已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、学习资料单元名称 Unitl Great cities in Asia一、教学内容:1. Liste ning and speak ing: Traveli ng to differe nt cities.2. Liste n and say.3. Readi ng: Great cities in Asia.4. Writi ng: Quiz cards.二、教学要求:1)本册教材为六年级下半学期教材,经过一个学期的积累,学生对初中牛津教材已经有 了一定的认识。但教师在备课中仍应该仔细研究,注意内容与要求的衔接;要注意学 生的心理特征与学习习惯的发展和变化,为七年级的学习做好准备。2)在之前

2、的学习中,学生主要以听说为主,学习了一些日常用语,进而也学习、巩固了 一些简单的单词和语法,但还需要在以后的学习中从听、说、读、写各方面落实。因 此,在教学中要继续注意听说领先,注意学生语音、语调和单词、课文的教学。3)对于六年级的学生而言,教师仍要注意学习方法的引导,培养学生良好的英语学习习 惯,如朗读的习惯,书写的习惯,听课的习惯,作业的习惯等,为今后的学习打好基 础。4)本单元围绕亚洲的大城市Great cities in Asia展开话题,介绍了 Beiji ng, Tokyo以及 Bangkok 三个亚洲的大城市,向学生展示了这几个亚洲大城市的基本概况和风土 人情,激发学生的学习兴趣

3、,为本模块主题city life做导入热身。三、教学重点、难点:1.方位词: east / west / north / south / north-east / north-west / south-east / south-west用法:a.两地不相邻:e.g. A is north of B.( = to the south of )b. 两地接壤:e.g. A is on the north of B.c.所属关系,A 包含 B, B 属于 A: e.g. B is in the north of A.2. by + 交通工具 表示乘. 交通工具”,用 how 进行提问 e.g. by

4、 bus / ferry /train / ship / un dergro und by pla ne = by air, by ship = by sea3. How far哆远(询问距离的远近,路程的长短)e.g. Hoe far is it from your home to school?从你家至 U 学校有多远?4. How long多长,多久(询问时间的长短,提问一段时间)e.g. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train? 车从上海到北京要花多长时间?5. It takes (sb.) s

5、ome time to do sth.做某事需要花费多少时间e.g. It takes me five hours to make this modal pla ne.做这个模型飞机花了我 5个小时。6. like / love / enjoy doi ng sth.喜欢做某事e.g. The people in Ban gkok like / love / enjoy eati ng spicy food.曼谷人喜欢吃辛辣食物。6.词组句型at an exhibiti on about great cities in Asia Whichcity?哪个城市?fromto从至 Utravel

6、to other places去别的地方more tha n = over超过,多于单元教学计划教学时间 2/19-2/27坐火在一个关于亚洲大城市的展览会上the capital of .的首者 Ein the past 在过去学习资料visit the Great wall参观长城tall buildi ngs咼楼大厦huge departme nt stores大型的百货商店famous hotels 著名的宾馆quiz cards 测试卡 at these beautiful beaches在这些美丽的沙滩上单元名称 Unit 2 At the airport教学时间 2/28-3/8

7、一、教学内容1. Readi ng: A trip to Los An geles. Traveli ng to differe nt cities.2. Listening and speaking: A flight trip.3. Liste n and match.4. Writi ng: A checklist.二、教学要求1本单元中出现了现在完成时,如: have lived, have never been to, have done等,教师有必要在课堂教学中帮助学生回顾一下6A 中现在完成时出现的单元及与之搭配的时间状语,这是本单元的学习重点,因此对此时态的运用必须加以反复的操

8、练。2在本单元中还出现了一些表示时间的时间状语,如:for six years/two weeks 等。建议教师以旧带新,复习never/already/just/ever 等,并让学生能熟练并准确地使用这些副词及时间状语。3在课文中还出现了较多的一般将来时be goi ng to, will,以及与之连用的 how long特殊疑问句式。4在本单元中,出现了 a lot of, plenty of, a few, a little, much, several, a smallamount of 以及 not too many 和 not too much等模糊数量的词及词组,建议帮助学生一

9、起复习一下 6A 中出现的大量表示数量的词,如:a lot of, ple nty of, some, alittle, too much, too little, n ot en ough等,并鼓励学生根据表达需要进行合理搭配,综合运用。5在本单元中,出现了用许多机场内的标志,女口: Trolleys, Toilets, Escalators, Comein here, go out here等,教师可提供更多机场内不同的图片,供学生进行认知并进行操练,让学生能学会识别并熟练掌握。_三、教学重点、难点1关键词:1)乘飞机出国旅游时所需物品。如an air ticket , suitcases

