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1、1)It took a complex analysis of the Martian surface from NASAs two Mars orbiters(人造卫星)eventually to reveal the shape of that strange basin (来揭示那个奇怪盆地的形状), which is consistent with being an impact crater (陨石坑)as mentioned previously.2)NASA attempts to use a vibrant space exploration program(生动鲜活的太空探索

2、项目)to engage the public, encourage students and help develop a high-tech workforce.3)A series of NASAs X-ray observatory images of the spiral (呈螺旋形的)galaxy NGC 1637 has provided a dramatic view of a violent restless nature (狂暴的、躁动的自然)that belies(证明为虚假)the galaxys serene visual image.4) Some research

3、ers cited the benefits of cloning at the conference(在大会上提到了克隆技术的好处), for instance, the potential for increased food supply and more nutrient rich foods.5) The couple both took part in the top-secret space shuttle program without informing each other. In the bottom of their hearts, They believed thei

4、r partner could understand what counted most was their motherlands advance and prosperity. (最重要的是祖国的发展和繁荣). 6) The two journalists rushed to the battle field but could not hear any gun shots. Their editor then telephoned, saying the warring parties had ceased fire in order to watch the World Cup soc

5、cer matches(为了看世界杯足球赛已经停火).7) The essence of his argument他论点的核心)is that the hypothesis of the big-bang(大爆炸)theory of the origin of the universe has weak points and therefore needs reconsidering.8) When the radio program was signing off(即将播完), its audience had gained a deeper perception about earths

6、fragility.(对地球的脆弱有了更深刻的理解)9) In my childhood, I once read a retired astronauts autobiography in awe(满心敬畏地读了一位前宇航员的自 传), which fired my curiosity about space(点燃了我对太空 的好奇心)and made me a space enthusiast(使我成为太空 发烧友). 10) Although the Apollo programs were feasible(是可行的)in the 1960s, there were some unpr

7、edictable dangers(无法预测的危险)awaiting the first astronauts. However, none of them was willing to be left out(他们中没有一人愿意被排除在外)of the opportunity to orbit the Earth(环绕地球)and enjoy the landscape on the moon.(在月球上欣赏风景)U21.These renewable energy sources have demonstrated to be of great aid in cutting down th

8、e amount of toxins, which are by-products of the consumption of energy. (L7)这些可再生能源已证明非常有助于减少有毒物质能源消耗所产生的副产品。2. Since the 1950s solar cell technology has been advancing and has come quite a long way. (L20)自20世纪50年代以来,太阳能技术不断发展,并且取得了相当大的进步。3. Photovoltaic cells mounted on rooftops are used to heat wa

9、ter using the suns rays. (L22)通过利用太阳光,安放在屋顶上的光伏电池被用来加热水。4.To date, the main disadvantage of using this source is that it is limited. (L27)迄今为止,利用这种能源最主要的缺点就是它会受到限制。5. Another ancient source of power, wind energy has been harnessed by sailors, farmers and architects for many years, even documented as

10、 far back as 5,000 years ago. (L32)风能是另一种古老的能源,已被水手、农民和建筑师们利用多年,记载甚至可追溯至五千年前。6.The end products are then distributed to national electrical grids and small turbines owned by individuals to distribute electricity to far-flung areas and homes. (L43)其最终产品被输送到国家电网以及个人的小型涡轮机,来把电输送到偏远的地区和家庭。7.Holes are dr

11、illed in certain regions, and the magma and radioactive decay that can be found underneath produce steam. (L52)在某些地区钻孔,在下面发现由岩浆和放射性衰变产生的蒸汽。8.The downside to geothermal energy is the fact that it is expensive to build geothermal power plants, and to ensure that no harmful by-products are going to be

12、produced in the process, geothermal plants must be created accordingly. (L56)地热能的不足之处就是修建地热发电厂的费用太高,而且为了确保在发电过程中不会产生有害副产品,又不得不修建地热发电厂。9.Hydroelectric plants today still use the same basic principle as the historical waterwheel, but with some variations. (L68)今天的水力发电厂所用的原理仍然与过去的水车相同,只是有一些变化而已。1)The e

13、nergy from a solar source is able to heat your home, dry your clothes, and run various household appliances(各种家用电器).2) Wind is the safest and cleanest of the green energy sources as it produces no pollutants (因为它不会产生污染物)and does not contribute to global warming.3) Consumption of wood for fuel(消耗木材用作

14、燃料)in the area averages about 6 tons per family of four per year, cutting down 300,000 acres of forests each year.4)The analyst says the U.S. economy today is better able to withstand the recent rise in oil (抵制最近的油价上涨) because most businesses and consumers are less dependent on oil.5) In the global

15、wind power industry, more than 6,000 ABB transformers are operating reliably and efficiently(正在可靠、高效地运行).6) In a wind turbine generator, a fixed capacitor is usually installed(通常安装固定电容器)to supply some of the reactive power that the induction generator needs.7) The causes of the war lie in(战争的起因在于)th

