyou canTip:名词性从句中要用名词性从句中要用_语序,从句的连语序,从句的连接词应该放在接词应该放在从句句首从句句首。陈述陈述Tip 名词性从句语序名词性从句语序整理pptWhat we learntKey points:1.D

19、efinition(定义定义)2.Types(种类)(种类)3.Conjunctions(连接词)(连接词)Difficult pointThe difference between Appositive Clause and Attributive clause.(同从与定从区别)(同从与定从区别)整理pptConsolidation整理ppt1.We thought _the question is too difficult.2.We know you are a kind boy and_ you are always helping others.3.Before the sales

20、 start, I make a list of_my kids will need for the coming season.4._she was invited to the ball made her very happy. 5.It is unclear _side effect the medicine will bring about. 6.I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. Thats _I dont agree。高考链接高考链接语法填词语法填词thatthatwhatTh

21、atwhatwhere整理ppt1.Patience is a kind of quality that is how it takes to do anything well. 2.It is uncertain that you will come or not. 3.There is an activity in our school what many students are interested in.4.I think that worthwhile that we spent so much money on these books.5.He said (that) he co

22、uldnt tell you right away andyou wouldnt understand it.高考链接高考链接改错改错whatwhetherthat/whichitthat整理pptFreeTalk整理ppt It makes us depressed(情绪低落的情绪低落的)/cheerful(高高兴的兴的)/satisfied that _. The reason why we are depressed/cheerful /satisfied is that_. I wish_. What matters(重要的重要的) is _. Free talk about our

23、high school teachers.整理ppt Fill in the blanks A letter to teachers from a graduate整理ppt Dear teachers, 1._makes us depressed2. _we will graduate from NO.1 middle school.The reason why we are so sad is 3._we will say goodbye to our lovely teachers and classmates. The days we spent together are full o

24、f joys and tears. 4._you are always so strict with us made me hate you.However, you are also ready to give your hand to 5._turns to you for help.ItthatthatThatwhoever整理pptNow we understand 6._you have tried to do for us. 7._you do and say is of great help to us.We dont care about 8._we can survive t

25、he struggleNational Entrance Exam or not.9._we cherish is 10._we have enjoyed the process.Thanks for your teaching!Best wishes! Yours, SincerelywhatWhatwhetherWhatthat整理ppt高考真题(2017北京作文)整理pptWriting &Translation1.在激烈的讨论后,我们决定要拍摄视频来记录我们在激烈的讨论后,我们决定要拍摄视频来记录我们在学校的经历。在学校的经历。(decide that宾语从句,视频宾语从句,视

26、频 video)2.首先要做的就是搜集材料,采访老师和给学校各个首先要做的就是搜集材料,采访老师和给学校各个方面留影。方面留影。(What we need to do first are)3.我们关于视频中要包含什么内容有所争论。我们关于视频中要包含什么内容有所争论。(debate over+宾语从句宾语从句)4.几天之后,当视频在毕业典礼几天之后,当视频在毕业典礼(graduation ceremony)上播放时,结果相当成功。上播放时,结果相当成功。(It turned out that)整理pptWriting &Translation1.在激烈的讨论后,我们决定要拍摄视频来记录

27、我们在激烈的讨论后,我们决定要拍摄视频来记录我们在学校的经历。在学校的经历。(decide that宾语从句,视频宾语从句,视频 video)2.首先要做的就是搜集材料,采访老师和给学校各个首先要做的就是搜集材料,采访老师和给学校各个方面留影。方面留影。(What we need to do first are)After a heated discussion, we decided that we should make a video to record our experiences at school.What we need to do first are collecting material, interviewing teachers and taking photos of every aspect of our school.整理pptWriting &Translation3.我们关于视频中要包含什么内容有


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