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1、国内中国期刊的英文缩写Lexicon of JournalsFull Journal NameAbstracts of Papers. American Chemical SocietyActa Academiae AboensisActa Chemica ScandinavicaActa CrystallographicaActa Hydrobiolica SinicaActa Hydrochimica et HydrobiologicaAgricultural Gazette of New South WalesAlgae (The Korean Journal of Phycology)

2、Alzheimer's ReportsAmerican Journal of BotanyAmerican Journal of PathologyAmerican Journal of PharmacyAmerican Journal of Physiology-GastrointestinalLiver PhysiologyAmerican Journal of Public HealthAmerican Journal of Veterinary MedicineAmerican Journal of Veterinary ResearchAmerican Review of R

3、espiratory DiseaseAnalytical and Bioanalytical ChemistryAbbreviationAbstr. Papers Am. Chem. Soc.Acta Academiae AboensisActa Chem. Scand.Acta Crystallograph.Acta Hydrobiol. SinicaActa Hydrochim. Hydrobiol.Acta Med. Scand.Acta Pharmaceutica FennicaActa Scien. Circum.Acta Vet. BrnoActa Vet. Scand.Adv.

4、Cancer Res.Adv. Mar. Biol.Agents ActionsAgric. Gaz. N.S.W.Algae (Korean J. Phycol.)Alzheimer's Rep.Am. J. BotanyAm. J. Pathol.Am. J. PharmacyAm. J. Physiol. 0astrointest. Liver Physiol.Am. J. Pub. HealthAm. J. Vet. Med.Am. J. Vet. Res.Am. Midland Nat.Am. Rev. Resp. Dis.AmbioAnalystAnalyt. Bioana

5、lyt. Chem.Analyt. Biochem.Acta Medica Scandinavica Acta Pharmaceutica Fennica Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae Acta Veterinaria BrnoActa Veterinaria Scandinavica Advances in Cancer Research Advances in Marine Biology Agents and ActionsAmerican Midland NaturalistAmbioAnalystAnalytical BiochemistryJourna

6、ls Page 31AbbreviationAnalyt. Chem.Analyt. Chim. ActaAnalyt. Lett.Analyt. Sci.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Ann. AllergyAnn. Internal Med.Ann. Limnol.Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.Ann. Rev. Microbiol.Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol.Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.Appl. Catalysis B Environ.Appl. Environ. Microbiol.Appl. Microbi

7、ol.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.Aqua FennicaAquacultureAquat. Ecol.Aquat. Ecosys. Health Manage.Aquat. Microbial Ecol.Aquat. Sci.Aquat. Toxicol.Arch. Anat. Micr. Morphol. Exp r. eArch. Biochem. Biophys.Arch. Dermatol.Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol.Arch. Exp. Veterin?rmed.Arch. Hydrobiol.Full Journal NameAn

8、alytical ChemistryAnalytica Chimica ActaAnalytical LettersAnalytical SciencesAngewandte Chemiednternational EditionAnnals of AllergyAnnals of Internal MedicineAnnales de Limnologielnternational Journal of LimnologyAnnals. New York Academy of SciencesAnnual Review of MicrobiologyAnnual Review of Phar

9、macology and ToxicologyApplied Biochemistry and BiotechnologyApplied Catalysis. B. EnvironmentalApplied and Environmental MicrobiologyApplied MicrobiologyApplied Microbiology and BiotechnologyAqua FennicaAquacultureAquatic EcologyAquatic Ecosystem Health & ManagementAquatic Microbial Ecology Pro

10、ceedings of the ConferenceAquatic SciencesAquatic ToxicologyArchives d ' Anatomie Microscopique et de Morphologie Exp rimentaleArchives of Biochemistry and BiophysicsArchives of DermatologyArchives of Dermatology & SyphilologyArchiv f riExperimentelle Veterin?rmedizenArchiv f rtHydrobiologie

11、AbbreviationFull Journal NameArch. Hydrobiol. Algol. Stud.Archiv f rtHydrobiologie Wgological StudiesArch. Hydrobiol. Beih. Ergebn. Limnol.Arch. Hydrobiol. Wonogr. Beit.Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther.Arch. Lat. Nutr.Arch. Microbiol.Arch. Pharmacol.Arch. PharmazieArch. Toxicol.Arizona Acad. Sci.Arzneim

