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1、高二英语教材知识点总结及重难点解析Unit3-4重点句型 1. I prefer living in a modern flat. 2. What words and phrases do you think will be useful . 3. I wouldn't feel happy living in a block of apartments. 4. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and literature. 5. Seen from the top

2、, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel. 6. A is to B what C is to B. 7. Besides, no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. 8. More than any other form of literature, poetry plays with ,sounds, words and grammar. 9. Greatly

3、loved in China are the English Romantic poets.重点词汇1. preference n. 偏爱,喜好,优先2. design vt. & n. 设计;样式,款式3. furniture (U) n. 家具(总称)4. taste v. & n. 尝;味道,鉴赏力5. convenient adj. 方便的6. stand v. 站,忍受,承担7. impress vt. 使感动,使留下印象8. create vt. 创造,创建,创作9. intention n. 意图,打算,目的10. sort vt. & n. 分类;种类,

4、类型11. absence n. 缺席,缺乏,不在12. instruction n. 序言,介绍,引进13. extraordinary adj. 特别的,惊人的14. recommend vt. 推荐,介绍15. atmosphere n. 气氛,大气16. translation n. 翻译,译文17. glory n. 荣誉,光荣18. style n. 风格,作风,文体19. paint vt. & n. 涂颜料,绘画;颜料,涂料20. recite n. 背诵,朗诵21. embrace n. 拥抱22. tale n. 传说,传闻,故事23. essay n. 论文,散文

5、,随笔24. literature n. 文学重点短语1. go against 违背,不利于2. stand close to 接近,靠近3. pull down 拆毁,推毁 4. compare with 与比较5. act as 充当,扮演,担当6. belong to 属于7. fill up with 用填满8. call up 打电话,唤起,使想起9. stand out 突出,显眼10. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起,提醒某人某事11. lead to 通往,导致12. get through 通过,完成,接通(电话)13. send for 派人请,叫人拿1

6、4. contribute.to 贡献给,向投稿15. come into being 形成,产生16. join.to 把和连起来17. serve the purpose 管用,解决问题18. set.aside 把放在一边 交际用语1. I'd prefer living in a modem flat.2. I'd rather live in a traditional siheyuan.3. I'm much more interested in doing sth.4. I wouldn't feel happy if 1 lived in a b

7、lock.5. I don't get very excited about old-style houses.6. What I like is .7. I can' t stand doing sth.词汇短语1. absence n. 缺席,缺乏,不在 形容词 absent,通常与 from 连用。反义词分别为 presence (n.),present(adj.)。 Her absence from the meeting made the manager disappointed. 她没到会使经理感到失望。 In the absence of water, plant

8、s don't grow. 没有水植物无法生长。2. design vt. 设计,计划;n. 款式,没计 (1) 动词用法 The tower is perfectly designed. 这座塔设计完美。 Was it designed, or did it just happen? 这是预先计划好的,还是偶然发生的? (2) 名词用法 The suit of cbtheslooks beautifulin design. 这套服装样式看上去很漂亮。 His design wasn't accepted. 他的设计未被接受。【考点】design 的用法 句型:sth be d

9、esigned to do sth. 的目的是【考例 1】(2001上海春招) The new suspension bridge _ by the end of last month. A. has been designed B. had been designed C. was designed D. would be designed考查目标动词的时态与语态在语境中的实际运用。答案与解析B by the end of 短语应该使用完成时态,而last month暗示应该使用过去时态。故此综合两个条件必须使用过去完成时态。3.【考点】disturb的用法 构词:distur bing a

10、dj. 烦扰的 辨析:disturb; interrupt两词都是动词,含有“打扰”的意思,但disturb强调扰乱、妨碍安静、平静或正常的秩序。而interrupt则强调使工作、谈话等中断。例如:The noise disturbs us day and night. 噪音日夜扰乱着我们。I'm sorry to interrupt but there is a phone call for you.真对不起打扰你有电话找你。【考例】Sorry to _ you,but your mother is waiting outside. A. break B. interrupt C.