16、e greed and incompetence of politicians on both sides.8)There has been a modest decrease in house prices(房价略有下降)this year, so they decided to buy a new apartment downtown.9) Older people are being forced to cut down (on)their energy usage(减少能源的消耗)as they face soaring fuel bills, a report warned toda

17、y.10) This could pose a threat(造成严重的威胁)for the development of geothermal energy.U31.Our failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become a life long source of disappointment, frustration, tension and eventually our downfall in a relationship. (L7)没有意识到差异、不承认这些差异的客观存在可能会成为我们这一生与异性相处中失

18、望、沮丧、紧张甚至最终关系告吹的根源。2.The challenge facing men and women is to become aware of their identities, to accept their differences, and to live their lives fully and as skillfully as possible. (L12) 男性和女性面临的挑战是意识到各自的个性,接受他们的差异,并尽可能生活得充实而巧妙。3.Women are usually more concerned about how problems are solved th

19、an merely solving the problem itself. (L23)女性通常更关心问题是如何解决的,而不仅仅是解决问题本身。4.For most men, solving a problem presents an opportunity to demonstrate their competence, their strength of resolve, and their commitment to a relationship. (L28)对大部分男性来说,解决问题提供了一个展示个人才能、行动的决心,以及对他人是否忠诚的机会。5.They set aside their

20、 feelings provided the dominance hierarchy was agreed upon in advance and respected (L33)如果这种主导关系事先确定并得到尊重,他们便抛开个人感受。6.A group of boys generally establish a hierarchy or chain of command with a leader who emerges on his own or through demonstrations of ability and power.(L38)男生组通常建立起等级关系或指挥系统,由靠自己本领

21、或通过证明自己才能与实力而斩露头角的人担任统帅。7.They come to understand and consider problems all at once. (L51)她们从一开始就同时理解和考虑全部问题。8.Women are prone to become overwhelmed with complexities that “exist”, or may exist, and may have difficulty separating their personal experience from problems. (L53)女性容易在这些“已经存在”或可能存在的复杂情况面

22、前不知所措,可能会难以将个人经历同问题本身分开。9.Men tend to recall events using strategies that rely on reconstructing the experience in terms of elements, tasks or activities that took place. (L68)男性多使用策略回忆事件,从要素、任务或发生的活动等方面重构经历。 1) The disease had left her weak and prone to all kinds of infections(容易受到各种各样的感染).2) Overw

23、helming evidence indicates(众多证据表明)that men and women do have significantly disparate(迥然不同的)dreams, most likely because of differences in both biology and social conditioning.3) A growing number of health promotion initiatives have focused on male teenagers and the special risks they face, with the a

24、im of guiding them toward changing the behaviors that make them vulnerable(让他们易受伤害的).4) She decided to carry the child to term, even though the fetus was shown to be defective(被证明有缺陷).5) Male physiology, shaped by centuries of sexual competition is placing men at a disadvantage in longevity(在寿命上处于劣势

25、).6) Recurrent slave uprisings brought about the downfall of the ancient Roman Empire(古罗马帝国的覆灭).7) Both men and women dream about things they want or fear .Common anxiety dreams that plague(通常困扰两性的焦虑梦境)include visions of immobility, falling, drowning, being chased, or losing ones teeth.8) Reasonable

26、 standards for social security benefits should be set in light of local conditions(根据当地情况).9) Effort and reward are a close pair; ideals and struggle are an intimate couple(理想与奋斗是亲密伴侣).10) In addition, women pay more attention to the physical details of the characters in their dreams for instance, f

27、acial expressions and clothing than men do, and can recall them more readily when they awaken (当她们清醒的时候更容易回忆起来).U41.To programmers, “hacker”, in the most literal sense, is someone who can make a computer do what he wants whether the computer wants to or not. (L3)对于程序员来说,“黑客”最精确的意义是指能让电脑去做他想要的事情的人,无论

28、电脑本身愿意与否。2. There is a gradual continuum between rule breaking that is merely ugly and rule breaking that is brilliantly imaginative. (L12)从丑陋地破坏规则到极富想象力地破坏规则,两者之间是一个渐进式的连续体。3.A hacker friend of mine who spent too much time around MIT had his own lock picking kit. (L 18) 一个成天出入麻省理工学院的黑客朋友自己拥有一套解锁设备。

29、4. But even factoring in their annoying eccentricities, the disobedient attitude of hackers is a net win. (L36)但是即便把这种恼人的反常行为考虑进来,黑客们的叛逆态度仍然是一种净赢。5.However, why should people who program computers be so concerned about copyrights, of all things? (L40)但是,为什么给电脑写程序的这些人偏偏如此关心版权呢?6.But two guys who thou

30、gh Multics excessively complex went off and wrote their own. (L55)但有两个家伙认为Mltics过于复杂,于是就动手写了一个他们自己的系统。7.The latest intellectual property laws impose unprecedented restrictions on the sort of poking around that leads to new ideas. (L61)最新的知识产权法对于这种能够催生新想法的窥探行为施加了前所未有的限制。8.Ironically, hackers have bro

