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1、2007 年泰安市新泰县初三第二次模拟考试英语试卷注意事项:1 本试题分第 I 卷和第n卷两部分。第 I 卷选择题,65 分,第n卷为非选择题,55 分,共 120 分。考试时间为 120 分钟。2 .第 I 卷各题选出答案后,请将答案涂在答题卡上。3答第n卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、填写在指定的位置。考试结束时,只交第n卷。第 I 卷选择题(共 65 分)听力部分。(共 25 分)I 根据听到的句子,选择正确答语.(5 分)1. A. Look, Ive bought a new watch.B. Oh, its still early.C. Its a quarter to eight.2

2、. A. Im sorry. I got up late aga in.n.听对话和问题,选择适当的图画。(共 5 小题,5 分)6. Whats the weather like today?7. Where does Bruce come from?B. It does nt matter.C. Dont be so serious.3. A. Yes, here are you.4. A. She is a teacher.5. A. Sure.B. Certai nly.B. She is my sister.B. Im not sure.C. No way!C. She is En

3、glish.C. All right.ftEn 312. A. Mr Smith isnt in.B. The woma n has got a wrong nu mber.C. The man will look for Mr Smith.13. A. Thirty yua n.B. Five yua n.14. A. Betty borrowed it.B. It is lost.15. A. En gla nd.B. America.IV 根据听到的对话,选择正确答案.(5 分)16. What are they talki ng about?A. Picnic.B. Healthy f

4、ood.17. Whats Toms favorite drink?A. Orange juice. B. Cola.18. What else do they need?A. CrispsB. Bread19. What are they doi ng while theyre talk ing?A. They are havi ng supper.B. They are drinking orange juice.8. Whats Alexs favourite place in Beiji ng?根据听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案.(5分)11. A. On October 23rd.B

5、. On October 21st.C. On October 19th.C. Six yua n.C. Jim borrowed it.C. Germa ny.C. StampsC. MilkC. Fruitii9. What would the sec ond speaker like?10. What could Emily do at the age of ten?C. They are gett ing things ready.20. Where are they going after the meal?A. Theyre going to the bank.B. Theyre

6、going to the supermarket.C. Theyre going to the hospital.V .听短文,选择最佳答案.(5 分)21. What did Georges mother ask him to do?A. She asked him to do his homework.B. She asked him to buy a bag of salt.C. She asked him to buy a bag of sugar.22. How much did the sugar cost?A.2 dollars.B. 8 dollars. C.10 dollar

7、s.23. How much did the shopkeeper pay back to George first?A.7 dollars.B.8 dollars.C.9 dollars.24. Why did the shopkeepers face turn red?A. Because he was angry at the boy.B. Because he found he had made a mistake.C. Because the boy made a mistake.25. Which is TRUE accord ing to the passage?A. Georg

8、e gave nine dollars back to the shopkeeper.B. The shop is very far from Georges home.C. George is an hon est boy.二.单项选择.根据句子的意思.选择可以填入该句子中空处的最佳答案。(共 15 小题,共计 15 分)26. Wang Bin wan ts to be a professi onal athlete. But its a very difficult dream to_A. come up withB. achieveC. improveD. succeed27. You

9、r son is very n aughty. However, you should nt _ trying to help him.A. give upB. give inC. give offD. give away28. Steve n Hawk ing always regards his physical problems_uni mporta nt.29. Our teacher ofte n makes us_ En glish words.A. pay atte nti on to pronounceB. to pay atte nti on to pronounceC. p

10、ay atte nti on to pronouncingD. to pay atte nti on to pronouncing30. Lets go_Maybe we can see_A. somewhere else; someth ing in terest ingB. else somewhere; someth ing in teresti ngC. somewhere else; in terest ing someth ingD. else somewhere; in teresti ng somewhere31. In China people in the south an

11、d those in the north_ differe ntly at the dinner table.A.behaveB.behaves C.eatD. manner32. When they lie on the sand, they feel _ relaxed.A. prettyB. a bit ofC. niceD. beautiful33. I dont believe_he said. Lets forget all_ has happe ned.A. that; thatB. that; what C. what; what D. what; that34. _of th

12、e boys pare nts has come to China with him.A. AllB. BothC. NeitherD. None35. Look at this bedroom. Its so big. And Its my _A. aunt and uncleB. aunt and un clesC. aun ts and un clesD. aun ts and un cle36. Catheri ne is very_ . She isnt afraid to speak in_ public.A. en ergetic; theB. con fide nt ; /C.