11、stop D. disturb考查目标 考查相关词汇的辨析与运用。答案与解析B disturb表示“扰乱、妨碍安静、平静或正常的秩序”。而 interrupt 则强调“使工作、谈话等中断”。stop 表示“停止、阻止”;break 表示“打破、中止”。4.【考点】feel 的用法 构词: feeling n. 感觉;知觉;触觉 feelings n. 心情;感情;情绪 搭配: feel one's way (in the dark) (在黑暗中)摸索着前进 feel oneself = be oneself 感到合适正常舒服 feel / be proud of 以自豪 hurt on

12、e's feelings 伤某人的感情 句型: sb feel sth 摸;感觉到 sb feel + that clause 认为 sb feel + adj. 感到如何 sth feel + adj. 摸起来 It feels + adj. + to do 做某事感觉 fee + 宾语 + 宾补 (由n. / adj. / prep. / phrase / do sth / doing sth / done / to be n. / adj. 充当)觉得;感到 sb feel it adj. / n. to do / that clause 觉得 sb feel like (doi

13、ng) sth 感到想(干)某事;感到像是样子 sth feel like sth 某物摸起来像什么 feel + 地点状语 + for sth 在中摸 feel as if / though 觉得好像,觉得似乎 feel / be sure that. 确信 have a feeling that. 有的感觉;觉得【考例】(NMET 1996) I love to go to the seaside in summer. It _ good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea. A. does B. feels C. gets D. makes

14、考查目标 考查动词与句型的固定搭配。答案与解析B 本题考查:1. It is / feels good to do sth与 It does good to sb 的用法区别;2. 系表结构知识。先排除A项,因为 to 在本句中为动词不定式而不是介词;而 C、D 两项没有此类搭配。5.【考点】glance 的用法搭配:glance at 匆匆一看;一瞥辨析:glance; glare; stare三词均与“看”有关,但glance意为“一瞥,看一眼,粗略地看一看”。指看的结果。glare意为“瞪视,凝视”,指愤怒或威胁地凝视,强调威胁或敌对的态度。stare意为“注视,凝视”,指目不转睛地盯着

15、看。带有好奇、惊喜、沉思或恐惧等感情,常有意或无意地带有贬义。例如:He glanced at his watch and left in a hurry. 他看了看表,然后匆忙离开了。They didn't fight, but stood there glaring at each other. 他们没有打起来。但却站在那儿怒目而视。"I'm going to get married." he said. I stared at him in disbelief. “我要结婚了。”他说。我盯着他,难以置信。【考例4】I only _ at your wo

16、rk, but it seems to be good. A. glared B. glanced C. stared D. gazed考查目标 考查四个同义词的辨析与运用。答案与解析 B glance意为“一瞥,看一眼,粗略地看一看”指看的结果。glare意为“瞪视。凝视”,指愤怒或威胁地凝视。强调威胁或敌对的态度。stare意为“注视,凝视”常有意或无意地带有贬义。gaze表示注意力很集中。结合上下文的意思应该选B项。【考点】glance 的用法搭配:glance at 匆匆一看;一瞥辨析:glance; glare; stare三词均与“看”有关,但glance意为“一瞥,看一眼,粗略地

17、看一看”。指看的结果。glare意为“瞪视,凝视”,指愤怒或威胁地凝视,强调威胁或敌对的态度。stare意为“注视,凝视”,指目不转睛地盯着看。带有好奇、惊喜、沉思或恐惧等感情,常有意或无意地带有贬义。例如:He glanced at his watch and left in a hurry. 他看了看表,然后匆忙离开了。They didn't fight, but stood there glaring at each other. 他们没有打起来。但却站在那儿怒目而视。"I'm going to get married." he said. I sta

18、red at him in disbelief. “我要结婚了。”他说。我盯着他,难以置信。6. impress vt. 使留下印象,使感动 名词:impression impress主要搭配有: (1) impress sb. with sth. 或be impressed with / by The girI impressed her friend with her sense of humor. 这女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下深刻的印象。 All present were impressed with / by his noble need. 所有在场的人都被他的崇高行为感动。 (2)

