



1、.制度名例会会议记录电子文件编码GLWA263页码3-1Present:Messrs. Young, Lee, Smith, Rodke,Potter,Jones,Ell y;John Moore chairedAbsent:Bill Repka1. Minutes of previous meeting accepted.2. Action taken since last meeting:a. Office moveThanks were extended to Mr. Rodke for his superb handling of the Shanghai office refurbi

2、shment and move.Mr. Young then solicited recommendations for main taining the office in its present good state, and suggestions for minor improvem ents. A proposal was made for an “in/out board. New “occupied signs and a policy for using them on the eighth floor were suggested. Policy statements wil

3、l be written by Ed Jones at Mr. Young's request, concerning cleaning security respons ibilities.b. Organizational changesMr. Elly was congratulated on becoming a member of the company's board of directors. Mr. Rodke and Mr. Young unveiled the company's logo for the new offi ce signs.Corp

4、orate identity related changes will be gradual over the next couple y ears.签发人责任人签名制度名例会会议记录电子文件编码GLWA263页码3-23. Feedback Report FormMr.Lee distributed a new feedback report form to be filled out by employe es shortly after a job has begun copy attached.Comments and suggestions on the form should be

5、 submitted at least a few d ays prior to the next meeting.4. Next meetingDate: May 10,200×Chairperson:Richard SmithTopics: 1.Feedback Report Form2.How to market/utilize existing 8th floor facilities 签发人责任人签名制度名例会会议记录电子文件编码GLWA263页码3-3出席者:杨、李、史密斯、罗迪凯、波特·琼斯、艾里;主席:约翰·穆尔 缺席者:比尔·雷普卡1上次会议的记录宣读通过。2上次会议后采取的行动。a.办公室的搬迁对罗迪凯先生妥善处理上海事务所的翻修和搬迁事宜表示感谢。然后,杨先生就维持事务所 良好现状和进展小规模改善工程事宜征求建议。有人提议设置“在/不在的显示牌,及添 置新的“在使用中告示和在八楼使用这些告求。根据杨先生的要求,有关清扫和平安的政 策方针由埃德·琼斯先生撰写。b .组织变动艾里先生成为公司的董事之一,并承受祝贺。罗迪凯先生和杨先生为公司的新标志揭幕。有 关法人身份的变更在今后两三年之内逐步进展。3反响报告表李先生分发了一份新的反响报告表,雇员需在一项工作开场后尽快填妥副本已另附上。已 填上意见和


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