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1、 calm (a. v.) - _ (ad.) calm sb. down keep/stay calm 区别:区别:calm, still, silent, quiet calm 指天气,海洋时,表示一种无风无浪的指天气,海洋时,表示一种无风无浪的“平平静静”;指人时,表示镇静平和的心情。;指人时,表示镇静平和的心情。 quiet 指无动静,无噪音,尤指没有骚动的安宁状指无动静,无噪音,尤指没有骚动的安宁状态。态。 silent 用于事物时,侧重没有声响;用于指人时,用于事物时,侧重没有声响;用于指人时,强调少言寡语。强调少言寡语。 still 侧重于侧重于“不动不动”、“静止静止”时,与时

2、,与calm, quiet, silent 不能替换;侧重于不能替换;侧重于“无声无声”时,可与时,可与quiet替替换。换。 After the storm the sea was _ again.Thats a _ film?Why do you keep _?Everything was _.Please keep _ while I take your photo.How _ everything is!calmsilentsilentquietstillstill/quiet2. generous (a.) - _(n.)Its generous of you to donate s

3、o much money.3. violent (a.) - _ (ad.) - _ (n.)4. character (n.) - _ (a.) 5. flight (n.) - _ (v.) p.t. p.p. She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but from head injury when she fell down a flight of stairs.6. launch / lift offChinas first manned spaceship _ at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, October 15t

4、h, 2003. lifted off (was launched)7. explore (v.) - _ (n.探测探测) - _ (n.探险者探险者)8. 两百万退休人员两百万退休人员 two million retired men 数百万退休人员数百万退休人员 millions of retired men 类似用法(表单位的词)类似用法(表单位的词): hundred, thousand, billion, dozen, score.9. revolution (n.) - _ (v.) - _ (a.)10. find _ p.t. _ p.p. found _ p.t. _p.p.

5、区别:区别:found / come into being The Peoples Republic of China _ (成立于成立于) in 1949 when people all over the country were all in great delight. 11. protest against sexual inequality12. brilliant / outstanding /distinguished 13. Its useless _ (argue) with him about it. Its no use doing sth. Its no good do

6、ing sth.14. keen (a.) - _ (n.) be keen on (doing) sth. 热衷于热衷于 be keen to do sth 渴望做某事渴望做某事eg. If you are keen on something, you like it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it. Train yourself to be a keen listener and observer. 敏锐的敏锐的 a. his keenness for the art 热忠于艺术热忠于艺术15. fortunately- fortunate

7、 (a.) fortune (n.运气;财富;命运运气;财富;命运)make a fortune发财发财 try ones fortune 碰运气碰运气arguing 15. athlete (n.) - _ (a.) 16. on ones own = all by oneself of ones own 属于某人自己的属于某人自己的eg. Im well (fully) able to manage on my own. She broke in with some ideas of her own. She has a car of her own. She has her _ (自己的

8、自己的) idea. ones own + n. 某人自己的某人自己的17. injury (n.) _ (v.) - _ (a.) the injured 受伤的人受伤的人 promote vt. 晋升晋升,提拔提拔/促进促进;发扬发扬;引起引起/宣传宣传,推销推销(商商品等品等) /使使(学学)升生级升生级promote sb. from sth. to sth. 把某人从把某人从提升为提升为be promoted to. 被晋升为被晋升为promote a new product 促销新产品促销新产品promotion n. 提升,晋级提升,晋级 1)He certainly ought

9、 to be promoted. 2)The Prime Ministers visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries. 3). Your job is to promote the new product. 4) Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 18. commit (v.) - _ (n.) commit a crime commit suicide be committed to (doing) n. 献身

10、于献身于/承诺做承诺做 = commit oneself to eg. He was committed to the cause of world peace. 19. disabled (a.) - _(v.使残疾使残疾) - _(n.)20. dead adv. I am dead against borrowing money from others. 我我绝对绝对不赞成向别人借钱。不赞成向别人借钱。 dead adj I suspect that he is dead. We express our mourning for the dead. 我们向我们向死者死者表示哀悼。表示哀悼

11、。 death n. Her death was very sudden. 她她死死得很突然。得很突然。 deadly adv.The viruses we transmit are deadly.我们传输的病毒是我们传输的病毒是致命的致命的There was deadly silence in the valley.山谷里山谷里死一般的死一般的沉寂。沉寂。I am deadly busy, too.我也忙我也忙死死了。了。give way to 让位于;让位于; 让步;让步; 代替代替 eg. We mustnt give way to these unreasonable demands. 我们不可对这些不合理的要求让步。我们不可对这些不合理的要求让步。give rise to 引起;使发生;导致引起;使发生;导致 eg. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语。她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语。 give birth to 产生;产生; 生(孩子);生(孩子); 产(仔);产(仔); 引起引起 1)On October17, at9:25A. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.10月月17日上午日上午9时时25分,我生下一个漂亮的小女孩。分,我


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