13、 brave; the D. shy; /37. -Do you know _ last night?-In Beiji ng Hotel.A. where Mr Gree n stayedB. where did Mr Gree n stayC. what Mr Green didD. what did Mr Green do38. -Would you mind clea ning the room now?-.ll do it right now.A. forB. boutC. ifD. asA. All rightB. Of courseC. Not at allD. Its my p

14、leasure.39. -What a pity! I _ such a wonderful play.-I did nt see it, either. I won der whether it _ aga in.A. missed; will be put onB. have missed; will put onC. have missed; will be put onD. missed; will put on40. -I wonder if he _ ,me with my English.-If I _ you, Id phone him and ask.A. will help

15、, areB. will help, had bee nC. will help, wereD. helps, were三完形填空。(共 10 分)The bike is one of the simplest yet most useful inven ti ons in the world. What is the most surprising is that it was not inven ted 41, although the great inven tor Len ardo da Vinci had draw n pictures forbikes 42 for flying

16、machi nes and some other thin gs. Those things were not produced 43 long after hedied.A person riding a bike 44 very little energy to make it move, and there is no4 _ at all when he isriding one. Even so, in developed countries, most people dont go to work 46 bike. It is not because thebikes are exp

17、e nsive. Its because the nu mber of 47 on the road becomes larger. It certa inly becomesmore 48 to ride a bike. As a result, more people put their bikes away and go to work in their cars, and 49this way, the situation is made more serious. Perhaps the best way to make bike ridi ng safer and more50 i

18、s to create paths only for bikes, and to make it so difficult and expensive for drivers to ride to in theircars into the city that they will go back to use their bikes.41. A. earlierB. fasterC. laterD.cheaper42. A. as forB. and alsoC. so thatD. not only43. A. sinceB. uni essC. un tilD. so44. A. cost

19、sB. takesC. spendsD. uses45. A. polluti onB. airC. environmentD. place46. A. onB. byC. withD. i n47. A. peopleB. trai nsC. carsD. pla nes48. A. safeB. slowC. bori ngD. dan gerous49. A. inB. withC. byD. on50. A. won derfulB. popularC. helpfulD. excelle nt四阅读理解。(共 15 分.A、B、C 三篇阅读理解)A(China Daily, Marc

20、h 3, 2001)The biggest shopp ing center will ope n on March 8.Everybody with todays China Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.Telephone: 38990688Address: No.6 Xida n Road(ENGLISH NEWSPAPER, March 19)E nglish Newspaper needs a foreig n editor. He/She must haveworked in China for m

21、ore than 2 years. British nationality is necessary. The salary is $ 100,000 a year.The term is 3 years. In ten days this piece of advertiseme nt will be not useful.Telephone: 38900666Address No.6 Xi nling Road(CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3,2001)Shan ghai Shen hua Team vs Beijing Guoa n TeamTIME: Februa

22、ry 8, Sun day(3:00)PLACE: Hongkou StadiumTICKET PRICE:RMB 25 yua n(for adults)RMB 15 yua n(for stude nts)NAME: China Cup Football ContestCOACHES: Xu Gen bao Jin Zhiya ng51. If some one has a Chi na Daily of March 3, 2001, he will get a small prese nt _.A. every day B. from China Daily C. on March 8,

23、 2001 D. on March 3, 200152. If a British editor has worked in China for 3 years and come to English Newspaper office toask for the job on April 1, he will _A. get the job B. not get the job C. be a good editor D. be not useful53. En glish Newspapers editor must be_work ing in China for more tha n 2

24、 years.54. The British editor will work in the paper office for _A. a foreig nerB. an America nC. a Chin eseD. an En glishmanA. a year B. over two years C. three years .D. ten days55. If three adults and six stude nts want to watch the match, the tickets will cost RMB _yua n.A.165B.135C.195D.225BHen

25、ry had studied in a uni versity before he came back to his hometow n.He thought he hadlots of knowledge and was supercilious(自大的).At first he was easily given a piece of work in a bank. But he could nt get on well with hisworkmates and ofte n made mistakes. And soon he was sent away. Then he found w

26、ork in a post office,but he still could nt be compete nt at ( 胜任)it and before long he had to leave. After he lost the work,his life got worse and worse and he was of-ten worried about food and clothes. When he hardly askedfor some food in the street, a friend of his aun ts felt pity for him and tol

27、d him to work in his restaura nt.Of course he did nt like the work at all but it was much better tha n being hun gry. He had to work there.One day a young beautiful woma n came in the restaura nt. She wan ted two eggs, some chicke nand a glass of milk. Henry thought she wore beautiful clothes but di

28、d nt have much kno wledge. Whenhe was tak ing the things to her, he found there was a fly in the milk, but he did nt bring it out. As soonas he left her table, he heard her crying behi nd.Whats in my milk, boy? the woma n shouted at him.Have nt you see n its a fly, madam? asked Henry.Its terrible! t

