



1、英语专业毕业论文致谢词精选6篇英语专业毕业论文致谢词精选 6篇致谢一:I ould like to extend m deep gratitude to all those ho have offered me a lot ofhelp and support in the proess of m thesis riting.First and foremost, m sinere thanks go to Professor Li Changbao, m supervisor,ho has offered me numerous valuable ments and suggestions

2、ith inparablepatiene and enouraged me profoundl throughout m postgraduate stud. Without hispainstaking teahing and insightful advie, the pletion of this thesis ould havebeen impossible.Also, I oe man thanks to all the professors ho have taught me during mprevious stud in this universit, for leading

3、me into a hallenging et fasinating fieldof XXdemi researh. The profit that I gained from them ill be of everlastingsignifiane to m future researh.Last but not least, I am deepl indebted to m famil and friends, ho have helpedme and shared ith me m orries, frustrations, and happiness.致谢二:This thesis o

4、uld not e into being if I had not reeived help from msupervisor, teahers, lassmates, and famil. The第1页共10页 offered me so muh enouragement,ithout hih I ould have alread given up. But before I express m sinerestgratitude to them, I ould thank m God. It as alas He ho first ame to help mehen m faith as

5、influened b Blake s unorthodox theologial thinking. Again itas He ho gave me isdom and patiene to do hatever I did for his glor.Whatever our hand finds to do, do it ith all our might. It is His faithfulness and unfailing love that urged me torite the thesis ith all m might.M supervisor Xu Xiaodong d

6、id offer me so muh help that I feel so grateful tohim. He has lent me over thirt valuable monographs, biographies, anthologies, andolletions of essas. Nearl all of the books ere bought from abroad at his onexpense. His fervent love for literature, his relentless pursuit of knoledge, and hismetiulous

7、 attitude toards researh manifest the personalities and qualities I shouldultivate as a qualified sholar. Whenever I sent him an artile he alas gave mepreious suggestions that reall improved m ritial thinking a lot. For man times Ifailed to keep m promise, he forgave me and kept enouraging me to pur

8、sue mstudies. I give m most genuinel gratitude to him for his generous help.Besides m supervisor, I have benefited from man other teahers. Prof. ZhangRuen, Prof. Yi Jianhong, Prof. Jiang Yuebin, Sun Jiurong and Wei Lina, the havetaught me man第2页共10页 ritial approahes and broadened the sope of m knole

9、dge invarious fields of literature. Moreover, I ould like to extend m gratitude to mlassmates and roommates. The taught me ho to balane stud and rest. I alsothank m famil, espeiall m sister, ho ame to m shool man times to visit me.Her support and fort gave me muh strength.Lastl m gratitude ould be e

10、xpressed to Charles Gardner, Paul Berger, HelenC. White, Maung Ba-han, S. Foster Damon, J. G. Davies. Even though some of themhave gone to the land here no traveler returns bak, their results of ears of researhill be passed don to future generations. Without their researhes, students ofWilliam Blake

11、 ould fumble man more ears in the mstial land of the msti-poet.W川iam Ralph Inge, Miss Eveln Underhill, Emil Herman, Joseph B. Collins,ithout hose sstemati exploration of mstiism I ould be totall at loss in thevast oean of this partiular human experiene.致谢三:Time is a bird forever on the ing. For the

12、past to ears post-graduate stud, Ireall had a fulfilling life here. Not onl have I met man knoledgeable teahers, butalso truthful friends. I ould like to give m deep gratitude to man of them. First of all, Iam most grateful to Professor Zhang Ruen, m supervisor, ho offers me invaluableguidane and he

13、lp both in m第3页共10页stud and m life. Without her enlightening suggestions andinstrutions, it ould be a tough task for me to finish m thesis. Besides, I also appreiateman other teahers ho have offered their useful suggestions and inspire me a lot.Mthanks also go to m parents, grandparents, m lassmates

14、 and m loving friends. Theirpan is a great onsolation to me. I ish everone ould live in peae and happiness.致谢四:I ould like to grant oeans of thanks to all m respeted teahers and friendsho have offered me ordial assistane during the to and a half ears.First and foremost, I oe a speial debt of gratitu

15、de to m respeted supervisorProfessor Li Changbao, for his patient guidane, insightful suggestions and onstantenouragement through the hole proess of m thesis. Without his inspiringinstrutions and invaluable suggestions, it ould reall be a diffiult task for me toplete this thesis b mself.Speial thank

16、s should also go to all the exellent professors ho have taught mein this universit over the past to ears, for leading me into the field of researhork, and giving me tremendous inspiration, ourage and onfidene during m studhere. Their insightful letures have made m stud delightful and enjoable.第4页共10

17、页Finall, I am also deepl indebted to all m famil members and friends for theirenouragement hih inspires me ever time hen I have no motivation to ontinue.I must mention all m roommates, ho give me a fortable atmosphere to studand do me a lot of favor hen I need help.致谢五:This thesis ould not have been

18、 possible ithout onstrutive advie and helpfrom man persons.First and foremost, I ish to express m sinere gratitude to m supervisor inChina Foreign Affairs Universit, Professor Ran Jijun, for his great advie andguidane on the ontent and format of this thesis, hih is ritial for revision.Without his XX

19、demi guidane, I ould not have aplished this thesis.I ould like to express m appreiation to all m teahers in the EnglishDepartment of China Foreign Affairs Universit, espeiall to Professor He Yinghong,Professor Guo Liqiu, Professor Sun Jisheng, Professor Zhang Lei, Professor SongAiqun, Professor Wei

20、Lamei and Professor He Qun for everthing I have learned fromthem during the to ears at this universit.Also, the emotional support from m parents and m husband is no less importantthan the XXdemi assistane.第5页共10页In the end, I ould like to express m thanks to m olleagues ho helped olletuseful referen

21、e books and materials for me.致谢六:M sinere gratitude firstl goes to m supervisor Assoiate Professor Xu hohas been providing me enlightening suggestions, areful proofreading and onstantenouragement during the hole proess of m thesis riting. Without his infinitesupport and illuminating guidane, I ould

22、never have been able to finish this thesis.Moreover, his serious sholarship and XXdemi praties, his onsientious andXXdemi attitude toards teahing and above all, his agreeable personalit, haveinfluened me immensel during the past three ears, hih also ill be a life-longealth for me.Appreiation also go

23、es to other professors and teahers in the Shool of ForeignStudies, CUMT, ho have helped me in m postgraduate studies and enlightened meduring the past three ears.Besides, I feel deepl indebted to m parents and friends, ho have helped mesubstantiall through the tough proess of thesis riting. M speial

24、 thanks go to mbest friends hose great help and support have apanied me all the a in thelong and rearding experiene of riting this thesis.第6页共10页附送:英语专业译跟单员个人简历英语专业译跟单员个人简历个人根本简历姓名:性别:国籍:目前所在地:民族:户口所在地:肇庆身材:婚姻状况:年龄:培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:英语译:英语译、服装纺织皮革跟单:跟单员、文秘文员:秘书工作年限:3职称:中级求职类型:全职可到职-随时月薪要求:第7页共10页3500-5000希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:公司名称:广州艾萨克服装起止年月:201X-05201X-06 公司性质:所属行业:担任职务:译跟单工作描述:本公司主要从事服装行业,客户是来自美国、加拿大,一般都是 E-MAIL联系;本人主要译兼跟单,处理客户邮件、整理资料、跟板、 下单、安排装柜出货,收货款等一系列工作. 离职原因:公司名称:广州南风贸易起止年月:201X-08201X-05 公司性质:所属行业:担


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