12、.-Forsch. Qrug Res.Assoc. S.E. Biol. Bull.Aust. J. Biol. Sci.Aust. J. Dairy Technol.Aust. J. Ecol.Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res.Aust. NZ. J. Med.Aust. NZ J. Pub. HealthAust. Vet. J.Avian Dis.Avian Pathol.Bacteriol. Rev.Biochem.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.Biochem. J.Biochem. Pharmacol.Biochem. Physi

13、ol. PflanzenBiochem. Soc. Trans.Archiv f rtHydrobiologie Beiheft Ergebnisse der LimnologieArchiv f rtHydrobiologie Wonographische BeitreeArchives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de TherapieArchivos Latinoamericanos de NutricionArchiv f rtMicrobiologieArchives of PharmacologyArchiv der Pharmazi

14、eArchives of ToxicologyArizona Academy of Science. JournalArzneimittel-Forschuncj Prug ResearchThe Association of Southeastern Biologists BulletinAustralian Journal of Biological SciencesAustralian Journal of Dairy TechnologyAustralian Journal of EcologyAustralian Journal of Marine and FreshwaterRes

15、earchAustralian and New Zealand Journal of MedicineAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Public HealthAustralian Veterinary JouranlAvian DiseasesAvian PathologyBacteriological ReviewsBiochemistryBiochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunicationsBiochemical JournalBiochemical PharmacologyBiochemie un

16、d Physiologie der PflanzenBiochemical Society. TransactionsAbbreviationFull Journal NameBiochim. Biophys. ActaBiofizikaBiofizikaBiochimica et Biophysica ActaBiofuturBiogeochemistryBiol. Chem. Hoppe-SeylerBiol. ControlBiol. Fertility SoilsBiol. Pharmaceut. Bull.BiologiaBiological Res.Biologie G ologi

17、e Biologische Rudschau Biomed. Chromat. Biomed. Environ. Sci. Bioorg. Medicinal Chem. Bioorg. Medicinal Chem. Lett. Biophys. J. Bioresource Technol. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. Bioscience Biosensors & Bioelectronics Biotechnol. Adv. Biotechnol. Lett. Biotechnol. Techniques Boreal Environ. Res.B

18、ot. Mag. TokyoBotan. Bull. Acad. SinicaBotan. Rev.Botanica MarinaBovine Clin.Br. J. Exp. Pathol.BiofuturBiogeochemistryBiological Chemistry Hoppe-SeylerBiological ControlBiology and Fertility of SoilsBiological and Pharmaceutical BulletinBiologiaBiological ResearchBiologie G o logieBiologische Rudsc

19、hauBiomedical ChromatographyBiomedical and Environmental SciencesBioorganic & Medicinal ChemistryBioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry LettersBiophysical JournalBioresource TechnologyBioscience Biotechnology and BiochemistryBioscienceBiosensors & BioelectronicsBiotechnology AdvancesBiotechnol

20、ogy LettersBiotechnology TechniquesBoreal Environmental ResearchThe Botanical Magazine, Tokyo Botanical Bulletin. Academia SinicaBotanical ReviewBotanica MarinaBovine ClinicsBritish Journal of Experimental PathologyAbbreviationBr. J. Pharmacol.Br. Med. J.Br. Phycol. J.Br. Poultry Sci.Brain Res.Brazi

21、lian J. Med. Biol. Res.Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.Bull. Jap. Soc. Phycol.Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish.Bull. Korean Chem. Soc.Bull. Mar. Sci.Bull. Minn. Acad. Sci.Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. (Tokyo)Bull. Pan Am. Health Org.Bull. Soc. Bot. FranceByull. Izobret.Can. J. Anaes.Can. J. Biochem.Can. J. Biochem.

