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1、专升本中期选拔英语试题训练(六Part I Vocabulary and Structure1. As smok ing_ health, you ,d better give it up.A. affects B. causes C. effects D. in flue nces2. Don?t let me_ your decisi on; you are old eno ugh to decide for yourself.A. affect B. cause C. effect D. in flue nee3. Very few people_the immediate effect

2、s of the explosi on.A. survival B. survived C. alive D. lived4. A n ewspaper has once_that he is the only wit ness.A. revealed B. revolved C. informed D. told5. The search party still could not decide on the_ of the sunken ship.A. place B. locatio n C. directi on D. situati on6. According to the doc

3、tor, the old lady was in a helpless_ .A. spot B. locatio n C. place D. situati on7. A basic two-hour first aid course would_ you to deal with any of thesehappe nin gs.A. assig n B. supply C. apply D. equip8. She earns a high_ as an acco untant.A. salary B. in come C. money D. payme nt9. There has be

4、e n a rece nt_in that country towards part-time employme nt.A. feature B. trend C. action D. character10. Dr. Smith was once on the_ of the hospital n ear our college.A. staff B. employees C. employers D. employme nt11. My_ react ion was to take a couple of rapid steps backwards.A. possessive B. ins

5、tructive C. efficient D. effective12. She has her likes and_ , as we all have.A. dislikes B. feeli ngs C. sen ses D. emoti ons13. Because he was very poor, he could n?t_ to rent this flat.A. spend B. afford C. feel D. think14. The basic n ecessities of life are food,_ and cloth ing.A. shelter B. ear

6、th C. water D. air15. It was_ how badly paid these young girls were.A. moved B. moving C. shocked D. shock ing16. The jacket is nice, but I don?t care for the_ of the cloth.A. pattern B. sample C. model D. form17. They don?t want to_ their house, in which their family have lived forgen erati ons. A.

7、 deal with B. dispose of C. cope with D. treat with18. He regarded Vita as the_ of a lifetime.A. colleague B. classmate C. compa nion D. visitor19.1s 200 dollars_for the expe nses of your trip?A. importa nt B. sufficie nt C. available D. comfortable20. He had no time to prepare his lecture,_ , he wa

8、s un well.A. in addition B. except for C. in case D. even if,21f you behave so foolishly you must bear the_ .A. effects B. con seque nces C. ends D. results22. All the coun tries are customers or_customers of the U.S.A.A. pote ntial B. prete nded C. preve ntive D. protective23. The price of vegetabl

9、es has bee n very_rece ntly.A. costly B. low C. expe nsive D. cheap24. This kind of medic ine is_of being improved.A. able B. possible C. capable D. probable25. He prepared the dinner with_ speed and efficie ncy.A. quickly B. hardly C. comparable D. remarkable 26. Her latest book_howimporta nt freed

10、om is.A. speaks B. says C. dem on strates D. assumes 27. I n eed the money to_ meun til I start a job.A. compete B. work C. deal with D. mai ntain28. We should con sider problems_ the people?s tierests.A. in terms of B. in form of C. in case of D. in spite of 29._is going to do thejob there rem inds

11、 a questi on.A. Who B. That C. What D. Whe n30. We are not quite sure whether there are any_beings on other pla nets.A. clever B. wise C. i ntellige nt D. cutePart II Bla nk filli ng1. He told me her_( behave in New York was very stra nge.2. Profits should_ ( distribute betwee n employers and worker

12、s.3. An_( educate is a pers on who_ ( educate people.4. They had the meat_( roast in the ove n.5. There is an esse ntial_ (differ betwee n computers and huma ns.6. We can?t make any_ ( predict at what they going to do.7. I think he_( justify in refus ing to help her.8. They dealt with that problem_

13、( in tellige nee.9. The two parties were not in_ ( compete with each other.10. I?m afraid it may not be_(in spire to watch.Part III Readi ng Comprehe nsion1. Push-butt on En glishVery soon a computer will be able to teach you English. It will also be able to tran slate any Ianguage for you too. It?s

14、 just one more in credible result of the developme nt of microprocessors-Jhosetiny parts of a computer commo nly known as“ silic on chipsSo give up going to classes, stop buying more textbooks and relax. In a couple of years you won?t need the intern ati on al la nguage of En glish.Already Texas In

15、strume nts in the Un ited States is develop ing an electro nic tran slati on machin e. Imagi ne a Spanish secretary, for example, who wants to type a letter from the boss to a bus inessma n in Swede n. All he or she will have to do is this: first type the letter in Spanish. The letter willappear on

16、a television screen. After a few seconds thetranslated letter will appear on another television screen in Stockholm in perfect Swedish. Andthat?s not all. Soon a computer will be able to teach you En glish. If you really want to learn theIanguage. You?ll sit in front of a television screen and pract

