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1、2022年中考英语 知识综合考点精讲精练七无答案 人教新目标版1.1 would likelove to do sth想要干某事 =want to do sth= feel like doing sthwould like sb to do sth .想要某人干某事 =want sb to do sth eg,go shopping with you .我想和你起去购物.My fathermehard from now on .我父亲要我从现在起努力学习.注意:它的一般疑问句的答复:李示请求、建议Would you like/love to ? 肯定:Yes, I ' d like/l

2、ove to.是的,我很乐意.否认:I ' dlove to , but .我很乐意,但是、Eg, -Would you like to come over to my house tonight? -.你想今晚来顺便来我家访问吗?是的,我很乐意.Would you like to go to the movie this Sunday evenning?,I have tolook after my sick mother at home.你想/周日和我一起去看电影吗?我很乐意,但是我不得不在家照看生病的母亲.2 would like sth =want sth 想要什么I want

3、 an English dictioanry. = Ian English dictioanry.注意:它的一般疑问句的回落表示请求、建议Would you like sth?你想要什么吗?肯定答复:Yes, please. 是的,请./好的.否认答复:No, thanks . 不,谢谢了.-Would you like some water ? -.你想要喝一些水吗?好吧.-Would you like some more rice ? -. I' m full.你想再吃一点米饭吗?不,谢谢了.特别注意:这种是询问对方的意愿,一般暗含说话者希望对方肯定答复,所以,some在这样的表建

4、议的礼貌问句中不变any即时练习提升:.-Would you like to swim with us ? -, but I must do my homework first.A.Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, I' d love to D. I ' m sorry.-Would you like to eat? -. I' m not hungry now.A. any; Yes , please B. any; No, thanks C. some; Yes, please D. some;I' d like to .H

5、ow about something to drink?同义句=some to drink? .I want to watch this soccer game this Sunday.同义句=I to watch this soccer game this Sunday.=I feel this soccer game this Sunday. .I ' d like to visit the Great Wall. 划线提问you like to visit? .I ' d like to trek through the jungle because Ilike exci

6、ting vacations? 戈U线提问 you to trek through the jungle?2. hope v. 希望,盼望,期待不能直接说 hope sth 1) hope to do sth希望做某事I hope there by plane.我希望能乘飞机去那儿.2) hope + 宾语从句I that she can come to my party this evening.我希望她今晚能来参加我的聚会.I hope that I can become a doctor some day.我希望将来某一天能当上医生.=I become a a doctor some d

7、ay.注意:什么时候hope带宾语从句能改为不定式*坦直站m.-I hope play soccer with us tomorrow.Yes, I hopeA. him not to; not too B. he wont ; it too C. him not to; that too D. he wont , so too区别:wish 和hope1wish v. 表示原望表示实现几率小的,或不大可能实现的,仅仅是一种愿望而已.hope 希望,表示可以实现的愿望,或较容易实现的希望I that I can swim some day.真实,可以实现I that I could go to

8、 the moon月亮some day.虚拟语气,不容易实现I I were ten years younger.我希望我能年轻十岁.虚拟语气,不可能实现I wish you a happy new year.我祝你过一过快乐的新年.一种愿望:祝愿 wish sbsth 祝愿某人、I wish you good luck! I wish you happy and healthy .我祝你健康快乐.wish sb +adj.祝愿某人、3) wish sb to do sth希望某人做某事 hope sb to do st hwish to do sth希望做某事hope to do sthI

9、to visit the Great Wall next month.He you to come and see him .4) wish n. 祝愿best wishes to you对你致以良好的祝愿、祝福hope n. 希望 hopes and dreams希望与梦想译:我希望我的朋友们都能去上海看世博.I that our friends can go to see the World Expo in Shanghai.I that our friends could go to see the World Expo in Shanghai.I our friends to go t

10、o see the World Expo in Shanghai.考点综合练习:a) Best to you .b) I to visit Kunming.c) I you to go away.中考在线29. -Is Mrs. Black really badly ill?-. She ' s in hospital.A. I don ' t think so B. No , he isn ' t C. I don' t hope so D. I ' m afraid so35.- Do you think you will lose the game