29、he woman said angrily.Dont be angry, madam, Henry said quietly. Its too small. It cant drink much of your milk !根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。56. Why was Henry supercilious? Because_A. he had studied in a uni versityB. he thought he knew much more tha n othersC. he could be compete nt at all the workD. he came from

30、 a big city57. Why was Henry sent away from the bank? Because _A. he did nt like thereB. he could nt get on well with his workmatesC. he was careless in his workD. Both B and C58. Why did the man tell Henry to work in his restaura nt? Because _A. he liked HenryB. he n eeded a lear ned manC. he wan t

31、ed to help HenryD. Henry had lots of kno wledge59. Henry did nt bring the fly out of the milk because _A. he did nt like the young woma nB. he knew her wellC. he hoped she was polite to himD. he hoped she could ask for ano ther drink60. Which of the followi ng is TRUE?A. Henry did nt want to find an

32、o ther piece of work.B. Henry would soon be sent away aga in.C. Henry would be give n a piece of importa nt work.D. The man ager would be afraid of Henry.CCan adia n people are not all the same. There are many differe nt groups. They came to Can adaat differe nt times. They came from differe nt plac

33、es. Many of them still live in differe nt ways.Long ago, only n ative America ns lived in Can ada. They arrived thousa nds of years ago.Today there are about fifty differe nt America n groups.The Eskimos (爱斯基摩人 )came after the n ative America ns did. They have also bee n inCanada for a Iong, long ti

34、me. Most Eskimos live in the north of Canada today, where it is very cold.The Europea n settlers started arrivi ng about 450 years ago.Most came from France. Theyare a large group in Can ada today. They follow French customs and ways of life. They speak theFrench Ian guage. Later, most settlers came

35、 from En gla nd and Scotia nd. They speak En glish. Todaymore tha n half of all the Can adia ns speak En glish.Some Can adia ns also came from Germa ny and Italy. There are smaller groups from otherplaces, too.You can see that differe nt kinds of people are called Can adia ns. Many do not want to fo

36、rget theirown customs and Ian guages. But they share a large coun try. They share a future in that coun try.They are all Can adia ns.61. Who first came to live in Ca nada?A. Eskimos. B. Native America ns. C. Europea ns. D. Africa ns.62. Can adia ns are not all the same because their an cestors 祖先)_A

37、. came from differe nt n atio nsB. lived in differe nt con ti nentsC. had differe nt groupsD. were differe nt in sex or age63. The Europea n settlers bega n to arrive in Can ada about_ years ago.A.350B.450C.550D.65064. Which Ian guage do most Can adia ns speak today?A. Spani sh.B. Fren ch.C. En glis

38、h.D. Germa n65. The best title of the passage is _.A. Customs and Lan guagesB. Native America nsC. SettlersD. The people of Can ada第n卷非选择题(共 55 分)五.任务型阅读。(共 5 小题.5 分)When George was thirty-five, he bought a small pla ne and lear ned to fly it. He, wan ted tobecome very good at flying it and make his

39、 pla ne do (1) all kinds of tricks.George had a friend. His n ame was Mark. One day George wan ted to take Mark up in his pla ne.Mark thought, Ive traveled in big pla nes several times, but rve n ever bee n in a small one. So ni do.They went up, and George flew around for half an hour altogether sin

40、ce he bought it and did all kindsof tricks in the air.When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back(2)safely, and he said to his friendin a shak ing voice, Well, George, tha nk you very much for those two trips in your pla ne.George was very surprised and said, Two trips?Yes, my first and

41、 my last, an swered Mark.根据短文内容,按要求回答下列问题。1. The best title of the passage should be _ 2. How long did it take George to learn how to fly a small plane well?3. 把划线的句子译成汉语: _4. 写出的同义词组:_5. 写出(2)的形容词: _六.词汇运用。(共 15 分)(一) 根据句意和所给首字母提示填上所缺的单词。(5 分)1. My pare nts are a_my pla n and theyre thi nki ng of a

42、 better one.2. Do you like w_ school uniform to school?3. En glish is one of the most importa nt s_ in a middle school.4. She wan ted to be a teacher, but she became a doctor j_.5. Its a nice day. Lets go out for a p_(二) 短文填空。从下面方框中选出10 个单词, 用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内, 使短文意 思正确、通顺(每词限用一次,共 10 分)。surprise; room; restaura nt; too; so; know; seas on; because; before; nothing; heat; makeA man was very hungry , he went into a 6. He 7 that the place was famous for itssteamed bread 馒头),because he had been there


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