1、翻译部门翻译问题集锦新人必看1. 请在此之前熟悉部门规范及其他规范性词汇字体要求1) 段落翻译字体:Arial (英文),中文(宋体)字号:小四行距:段前段后0.5行;1.5倍行距2) 表格类翻译:字体:Arial (英文),中文(宋体)字号:根据表格内容决定,一般情况为5号字体行距:段前段后0行;单倍行距2. 日期的翻译(缩写或全称都可以,但为了多人协同方便,我们全部采用缩写形式!)例: Aug. 27, 2007(注:五月May的缩写也为May后面无需再加缩写点);九月缩写有两种:Sep.和Sept.,需要都统一成Sep.身份证的翻译 ID card No.1. 钱的翻译(1)大写= in
2、 words / in capital(2)小写=in number / in figures(3)整数翻译:十八万七千二百五十元整= RMB one hundred and eighty seven thousand two hundred and fifty only非整数翻译:十八万七千二百五十元五毛=RMB one hundred and eighty seven thousand two hundred and fifty Yuan fifty cents(4) 阿拉伯数字的翻译:10万元=RMB 100,0004. 章的翻译(实义动词首字母需要大写)1) *专用章:Special
3、Seal for * of + 公司/机构名称例:广东金圳律师事务所财务专用章=Special Seal for Finance of Guangdong Jinzhen Law Firm (sealed)2) 业务用公章:Official Seal for Business of + 公司/机构名称例:中国工商银行业务用公章= Official Seal for Business of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (sealed)3) 业务受理章:Business Acceptance Seal of + 公司/机构名称例:中国工商银行业务
4、受理章= Business Acceptance Seal of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (sealed)4) *骑缝章:Seal on the Perforation of + 公司/机构名称例:房屋所有权登记骑缝章= Seal on the Perforation of Property Title Registration (sealed)5) 办讫:Settled或者Settlement 例:中国工商银行,办讫= Industrial and Commercial Bank, Settled (sealed)中国工商银行办讫章=S
5、ettlement Seal of Commercial Bank of China (sealed)6) 转讫:Transfer Received例:中国工商银行,转讫= Industrial and Commercial Bank, Transfer Received (sealed)7) 现讫:Cash Paid例:中国工商银行,现讫= Industrial and Commercial Bank, Cash Paid (sealed)8) 收讫:Received例:中国工商银行,收讫= Industrial and Commercial Bank, Received (sealed)9
6、) 业务办讫:Business Settled例:中国工商银行,业务办讫= Industrial and Commercial Bank, Business Settled (sealed)PS: 1)章的翻译需要放在页脚。章一定不要漏译2)“承办人签章”需要译成”seal or signature of undertaker “。3) 如果有“变更”字眼出现,则应该译成“Changed”或者“Changed(sealed)”5. 姓名翻译(姓氏每个字母大写,名首字母大写)例:张林=ZHANG Lin 刘新羽=LIU Xinyu6. 没有官网的情况下:按照中文的字面顺序来进行翻译,不涉及营业内
7、容的字符由拼音代替如:北京一二三四有限公司Beijing YierSansi Co., Ltd.再如:北京一二三四钢铁有限公司Beijing YierSansi Steel Co., Ltd.8. 张三 = 翻译为:ZHANG San (fingerprinted); 张三的签名翻译为:ZHANG San (signature);张三的盖章翻译:ZHANG San (sealed);以上三条重合只翻译一个名字或名称:例:张三(签字加盖章)=ZHANG San (signature and sealed);钢印要仔细瞧清楚,翻译上,不要漏翻。正确的翻译为* (embossed seal)9. 字
8、号的翻译:除了“字”需要翻译出来(前后有空格),其他的只标注拼音首字母。“号”需要翻译No. ;:如“北上房权证字0006号”=BS FQ Z ZI No. 000610. 有些公司会更名:从XX有限公司变更成XX有限责任公司。再此时出现的名称必须在翻译上予以区分。正常在公司名字第一次出现的时候可以用:XX Co., Ltd. 来表示。之后出现可以用:XX Limited 来表示。11. 缩写一定不要把缩写的“.”忘记,如:Tel.12. 职位名称、部门等需要大写;书名号标注的内容需要斜体。如:总经理:General Manager; 人事部:Personnel Department公司法:C
9、ompany Law13. 英文译文中不要出现中文的标点符号。*14. 文中出现的名称需要总结。之后再出现此名称一定要用总结过的名称,不得出现同一个中文译文不同的情况。总结分类如下:住址:客户地址;房产地址;客户父母亲人地址学校及专业:客户的学校,对应的专业(注:中小学一般无对应专业,不需要特意总结)机构:工商局,公安局,各种所,各种局等公司:客户所拥有或者工作过的公司全部归于此列(注:此列的项目下公司名,公司地址,公司营业范围为必须总结项)详细可见本文件夹中另附的名称总结样板15. 翻译过程中如果对于原件有疑问,不要在原件上做标记。可以使用便利贴。16. 翻译好后的文件需要适度做美观调整。1
