



1、YOUR LO人教版小学四年级英语上册测试题PEP小学英语四年级第一单元测试卷一.单项选择。(20分)()1. Mike : Nice to meet you .John:.(A) Nice to meet you . (B) Good morning .():Whats your nameWu Yifan:.(A) Tm Wu Yifan .(B) Tm OK .() Jie :Let me clean the board .Amy:.(A)OK. (B) Hello.()4.教室里面有什么?(A) Whats in the classroom(B) Whats on the board()

2、5.我们有一间新教室。A) ) I have a pen .(B) We have a new classroom .():Wheres my seatB) .(在门旁边)(A) Its near the door . (B) Its near the desk . ()7.A. Good morning !B:1!(A) Good afternoon .(B) Good morning .():Hello!B:!A) ) Nice to meet you . (B) Hello.():How old are youB) .(A) Tm 10 . (B) Im fine .()1。.让我们一起

3、擦玻璃吧!(A)Lets clean the window . (B) Let me clean the board . 二,选择与图片对应的句子。(18分)()()()()()()(A). Turn on the light. (B). Sweep the floor .(D). Clean the board. (E). Put up the picture.(C). Open the door.(F). Clean the window.三.翻译下列单词及句子的意思。window ( ) board ()light () picture () door ( ) floor ()class

4、room ()computer ( ) wall ( ) fan () teacher desk ()red ( ) yellow ( ) green ()blue ( ) purple ( ) white ()black ( ) brown ( ) pink ( ) orange ( )Whats in the classroom ( )Wheres your seat ( )Its near the door .()Let me clean the window .()Lets clean the classroom.()Lets go and have a look .()PEP小学英语

5、四年级第二单元测试卷根据英文写出中文。25%window wall computer floor boardlight fan thirty thirteen notebookclassroom forty heavy seat too manymany classmate nearpicture cleanschoolbagteachers desk thirty-one what who wheremath book story-book Chinese book English bookPEP小学英语四年级第三单元测试卷一、选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号中。(6分)1 ()Ago

6、oseB strongC tallD quiet2 ()AnoodlesB hamburger C rice D pencilcase3 ()AmonkeyB lionC lockD kangaroo4 ()AdeskB chairC bedDpencil5 ()AbeefB jeepC taxiD car6 ( ) A cake B open C egg D noodles二、根据英文写出中文。(5分)”classmatewall ( ) fan ( ) notebook ( ) long hair ( ) fifty ()()thin () strong ( ) teachers desk

7、 ()thirty-one () math book () friend () short hair ()三、”选择最佳答句。(5分)()are you?m eleven. ,thank you. you. D .Really?()colour is it?A. Its a vest. B. Yes, it is. C. Its blue. s nice.()this your pencilidea. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it is. D. No, it isnt.() many books do you have?right. your head.()night!

8、morning, afternoon, night. m full.四、填上所缺字母使单词完整。8分)bk p_ncil tcher b_g studt r_ le(3分)丁仄B栏中找出与性句子的申文意思将其序号填在前面的括号里。 A栏B栏()Happy Teachers, Day! 1 敢师节快乐!) r m from China.让我们来绘画吧!()Look J have a new schoolbag . 稚是你最好的朋友?Whos your best friend 我有40本故事书.()Let,s paint!5我来自中国()I have forty story-books. 看,我有

9、一个新书六.迪下列每组单词排列成正确的句子,只写序号。(3分) 1 . (l)books ,many ,I,have.2. Shave a look, (2)Let5s , (3)and , (4)go.3.his, is , name ,Zhang Peng.PEP小学英语四年级第四单元测试卷 一:找出不同类的单词.()1: A: plateB: spoonC: vegetable()2: A: fridgeB: sofaC: table()3: A: chopstick B: noodles C: fork()4: A: soup B: study C: bedroom()5: A: eg

10、g B: beef C: duck二:看图写单词Is! B Ji三:选择正确的答案写在前面的括号里.()1:你想要一些果汁,你该用英语说:A: I like some juice.B: Id like some juice.()2:你向别人提供帮助,你会说:A: Can I help you B: can you help me()3: What you like for dinner?A: wouldB: are()4:I have some rice?A: doB: can()5: wea good time.A: hasB: hadPEP小学英语四年级第五单元测试卷一、选择正确的答案,把

11、序号写在()里。(10分)( )1、- your sister -She is a student.A、WhosB、WhatsC、What()2、一 that girl She is my friend.A、WhosB、WhatsC、Who( )3、 一 his name -His name is ZhangPeng.A、Whos B、Whats C、Who()4 He is a baseball player. He looks .A、strong B、thin C、young( )5、They are members in my family. There are my dad,my mo

12、m and A、2 ; me B、3; me C、3; IA、My parents and me.B、She a farmer.二、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。(10分) ()1、How many pears are there under the tree?()2、Who are they?()3、Whos this man?()4、What*s your grandma?()5、Is this your brother?三、阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写T ,错的写“F”。(10分)Look at my family photo. This is my father. Hes a teacher. Hes tall. He likes sports. This is my mother. Shes a teacher, too. She likes reading. This is my brother. Hes a baseball


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