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1、Oxford English 2AM1 U1(1)AimsTo learn the following words, e.g, afternoon, evening, night, morning.Teaching focusTo greet the others, e.g., Good .Teaching Aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents1 activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2. Say a rhyme.1.Sing

2、a song.2. Say a rhyme.利用歌曲,让学 生进入学习状 态。While-task procedure(1) To teach :afternoon To elicit:T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.(Show the word and picture.)(2) Read the word.(3) T: Say "good afternoon” to your classmates or teachers.(4) Show some pictures(Kitty, Alice, Danny, Eddie, Miss Fang.)2

3、. To teach: evening(1) Show a picture and ask: Look at the sun. Is it afternoon?(2) Read the word.(3) Fill in the blanks: _vening(4) Guess: Morning or Evening?(5) Say “Good evening” to Mr tiger, Mr dog,.(6)Let student do pair-work3. To teach: night(1) T: Look, the sun is missing. What do you see? Re

4、ad1. Ss: Good afternoon.2. Boys read it.Girls read it.3. Say "Good afternoon.n to the others.4. Say together.(Good afternoon,.)1. Ss: No.2. Choose the answer.3. Play a guessing game.4. Role-play in the evening show (animals, masks)5. Work in pairs.1. S: I see.2. Read3. Say a rhyme.4. Make a rhy

5、me根据上课的实 际时间,先教授 afternoon 一词. 从情景过度到 实际生活,学生 从学到用。通过这一练习, 使学生初步感 知单词evening 的词形。(3) Show a picture (a girl says “Good night1' to her mum and dad.)Rhyme:Night, night, good night, Mum.Night, night, good night, Dad.Good night, good night, Hu-hu(4) Make a new rhyme.(5) Show a picture of night.T: It

6、's night. Good night, children.4.To teach: morning(1) Listen to a cock (sound) Read(3) Enjoy a song.1. Ss: Good night.(Enjoy a song: Good night.)2. Follow the teacher3. Sing or enjoy the song创设情景,给学 生特定的语境, 回归生活实际。通过歌曲,活跃 课堂气氛的同 时巩固单词。Post-task activity1. Follow the teacher, then read2. What is

7、missing?3. Clap or repeat4. Look and say5. Look and choosee.g. Good. (picture)1. afternoon 2. morning1. Say after the teacher2. Do more exercisesHomework1. Listen to the tape and read the new words.2. Try to greet your parents.养成课后复习、 坚持听录音的 学习英语的好 习惯。板 书 设 ii-教 学 反 思Oxford English 2AM1 U1 (#)Conten

8、t2AM1U1 Greetings Look and sayAimsTo learn the sentences: How are you,.?I'm fine. Thank you. / And you?I'm fine, too.Language focusTo greet others fluently.Teaching aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeacher's activitiesStudents1 activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Song<Goo

9、d morning to you>2. Look and say.3. Quick response.1. Sing the song.2. Look and say.3. Quick response.歌曲,互相招呼中 让学生对前一课 时的内容进行适 当的复习和回顾。While-task procedure1. Teach: How are you,.? I'm fine. Thank you. Show a picture about Miss Fang and Eddie.T-P Play the media and Teach "I'm fine. Th

10、ank you.p-p Put on the mask of Eddie on the head and greet the students.3. Teach: Pm fine. Thank you. And you? / I'm fine, too. Put on the mask of Miss Fang on the head and greet with the students.1. Learn: How are you,.? I'm fine. Thank you. Follow the teacher and say.T-P Learn “I'm fin

11、e. Thank you.p-p Greet Eddie.3. Learn: I'm fine. Thank you. And you? / I'm fine, too. Greet Miss Fang.开门见山,突破难 点和重点。联系实际生活,对 学生的语言量进 行适当的扩充以 达到在生活中的 运用。T-P Teach: Pm fine. Thank you. And you? Teach: I'm fine, too.T-P(5) Work in pairs.T-SS1-S2G1-G2 B-GT-P Learn: I'm fine. Thank you. A