10、7. 在众多版本的模板中,一定要选择与原件最接近的,然后翻译时内容、格式要与原件符合,禁止漏翻、少翻,即使模板看似与原件无限接近,也不要想当然,要仔细、仔细再仔细,注意细微变化,一定要以原件为主。18. 关于地名翻译,在理解的情况下进行翻译,如“天秀花园”的翻译,如果是个小区名,应该翻译成”TianxiuHuayuan”, 如果是个花园名字,则应该翻译成”Tianxiu Garden”。另外,对于门牌号的翻译,也应该在理解的情况下,如“天秀花园秋水苑5楼1门202号”的翻译,应该是”No. 202, Unit 1, Building 5, Qiushuiyuan, TianxiuHuayuan
11、”,而不是直译成” No. 202, Door 1, Floor 5, Qiushuiyuan, Tianxiu Garden”.19. 禁止在翻译时犯最低级的错误-把资料上的数字录错.20. 关于注册资本与实收资本数字的翻译,如果是“800万元”应该译成“RMB 8,000,000”,如果是“捌佰万元”则译“RMB eight million only”,但不管是那种形式,都在前边必须加上RMB.21. 关于营业执照的年度检验情况表,如果在表格里有n个一样的年检章,则只需在表格上方译一个;如果不同,则在表格上方依次翻译。22. 华腾北搪集中办公区170096号No. 170096,Huate
12、ngBeitang Intensive Area (P)No. 170096, Jizhong Office, HuatengBeitang (Ï)23. 第一次董事会会议决议 Resolutions of the First Directors Meeting, 而不是ÏÏ of Directors Meeting in the First Meeting24. 天津华宁电子有限公司股东人(发起人)出资情况表Contribution Situation Table of Shareholders (Initiators) of TianjingHuaning E
13、lectronics Co., Ltd.25. 资产负债表中:会企01表翻译为KQ01 Sheet26. 英文中称谓是不应该加冒号的,一定要注意。27. 关于“XX行业”的翻译: 中国更倾向于XX industry, 国外更倾向于用名词,动名词等等来表达。如:制造业,中国喜欢用manufacturing industry,国外更倾向于用manufacturing。我们在翻译的时候两种方式皆可,不存在对错28. 商标注册证中“核定使用商品”应翻成Commodities checked and ratified for use,而不是check and ratified commodity. 日常
14、翻译中也要多考虑中心词及修饰词之间的关系。29. 中文中的“角”“分”按照习惯应该是Ten cents One cent,而不应该是Jiao Fen了。30. 表达的准确性:例如:31. “双方签约主体”应翻成Contract Signers of Both Parties,我翻成Contract Party Subject32. 33.33%的股份应翻成33.33% of the shares33. 使公司日益国际化、现代化、科学化”应翻成making the company become more and more internationalized, modernized and sci
15、entific day by day34. 括号、内容与空格的关系:括号前内容+空格+左括号+内容+右括号+空格+括号后内容。译文如:It is represented by (or on behalf of) doctor.(附录词汇,见下页)35. 在结婚证中经常出现NO,为印刷体,应译为No.,不用横线36. 带有“吕”字的人名翻译:吕子浩=LU Zihao; 刘子吕=LIU Zilu37. 字样表示的是该栋楼一共有22层,本房屋处于第19层。翻译为:22 floors (the 19th floor)38. =Moved in this city (county) from Gai C
16、ounty, Liaoning Province on Apr. 15, 1972 due to move from another city39. donation指的多数是人道主义帮助所做的捐赠,主义是捐赠,不是赠与父母赠与孩子的用简单的一个gift就可以表示。同时gift也有动词的意思同意的动词还有give away40. 户口本中的“迁出”译为“Moved out”41. 获得XX学位:received/got42. 副XX号:No. FXX(F与XX之间没有空格哈)43. 44. East Third Ring Middle Road45. 地址中要是出现“原地址”,该这样翻:比如:
17、香坊区(原动力区)红星路142号No. 142, Hongxing Road, Xiangfang District (original Dongli District)46. 关于公司或机构中的“市”是否需要翻译出来?-官网上没有的机构或公司,除了直辖市中的“市”不用译出,其他原文里有“市”的都要翻译出来,切记。47. 针对户口本中的更名,如果是同音不同字,翻译成英文后应该做如下处理进行区分。48. The above agreement is entirely true and based on voluntary will. Both parties shall assume
18、legal responsibilities if violating them.49. 我叫秦堃,女,加拿大公民,护照号:GA186297,在此郑重声明:(注意护照号的表达)50. 验资报告中或是跟财务、会计有关的材料中,“会”这个字一般都念“kuai”。比如:译成“YAKY (2001) ZI No. 281”51. .译文记住处理不同成分,参考翻译如下:JIANG Bo, male, is of Han ethnic group. He is a resident in/of our administrative area.或:JIANG Bo, male, Han ethnic gro
19、up, is a resident under our administration (in our administrative area).52. 经查,未发现蔡文有违法犯罪行为注意译文处理:Through examination, no violation against law was found on her.或:Through verification, CAI Wen hasnt conducted action against the law.53. 有些网址还有邮箱之类的,会自动变成这样,要选中,右键点取消链接.附件:表达拓展其他术语-仅供参考,不作为唯一标准出于自愿(out
