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1、支票方面用语crossed cheque gen eral cross ing sp ecial cross ing bla nk cheque 过期支票stale chequeopen cheque支票薄 cheque book 支票陈票人 cheque drawer 持票人 cheque holder 不记名支票 cheque to bearer|bearer cheque 记名支票|认人支票 cheque to order 至U期支票 antedated cheque 未至 U期支票 po stdated cheque 保付支票 certified cheque 未获兑现支票,退票ret

2、urned cheque横线支票 普通横线 特别横线 空白支票 失效支票, 普通支票 打 10% 折扣的 10000 元支票(即 9000 元)a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount 加 10% 费用的 10000 元支票(即 11000 元)a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges 支票换现金|兑现to cash a cheque开发支票 签发支票, 透支支票 背书支票 清付票款 支票退票 拒付支票 拒付支票清理票款 to clear a cheque 保证兑现 to certify a cheque 填写支票数额

3、to fill up a cheque 支票上划线 to cross a cheque to make out a cheque 开立支票to draw a cheque|to issue a chequeto overdraw a cheque to en dorse a cheque to pay a cheque|to honour a cheque to disho nour a cheque to refuse a cheque to stop p ayme nt of a cheque提示要求付款to present for p ayme nt见票即付持票人p ayable to

4、bearer支付指定人 p ayable to order 已过期 II无效 out of date|stale 请给出票人 R/D|refer to drawer存款不足 N/S|N.S.F.| not sufficie nt fun ds|I/F|i nsufficie nt funds 文字与数字不一致words and figures differacco unt closed支票交换时间已过更改处应加盖印章alterati ons require in itials交换时间已过effects not cleared停止付款 payment stopped 支票毁损 cheque mu

5、tilated信用证用语篇一、信用证用语追加信用证 additio nal credit|additio nal L/C 信用证金额 amount of credit 赊帐金额 credit balanee 可撤消信用证revocable L/C不可撤消信用证irrevocable L/C保兑信用证 con firmed L/C 不保兑信用证uncon firmed L/C可转让信用证assig nable L/C|tra nsferable L/C银行信用证 banker' s L/C 有追索权信用证with recourse L/C无追索权信用证without recourse L

6、/C单一信用证 sim pie credit 无条件信用证open credit|free credit普通信用证 旅行信用证 特别信用证 信用证底帐 信用证发行帐gen eral letter of credit circular letter of credit sp ecial letter of credit letter of credit ledgerletter of credit issued acco unt信用证金额 amount of credit信用证余额II信用证结欠credit balanee开立信用证 to open a creditto cable a cred

7、it to cancel a credit通过银行开立信用证to establish a credit through a bank电开信用证to issue a credit取消信用证 开出信用证在某银行开立信用证to arrange a credit with a bank修改信用证 to ame nd a credit 延展信用证有效期to exte nd a credit增加信用证面额to in crease a credit寄出信用证 to send a credit 请发给信用证 to take out a credit二、信用证例文我们已开出以贵方为受益人的保兑信用证。We na

8、ve opened a con firmed credit in your favour.以贵方为受益人,我们开出不可撤消的的保兑信用证。We have opened a con firmed and irrevocable credit in your favour.我们被请求已开出以贵方为受益人的信用证,特此通知。We are pl eased to inform you that we have bee n requested to open a credit in your favour.我们已开出商业信用证,特此通知。We in timate to you that we have

9、issued a commercial letter of credit.付款方面用语付款方法 mode of p ayme nt 现金付款 p ayme nt by cash|cash p ayme nt| |p ayme nt by ready cash 以支票支付 p ayme nt by cheque 以汇票支付 p ayme nt by bill 以物品支付 p ayme nt in kind 付清 |支付全部货款 payment in full|full payment 支付部分货款 |分批付款 payment in part|part payment|partial paymen

10、t 记帐付款|会计帐目内付款payment on account定期付款 p ayme nt on term 年分期付款 annual p ayme nt 月分期付款 mo nthly p ayme nt|m on thly in stalme nt 延滞付款 p ayme nt in arrear 预付货 |先付 payment in advance|prepayment 延付货款 deferred payment 立即付款 prompt p ayme nt|immediate p ayme nt 暂付款 suspense payment 延期付款 delay in payment|exte