11、?- No,.A . I hope so B .I'm sure C . I hope not D .I'm afraid so3. AWhy not do sth ? = Why don ' t you do sth ?表示提出一种建议“为什么不做某事就是要做某事注意:Why +do sth? 为什么要做某事?就是不要去做某事play basketball with us?为什么不和我们一起打篮球呢?-Good idea! 好主意=play basketball with us?Why go to see it?为什么要去看它呢?B表建议的常用句型:注意其答复方式Wo

12、uld you like sth?Would you like to do sth?Why not do sth ? = Why don ' t you do_sth ?How / What about sth?How / What about doing sth?Let ' s do sth .Shall we do sth ?Eg,Would you like to have dinner with us?=have dinner with us?=having dinner with us?=have dinner?=have dinner!中考在线34. - Look!

13、 It ' s raining heavily.take a raincoat with you?- Well, I ' ll take oneright now.A. Why not B. Why don ' t C. Would you mindD. Would you like4. consider doing sth 考虑做某事Consider that 从句Consider sb to do sth不能用 consider to do sthConsider sb as . 把某人认为是 .=regard sb as .I,m considering my j

14、ob.正在考虑换工作. Tom considers me to be his best friend .=Tom considers me his best friend=Tom considers that I am his best friend. 注意consider + 特殊疑问词+to do sthYou ' ll consider to do next.你得考虑下一步干什么.5. one of the + 形容词的最高级 +名词复数Yao Ming is one of famous basketball in the NBA.姚明是 NBAM著名的篮He is one of

15、 persons in my office.他是我的办公室最忙的人之一.注意:在定语从句中,先行词有形容词修饰,也常常用最高级:This is the interesting moviethat I ' ve ever seen .这是一部我曾经看过的最有趣的电影. 中考在线72. A: All his classmates know he runs fastest of all in his class.B:one of his classmates knows no run faster than him in his class.6. lively adj.活泼的,活泼的,生动的

16、 -livelier-liveliest lovely adj. 可爱的What a boy he is ! He often tells us and intersting stories.他是一个多么活泼的男孩啊!他经常给我们讲生动有趣的故事. living adj.活的,反义词:dead死的前置定语、表语皆可;alive、adj.活的只着后置定 语、表语、补语The old woman is still/.这个老太太还健在活着的.着表语There are lots of plants and animals on the mountains.山上有很多活的植物和动物.前置定语There

17、are no things on the moon.去月球上没有生物.前置定语Keep your dog.使你的狗活着.补语He is the only person alive in the accident.他是这次事故中惟一活下来的人.后置定语考点综合练习: live 居住 ,lively , living, alivea) There are many kinds of plants .b) He was still after the earthquake.c) She is a girl .d) The man on the fourth floor.7. unless ,除非,如

18、果不 =if .notDon ' t come I tell you. 别来,除非我告诉了你.=I don ' t tell you, you don ' t come.如果我没有告诉你,你就别来.8. it ' s best to do sth最好做某事=h ad better do sthIt ' s best not to do sth 最好别做某事 =had better not do sthYou' d better catch the early bus .=catch the early bus .She' d better

19、 not stay at home . =not stay at home .9 . 1) light adj. 轻的 , 反义词 heavy 重的 I can carry the bag and can' t carry the one.明.2)light浅色的,淡淡的a明亮的=bright n.光,光线不可数名词The sun gives usblue sky The room is浅蓝色的天空yellow 浅黄色3)ligh t灯,发光物体There are 6v. 点火,点燃,照亮Will you the fire for megoes fater than soumd. du

20、ring the day.这个房间很亮.光速比声速快.太阳在白天能给我们光交通灯trafficin the classroom.教室里有六盏灯.你为我把火点燃好吗?点蜡烛 the candles10. mind v.介意,反对 后接名词/动名词作宾语,常用于否认句、疑问句、条件状语从句中1)-Do you mindI drink a little? 主意,思想's mind to do sth记住某事's mind改变主意下决心做某事 =decide to do sth = make a decision to do sth(go) with me ?Of cousre not

