已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Up1 up“完全,彻底”eat up(吃光); burn up(烧尽);finish up(做完); use up(用完); dry up(干涸);drink up(喝完);end up(结束,告终);be up(完了,光了)例如,we ate up all the food。2up表“成碎片,分离”之意的短语有:tear up(撕碎); cut up(切碎);例如,she tore the paper up。3up 表“安全地,稳妥地”之意的短语有:lock up(锁住);fasten up(系好);stick up(粘紧); nail up(钉牢);tie up(捆好);wrap up(

2、包好); fix up(修理好)例如,she always locked up her house when she was away on holiday。4up 表“有小变大”之意的短语有:speak up (大声点说);bring up(抚养大);speed up(加快速度);turn up(开大声音);grow up(长大成人);warm up(加热); build up(逐步建立)例如,would you please surn up the radio?5 up表“靠近”之意的短语有:drive up(驶近);go up(走上去);come up(走上来);walk up(走近);

3、catch up(with。)(赶上); keep up(with。)(跟上); hurry up(赶快)例如,a car drove up and stopped, then he got in。6up 表“(由下)往上”之意的短语有:put up(举起,张贴);send up(发射);pick up(拾起,接人);hold up(举起);look up(抬头);stand up(起立);get up(起床);come up(抬头,上来,上升);go up(上升,上涨);take up(拿起);lift up(抬起);jump up(跳起)例如,we have successfully se

4、nt up another spaceship。7up 表“集合”之意的短语有:add up(加起);count up(加起);collect up(收集);gather up(收集,收拢);round up(赶拢);join up(联合起来);number up(列举)例如,she gathered up her scattered belongings and left。8 up与动词连用加强语气light up(点燃); write up(写成);ring up(打电话);tidy up(整理);wake up(唤醒);rise up(起义);pile up(堆积);fill up(填满

5、);mix up(混合);line up(排队);link up(连接);blow up(爆炸);block up(阻塞);look up(查阅);check up(核对,检验);open up(开创,开辟);clear up(天气放晴,整理,消除)例如,he lit up a cigarette for his fatherDowngo down中考下降,降低,被载入,传下去take down中考记下,写下let down中考放下,降低,使失望write down中考写下,记下put down中考记下,放下,镇压,平定turn down中考(把音量)调低cut down中考砍倒fall do

6、wn中考倒下,跌倒get down中考从 下来,写下bring down中考打倒,挫伤,降低break down中考损坏,分解,瓦解hand down中考流传下来,传给,往下传keep down中考控制,压制,镇压,压低pull down中考拆毁,拉倒,拉下,降低up and down中考上上下下hand down to中考往下传,传给 (后代)turn down 中考把音量)调低race down the hill中考比赛跑到山go down the street中考沿着这条街走note down中考记下walk down .中考沿着.走jump down中考跳下来keep the voic

7、e down中考控制声音turn upside down中考把倒置,弄得乱七八糟look down upon中考瞧不起look ab. up and down中考仔细打量某人get /have sth. down中考 做完,被(别人)做.Let sb. down中考 让某人失望Offbadly off 贫困,贫穷better off 情况较好right off 立刻,马上 (= straight off)well off 富裕worse off 情况较差be off离开take off飞机等起飞;脱下put off推延时间hurry off匆忙离开.turn off关掉.get off下车ha

8、ve /take/ask for a day off请假/离开一天fall off从.掉下give off发出光、热、气味等keep off让开,不接近Ondepend on 依靠;insist on 坚持;keep/go on 继续;put on 穿上;move on 继续移动,往前走;feed on 以为生;take on 承担;carry on 继续,进行;spend on 在花钱;try on 试穿;pass on 传递,继续;turn/switch on 打开;bring on 导致;使发展get/ride on a horse 骑马go on a tripbe based on 以

9、 。为基础live on one's wagesOn earth 究竟on fire 着火On ones way 在路上On holiday 在假期on foot 步行on one's feet:它常同动词 be, stand 等连用,表示“站着”的意思;它还可指病人经过治疗后“恢复健康”,指经济状况“恢复正常”或某人,某企业等“经济独立”。 A shop assistant is on her feet for most of the day. 售货员几乎是整天站着的。 In three days you will be on your feet. 三天后你的病就会好的。 H

10、e stood on his feet at last. 他终于在经济上独立了。Tobe/get/become used to 习惯于 I have been used to getting up early.我已习惯早起。be related to和有联系. His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappy childhood. 他对人的畏惧和他不幸的孩提时代有着密切的关系。devote oneself to献身于 She devoted herself to tennis in her teens.他少女时代热衷网球.。be admit