12、nd you? Learn: I'm fine, too.T-PWork in pairs.联系生活,让学生 正确使用所学知 识在生活加以实 践。Post-task activity1. Look and choose.2. Look and say.3. Act out the dialogue.1. Look and choose.2. Look and say.3. Act out the dialogue.让小朋友在看一 看、选一选、读一 读、演一演中加强 对本课的巩固。Assignment1. Read the text and recite it.2. Greet your

13、 parents or friends.板 书 设 il-1A M1U1 GreetingsHow are you,.?I'm fine. Thank you. Tm fine. Thank you. And you?I'm fine, too.教学 反思Oxford English 2AM1 U1 (3)Content2AM1U1 Greetings Say and act Learn the lettersAims1. To learn the letters: A, a, B, b2. To use the daily expressions in the differe

14、nt situations.3. Try to say the tongue twister: An apple and a bag.Language focusTo greet others fluently.Teaching aidsMedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeacher's activitiesStudents1 activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Song<Hello! How are you?>2. Look and say.3. Quick response.Good

15、 morning.Good afternoon.Good night.Good evening.Goodbye.How are you?1. Sing the song.2. Look and say.Morning, afternoon, etc.3. Quick response.I'm fine. Thank you.I'm very well. Thank you.歌曲,进入英语 的学习氛围。快速问答中让 学生对前两课 时的内容进行 复习和回顾。While-task procedure1. Teach: How are you,.? I'm very well.

16、 Show the word card.T-P Play the media and leach " I'm very well. Thank you.T-P Ask the pupils to practice.2. Say and ackEddie's day> Play the cassette.T-P3. Play the media. Song<ABC song>1. Learn: very well Follow the teacher and say.well, veryvery wellT-P Learn ¥m very w

17、ell. Thank you. Ask and answerHow are you?I'm very well. Thank you. p-p2. Learn it. Listen and follow Work in groups Act out the story. Share in class.3. Listen and follow the由复习自然过 渡到今天的新 授。运用头饰表演 故事,比一比演 一演评一评。以歌曲来让学 生休息放松,同 时引出新授字 母。学写字母,注意Play it again.4. Learn the big letters. “A" T. W

18、rite it on the blackboard.©Then show "B" Show the letter cards "A, B" "a"5. Learn the small letters “a" T. Write it on the blackboard. Then play a match game. Teach"b"6. Find the letters A, a, B, b,7. Tongue twister. : An apple and a bag.A big apple

19、and a big bag.A big apple is in a big bag.song<ABC song>Listen and sing again.4. Look at the letter.®Pp: Look and copy. Copy it. Read the letters5.Read the small letters ®Pp: Copy it. Look and match.A,B, a, b Read and write the letter ”b"6. Circle the letters . bag, bee, dog, FB

20、A, China, aeroplane, BBC An apple and a bag.7. Learn to say the tongue twister.Pp: choose the sentence and say the tongue twister Share in the class.仿写。把刚所学的字 母大小写连线, 复习巩固同时 引出小写字母 b.联系生活,让学 生从单词中找 字母,熟悉巩 固,同时引出下 而的绕口令。以星级来分层 次阅读,激发学 生的挑战欲望, 让各个层次的 学生都敢学,乐 学。Post-task activity1. Show the letters.T:A

21、2. Wordbook P1-21. Look and greet.Pp: Good morning, big A.2. Listen and finish.让小朋友在看、 读、练中加强对 本单元内容的 巩固。Assignment1. Listen and read Unitl.2. Copy the letters a, B, b”板 书 设 ii-1A M1U1How are you?I'm very well. Thank you.A-©&教学 反思Oxford English 2AM1 U2 (1)AimsTo learn the following word

22、s, eg, boy, girl, tall, short, fat, thin .leaching focusTo introduce oneself and describe pYou're tall.people, e.g., I'm a boy. Tm short and thin.leaching Aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeachefs activitiesStudents* activitiesPurposePre-task1. Sing the song 'Hello! How areFollo