21、 ./Certainly not.Would you mind me(open) the window?Would you mind my(smoke ) here ?= Would you mind I smoke here ?Would you mind2) mind n.make up one decide on sth/doing sthkeep sth in mind change one中考在线37. -Would you mind watering the flowers for me?-. I have to go to the post office.A. Not at al

22、l B. Never mind C. No, please D. Sorry, I can' t40. - Would you mind my pet dog when I am out?- Sorry, I can ' t . I have to study for my test this week.A. take care of B . taking care of C . to take care of D . taking care35. 一 Do you mind if I turn on the TV? -. My father is sleeping.A. Be

23、tter not.B. Not at all.C. No, Idon' t mind. D. That' s allright.11. provide v.提供,供给,供给(强调责任和义务应该提供,给予) p rovide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物I hope you can us some photos about your family.A. provide, with B. provide, for C. give, with D. offer, at12. offer v. 给予,提供(含有主动、自愿给予,提供)o

24、ffer sb sth = offer sth to sb(主动) 给某人某物 (give sb sth= give sth to sb )offer to do sth主动提出干某事She me a glass of water.她(主动)给我一杯水.=She a glass of water me .The boy carry water for the old man.这个小男孩主动为这个老年人提水.13. ( 1) need v. 需要(实意动词)need sth需要什么I(=want) some help.need to do sth 需要做某事You need(finish) yo

25、ur homework first.你需要先做作业.He to go to work today.你今天不必去上班.they to look after their clothes ? Yes, they do .她们需要照看好自己的衣物吗?是的.What do you need to do ?你需要做什么?*2) need aux.v.(常用于疑问和否认句中)needn ' t +v. 原形;need的疑问句 You wash your clothes.A . need B. needs to C. needn' t D. don ' t need-I go now

26、? -Yes, you must./ No, you needn' t.我现在需要离开吗?是的/不必.-Must I do my homework ?-No, you.或-No, you may finish watching TV first. You need to wear cool clothes ,?A. needn ' t you B. do you C. don ' t you D. need you*3) sth/sb need doing = sth/sb need to be done 某事需要被做(注意:主语和 do是被动关系)The flower

27、s need(water) at once.这些花需要被浇水.=The flowers need to(water) at once.The old man needed(look)after .这个老年人需要被照看.=The old man needed to(look)after .中考在线27. You to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A. needn ' t to come B. don ' t need come C. don ' t need coming

28、D. needn ' tcome25. -Must I clean the room now? -No, you. You can do it tomorrow. A. mustn ' t B. must C. needn' t D. need14. 形容词/副词+enough +(for sb) to do sth常可以和以下句型转换:足够.so+形容词/副词+that从句 如此.以至于"(that从句中常含有can' t/couldn ' t)too+形容词/副词+to +动词原形"太.以至于不能The girl is very

29、young. So she can ' t go to school .这个女孩很小,所以不能去上学.=The girl is young she can,t go to school .=The girl is young go to school .=The girl is not to go to school .The man is so strong that he can lift the heavy bag.这个男的如此强壮以至于能够举起这个很重的口袋.=The man is to lift the heavy bag.这个男的足够强壮到举起这个大口袋.注意:enough

30、+n.和 adj./adv.+enough 中考在线 30. - Mum, I think I ' m to get back to school.-Not really, my dear. You ' d better stay at home for another day or two.A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough70. The questions are very easy . The children can understand them .(合并为一句 )The questions are

31、for the children to understand.15. Could you please + 动词原形? 请你、做什么好吗?(表示委婉请求)=Could you + 动词原形=Would(Will) you please +动词原形 ?-Could you please help me ? -Certainly. = Of course.- Could you please give me some water ?- Sure . Here you are.-Would(Will) you please come to my party ?16. 区另1J: advice 和 s

32、uggestion (s)give sb some suggestions = give sb some advice 给某人一些建议He gave us some about how to learn English well .A. suggestion B. piece of advice C. pieces of advice D. pieces of suggestionsadvise v.建议 advise sb to do sth17. continue v. 继续,连续continue doing sth = continue to do sth继续做某事continue to