17、ice endless structures. The computer willtell you when you are correct and when you are wrong. It will even talk to you because the silicon chipscan change electrical impulses in to soun ds. And clever programmers can predict the resp on ses you,the learner, are likely to make.So think of it. You wi

18、ll be able to teach yourself at your own pace. You will waste very little time,and you can work at home. And if after all that, you still can?t speak English you can always use thetranslating machine. In a few years, therefore, perhaps there will be no need for BBC Modern English,or BBC English by R

19、adio programs-no more textbooks or teachers of En glish. In stead of buying anexcit ing new textbook, the computer will ask you to replace it with microprocessor one thousand ninehundred and eighty-four. Fast, reliable and efficient language learning and translating facilities will beavailable to yo

20、u. Think of that no more tears or embarrassing moments. One little problem is that acomputer can?t laugh yet- but the scie ntists are work ing on it. Happy learning!1. Silico n chips are_.a. microprocessors b. the result of the developme nt of microprocessorsc. the computer itself d. parts of microp

21、rocessors2. Accord ing to the writer,“ you won?t n eed the intern ati on al la nguage of En glishbecause_ .a. learni ng En glish will no Ion ger be a difficult taskb. textbooks are no Ion ger n ecessaryc. it?s better to buy a computer tha n to go to classesd. the computer will be able to tran slate

22、any Ian guage for you3. If a Spanish secretary wants to translate a letter, all he or she will have to do isa. push a butt on and waitb. use any kind of typewriter to type the letterc. type it for the mach ine to do the tran slati ond. type the letter and tell some one else to do the tran slati on4.

23、 You will_if you use a computer to lear n the Ian guage.a. waste much of your time b. speak better En glishc. n eed no tran slati ng machi ne d. do everyth ing at your own pace 5. This passage ismainly about_ .a. some one who lear ns En glish with the help of a computerb. the computer teach ing the

24、Ian guagec. fast, reliable and efficie nt Ian guage lear ningd. what Ian guage lear ning could be like whe n computerized2. Dan gers in and n ear a HouseSad stories are not very pleasa nt to read about, but if we think and talk about them, wemay be able to preve nt more accide nts. How can fire or h

25、ot things be a dan ger in thehouse? Matches, of course, are always dan gerous in the hands of young childre n. A littlefire on waste land can easily get out of con trol. A wi nd comes, sparks are blow n on to the roof ofa house, and the whole buildi ng may be bur nt to the ground before you can even

26、 call the FireBrigade. Kerosene lamps, too, can be very dangerous. Quite recently there was a bad accide ntin a village house. The mosquitoet over a baby?s cot was blow n aga inst a lamp and caught fire.The bedclothes and eve n the clothes of the baby were burnt before the fire was discovered.Long g

27、rass and rubbish round a house can also lead to a disastrous fire, as most peopleknow. However, not everybody is careful with such things as celluloid masks and toys; these burn up in a flash if you hold them n ear a flame.Young childre n ofte n reach up to a table to take a saucepa n dow n by the h

28、an dle. If thesaucepan or pot is full of boiling water, you can guess what will happen. Similarly, whe n ababy?s bath is prepared, cold water should be put in first. If any hot water has to be used, thisshould be put into the bath after the cold water and not before it.Many fireworks can lead to bli

29、 ndn ess or other in juries, especially those which are pushedinto bamboo sticks. Catapults and woode n spears or swords should be used only by childre nwith sense eno ugh not to injure other people.Very young childre n often have to be watched carefully. They put everythi ng they find into theirmou

30、ths to see whether it can be eaten, sucked, or licked! Medicines have to be put out of their reach .A pill or some oin tme nt which might be harmless for an adult can sometimes kill a baby. Olderchildren have to be careful when drinking from a bottle. Some of them walk about as they drink, tip upthe

31、 bottle to get the last drop out, then trip over something on the ground. If they are uniucky, they fallin such a way that the broken glass makes a horrible wound in the face or neck. This is not a completelist of the dan gers in and n ear a house, but it is eno ugh to rem ind you to be careful.1. W

32、hat is the best in terpretati on of“ A little fire on waste land can easily get out ofcontrol ” ? a. Careless smokers can siaud den fire. b. No fire brigades are availablen earby.c. Dry grass on waste land catches fire easily. d. Childre n like to play with fire on waste land.2. What happe ned rece

33、ntly in a village house?a. The house was bur nt dow n before the Fire Brigade arrived.b. The house caught fire and everybody in it was bur nt.c. A fire broke out because of a bur ning lamp.d. The mosquito-net over a baby?s cot caught fire and the baby was bur nt.3. Which of the following is true?a.