19、impress sth. on / upon sb. Hetried to impress everything he had explained upon us. 他试图要我们把他所解释的内容都记住。 (3) 名词用法 Hemade a strongimpression on me. 他给我留下很深的印象。【考点】impress 的用法 构词:impression n. 印象 搭配: be impressed with / by. 受感动 impress sth on sb 让明白 (重要性)【考例】(2003上海春招) The speech by the mayor of Shanghai

20、 before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory. A. to B. over C. by D. on考查目标考查动词 impress 与介词的搭配关系。答案与解析D impress sth on sb.为一个固定短语,意思为“让明白重要性”。7. invited“被吸引的,被引诱的”,是invite的过去分词。 invite v. 邀请;征求(意见等);吸引;引起,招致(坏的事物) I invited all my relatives to my birthday party.我邀请了所有的亲戚参

21、加我的生日晚会。 Mter the speech, he invited questions and suggestions from us. 讲完话之后,他征询我们的问题和意见。 The dishes look inviting. 这些菜看起来很诱人。 Leaving your car unlocked is just inviting trouble! 汽车不上锁纯粹是自找麻烦!8. Man-made 人造的 由“名词 + 过去分词”构成,做定语修饰名词,表示被 动,如:a snow-covered mountain (大雪覆盖的山)。 表示被动做定语的构词还有“副词 + 过去分词”,如:

22、 a newly-built house (一座新建的房子)。 另外,“名词 + 现在分词”做定语表示主动意义。如a peace-loving people (一个爱好和平的民族); 表示主动意义的还有“形容词 + 过去分词”,如:a warm-hearted lady (一个热心的女士) “形容词 + 现在分词”如:a easy-going girl (一个随和的女孩)。9.【考点】sale 的用法构词: salesgirl 女销售员 salesboy 男销售员 salesman / saleswoman 售货员;推销员 搭配: on sale 在(削价)销售,(有货)售卖;上市 for s

23、ale 待售,出售的 a sales manager / director 销售部经理主任 sales tax 销售税 sales department 销售部;门市部 句型:sth enjoy / have a large / good sale = sth sell well某物销路好;某物销量大;畅销 友情提示:sale作定语时需用复数形式sales。【考例2】The old man has a three-bedroom and one-diningroom house _. A. for sale B. for sales C. on sales D. for sell考查目标 考查

24、短语的固定搭配。答案与解析 A “待售,出售的”的固定短语为 for sale。10.【考点】stand的用法 搭配: stand for 代表;意味着,是缩写;代替;象征;支持 stand out 显眼;醒目;突出;杰出,出色 stand by 袖手旁观;忠于坚守 stand up 起立,站起 stand up for 为某人某事说话、工作等;支持某人某事【考例】Richard became quite angry by the time Hilda turned up. He _ in the rain for half an hour waiting for her. A. stoppe

25、d B. has expected C. has been sitting D. had stood考查目标 考查动词在实际语境中的运用。答案与解析D for 短语经常使用完成时态,先排除A项;根据句子上下文中的意思“他一直站在雨中等她使得他生气”。 stand vi. 竖立,位于 vt. 使站立,忍受 (1) 不及物用法 There stands an ancient in front of my house. 我的房子前面立着一棵古树。 The room has stood empty for months. 这间房间空了好几个月了。 注:stand后接形容词相当于stay / remai

26、n + adj. 用法,表示主语处于一种状态。 (2) 及物用法 I can't stand being laughed at in public. 我不能忍受在公共场合被人讥笑。 He couldn't stand that old woman living next door; she talked too much. 他不能忍受隔壁的老太太,她太唠叨了。 注:stand不用于被动语态和进行时态;与can / could连用,后面常接名词、动名词。11.【考点】stick 的用法 搭配: stick to 坚持;粘住;固守 be / get stuck 卡住;陷在中间;处于