11、ted to被录取 , 准进入 Li Ming is admitted to Beijing University.李明被北大录取。 Children under 18 are not admitted to the film.未满18岁儿童不得入场看这场电影。be known to为所知As is known to all,paper was first made in China.众所周知纸是中国人发be married to和结婚 Tom has been married to Mary for 10 years.汤姆和玛丽已经结婚10年 be compared to被比喻成 Teach

12、ers are often compared to candles.教师常被比喻成蜡烛。be/become /get accustomed to惯于,有.习惯.You will soon get accustomed to the job.be engaged to和订婚 Jack is engaged to Linda.捷克和林达订婚了。get down to着手做 Lets get down to business.我们言归正传。lead to 导致 All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。object to doing反对 He objects to beeing

13、treated like a child.put ones mind to全神贯注于 You should put your mind to studies.你应专心学习。look forward to doing盼望 Im looking forwad to seeing you.我盼望与你见面。pay attention to注意 Please pay attention to your pronunciotion.请注意你的发音。stick to坚持 He always sticks to his promise.他总是遵守诺言。attend to 处理,照料Attend careful

14、ly to what she is saying.注意听她说话。make contributions to对做贡献He has made great contributions to a space deveiopment programme.他对太空发展计划有很大的贡献。reply to 回答She never replied to my letter.他从不回复我的信。add up to加起来 These figures add up to fifty.这些数字总计为50。in addition to除之外(还)He speak s Frensh in addition to Englis

15、h.他除了讲英语之外还会说turn to转向,求助于 He has turned to keeping sheep.他已转行养羊。look up to向上看,尊敬We should look up to our parents.我们应该尊敬父母。belong to属于The computer belongs to me.这台电脑时我的。take to喜爱,开始 I took to her at once我立刻喜欢上了她。She has taken to drinking recently.set an example to给树立榜样 Lei F eng set a good example t

16、o us.refer to 谈到,参考,查阅 If you have any question please refer to the guidebook.take /make a trip to 到.地方去Ill make a trip to the seaside tomorrow.join to把和连接起来The railway has joined Beijing to Zhuhai.turn a blind eye to对视而不见 Dont turn a blind eye to that.不要对那事视而不见。turn a deaf ear to对充耳不闻He turned a de

17、af ear to my advice.他对我的建议充耳不闻。poit to指向He pointed to the door.他用手指着门.(让人出去)。show honour to向表示敬意 We all showed honour to the hero.我们都向那位英雄表示敬意。drink(a toast)to 为干杯 Lets drink to Pauls health.让我们为保尔的健康干杯。do harm to 对有害处 Smoking does harm to health。抽烟有害健康。date back to追朔到 This temple date back to the S

18、ongDydasty。这庙宇宋代就有了。when it comes to谈到.时when it comes to studying English,he thinks it easy。treat sb to请某人吃 Ill treat you to some beer.我要请你喝啤酒。pay a visit to参观 Shell pay a second visit to Japan.他要再次访日。the answer to 的答案 Please tell me the answer to the question.请告诉我这个问题的答案。the key to doing 的答案,的钥匙的关键

19、This is the kry to solving the problem.这是解决问题的关键。onss attitude to 对的态度 We should take a positive attitude to work.on ones way to在去某处的途中 He is on his way to becoming a doctor.be kind to 对和善 The teacher is kind to his students.这位老师对他的学生非常和蔼。be important to对重要 English is important to us all.英语对我们所有人都很重

20、要。be equal to和.相等 Men are equal to women in China now.现在中国男女平等。be familiar to 为熟悉 The tall building is familiar to me.我非常熟悉这幢大楼。be similar to和.相似His view is similar to yours。他的观点和你的类似。be open to 对.开放。The library is open to the public.这个公园对公众开放。be helpful to 对有益处 Early rising is helpful to your healt

21、h.早起对你的身体有好处。be useful to对有用 This book is useful to young students.be good to对好 His step- mother is very good to him. 他的继母对他非常好。比较:be good for 对.有益处. Early rising is good for youe health.早起对你的身体有益处。be bad to对不好 His step- mother is very bad to him. 他的继母对他非常不好。比较:be bad for对有害处Smoking is bad for your

22、health.抽烟对你健康有害处。thanks to多亏了,由于 Thanks to your help ,I finished my work on time.according to根据 According to the law,he was sentenced to death.根据法律他被判处死刑。Aboutbring about中考带来,造成think about中考考虑be worried/serious about中考为而担心hang about中考闲荡,徘徊,逗留tell sb. about sth.中考告诉某人某事 worry about中考担忧 how about .中考怎