31、ught this on themselves. (L74)讽刺的是,这些正是黑客自己咎由自取的。9.A song on an LP is physically stamped into the plastic. A song on an iPads disk is merely stored on it. (L79)黑胶唱片上的歌曲是被实体地刻入胶带里的,而iPad上的歌曲只不过是储存在里面。 LP:long-playing record(慢转密纹唱片)10.If I were a legislator, Id be interested in this mystery for the sa

32、me reason that, if I were a farmer and suddenly heard a lot of squawking coming from my henhouse one night, Id want to go out and investigate. (L86)如果我是立法者,我会对这个谜团感兴趣,正如假设我是农民,某个晚上突然听到鸡棚里传来一阵咯咯的叫声,我一定会想出去看看。11.Could it be that such laws, though intended to protect America, will actually harm it? (L9

33、2)有没有可能这些法律,尽管其本意是为了保护美国,实际上却反而伤害了它呢?1) He has been released from prison to undergo medical treatment(接受医学治疗)in the United States.2) OpenO is an open source multiplatform software package that is akin to the mainstream Microsoft Office software.(与主流的微软办公软件相似). 3) A computer virus is generic

34、ally defined as a malicious program written to undermine computer security and stability(破坏计算机的安全与稳定性).4) Schools will save much money in the long run if they are to make the best use of internet technology(充分利用互联网技术).5) The new version of the software(这个软件的新版本) will be released officially next mont

35、h.6) The college student took apart his webcam(把他的网络摄像头拆开)after he found a computer virus secretly activated it and spied on his privacy.7) If one factors in the Gross National Income per capita(把人均国民总收入计算在内), the expense of surfing the Internet is much higher in China than in the States.8) The webs

36、ite, which is famous for disclosing classified information(揭露机密信息), has won a number of awards ever since it was founded several years ago.9) With Google language tools, Internet users are now able to comprehend web pages written in languages that are foreign to them(用他们不熟悉的语言).10) Generally speakin

37、g, small businesses are more likely to neglect information security(更有可能忽视信息安全).U51.Yet that is precisely the pitch being made by French auto engineer Guy Negre (Line 3)然而,法国汽车工程师盖伊·尼格拉恰恰就是在这么推销2. one that produces a fraction of the carbon emissions of a standard engine, reaches speeds of 30mph

38、-plus, that can travel 65 miles on a one-minute recharge and, best of all, costs from just over £3,000. (L6)这种汽车的碳排放量只是标准汽车发动机排放量的一小部分,时速超过30英里,充气一分钟就可以行驶65英里,而且,最重要的是,这款车价格只有3000多英镑。3.While Negres air cars have similar carbon emissions to electric cars (it all depends how the electricity to po

39、wer the pumps that fill their air tanks is generated), he argues that air-power is a superior technology. (L19)虽然尼格拉设计的空气动力汽车有着和电动汽车差不多的碳排放量(这一切都取决于驱动填充空气箱的气泵所需的电力是如何产生的),但是他认为,空气动力是一种更出色的技术。4.He believes air power has a real chance of putting a rocket up the $200 million-a-year global auto industry

40、, radically improving the quality of urban life and making a serious dent in global carbon emissions in the process. (L 27)他认为,空气动力汽车为年产值达两万亿美元的全球汽车产业带来了一次真正腾飞的机会,并根本性地提高了城市的生活质量,大大减少了全球碳排放量。5.OK, it did not deliver the smoothly upholstered power so beloved by conventional car enthusiasts. (L 35)的确,

41、驾驶这辆车,并没有那种传统汽车爱好者所喜爱的平稳和舒适。6.I see no reason why this shouldnt be a successful form of urban transport in the near future. (L 62)我想在不久的将来,空气动力汽车将会是城市中的一个成功的交通方式。7.But perhaps the most credible endorsement of air power comes form a 30 million deal the makers recently signed with Indian car giant Tat

42、a to license the technology in Asia for use in the ultra-cheap Nano. (L63)但是,对空气动力汽车最令人信服的认可和支持,或许是由于该型汽车生产商最近和印度汽车巨头塔塔公司签署的价值3000万英镑的合同,将相关技术授权给塔塔公司,在亚洲生产超平价汽车那诺。8.However, he says he is close to sealing an agreement that could see air cars on sale in the UK within three years. (L68)不过,据他说,他已快要达成协议

43、,让空气动力汽车在三年内开始在英国销售。9.But if cars running on fresh air fulfill their promise, why stop there? (L69)但是,如果利用空气驱动的汽车的确能履行环保节能等诺言的话,为何就此停住呢?1)Scientists know how to get better images from the data than are produced by current devices, but the necessary calculations take so long that they are impractical.(所需的计算要花费的时间太长,以至于这变得不切实际


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