27、困境【考例6】(2004湖北) Once a decision has been made,all of us should _ it. A. direct to B. stick to C. lead to D. refer to考查目标考查短语在具体语境中的运用。答案与解析B direct to表示“对准”;stick to 表示“坚持”;lead to 表示“通向”;refer to 表示“参考”。结合上下文应该表示坚持。12.【考点】disturb的用法 构词:distur bing adj. 烦扰的 辨析:disturb; interrupt两词都是动词,含有“打扰”的意思,但dis

28、turb强调扰乱、妨碍安静、平静或正常的秩序。而interrupt则强调使工作、谈话等中断。例如:The noise disturbs us day and night. 噪音日夜扰乱着我们。I'm sorry to interrupt but there is a phone call for you.真对不起打扰你有电话找你。牛刀小试1用所给单词的适当形式填空:(design, stick, feel, impress)1. What _ me most was the high speed of industrial development in Shanghai.2. The

29、course is _ to improve the students' writing abilities in a short time.3. The theory which he _ to proved to be correct.4. - Do you like the material? - Yes, it _ very soft.【短语归类】1.【考点】含 as 的动词短语 experience.as = consider.as = look upon / onas = treat.as 把认为是 act as 担任;起的作用 serve as 当,充当 work as

30、当,充当 use.as把用作例句 The theory is experienced as very advanced. 这个理论被认为是非常高深的He acted as chairman in my absence. 我不在时他担任主席。He serves as a waiter in a restaurant. 他在一家餐馆里当服务员。【考例 3】Classroom testing, if well down, most certainly _ as a stimulus (刺激) to study and reallearning. A. uses B. looks C. acts D.

31、 does考查目标 此题主要考查短语动词的辨义问题。答案与解析C 弄清题意。准确地判断空白处的意义。题意是:课堂测试,如果做得好的话,一定会对学习和真正的学习有刺激作用。也就是说,课堂测试可以充当刺激。A项应该使用被动态,B、D两项则不能和 as 构成搭配。2. call up 打电话,唤醒,使人想起 The sound of seagulls called up his happy memories of his childhood. 海鸥的叫声唤起他对童年的幸福的记忆。 Please call me up at five.请五点叫醒我 (或:五点打电话给我) 已学与 call 常见的搭配还

32、有: call off (取消,挂断电话) call at / on (拜访某地某人) call for (要求,来找某人) call in (召集,召来)3.【考点】含 come into 的动词短语 come into being 形成;产生 come into effect / force 开始实施;生效 come into use / service 开始使用 come into power 开始执政;上台 come into view / sight 进入视线 come into fashion 开始流行例句 Romanticism didn't come into bein

33、g until in the late 18 century in Europe. 浪漫主义运动直到18世纪未期才产生于欧洲。The new seat-beh regulations came into effect last week. 使用安全带的新规定于上周生效。【考例】 The church gate came into _ as we rounded the next corner. A. being B. service C. effect D. view考查目标 此题主要考查动词搭配问题。答案与解析D 题意:我们又拐了一个弯时,教堂的大门映入了我们的眼帘。4. go agains

34、t 违反,违背(意愿、原则等);对不利(无被动形式) I'm not to go against my own family. 我不会背离我自己的家人的。 He was afraid that the hattie would go against them. 他害怕那场战斗会对他们不利。6. keep out (of) 挡住,不让进 He closed the window t0 keep the wind out (of the house).他关上窗户不让风进来(进房子)。 The sign says "Keep out!" 牌子上写着:“请勿入内!” 类似用

35、法:keep off 别碰,避开 You'd better keep off the sweet food.你最好少吃甜食。 Keep offthe grass!请勿践踏草地!7.【考点】含look的短语 look at 看待;考虑;检查 look around / about 环顾 look up 查阅;仰视 look into 调查 look on 旁观 look back on 回顾,回想 look down upon / on 看不起;鄙视 look over 翻阅;复习;检查 look to 照顾;注意 look up to 尊敬 1ook forward to 盼望;预计会