23、么样 what about中考怎么样 be anxious about中考为.而担心 argue with sb. about sth.中考与某人争论某事 about school life in England中考关于英国学校生活 think about .中考考虑. tell sb. about sth.中考告诉某人某事 worry about中考担忧 how about .中考怎么样 Forfor the better中考好转,改善for the present中考目前,暂时for the sake of中考为了 起见get ready for中考为作准备go for a swim中考去

24、游泳go in for中考参加,从事于,酷爱leave for中考动身去mistake for中考误以为pay the way for中考为 铺平道路praise sb. for sth.中考为某事表扬某人search for中考搜寻, 搜查sit for中考参加take a message for sb中考给某人捎个口信wait for中考等待go for walks中考 去散步 places for animals to live中考 动物居住的地方 be late for 中考迟到 get ready for (=be ready for)中考为作好准备 go out for a wal

25、k中考外出散步 have bread and milk for breakfast中考早饭吃面包和牛奶 make room/space for中考给腾出地方 set an example for中考为树立榜样 take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays中考带某人去公园/伦敦度假 ask for leave中考请假 thank for中考为感谢 for oneself中考为自己 make/offer an apology to sb for sth.中考因某事向某人认错或道歉 ask sb. for advice / help中考请某人指点

26、/ 帮助 a call for help中考呼救声 make sth. for sb.中考为某人做. 中考第一节课迟到 be sorry for中考为.难过,遗憾 feel sorry for中考为.难过,遗憾 be used for doing=be used to do sth.中考被用于做某事 have a party for sb.中考为某人举行一次聚会 have a surprise(surprising) party for sb.中考为某人举行一个惊喜的聚会 take sth. for granted中考想当然 ask for .中考 求助,向要(直接接想要的东西) ask sb

27、. for sth.中考 向某人什么 be angry with(at) sb. for doing sth.中考 为什么而生某人的气 be good for中考 对什么有好处 中考 等某人 wait for sb. to do sth.中考 等某人做什么 wait for sometime中考 等多少时间 enter oneself for a contest中考 报名比赛 have a gift for music中考 有音乐天分 中考 该去上课了 take walks = take a walk go for a walk中考 散步 provide food and clothes fo

28、r one's family中考 养家糊口 reach for sth.中考 伸手去拿 for this reason中考 为此,为此理由 go out for a picnic中考 去野餐 take for中考把 认为是,把 看成是for one thing中考首先,一则send for中考派人去请,召唤,索取for the first time中考第一次for instance中考例如,举例说prepare for中考准备look for中考寻找care for中考照顾, 喜欢for a while中考暂时,一时for the time being中考暂时,眼下stand for中

29、考代替,代表,意味着ask for中考请求, 寻求apologize to sb. for sth.中考为某事向某人道歉be bad for中考有害于be famous for中考因而有名be late for中考迟到be/get ready for中考为作准备enter for中考报名参加for (the) purpose offor a moment中考片刻,一会儿for ever中考永远for the moment中考现在,暂时allow for中考考虑到call for中考邀请,要求,需求make for中考走向,驶向,有助于pay for中考付.钱, 买for example中考例如

30、go for中考竭力想取得,喜爱,支持,拥护word for word中考逐字地account for中考说明 (原因等)buy sth. for sb.中考为某人买东西 stay in bed for another two days中考再跟床上呆两天 thank sb. for .中考为.而感谢某人 a ticket for Shanghaifor a long time中考很长时间 go for a walk中考去散步 take a message for sb.中考给某人捎个信 be late for the first classstudy for .test中考为.考试而学习 pl

31、ay sports for a living中考以运动为谋生 be late for school/class中考上学/上课迟到 sb. pay some money for sth.中考某人为某物付多少钱 be late for = come late to中考 迟到 fit to sb. = be fit for sb.中考 适合某人 get ready for = be ready for中考 为什么而准备 It's a good idea for sb. to do sth.中考 对. 来说是个好主意 have high hope for sb.中考 对某人抱很大希望 make

32、 up for one's mistake中考 弥补某人的过失 It's time for sth.中考 到了该去做某事的时间 It's time for classwait for sb.place an order for sth.中考 订购某物 Out 1. give out放出、发出(气体、气味、烟雾、光、水、热等);耗尽、用完;精疲力竭;发表、公布I like this kind of flower very much, because it gives out a sweet smell. 我非常喜欢这种花,因为它发出香味。At last the water

33、 supply gave out.最后,水的供应断绝了。After a long time of hard work, he gave out.长时间辛苦劳动之后他累倒了。2. pick out挑选;辨认I picked out my friend in a crowd. 我从人群中认出了我的朋友。This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can pick out my father.(05湖北)这张照片是很早前照的,我不知道你能否认出我的父亲。3. work out算出;产生某种结果;锻炼;设计出,制订出I cant work out this problem be


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