23、w the recorder.通过活泼动听preparationyou?'2. Greet the students andGreet each other的歌曲,为学新 内容打基础。introduce yourself.温习旧句型为新授打基础。While-task1. Show the pictures /puppets toFollow the teacher通过图片认识elicit the key words boy andand say.新人物,并且能proceduregirl.够运用句型进T: Look! This is Danny and this is Mary.Hi,

24、I'm Danny.Hi, Pm Mary.(1) Show the word and picture.行介绍。(2) Read the word. Boys: Hi, Tm Danny.正确跟说。T: Yes. You're Danny. -Giris:Hi, Tm Mary.-T: Yes, YouYe Mary.(Work in pairs with these patterns.)Try to say通过男女生之 间的互动,让学 生明白介绍自2. To teach: I'm a boy/short/thin.2. Say the word one by one.

25、Practice with classmates quickly.己和对方的区 别。3. Use the pattern to introduce yourself.Boys: Hi, Tm Jack. Tm a boy. Tm short and thin.Girls: You're Jack. You're a boy.YouYe short and thin.(More practice)Say the new words and patterns some times.使学生明白词 不离句,学了男 孩后,就要用相 应的句型来介 绍,并且感知第 三者的介绍。Say and

26、 play.T: He is Jack. He is a boy. He is short and thin.(More practice)T: He is Jack. He is a boy. He is short and thin.(More practice)T: He is Jack. He is a boy. He is short and thin.(More practice)4. To learn: girl/Pm a girl./tall/fat. Say the word one by one. Use the pattern to introduce yourself.

27、Girls: Hi! I'm Linda. I'm a girl. I'm tall and fat.Boys: YouTe Linda. YouYe a girl.You're tall and fat.(More practice)T: She is Linda. She is a girl. Sheis tall and fat.5. Consolidation: Boy/girl/thin/fat/short/tall Read the words together. Have a quick response. Game: Whats missing?

28、6. Do a servey. Complete the table on page 8.51: You're tall. YouYe thin.52: Yes, Tm tall. Tm thin.Try to communicate with others.创设情景,给学 生特定的语境, 回归生活实际。Follow the teacher and say.Try to introduce yourself.Try to communicate with others.Say and play.使学生明白词 不离句,学了女 孩后,就要用相 应的句型来介 绍,并且感知第 三者的介绍。通过

29、快速反应 来复习,使学生 正确掌握单词 和图片Do the exercise.及时反馈学生学习掌握的情 况Post-task1. Have the students look at the Follow the tape.让学生能够进activitybook and listen to the tape.行愉快的游戏,2. To learn: Who am I ?并能掌握句型3. Read after the tape.和介绍人物°4. Have the students play thePlay the game,game in groups of four or six.5. H

30、ave the students talk about themselves in pairs. Then check with them in class.HomeworkHomework:养成课后复习、1. Read after the tape on page 6, 7 fori 0 minutes.坚持听录音的学习英语的好习惯。Oxford English 2AM1 U2 (2)Content2AM1U1 Greetings Look and sayAimsTb learn the sentences: I'm short.YouTe tall.Language focusTo

31、 introduce oneself and describe people,Teaching aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeacher activitiesStudents, activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Say the rhyme.2. Guessing game: S1: Who am I?I'm a .Pm . and .I can .3. Have the students describe their classmates by using You're.Fo

32、llow the recording and clap hands.Play the game.通过活泼动听的 儿歌,为学新内容 打基础While-task procedure1. Elicit the new words by using the students, pencil cases : big/ smallHelen, is this your pencil case?S1: Yes.T-Look, your pencil case is big. My pencil case isTry to say the new words some times.p-p Greet Eddi

33、e.通过实物引出新 单词。通过比较,让学生 明白词义。small.Ss: Big. Small.2. Show the card and say the patterns.T-I'm big. YouYe small. Sl-YouTe big. I'm small. (Work in pairs.)3. To learn: long/short TI'm long. You're short. S1YouYe long. I*m short. (Work in pairs.)4. Have the students listen to the recordin