33、 do 继续去做某事.表示继续去做与目前所做的事情不同的另一件事情.continue doing表示继续去做同一件事情.例:He continued reading Lesson Ten .他继续读第十课.(做的是同一件事情)After reading Lesson Nine , he continued to read Lesson Ten .读完第九课后他继续读第十课.(做的不是同一件事情)continue with sth继续做某事He continued(sing) that sad song.他继续唱那首忧伤的歌.I continue my homework after school

34、 .放学后我继续做我的作业.用法类同:go on doing sth.指继续做同件事. =continue doing sthgo on to do sth.指接着做另外一件事. =continue to do sthgo on with sth.指继续同一件事,此时with 后能接名词、代词,不能跟v.-ing 形式13. 区另1J :(t hrough , across , past, over ), pass (v.)1) through prep. “穿过,通过“(它的含义与in有关,即表示的动作在某一空间内进行,特指从空间的一 头穿到另一头)The road goes the for

35、est .那条路穿过了森林.(强调从森林中间这个空间穿过)I looked the window and saw some boys fighting over there.The thief got in the window .The sun shines the heavy clouds.太阳穿过厚厚的云层照射下来.We often walk the park and arrive at the post office.2) across prep.“横穿、通过(它的含义与on有关,因此强调从外表上的一边到另一边)We must look left and right before we

36、 walk the road .He can swim the river.他能游过河去.注意动词 cross = v.+ acrosswalk across the street= cross the streetswim across the river = cross the river3) over prep."越过(指从上方经过、跨越)Yesterday, I saw a boy climb the wall .4) past prep.'经过'(从旁边经过)注意动词 pass + 地点=v. + past + 地点 pass the bookstore=w

37、alk /go past the bookstore路过书店The boys rushed us .这男孩们从我们旁边冲过去了.We walk the post office every day.我们每天都要从邮局旁边经过.即时提升: He my home on the way to school every day.5) ) She can jump the wall.6) ) You should be careful when you go the road.7) ) When he walked the supermarket , he saw many people in it.14

38、. because, as, since, for的区另k<1> because多表示所表达的理由是本句的重点,故 because所引导的从句多放于句末.e. g. Why am I leaving? I ' m leaving because I want to. 为什么我要离开?由于我想离开.<2> as, since用于表示理由是,而理由以外才是表达的重点,两者皆多用于句首.但要注意:since 更重形式,as多表示理由以外才是重点.e. g. Since you have no license, you are not allowed to drive.

39、既然由于没有驾驶执照,所以你不可以开车.As it is raining, let ' s stay at home. 由于下雨 ,我们就留在家里吧.<3> for不用于句首,而用于主句之后,补充说明理由;主句表推测时,要用for说明理由.e. g. I ' ll fol low his advice, for he is a doctor.我会听从他的劝告,由于他是医生(补充说明理由)_中考知识点复查2.1 hope Paris some day.A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visited3 . What excitin

40、g news it is! Is news true?A. an; the B. an; a C. /;the D. / ; a4 .Would you mind me how English words?A. tell;to remember B. telling; remember C. telling; to remember D. tell; remember5.1 f you carefully , you the report well.A. will listen; will be understood B. will listen; understand C. listen;

41、will understand D. listen; understand6. I hope you can us some photos about your family.A. provide,with B. provide, for C. give, with D. offer, at7. The man is friendly and often offers other people.A. help B. helping C. to help D. help for8. That house is big enough for three of them.A. live B. to

42、live C. living in D. to live in10. I find the computer game to play .A. enough easy B. easy enough C. enough easily D. easily enough11. He has his hometown for nearly 10 years.A. left B. been away C. been away from D. left for12. Do you know the Capital Museum? -Next Friday.A. when will they visit B

43、. when they will visit C. when did they visit D. when they visited15. -Steven , could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet ?I'm sorry,my computer doesn ' t work.A. get on B. find out C. look for D. look after16. What he said the Greens very much.A. surprising B. is surpri

44、sed C. surprised D. is surprising17. people had to stay at the airport because of the big fog.A. Several hundred of B. Several hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of18. Though he is new here, he has friends here.A. few B. quite a little C. only a few D. quite a few19. -Could I speak to Mr. Green?-_ for a moment , please.A. Get on B. Take on C. Hold on D. Go on20. They all me good luck in the com


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