22、 Physiol.Can. J. Bot.Can. J. Chem.Can. J. Comp. Med.Can. J. Comp. Med. Vet. Sci.Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.Can. J. Microbiol.Can. J. Pub. HealthCan. J. Zool.Can. Med. Assoc. J.Can. Pub. Health J.Can. Vet. J.Full Journal NameBritish Journal of PharmacologyBritish Medical JournalBritish Phycological Jou

23、rnalBritish Poultry ScienceBrain ResearchBrazilian Journal of Medical and Biological ResearchBulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyBulletin. Japanese Society of PhycologyBulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific FisheriesBulletin. Korean Chemical SocietyBulletin of Marine Scienc

24、eThe Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of ScienceBulletin. National Science Museum (Tokyo)Bulletin of the Pan American Health OrganizationBulletin de la Socit 田otaniq e de FranceByulleten IzobretiniiaCanadian Journal of AnaesthesiaCanadian Journal of BiochemistryCanadian Journal of Biochemistry and

25、PhysiologyCanadian Journal of BotanyCanadian Journal of ChemistryCanadian Journal of Comparative MedicineCanadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary ScienceCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic SciencesCanadian Journal of MicrobiologyCanadian Journal of Public HealthCanadian Journal

26、of ZoologyCanadian Medical Association. JournalCanadian Public Heath JournalCanadian Veterinary JournalAbbreviationCancer Chemother. Pharmacol.Cancer Detect. Prevent.Cancer Lett.Cancer Res.Cancer Surv.CarcinogenesisCell. Biol. Toxicol.Cell Death & Diff.Cell Growth & Diff.Cell. Mol. Biol. Let

27、t.Centr. Afr. J. Med.Chem. Aust.Chem. Biol.Chem-Biol. Inter.Chem. BritainChem. Commun.Chem. Int.Chem. Pharmaceut. Bull.Chem. Res. Toxicol.Chem. Rev.Chem. Soc. Rev.ChemosphereChimiaChinese Biochem. J.Chinese J. Analyt. Chem.ChromatographiaCirc. Res.Circ. ShockClin. AllergyClin. Infect. Dis.Clin. Toxi

28、col.Full Journal NameCancer Chemotherapy and PharmacologyCancer Detection and PreventionCancer LettersCancer ResearchCancer SurveysCarcinogenesisCell Biology and ToxicologyCell Death & DifferentiationCell Growth & DifferentiationCellular and Molecular Biology Letters Central African Journal

29、of Medicine Chemistry in Australia Chemistry and Biology (London) Chemico-Biological Interactions Chemistry in Britain Chemical Communications Chemistry International Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin Chemical Research in Toxicology Chemical Reviews Chemical Society Reviews ChemosphereChimiaChi

30、nese Biochemical JournalChinese Journal of Analytical ChemistryChromatographiaCirculation ResearchCirculatory ShockClinical AllergyClinical Infectious DiseasesClinical ToxicologyAbbreviationCollect. NetCommonw. Eng.Comp. Biochem. Physiol .B: Mol. Biol.Comp. Biochem. Physiol .C: Pharmacol.Comp. Bioch

31、em. Physiol .C: Toxicol.Comp. Biochem. Physiol .C: Toxicol. Endocrinol.Contrib. N.S.W. Natl. Herb.Coral ReefsCornell Vet.Country Guide: Farm Mag. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci.CrustaceanaCunninghamia Curr. Biol.Curr. Med. Chem.Curr. Microbiol.Curr. Opinion Microbiol.Curr. Opinion Struct. Biol.Curr. Pharmaceu

32、t. Design Curr. Sci.Cytobios Dansk Vet. Tidsskr.Deep-Sea Res. Part 1Deut. Lebens.-Rund.Dev. Hydrobiol.Dis. Aquat. Org.DNA Seq.Dokl. Akad. NaukFull Journal NameThe Collecting NetCommonwealth EngineerBiochem. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B. Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyComp. Comp

33、arative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Comparative PharmacologyPharmacol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Comparative Pharmacology and ToxicologyPharmacol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C. Pharmacology, Toxicology, and EndocrinologyContributions. New South Wales National