20、) of ones own volition/ accord/ will/ discretion;willfully凭借by virtue of sth.; by; by right of; by means of以为准be subject to (subject为形容词,切记)若A和B 不一致,以 A为准In case of conflict with ××, A shall take precedence;A shall be taken as valid and binding.特发此证This certificate is issued hereby.符合in ac
21、cordance with (prep.)/according to (prep.)/ conform to (v.)/ accord with (v.)/ in compliance with (prep.)/ tally with (v.)高度重视或评价think highly of; attach great importance to; put more efforts on到期日/终止日expiry date/due dateX天之前prior to X days; XX days in advanceXXX应该在12小时前通知XXX shall be with a 12-hour
22、notice (注意和上面进行对比;不同语境中上述翻译中的“前”也可以省略,可以自己丰富一下)XXX应一次性缴足XXX shall be fully paid at one time/ in one lump sum/ in a lumpXXX应分期缴付XXX shall be paid by installments依法in accordance with law; legally主持(会议等)preside over主持.的工作take charge of主管机关competent authority; authority in charge第一届第五次股东会议决议Resolutions
23、of the Fifth Session of the First Shareholders Meeting对做出决议make resolutions on .债务debt(信头)您好Greetings此致Regards;Warm Regards资产总额total amount of assets付款人payer收款人payee贷款人/出借人lender借款人/借用人borrower合理性rationality法律责任legal responsibility无犯罪证明记录no criminal records无犯罪证明书Certificate of No Criminal Conviction
24、甲方认缴注册资本XXParty A subscribes for registered capital XXX;Registered capital subscribed for by Party A is XXX; Registered capital Party A subscribed for is XXX股东名册register of shareholders亲笔签名autographic signature非专利技术non-patent technology指定交存银行appointed depositing bank因购房入户迁入move in for obtaining perm
25、anent residence permit bypurchasing house任期tenure/term of office违背责任/违约default on ones obligation; responsibility for breach of the contract违约责任responsibility for breach of the contract马来西亚第二家园MM2H=Malaysia my 2nd Home Program烧(菜)braised红烧red-braised菜系cuisine焖stewin testimony whereof法律 特此作证包括,但不仅限于,
26、 including, but not limited to; including but without limitation to税控码tax-control codeXXX第二分公司Second Subsidiary affiliated to + XX公司持股比例shareholding proportion丘(地)号Lot (Land) No.国务院State Council现金流cash flow东南亚Southeast Asia办事人员clerk致相关人员:To whom it may concern,辅助设备(指机械)associated equipment辅助建筑ancill
27、ary/accessory building基本建设年度财务决算审计annual financial statement review of capital construction被任命为XXbe appointed as XX大宗商品bulk commodity (单数)原油crude oil;raw oil企业”关停并转”企业关闭,停办,合并,转产的简称=shut down, suspension, merger and transfer 中西医结合Chinese medicine integrated with western medicine病史disease history索赔cl
28、aim for compensation多退少补 (按大概意思理解即可)the payment shall be refunded for the overpayment or supplemented for the deficiency otherwise; pay the difference; overcharge/ overpayment shall be refunded while supplemental payment shall be for any deficiency(支票的)存根stub;counterfoil发票(第二联)invoice (carbon copy;