34、g and act out the dialogue in groups of five.Understand the meaning of the dialogue with the teachers body language and follow the teacher.Have a quick responds.More practice.通过快速反应来 复习,使学生正确 掌握新句型。Post-task activity1. Look and choose.2. Look and say.3. Act out the dialogue.1. Look and choose.2. Loo

35、k and say.3. Act out the dialogue.让小朋友在看一 看、选一选、读一 读、演一演中加强 对本课的巩固。Homework1. Read the text and recite it.2. Introduce yourself and your friend.Oxford English 2AM1 U2 (3)Content2AM1U1 Greetings Say and act Learn the lettersAims1. To learn the letters: C, c, D, d2. To use the daily expressions in the

36、 different situations.3. Try to say the tongue twister: Is it a cat?Language focusTo introduce yourself and your friend.Teaching aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeacher activitiesStudents, activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Song<Hello! How are you?>2. Look and say.3. Quick respo

37、nse.Pm short.YouYe tall.1. Sing the song.2. Look and say. tall.short, fat, thin .etc.3. Quick response.歌曲,进入英语的 学习氛围。快速问答中让学 生对前两课时的 内容进行复习和 回顾。While-task procedure1. To learn: Who am I ? Show the word card.T-P Play the media and say "You are .”T-P Ask the pupils to practice.2. Learn the big le

38、tters. “C" T. Write it on the blackboard.©Then show "D" Show the letter cards"C, D,"5. Learn the small letters “c" T. Write it on the blackboard. Then play a match game. Teach “d”1. Learn: Who am I ?(D Follow the teacher and say.T-P Say *' You are ” Ask and ans

39、wer Who am I ?You are .Look at the letter.®Pp: Look and copy. Copy it. Read the letters5. Read the small letters ®Pp: Copy it. Look and match.C, c, D, d Read and write the由复习自然过渡 到今天的新授。学写字母,注意仿 写。把刚所学的字母 大小写连线,复习 巩固同时引出小 写字母d.7. Find the letters c, c, D, d,7. Tongue twister. : Is it a cat

40、?Is it a dog?A cat and a dog : Is it a cat?Yes, its a cat.it a dog?Yes, its a dog.*letter6. Circle the letters .cake, class, donkey, CCTV, Dad.Is it a cat?Is it a dog?A cat and a dog.7. Learn to say the tongue twister.Pp: choose the sentence and say the tongue twister. Share in the class.以星级来分层次 阅读,

41、激发学生的 挑战欲望,让各个 层次的学生都敢 学,乐学。Post-task1. Show the letters.1. Look and greet.让小朋友在看、activityT:CPp: Good morning, big C.读、练中加强对本T: Hi, Tm small d.单元内容的巩固。2. Wordbook P1-22. Listen and finish.Homework1. Listen and read Unit2.2. Copy the letters nC, c, D, d”板2A M1U2书Who am I? You are .设ii-二 二二Oxford Engl

42、ish 2AM1 U3 (1)Teaching aims:1 .To learn the following words, eg, seven, eight, nine, ten.2 .To use the numbers correctly.LanguageTo carry on the description with the simple numbers.focus:Teaching ads:Media, cards, pictures, etcProcedureStepTeachers activitiesStudents* activitiesPurposePre-task1. Si

43、ng a song.1. Sing the song.利用歌曲,让学生Preparation2. Review the numbers.2. Review the numbers.进入学习状态。3. Chant.3. Chant.通过琅琅上口的4. Quick response.4. Quick response.儿歌形式来复习数字1 一 6,While-task1. To teach : nine(1). Ss: Ncedure To elicit:根据6和9的特T: Look. What number is it?征,即数字的变化引出nine,激起学(Show the wor