36、有 look out for 提防;当心 look on / upon.as. 把看作 look like 看上去像 look for 寻找 look sb. up and down 上下打量某人 look after 照看;照料 look ahead 向前看 look out 小心:看外面 look through 浏览;检查例句 That's the way I look at it那就是我看待这事的方式。When all the facts have been looked up, pass them on to me. 所有事实查出后,转交给我。The police are l

37、ooking into the records of all those involved in the crime. 警方正在调查所有涉嫌这起犯罪的记录。Looking back on it, one realizes that it was far from being a satisfactory conference. 回顾过去,人们会意识到那不是一次成功的会议。【考例1】In order to get a better solution. I think we'd better _ the question from all sides. A. look out B. loo

38、k up C. look for D. look at考查目标 此题主要考查短语动词的搭配问题。答案与解析D不同的介词或副词搭配,有不同的意义。look out 查处,找出;当心,注意。look for 寻找。8. send for 派人请,叫人拿 We sent for the document this morning. 我们今天上午派人去取这份文件。 - Will somebody go and get Dr. White? 有人去请怀特医生了吗? - He's already been sent for. 已经派人去了。 与 send 的常见搭配有: send off (发出)

39、 send up (发射) send out (发出)等。9. set aside 把放在一边;留出 He set aside his book and lit a cigarette. 他把书放在一边,点燃一支香烟。 Each month she tried to set aside part of her salary. 每月他都设法留出工资的一部分。 aside 其他常见用法还有: stand aside (靠边站) move aside (移到旁边) put sth. aside for sb. (把某物留给某人)10.【考点】含 up 的动词短语 call up 召唤;调动;使人想起

40、;打电话给 light up 照亮;变得高兴起来 fill up 填写;盛满 take up 占用;拿起;从事 pick up 拾起;接送;听到;学会例句 Your letter calls up the days when we worked together in the countryside 20 years ago. 你的信使人想起20年前我们在一起工作的日子。Sue's face lighted up when she heard the good news. 听到这个好消息时,苏流露出愉快的面容。The room soon filled up with people. 房

41、间里不久就挤满了人。She's taken up flower-decoration at evening classes. 她在夜校学习插花。【考例】It has been raining harder and harder for quite a few days. The village seemed to be in danger of being floodedMr Smith decided to _ all the young men in the village to strengthen the river bank. A. call in B. call up C.

42、 call at D. call for考查目标 此题主要考查动词辨义问题。答案与解析B call in 召进,请进。call at (a place)访问(某地)。call / or需要,去接。11.【考点】副词短语 far from 完全不远不 next to 儿乎;仅次于 in a hurry 匆忙;很快地例句 The problem is far from (being) easy. 这个问题完全不容易。Papering the ceiling proved next to impossible without a ladder. 用纸糊天花板没有梯子儿乎是不可能的。She dress

43、ed herself in a hurry. 她匆匆地穿上衣服。友情提示:far from 后可接名词、形容词,或 being +形容词名词。next to后常接一些否定词。【考例】I'm terribly sorry to tell you that your work is far from _. A. satisfying B. a satisfaction C. being satisfactory D. to satisfy考查目标 此题主要考查 far from 的用法。答案与解析C satisfaction 是不可教名词,前不可使用a。from后不可接不定式。satisf

44、ying虽然意思与satisfactory 相同,但常使用satisfactory,其中being经常省略。牛刀小试21. I can't tell you what it's worth, you nlust get an expert to _ it. A. look into B. look at C. look up D. look out2. Seeing its mother coming, the child was so happy that its eyes _ pleasure. A. were lighted with B. lit up for C. l

45、it up with D. were lighted up for3. As you can see, the mini-skirt comes into _again this year. A. being B. effect C. practice D. fashion4. He repeats that he is telling the story as _ by himself at the time. A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. seen5. the Chinese Revolution, _ the Russian Revolution, is t

46、he most important political event in _ history. A. next to; 不填 B. close to; the C. up to; 不填 D. as to; the 词语比较1. despite, in spite of, though, although, as (1) despite, in spite of 尽管,不顾 despite, in spite of 是介词或介词短语,后面只能接名词、代词或动名词。 He came to school despite his serious illness. = He came to school