29、duplicate; copy等)劳动合同制员工regular employee联系方式(如:电话;e-mail等)contact methodXX人职业XX occupation到期;期满on expiry律师见证书Lawyers Written Attestation黄浦南路(上海地址)Huangpu South Road以XXX的名义in the name of XXX在.名下(的房子)XX be in ones name(父母)赠与(孩子金钱)give away; gift离职证明employment separation certificate如贵处要求as per your req
30、uest缴入日期depositing date党员party member未清算资金unliquidated capital公房government-funded house; state-funded house主考学校School Holding Examination家用电器household appliance合计盈亏sum of profit and loss未尽事宜uncovered matters单位法人股东Shareholder of Legal Entity自然人股东natural-person shareholder; individual s
31、hareholder补休take deferred holiday存量房inventory house行为守则code of conduct除另有注明外unless otherwise stated除XXunless otherwise XXX在册员工 (注1)employees on the payroll 出厂设置factory reset出厂价(一般会把“价”省略,多数也指的是出厂价的意思)producer price对各种原料和产品出厂分析analysis of producer price for each raw material and product出席be present a
32、t(present此处是形容词)质量第一,客户至上quality first, customer utmost挂牌利率nominal interest rate汇票bill of exchange存量房inventory house密押(注2)test key承包经营合同Management Contract; Agreement on Contracted Management律师见证书Lawyers Written Attestation信用额度line of credit; credit line(信用卡) 主卡primary card副卡secondary card持卡人cardhol
33、der; 沉没成本sunk cost婚前协议prenuptial agreement三级甲等Level Class A服务型企业service-oriented enterprise宽限期grace period防腐corrosion prevention保温heat preservation; thermal insulation账户历史交易明细表detailed list of account historical transaction本合同期限届满the duration of the contract expires基本工资base salary门禁卡access control c
34、ard月度考勤monthlyattendance在遵守XX法律的前提下On the premise of obeying截止Up to.; as at因为退伍,转业due to retirement and began to serve at other occupations; due to retirement and transfer to civilian work回单receipt; return receipt武术martial arts本合同自双方签订之日起生效the signing date对方账号Counterparty A/C No.代扣XX费xx fees/charges
35、 deduction by proxy累计带薪假accumulating compensated absences分摊allocation摊销amortisation定期存单Certificates of deposit借方Debtor/Debit贷方Creditor控股人shareholder who has/holds/controls the largest proportion of the shares/ largest shareholder/ major shareholder/ principal shareholder同期corresponding period/ at th
36、e same time /period/term二层复式楼duplexPOS 机刷卡入账credit the money into the account by swiping card through POS machine地下一层Basement 1落户(因出生)household registration; registration for household落户(因迁移)household registration alteration对公/对私标志mark of corporate account or private account网银代发salary proxy/agency;
37、salary proxy/agency service网络柜面取款counter withdrawal through on-line interface他行POS 消费consumption through other banks POS machineA有权做某事A is entitled to do提出申请submit an application; lodge an application (fml.) 提出建议或者提案等float a suggestion后附的enclosed/ affixed / attached overleaf; accompanying管理层manageme
38、nt无故without convincing reason庭审court hearing盂县地方税务局直属一分局The First Branch Directly Affiliated to Yu County Local Taxation Bureau无论是否有要求with and without prior duty余款residual/remaining money招生考试委员会Admission Examination Committee感情不和emotional discord; mutual resentment (较意义)in the morning在早上/上午on the mo