34、 Herbarium Coral ReefsCornell VeterinarianCountry Guide: The Farm Magazine Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences CrustaceanaCunninghamiaCurrent BiologyCurrent Medicinal ChemistryCurrent MicrobiologyCurrent Opinion in MicrobiologyCurrent Opinion in Structural BiologyCurrent Pharmaceutical DesignCurrent

35、ScienceCytobiosDansk Veterin?r TidsskriftDeep-Sea Research Part Oceanographic Research PapersDeutsche Lebensmittal-RundschauDevelopments in HydrobiologyDiseases of Aquatic Organisms DNA SequenceDoklady Akademii NaukAbbreviationFull Journal NameDokl. Akad. Nauk SSSRDokl. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. SSR Ser. B G

36、eol.Khim. Biol. NaukiDokl. Biol. Sci.Dopov. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. RSR.Drug Dev. Res.Drug Metab. Rev.Ecol. Appl.Ecol. Model.EcologyEcotoxicol. Environ. SafetyElectrochim. ActaDoklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR Ser B Geologicheskie Khimicheskie i Biologicheskie NaukiDoklady Biological SciencesDopovidi Ak

37、ademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSRDrug Development ResearchDrug Metabolism ReviewsEcological ApplicationsEcological ModellingEcologyEcotoxicology and Environmental SafetyElectrochimica ActaEMBO J.EndocrinologyEMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) JournalEndocrinologyEnviron. Carcinog. Ecotoxicol. R

38、ev.Environ. Carcinog. Rev.Environ. Cons.Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Part C. Journal of Environmental Science and HealthEnvironmental Carcinogenesis Reviews. Part C. Journal of Environmental Science and HealthEnvironmental ConservationEnviron. Health Perspect.Environ. Int.

39、Environ. Microbiol.Environ. Poll.Environ. Res.Environ. Rev.Environ. Sci. Poll. Res.Environ. Sci. Res.Environ. Sci. Technol.Environ. Technol.Environ. Technol. Lett.Environmental Health PerspectivesEnvironment InternationalEnvironmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental PollutionEnvironmental ResearchEnvironm

40、ental ReviewEnvironmental Science and Pollution ResearchEnvironmental Science ResearchEnvironmental Science and TechnologyEnvironmental TechnologyEnvironmental Technology LettersDoklady Akademii Nauk SSSRAbbreviationFull Journal NameEnviron. Toxicol.Environmental ToxicologyEnviron. Toxicol. Chem.Env

41、ironmental Toxicology and ChemistryEnviron. Toxicol. Pharmacol.Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual.Enzyme Microbial Technol. Epidemiology Ergeb. Inn. Med. Kinder. Eur. Biophys. J.Eur. J. Biochem.Eur. J. Epidemiol.Eur. J. Org. Chem.Eur. J. Pharmacol.Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyEnvironmental Tox

42、icology and Water QualityEnzyme and Microbial TechnologyEpidemiologyErgebnisse der Inneren Medizin und KinderheilkundeEuropean Biophysics JournalEuropean Journal of BiochemistryEuropean Journal of EpidemiologyEuropean Journal of Organic ChemistryEur. J. Pharmacol.: Mol. Pharmacol. Sec.Eur. J. Phycol

43、.Eur. J. Plant Pathol.Eur. Mass Spec.EvolutionExp. Bot.Exp. Cell Res.ExperientiaEuropean Journal of Pharmacology. Molecular Pharmacology SectionEuropean Journal of PhycologyEuropean Journal of Plant PathologyEuropean Journal of Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine, and Environmental ResearchE

44、volutionExperimental BotanyExperimental Cell ResearchExperientiaEuropean Journal of PharmacologyExpert Opin. Therapeut. PatentsFarming S. Afr.FASEB J.FaunaFauna FloraFEBS Lett.Fed. Proc.FEMS Microbiol. Ecol.Expert Opinion Therapeutic PatentsFarming in South AfricaFASEB JournalFaunaFauna och FloraFEB

45、S (Federation of European Biochemical Societies) LettersFederation ProceedingsFEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies) Microbiology-EcologyAbbreviationFull Journal NameFEMS Microbiol. Lett.FEMS Microbiol. Rev.Field Stud.FEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies) Microbiol