11、nsion of payment 支付票据payment bill 名誉支付 |干与付款 payment for honour|payment by intervention 结帐|清算|支付settlement 分期付款in stalme nt 滞付|拖欠|尾数款未付 arrears 特许拖延付款日days of graceto solicit p ayme nt保证付款 del credere 付款 to pay|to make payment|to make effect payment 结帐 to settle|to make settlement|to make effect set

12、tlement|to square|to balanee 支出 |付款 to defray|to disburse 结清 to clear off|to pya off 请求付款 to ask for payment|to request payment 恳求付帐拖延付款 to defer payment|to delay payment 付款被拖延 to be in arrears with p ayme nt 还债 to discharge 迅速付款 to pay promptly 付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well|to pay fairly well|to ke

13、e p the en gageme nts egularly 付款相当慢 to pay slowly|to take exte nded credit 付款不好 to pay badly|to be gen erally in arrear with p ayme nts 付款颇为恶劣to pay very badly|to n ever pay uni ess forced拒绝付款 to refuse payment|to refuse to pay|to dishonour a bill相信能收到款项We shall look to you for the p ayme nt|We sha

14、ll depend upon you for the p ayme nt |We exp ect p ayme nt from you惠请付款kin diy pay the amoun t| pl ease forward p ayme nt| |pl ease forward a cheque.我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回该项货款I shall be obliged to take the n ecessary ste ps to legally recover the amoun t. |I shall be comp elled to take ste ps to enforc

15、e p ayme nt.惠请宽限let the matter sta nd over till the n.|allow me a short exte nsion of time. |Ki ndly postpone the time for p ayme nt a little Ion ger.索取利息 to charge interest附上利息 to draw interest|to bear interest|to allow interest生息 to yield interest生息 3% to yield 3%存款 to deposit in a bank|to put in

16、a bank|to place on deposit|to make deposit在银行存款 to have money in a ban k|to have a bank acco un t|to have money on depo sit 向银行提款 to withdraw one ' s deposit from a bank换取现金 to convert into money|to turn into cash|to realize折扣用语 从价格打 10% 的折扣 to make a discount of 10% off the price|to make 10% di

17、sco unt off the price打折扣购买 to buy at a discou nt打折扣出售 to sell at a discou nt打折扣-让价 to reduce|to make a reduction减价 to deduct|to make a deduction回扣 to rebate现金折扣 cash disco unt货到付款|现金提货 cash on deliver (C.O.D.)货到付现款 cash on arrival即时付款 prompt cash净价|最低价格付现net cash现金付款 ready cash即期付款 spot cash|cash do

18、wn|cash on the nail凭单据付现款cash aga inst docume nts凭提单付现款cash agai nst bills of lad ing承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)付款交单 documents against payment (D/P)汇票汇单用语、汇款用语汇款 II寄钱 to remit|to send money寄票供取款II支票支付 to send a cheque for payment 寄款人 a remitter收款人 a remittee二、汇票汇单用语国外汇票 国内汇票 跟单汇票 空头汇票 原始

19、汇票foreig n Bill in la nd Bill docume ntary bill accommodati on bill origi nal bill改写|换新票据renewed bill 即期汇票 sight bill|bill on dema nd. days after date|. days. mon ths after date|. mon ths 见票后- 见票后- 同组票据 单张汇票 远期汇票 长期汇票 短期汇票 逾期汇票 宽限日期 电汇 邮汇'after dO后付款'after(月后付款days ' after sight|. days s

20、ight 'mon ths ' after sight|. mon ths' sight-日付款-月付款-set of billssola of excha nge|sole of excha nge usa nee bill|bill at usa neelong billshort bill overdue billdays of gracetelegra phic tran sfer (T.T)po stal order| po stal note (Am.)| post office order|m oney orderpro missory note (P/N

21、)本票押汇负责书|押汇保证书letter of hypothecation 副保|抵押品|付属担保物 collateral security 担保书 trust receipt|letter of indemnity 承兑|认付 acceptance 单张承兑 general acceptance 有条件承兑 qualified acce ptance 附条件认付 con diti onal acce ptance 咅B分认付 partial acceptance 拒付|退票dishonour拒绝承兑而退票 dish onour by non-acce ptance 由于存款不足而退票 dih