47、 in spite of his serious illness. 尽管他病得很重,他还去上学。 Despite / ln spite of the rain, we won't stop our work. 尽管下雨,我们也不会停止工作。 (2) though, although, as 尽管,虽然 though, although 为从属连词,一般接从句,也可接分词;though 还可以用于倒装句,这种表达法相当于 as 表示“虽然”时的用法。 Although given enough time, he didn't finish the work in time. 虽然

48、给了他充分时间,他还是没有及时完成工作。 Seriously m thou曲he was, he went to school. = Seriously ill as he was, he came to school. 注:though 还可以单独作副词用,意为“可是”、“然而”,通常放句末,如: The boy was injured. It was nothing much, though. 那个男孩子受伤了,不过并不重。2. get through, go through, live through get through 及物或不及物用法,意为:通过,完成,接通 (电话),渡过 (难

49、关) 等。 (1) The line is busy, I can't get through. 电话线路忙,我打不通。 Have you got through your homework? 你完成作业了吗? 注:get through 后接 with 只有“完成”,没有“通过”的意思,如: I got through with the examination, but I didn't get through.我完成了考试,但没有通过。 (2) go through 及物用法,意为:穿过,仔细查看,浏览,经历(苦难) Go through the papers and fi

50、nd out useful information.浏览一下这些报纸,找出有用的信息。 He went through untold hardship in the war.战争中这位老人受尽了苦难。 (3) live through 经历,度过 The old man lived through two wars in life.老人一生中经历了两次战争。 He possibly can't live through this winter.他可能活不过这个冬天。 试比较:He can't possibly get through this winter.他可能挨不过这个冬天

51、。句型诠释1. I prefer living in a modern flat. prefer 后可接不定式或动名词,意思区别不大,但搭配不一样,分别为prefer to do.rather than do.; prefer doing.to doing. I prefer to stay home rather than go out. = I prefer staying hometo going out. prefer后面还可以接名词,如: I prefer a double room to a single one. 我宁可住双人间也不住单人间。2. I wouldn't f

52、eel happy living in a block of apartments. 住在一座公寓里我是不会感到高兴的。 句中现在分词短语 living in a block of apartments 在句中作状语,表示一个非真实的情况:要是我住在一 座公寓楼里(实际上我没有住在公寓楼里),有了这么一个非真实的情况(条件),所以句中使用了虚拟 语气 (wouldn't feel)。 Your wife wouldn't be pleased to hear you say so. 假如你妻子听到你说这些,她不会高兴的。(实际上没听到) The chickens can eat

53、 the food that we would otherwise throw away 这些鸡可以吃掉那些要不然会扔掉的食物。(otherwise后为一个与现在事实相反的假设)3. Every great culture or different period in the past has its own ideas 0f beauty expressed in an and architecture.过去的每一种伟大的文化或每一个不同的时期都把它自己的美学思想表现在艺术和建筑方面。 该句使用了have sth. done结构,其中过去分词在句中作宾语补足语,表示被动的含义。have st

54、h. done 可表示三种意思: (1)“让某人去做某事”,此时have有“请,让”的意思 I had my hair cut only yesterday. 我昨天才理了发。(请人理发) (2)“完成某事”。此时的have不含“请,让”的意思。 只强调“事情的完成”,不论是谁去完成,有可能是句子主语,也可能是他人来完成。 I must have my homework finished before going out to play. 在出去玩之前,我必须把作业做完。 I have your medicine prepared now. 我已经把你的药准备好了。 (3)“遭受某种情况”,往

55、往是遭受不幸的事情。 He had his left leg injured in the accident. 他的左腿在事故中受伤了。4. Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches. 从顶部看,体育馆好像是覆盖着一张灰色的钢网,就像一个用树枝做成的鸟巢。 (1) 句中分别使用了过去分词 seen from.,made of 作状语和定语,表示被动逻辑关系。 Newly painted this morning, the house looks beautiful. (状语)今天上午刚油漆的,这房子显得漂亮。 What do youth


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