



1、07黄关福翻译1 非常感谢你在我在纽约逗留期间对我的帮助。(grateful)2 当她意识到皮夹被偷了,她的脸色一下子白了。(realize)3 如果你有空的话,是否可以到机场来接我。(kind)4 在那十字路口,他不知道应该朝哪个方向走。(at a loss)5 与别人相比,他更值得你学习。(worthy)6 无论社会发展多块,这个传统应该代代相传。(however)7 在西方国家,人们乐于在各种活动中当自愿者。(be ready)8 这些参考书不经允许禁止拿出图书馆。(forbid)9 网罗游戏对孩子的性格会产生很大的影响。(impact)10 浦东机场二期工程正在进行中,预计一年后完工。

2、(progress)11 在我看来,与其说他聪明不如说他勤奋。(morethan)12 难以令人置信,他一辈子除了工作没有任何业余爱好。(hard)13 大学生很有必要读一些与他们专业无关的书籍。(relate)14 他开始后悔当初与那些人交朋友。(regret)15 就我所知,中国大城市人的购物习惯再最近几年里改变了许多。(as far as16 如果你乘飞机出国,必须提前至少两小时 到达机场。(in advance)17 出席会议的人并不都支持他提出的建议。(favor)18 你上次提到的那个人据说已经搬到北京去了。(mention)19 他脸上的神色表明他对此事毫不介意。(suggest

3、)20 今年夏天的气温比人们预料的高的多。(expect)21 令我感动的是他身在异国仍心系祖国。(think of)22 如果你的合法权益没有得到保障,你可以打官司。(fail)23 把可乐当水喝是他肥胖的主要原因。(instead)24 由于地震发生时人们正在睡梦中, 成千上万的人在地震中丧生。(occur)25 我认为自信加努力才会成功。(lead)26 我们从来没有比现在更为自己是中国人而感到自豪。(Never)27 那个地区以优质葡萄酒而闻名于世。(famous)28 只有经过严格训练的人才能从事这项工作。(undertake)29 有一些业余爱好可以使你的生活更充实。(develo

4、p)30 可悲的是他除了整天埋怨什么也不干。(but)31 人们应该互相理解,国家也是这样。(so)32 他勇敢地与劫匪搏斗,最后腹部受了重伤。(fight)33 据宣布,明年年底前又有三条地铁将建成。(announce)34 要掌握一门外语,仅仅靠短时间的努力是远远不够的。(by)35 我不明白为什么有些父母硬要五六岁的孩子学钢琴、绘画。(have)36 据信相当比例地美国人经常去看心理医生。(consult)37 经常熬夜会损害你的健康。(stay)38 这种布料最显著的优点是容易洗。(obvious)39 他怎么了?老是在上课时打瞌睡。(as)40 人们似乎对越来越多的歌唱比赛感到厌烦了

5、。(bore)41 如今可以在世界上任何地方吃到中国菜了。(available)42 我们要教育孩子做有责任感的人。(educate)43 感冒会引起许多疾病,许多人还没有意识到这一点。(aware)44 你最好不要与那些不守诺言的人交往。(get along)45 事实证明,中国缺电问题已经解决了。(prove)46 在你人生的关键时刻,要三思而后行。(before)47 中日两国只有加强交流才能消除分歧。(get rid of)48 他想定购一套和房间颜色相配的家具。(match)49 你能想象那个28岁的健康小伙子依然依靠父母生活吗?(live on)50 他打算在母亲60大寿那天给她一

6、个惊喜。(intend)1. I am grateful to you for your help during my stay in New York.2. When she realized that her purse had been stolen, he face went white.3. Would you be so kind as to meet me at the airport if you are free?4. At that crossroads, hew was at a loss in which direction he should go.5. Compar

7、ed with others, he is more worthy of your learning from. 6. However fast the society develops, this tradition should be passed on from generation to generation.7. In western countries, people are ready to be volunteers in different kinds of activities.8. These reference books are forbidden to be tak

8、en out the library.9. On-line games will make a great impact on childrens characters.10. The second project of Pudong Airport is in progress, and it is expected to be completed in a year.11. In my opinion, he is more diligent than clever.12. It is hard to believe that he hasnt any hobby except his j

9、ob all his life.13. It is necessary for university students to read some books that are not related to their majors.14. He began to regret making friends with those people at that time.15. As far as I know, the habits of shopping of the people in big cities of China have changed greatly in the past

10、few years.16. If you go abroad by plane, you should arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance.17. All the people present at the meeting are not in favor of the suggestion he made/put forward.18. The person you mentioned last time is said to have moved to Beijing.19. The expression on his f

11、ace suggested that he didnt care about it.20. This summer the air temperature was much higher than people expected.21. What moves me is that he always thinks of his country while he is in a foreign land/abroad.22. If your legal rights and interests fail to be protected, you can go to court.23. It is

12、 the main reason for his being fat that he drinks coke instead of water. Drinking coke instead of water is the main reason for his being fat.24. Because the people were asleep when the earthquake occurred, thousands of them lost their lives in it.25. I think confidence plus diligence leads to succes

13、s.26. Never have we been more proud of being Chinese than (we are ) now. 27. That area is world famous for its wine of good quality.28. Only those who have been strictly trained can undertake this job.29. If you develop some hobbies, your life will be richer./ Developing some hobbies will make your

14、life richer.30. It is sad that he does nothing but complain all day.31. People should understand each other, and so should the countries.32. He fought against the robber bravely and eventually he was seriously wounded in the stomach.33. It is announced that another three subways will be completed be

15、fore the end of next year.34. It is far from enough to grasp a foreign language only by working hard for a short period of time.35. I dont understand why some parents have their children of only five or six years old learn how to play the piano or paint pictures.36. It is believed that a certain pro

16、portion of Americans often consult the psychologists.37. If you often stay up late, it will do harm to your health.38. The most obvious advantage of this cloth is that it washes easily.39. What happens to him as he is always sleepy in class?40. People seem to be bored with more and more singing comp

17、etitions.41. Nowadays Chinese food is available in any place in the world.42. We should educate our children to be people a sense of responsibility.43. Having a cold will cause many diseases, but many people are not aware of it.44. Youd better not get along with the people who fail to keep their promises.45. The fact proves that the problem of the lack of electricity in China has been solved.46. At the critical moment of your life, you should think carefully before you act.47. China and Japan can get rid of their differences only by increasing the exchang


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