44、d and the(2). Read it.生的学习兴趣。picture.)(3). S1: nine apples通过这一练习,使(2) Read the word.学生了解两个单(3) Show some pictures and(4). Try to guess词的区别,感知saynine的词形。"Nine, nine, ninen.(4) Guess: nine or five.2. To teach: ten To elicit:(1). Ss: Nine.T: How many apples canwe see?(2). Choose.(2) Choose the cor

45、rect letter.(3). Read it.用简单的词组进(3) Read the word.(4).Imitated teacher to say行操练,为卜而的(4) Show a picture.the sentences.问答作铺垫,层层Ten, ten, ten,递进。I can see ten(5). Ask and answer.(5)Ask and answer.(6). Work in pairs.(6)Let students do pair-work.3. To teach: seven To elicit:T: How many apples?Look. Can

46、we see ten apples now?(2) Read the word. Read a chant.(4) Make a new chant.(5) T: Look! The picture is nice. Who is coming? Oh, the dwarfs are coming. Let's count together.4.To teach: eight T: Oh! How nice the Snow White is! 1 can see seven dwarfs and the Snow White now. How many people?(2) Read

47、 the word.(3) Show four numbers.(4) Show some pictures.(5) .Eight or nine.(6) Play a guessing game.(1) . Ss: Ten apples.Ss: No.(2) . Read it(3) . Read the chant(4) . S1: SevenI can see.SevenFor you and me (5).Count together.(1) . Ss: Eight.(2) . Read it.(3) . Read the numbers.(4) . Enjoy the picture

48、s. eg: Yes, I'm eight.(6).Guess用学生熟悉的童 话人物来巩固新 授,同时也能活跃 课堂气氛。了解学生实际年 龄,回归生活实 际。Post-task activity1. Read the numbers.2. What is missing?3. Look and match.4. Read the numbers from one to ten5. Guess.e.g. T: How many bananas?6. Make a dialogue.1. Read the numbers.2. Find out the missing number.3.

49、Look and match.4. Read the numbers.5. Guess.6. Pair work创设情景,给学生 特定的语境,让学 生从学到用。Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the numbers from one to ten.2. Recite the numbers.3. Make a dialogue in the toy shop.板书设计M1U3 A new classmate seven eightnineten78910教学反思Oxford English 2AM1 U3 (2)Content2AM1U3 A ne

50、w classmate Look and sayAims1. To learn: Are you.? Yes, rm./No. Tm.2. To use these sentences in the daily life.3. We should be kind to others.Language focus1. To learn: Are you.? Yes, rm./No. Pm.2. To use these sentences in the daily life.Teaching aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeacher ac

51、tivitiesStudents, activitiesPurposePre-task1.Rhyme1. Say a rhyme.儿歌让学生preparation2. Look and say.2. Look and say.对前一课时This is.的内容进行3. Quick response.3. Quick response.适当的复习Pm. You are.和回顾。While-task1. Teach: Are you.?1. Learn: Are you.?.开门见山,突procedureYes, Tm./No, Tm.Yes, rm./No, Tm.破难点和重 Ask one pu

52、pil Follow the teacher and点OT; Are you.?say.P: Yes, Tm.Are you .?Pair workAre you (name)?Yes, Tm (name).T: Who can ask anotherP: Are you big/small.?question?P: Yes, Tm big/small.Pair work Play the media andTeach u Are you.?T: Are you.? P: No. Tm.联系本课句No.T: Sorry.型,结合新旧T: Are you .?单词进行运P: No, Tm.Pai

53、r work用,温故知T-P新,增加语言 Guessing game的使用频率。 Guessing gameP-TP: Are you.?T: Yes, Pm./No. Tm.Pair workP1: Are you.?P2: Yes, rm./No. Tm.2. Look and say2. Look and say Show picture 1 Learn picture 1Look and say回到课本中Group work的场景,明确 Show picture 2 Learn picture 2句子在生活Look and say中的运用。Pair work(3) Show picture 3, 4 Learn picture 3, 4Post-task1. Look and act out the1. Act out the dialogue.让小朋友在activitydialogue.看一看、选一2. Look and choose2. Look and choose.选、读一读、 演一


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