46、ogy LettersFEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies) Microbiology ReviewsField StudiesFinsk Tidskr.Finsk TidskriftFinsk Vet. Tidskr.Fish Physiol. Biochem.Fish. Sci.Finsk Veterin?rtidskriftFish Physiology and BiochemistryFisheries ScienceFlickerFood Add. Contam.Food Agric. Immunol.Food

47、Biotechnol.Food Chem.Food Chem. Toxicol.FlickerFood Additives and ContaminantsFood and Agricultural ImmunologyFood BiotechnologyFood ChemistryFood and Chemical ToxicologyForm. Kontrol Kach. Poverkhn. VodFree Radical Res.Fresen. Environ. Bull.Freshwater Biol.FreskvandsfiskeribladetFunctional Ecol.Gan

48、n (Jap. J. Cancer Res.)Gazz. Chim. Ital.Gen. Pharmacol.GeneGenetic Eng. Biotechnol.Gidrobiologicheskii Zh. (Hydrobiol. J.)Gig. Sanit.Hawaii Med. J.Formirovanie i Kontrol Kachestva PoverkhnostnykhVodFree Radical ResearchFresenius Environmental BulletinFreshwater BiologyFreskvandsfiskeribladetFunction

49、al EcologyGann (Japanese Journal of Cancer Research)Gazzetta Chimica ItalianaGeneral PharmacologyGeneGenetic Engineer & BiotechnologistGidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal (HydrobiologicalJournal)Gigiana i SanitariiaHawaii Medical JournalHealth Environ. DigestHealth & Environment DigestAbbreviationFu

50、ll Journal NameHelvetica Chim. ActaHelvetica Chimica ActaHepatologyHeterocyclesHuman Ecol. Risk Assess.Human Exp. Toxicol.Human NatureHydrobiologiaHydrol. ProcessesIEE Proc. 6ci. Measure. Technol.IMA. J. Math. Appl. Med. Biol.Indian J. Chem. Section A Tnorg.Bio-Inorg. Physical Theoret. Analyt. Chem.

51、Indian J. Mar. Sci.Infect. Dis. Clin. Prac.Int. Immunopharmacol.Int. J. Environ. Analyt. Chem.Int. J. Environ. Health Res.Int. J. EpidemiologyInt. J. Food Microbiol.Int. J. Immunopharmacol.Int. J. Mass Spec. Ion PhysicsInt. J. Mol. Med.Zhurnal)HydrobiologiaHydrological ProcessesIEE Proceedings -Scie

52、nce, Measurement &TechnologyIMA (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications) Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine & BiologyIndian Journal of Chemistry Section Adnorganic Bio-Inorganic Physical Theoretical & Analytical ChemistryIndian Journal of Marine SciencesInfectious Diseases

53、 in Clinical PracticeInternational ImmunopharmacologyInternational Journal of Environmental AnalyticalChemistryInternational Journal of Environmental HealthResearchInternational Journal of EpidemiologyInternational Journal of Food MicrobiologyInternational Journal of ImmunopharmacologyInternational

54、Journal of Mass Specrometry & IonPhysicsInternational Journal of Molecular MedicineHepatologyHeterocyclesHuman and Ecological Risk AssessmentHuman & Experimental ToxicologyHuman NatureHydrobiol. J. (Gidrobiologicheskii Zh.) Hydrobiological Journal (GidrobiologicheskiiInt. J. Peptide Protein

55、Res.Int. J. Pharmacog.Int. J. Sys Bacteriol.International Journal of Peptide and Protein ResearchInternational Journal of PharmacognosyInternational Journal of Systematic BacteriologyAbbreviationFull Journal NameInt. J. Sys. Evol. Microbiol.International Journal of Systematic & Evolutionary MicrobiologyInt. Rev. Hydrobiol.International Review of HydrobiologyInt. Revue ges. Hydrobiol.Internat. Verein. Limnol.Iowa State Coll. Vet.Israel J. Plant Sci.Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR. Ser. Biol.J. Adv. Oxidation Technol.J. Agric. Food Chem.J. Ag


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