22、 onour by non-p ayme nt提交 presentation背书 endorsement|indorsement 无记名背书 记名式背书 附条件背书 限制性背书 无追索权背书gen eral en dorseme nt|bla nk en dorseme nt sp ecial en dorseme nt|full en dorseme nt con diti onal en dorseme nt restrictive en dorseme nten dorseme nt without recourse期满 II到期 maturity托收 collection新汇票II再兑

23、换汇票re-exchange|re-draft外汇交易 excha nge deali ng|excha nge deals 汇兑合约 excha nge contract汇兑合约预约forward excha nge contract外汇行情 exchange quotation交易行情表 course of excha nge|excha nge table 汇价 II兑换率 exchange rate|rate of exchange 官方汇率 挂牌汇率 现汇汇率电汇汇率official rateII 名义汇率nomi nal ratespot rateII电汇率 II T.T. rat

24、e|telegraphic transfer rate兑现率II兑现汇率dema nd rate 长期汇率long rate 私人汇票折扣率rate on a private bill远期汇票兑换率forward rate套价II套汇汇率II裁定外汇行情cross rate付款汇率 pence rate当日汇率II成交价 currency rate套汇II套价II公断交易率 arbitrage汇票交割II汇票议付 negotiation of draft交易人II议付人 negotiator票据交割II让与支票票据议付to negotiatie a bill折扣交割II票据折扣to disco

25、unt a bill票据背书 to endorse a bill应付我差额 51,000 美元 a balanee due to us of $51,000|a balanee in our favour of$ 51,000收到汇款 to receive remittanee填写收据 to make out a receipt银行柜台用语、银行用语请入收款人的户号account p ayee请支付票款 advice to pay cheques惠请通知该支票的经过advise fate金额有错误 acco unts differ文字与数字所记载金额不同words and figures di

26、ffer签名有误I印鉴不符sig natures differ请明天再次提出为荷present aga in tomorrow保证付款 good for payment请照会发票人 refer to drawee (R.D.)无交易 no acco unt款额不足 |存款不足 not sufficient (N.S.)|no sufficient funds (N.S.F.)已无存款 no funds如支票不获兑现时 ,不必出具拒绝证书。notto be p rotested in case of disho nour| protestwaived| no p rotest需要出具拒绝证书to

27、 be p rotested没有通知 no advice未受指示 no orders禁止转让 |不可转让 non-transferable|not transferable已付款 received payment|payment received上开价金已收至 Uvalue received|for value received上开价金系经核算value in accou nt上开金额与发票相同value as per in voice上开金额与通知书相符value as per advice无追索权 without recourse有追索权|偿还请求权 right of recourse请求

28、偿还清单|清偿帐户recourse account偿还准备金 recourse fund拒绝偿还|拒绝追索 recourse repudiation二、银行业务例文定期存款的条件为年利6%,存期6个月以上,只要金额1,000元,我们均乐意接受。We shall be pl eased to receive a fixed depo sit for any amount more tha n $1,000, for a p eriod over six mon ths at the rate of 6% pa谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您

29、寄来换新的旧存折本金加上利息之和。En closed pl ease find a new dep osit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which rep rese nts the principal and in terest of the old certificate you sent us for ren ewal.如存款为100元以上,我们将乐意接受。We shall be glad to receive depo sits of 100 yen and up ward.三、结算到目前为止,我公司应收帐尚有二万美元。兹奉上结算报告书一份,敬请

30、查收为荷。En closed we hand you a stateme nt of acco unt to date, show ing a bala nee of $20,000 in our favour, which we trust will be found in order.上开帐目,现正核对,如无错误,将遵照贵公司的指示,将转入新开的帐户内。This acco unt is un der exam in ati on, and if found correct, it shall be carried to a new acco un t, i n con formity wi

31、th your in structi ons.您昨日函敬悉。兹遵照贵方请求,同函附上结算报告书,敬请惠予查收为荷。Your favour of yesterday was duly received, and we hand you herewith a stateme nt of your acco unt as requested, which we hope you will find correct.兹奉上棒铁总价为512,000元清单一份,恳请列入我公司贷方帐项为荷。We hand you our acco unt on the bar iron, amoun ti ng to $5

32、12,000, which kin dly p ass to our credit.四、请求付款恳请速予汇款为荷。an early remitta nee will be app reciated.迟付的60美元,请速予寄下为荷。Please let us have your check for the $60 now p ast overdue.有鉴于此,相信贵方将随复函寄来支票,特此致谢。With these facts before you, we feel sure that you will send us your check by retur n mail. Thank you.