34、Only a few people know that long grass and rubbish round a house can lead to a disastrousfire.b. Nearly everybody knows celluloid masks and toys easily burn up near a flame.c. Most people are more careful with celluloid masks and toys tha n with long grass and rubbish.d. Some people may n ot be very

35、 careful about the dan gers of celluloid masks and toys.4. Accord ing to the writer childre n_ .a. are not supposed to use catapults and woode n spears or swordsb. must n?t be allowed to use catapults and woode n spears or swordsc. can use catapults and woode n spears or swords on con diti on that t

36、hey will not injure other peopled. should restra in themselves from play ing with catapults and woode n spears or swords 5. Why dovery young childre n put everyth ing they find into their mouths?. They want to see if they are eatable b. They are always hun gry. c. They are just being n aughty. d.The

37、y do so just out of curiosity. Accord ing to the passage what may happe n whe n older childre n drink from a bottle?a. They may cut their faces if they walk too fast.b. They may drop the bottle and break it into pieces.c. The drinking may keep them walking about all the time.d. They may have their f

38、aces cut if they slip and fall.7. The mai n idea of the story is that_.a. disasters might happe n here and thereb. eve n small fire or very hot objects can be dan gerous in a housec. childre n should be watched carefully wherever they god. we must be aware of all the possible dan gers around us3. En

39、 vir onmen tal Polluti onPeople all over the world today are beg inning to hear and lear n more and more about theproblem of polluti on. Polluti on is caused either by man?s release of completely new and ofte nartificial substa nces into the en vir onment, or by releas ing greatly in creased amounts

40、 of a n aturalsubsta nee, such as oil tan kers into the sea.The whole in dustrial process which makes many of the goods and mach ines we n eed and usein our daily lives, is bound to create a nu mber of waste products which upset the en vir onmen tal balanee, or the ecological bala nee as it is also

41、known. Many of these waste products can be preve nted ordisposed of sen sibly, but clearly while more and more new and complex goods are produced therewill be n ew, dan gerous wastes to be disposed of, for example, the waste products from nu clearpower stati ons. Many people, therefore, see pollutio

42、n as only part of a larger and more complexproblem, that is, the whole process of in dustrial product ion and con sumpti on of goods. Others aga insee the problem mainly in conn ecti on with agriculture, where new methods are helpi ng farmers growmore and more on their land to feed our ever-increasi

43、ng populations. However, the land itself isgradually becoming worn out as it is being used, in some cases, too heavily, and artificial fertilizerscannot restore the bala nee.Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could becon trolled if only compa ni es,

44、in dividuals and gover nments would make more efforts. In the homethere is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times inpackages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot bereused. This not only causes a

45、litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass,metals and paper.Advertis ing has helped this process by persuad ing many of us not only to buy thi ngs we n eitherwant nor n eed, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Polluti on and waste comb ine to be aproblem eve

46、ry one can help to solve by cutt ing out unn ecessary buying, excess con sumptio n andcareless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives. 1. The main cause of pollution is. a.the release of artificial or naturalsubsta nces into the en vir onment b. the product ion of new in dustrial goods c

47、. in creased amounts ofa n atural substa nee d. our ever- in creas ing populati on 2. What do you think will upset the en vironmen tal bala nee? a. Waste products b. The whole in dustrial process. c. Some kinds of disposablegoods d. Some mach ines we n eed and use in our daily life. 3. In the writer

48、 s view, the more newgoods,_ . a. the less pollution b. the harderpolluti on can be preve nted c. the more polluti on there will be d. the more easily polluti on can be controlled 4. Many people see polluti on as only part of_ . a. our dailylife b. the en vir onmen tal bala nee c. the con sumptio n

49、of goods by man d. the whole process of industrial product ion and con sumpti on of goods 5. Much of the polluti on could be con trolled if only_ . a. people would pay more atte nti on to the problem er nments would take effective measures c. all sides concerned would make more efforts d.farmer

50、s would use less artificial fertilizers 6. Food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause.a. air and waste pollution b. both a litter problem and awaste of resources c. excess con sumpti on d. unn ecessary buying 7. People can help solve theproblem of polluti on by_. a. urging their gover nmen

51、ts to con trol litter andwaste b. making anti-pollution advertisements c. cutting down the use of oil and other oil products d.reduci ng unn ecessary buying, over-c on sumptio n and careless disposal of wastes Part IV CloseMany people find that regular physical activity gives them an un expected ben

52、 efit. They sleep betterand wake up feeli ng more _1_, in part due to in creased amounts of deep sleep. Deep sleep mayplay a role in the body restoriri 恢 复 itself _2_ , as opposed to REM (rapid eye moveme nt or dreaming sleep. Researchershave found that 6physical exercise, especially _3_ in the after noon or early eve ning, produces more_4_ early in the night. _5_ can also help you get a better night s sleep in a numin direct ways. The relaxati on and tired ness _6_ by exercise can improve sleep.Exercise en courages weight loss and also may _7_ depressi on. Exerc


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