39、rning of Aug. 18具体某一天的上午深受光大用户的好评XX is well received by users/ XX is well favored by users录取通知书acceptance letter为提供所需catersth. for sb.在过去五年中over the course of five years; over the past five years (period)随后的following; ensuing主要地for the most part; mainly; essentially; predominantly因为某种原因for one reaso
40、n or another; for a certain reason; for a reason通过大量接触XX(事物/环境等)through/by plenty of exposure to XXXX无用it doesnt serve any purpose; it did very little help; XX contributes very little to doing/sth.; 很多XXa good few of XX如果;假设Provided; if;我郑重声明I solemnly declare that; I hereby make a solemn declaratio
41、n thatA与B有同样效力A is of the same force and effect with B;A bear the same force and effect with B关于with respect to; regarding; respecting; concerning每一个each and every应该加盖法人单位印章the common seal of the institution shall be affixed委托书power of attorney如果if and when登记册roster在表中列明; 规定XX事项等set out in.人the indi
42、vidual XX大会召开时when XX meeting is in session股东自行召集的股东大会The Shareholders Meeting convened by shareholders acting on their own违反violate;in violation of (股东会等会议)主持人host继续做XXproceed with sth.制定(制度,议事规则等)institute出席的股东人数the number of shareholders attending the meeting in person列席会议的XXXX attend/ be present
43、 as non-voting members at the meeting签订合同enter into XX contract; conclude the contract把A比作Bliken A to B通过其他方式via other forms超过in excess of 每一股份享有一票表决权with each share being entitled to one vote大会审议XXdeliberate相某人收取债务等collect on sb.欠款人late person连续六个月six straight months工资单Payroll Ledger(公司)内部的薪酬体系in-h
44、ouse payroll system薪资标准pay scale限定期限多任务处理能力able to juggle multiple projects in deadline中小型公司small and medium sized businesses销售配额sales quota达成achieved/attained大型设备公司large equipment corporation开立/创建账户cultivate a new account建立长期关系cultivate long-term relations课外活动extracurricular activities实习生intern实习期i
45、nternship替换beact as; playroles; take charge of.请联系XXX (电话号码)I can be reached at XXX; Please contact me at XXX赢得XX的认可award XXs recognition; recognized by XX业务经理(广告业/公关业)Account Executive最佳XX人员most valuable XX;most-productive employee; 新人new hires杰出的XX技能excel XX执行execution and enforcement of a contrac
46、t (法律上两个连用);单独使用时:execution单纯执行;enforcement略带强制味道。但是二者多数时候可以替换政策制定formulate policy; policy formulation制定XX计划create XX plan 如:create marketing plan擅长adept at;expertise in;房屋四至metes and bounds应付未付款项outstanding expenses (Outstanding expensesis that expense which is already incurred but a
47、mount is not paid)以下无正文text ends here审核checked by续存renewal冲补账correction entries转入transfer-in本合同由甲方和乙方签订This contract is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B遵照本合同所列条款in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract付款安排(尤指分期)payment schedule费用由XXX承担costs incurred by reason
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