33、我们恳求,对此部分能速予结帐为荷。We urge that you make this settleme nt without delay.何不立即对此案作一结算?请在今日将支票随函发出即可。Why not settle this matter now? Just attach your check to this letter, and send it by today mail.五、催告付款为加清本帐目,我方多次催促,但未有任何效果。所以为收回本帐款项,准备向法院起诉, 特此通知。Having made rep eated app licati ons for apyment of thi

34、s amount without avail, we now give you no tice that we shall take out a sum mons for recovery of the same.下星期一以前未能清结本件款项,不得已,将委任我公司顾问律师处理。We wish to state that if the acco unt be not p aid by Mon day n ext, we shall be forced to p lace the matter in the hands o four solicitors.公司顾问律师处理。In sp ite of

35、 your rep eated pro mises to let us have a cheque, we are still without a settleme nt of your outsta nding acco unt, and therefore, uni ess same is settled by the end of this mon th, we shall be comp elled to hand over the matter to our solicitor.对于此事,贵方似乎在趁机利用我公司的宽容态度。本函系最后通告所,复函时请汇足够金额,以结此帐,否则只好采取

36、其它途径,特此函告。As you seem to take adva ntage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final no tice that, uni ess we shall receive a substa ntial amount on acco unt by retur n of p ost, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery.银行英语词汇account number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 a dep

37、osit form 存款单 a banding machine 自动存取机 to deposit 存款 deposit receipt 存款收据 private deposits 私人存款 certificate of deposit 存单 deposit book, passbook 存折 credit card 信用卡 principal 本金 overdraft, overdraw 透支 to counter sign 双签 to endorse 背书 endorser 背书人 to cash 兑现 to honor a cheque 兑付 to dishonor a cheque 拒付

38、 to suspend payment 止付 cheque,check 支票 cheque book 支票本 order cheque 记名支票 bearer cheque 不记名支票 crossed cheque 横线支票 blank cheque 空白支票 rubber cheque 空头支票 cheque stub, counterfoil 票根 cash cheque 现金支票 traveler c'hesque 旅行支票 cheque for transfer 转帐支票 outstanding cheque 未付支票 canceled cheque 已付支票 forged c

39、heque 伪支票 Bandar 'nsote 庄票,银票 banker 银行家 president 行长 savings bank 储蓄银行 Chase Bank 大通银行 National City Bank of New York 花旗银行 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行Banque de I ' IndoChin东方汇理银行central bank, national bank, banker 'bsank

40、中央银行 bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行 commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行 member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行 discount bank 贴现银行 exchange bank 汇兑银行 requesting bank 委托开证银行 issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行 advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行 negotiation bank 议付银行 confirming bank 保兑银行 paying bank 付款银行 associ

41、ate banker of collection 代收银行 consigned banker of collection 委托银行 clearing bank 清算银行 local bank 本地银行 domestic bank 国内银行 overseas bank 国外银行 unincorporated bank 钱庄 branch bank 银行分行 trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行 trust company 信托公司 financial trust 金融信托公司 unit trust 信托投资公司 trust institution 银行的信托部 credit d

42、epartment 银行的信用部 commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司) neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所 credit union 合作银行 credit bureau 商业兴信所 self-service bank 无人银行 land bank 土地银行 construction bank 建设银行 industrial and commercial bank 工商银行 bank of communications 交通银行 mutual savings

43、 bank 互助储蓄银行 post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行 mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行 industrial bank 实业银行 home loan bank 家宅贷款银行 reserve bank 准备银行 chartered bank 特许银行 corresponding bank 往来银行 merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行 investment bank 投资银行import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行 joint venture bank

44、 合资银行 money shop, native bank 钱庄 credit cooperatives 信用社 clearing house 票据交换所 public accounting 公共会计 business accounting 商业会计 cost accounting 成本会计 depreciation accounting 折旧会计 computerized accounting 电脑化会计 general ledger 总帐 subsidiary ledger 分户帐 cash book 现金出纳帐 cash account 现金帐 journal, day-book 日记帐

45、,流水帐 bad debts 坏帐 investment 投资 surplus 结余 idle capital 游资 economic cycle 经济周期 economic boom 经济繁荣 economic recession 经济衰退 economic depression 经济萧条 economic crisis 经济危机 economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货收缩 devaluation 货币贬值 revaluation 货币增值 international balance of payment 国际收支 favoura

46、ble balance 顺差 adverse balance 逆差 hard currency 硬通货 soft currency 软通货 international monetary system 国际货币制度 the purchasing power of money 货币购买力 money in circulation 货币流通量 note issue 纸币发行量 national budget 国家预算 national gross product 国民生产总值 public bond 公债 stock, share 股票 debenture 债券 treasury bill 国库券

47、debt chain 债务链direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇 indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇 cross rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率 foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外汇储备 foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动 foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机 discount 贴现 discount rate, bank rate 贴现率 gold reserve 黄金储备 money (financial) market 金融市场 stock exc

48、hange 股票交易所 broker 经纪人 commission 佣金 bookkeeping 簿记 bookkeeper 簿记员 an application form 申请单 bank statement 对帐单 letter of credit 信用证 strong room, vault 保险库 equitable tax system 等价税则 specimen signature 签字式样 banking hours, business hours 营业时间常用银行英语词汇汇总存户 depositor存款单 Pay-in slip存款单 a deposit form自动存取机 a

49、 banding machine存款 to deposit存款收据 deposit receipt私人存款 p rivate dep osits存单 certificate of deposit存折 deposit book, passbook信用卡 credit card本金p rinc ipal透支overdraft, overdraw双签to counter sign兑现to cash兑付to honor a cheque拒付to dishonor a cheque止付to sus pend p ayment支票cheque/check支票本 cheque book记名支票 order

50、cheque不记名支票 bearer cheque横线支票 crossed cheque空白支票 blank cheque空头支票 rubber cheque票根 cheque stub/counterfoil现金支票 cash cheque旅行支票 traveler's cheque转 帐支票 cheque for transfer未付支票 outstanding cheque已付支票 canceled cheque伪支票 forged cheque庄票 /银票 Bandar's note行长 president储蓄银行savings bank大通银行Chase Bank花旗

51、银行汇丰银行National City Bank of New YorkHongkong Shanghai Banking Corpo ration麦加利银行 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China中央银行 central bank/ national bank/banker's bank发行币银行 bank of issue/bank of circulation商业银行/储蓄信贷银行 commercial bank储蓄信贷银行 member bank/credit bank贴现银行 discount bank汇兑银行 exchang

52、e bank开证银行通知银行委托开证银行 requesting bank issuing bank, op ening bank advising bank, notifying bank议付银行negotiation bank保兑银行confirming bank付款银行p aying bank代收银行委托银行associate banker of collectionconsigned banker of collection清算银行clearing bank本地银行local bank国内银行domestic bank国外银行overseas bank钱庄 unincorporated

53、bank银行分行 branch bank信托储蓄银行 trustee savings bank信托公司 trust comp any金融信托公司financial trust信托投资公司unit trust银行的信托部trust institution银行的信用部credit dep artment商业信贷公司/贴现公司 commercial credit comp any/discount comp any街道储蓄所 neighborhood savings bank, bank of dep osit自助银行 self-service bank建设银行 construction bank工

54、商银行 industrial and commercial bank交通银行 bank of communications互助储蓄银行 mutual savings bank由 b局储蓄银行p ost office savings bank抵押银行 mortgage bank, building society实业银行 industrial bank家宅贷款银行 home loan bank准备银行reserve bank特许银行chartered bank往来银行corres po nding bank承兑银行merchant bank, acce pting bank投资银行investm

55、ent bank合资银行joint venture bank钱庄 money shop, native bank信用社 credit cooperatives票据交换所 clearing house公共会计p ublic accounting商业会计business accounting成本会计cost accounting折旧会计dep reciation accounting电脑化会计 compu terized accounting总帐 general ledger分户帐 subsidiary ledger现金出纳帐 cash book现金帐 cash account日记帐/流水帐journal/day-book 坏帐 bad debts投资 investment结余 surplus游资 idle capital经济周期economic cycle经济繁荣economic boom经济衰退economic recession经济萧条economic dep ression经济危机economic crisis经济复苏economic recovery通货膨胀inflation通货收缩deflation货币贬值devaluation货币增值revaluation国际收支international balance of p ayme


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