10、, passports,board ing cards, a n ame tag, US dollars等.2)常见的介词:for, until, at, before。3)与机场有联系的名词:check, departure, flight, arrival, leave for,passe nger, trolley, exit, entrance, escalator.4)动词的现在式和过去分词live-lived be-bee n buy-bought do-d onepack-packedget-got check-checked put-putbrin g-brought5)其他:

11、 dried mushroom, Los An geles , scarf, camera, waste .2功能:1)Give in struct ionsand direct ions.(给出指令和方向)Come in here. /go out here.2) Express ing obligati on (表达义务)All passe ngers must arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time.3语法点:学习资料1) 本单元出现了大量使用现在完成时表示过去的动作对现在造成影响的句式,如:They have

12、bought the air tickets already. They have lived in Los An geles forsix years.应作为本单元的知识点重点教学。2)般将来时的运用表示不久将要发生的动作与事情,同时正好复习how long 引导的特殊疑问句,如,How long are you going to stay there?单元名称 Unit 3 Dragon Boat Festival教学时间 3/11-3/20一、教学内容1. Readi ng: Qu Yuan and the Drago n Boat Festival.2. Liste ning and

13、speak ing: Rice dumpli ngs.3. Liste n and say.4. Writing: An e-mail.二、教学要求1本单元中出现了表达喜好和厌恶的句式,如I love,but I don t like .以及表达意愿的句型 would rather do sth.这属于英语的功能性语言之一,要反复练习,尤其是 would rather do 是第一次出现,在7 年级中还将出现多次,同时要掌握同义词 prefer to do .2本单元中出现了较多的表达询问他人意见的句子。如Would you like ?/Would youlike to?及其肯、否定回答等。

14、这些句式在6A 中已经出现,女口 Would you like tobe a firema n? 等。作为功能性语言,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的机械性训练。3介词 with /without 的用法,在 6A 的食品模块中出现过 with ,本单元属于加强复习。4通过讲故事的形式,学习一般过去式的用法。在以前的课文学习中,已或多或少出现 过一般过去时,教师可在此做一个总结。5本单元的课题是节日,在整个初中阶段中,会出现许多节日,教师在课前要求学生收 集中外的各种节日在课堂共享。三、教学重点、难点1关键词:1)食物名称:dumpli ng, sweet, salty,2)动词及过去式:ha

15、te, celebrate,know (knew, known), tell (told, told), bear(bore, born), give (gave, give n), take (took,take n), die, lose (lost,lost), become (became, become)3)粽子名称:a salty rice dumpling, a sweet rice dumpling, sweet rice dumpli ngs with bea ns,salty rice dumpli ngs without bea ns.3)传统中国节日:Spring Fe

16、stival,Qingming,Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-autumnFestival2功能:1)表达喜欢与不喜欢:I love rice dumplings, but I hate spring rolls. My friend loves apples, but he hates bananas.2)表达提议及偏好:-Would you like some sweet rice dumpli ngs?-Yes, please./No, tha nks.学习资料二 Would you like salty rice dumpli ngs or sweet rice d

17、umpli ngs?-I d like some salty rice dumplings.-Would you like some moon cake?-Yes, please, I really like moon cake.-Would you like some lem on ade?- No, I don t like lemonade very much. I d rather have some coffee.3语法点:1) 本单元出现了不少 would like (to)的句式,应作为本单元的知识点重点教学。2) would rather do 的句型3) 介词 with 和

18、without 作定语的用法。单元名称 Unit 4 Staying healthy教学时间 3/21-3/29一、教学内容1. Readi ng: In door and outdoor activities.2. Liste ning and speak ing: Health problems.3. Read, match and say.4. Writing:How often 二、教学要求1本单元中出现了较多的表达询问原因的句子。女口Why do I always have a headache?及其理由的回答,because.,这是本单元的重点之一,作为功能性语言,教师有必要在课堂

19、教学中进行大量的机械性和实际运用性相结合的操练。2有关表示不佳身体状况的词汇也要重点记忆,如:Headache。3What s your favourite .?这一内容6A 中多次出现过,课文中再次重现,加以复习巩固。4How often?这一句型是本单元的重点句型,询问频率对学生来说是首次出现,有关它的回答要求掌握一些表频率的时间状语,如:once a mo nth.。教师应设计一定的情景,让学生进行充分的操练。二、教学重点、难点1关键词:1)表达身体状况的词汇:headache, stomach-ache, toothache, cold, fever, sorethroat, exer

20、cise.2)表示数量的词汇:eno ugh/too many/too much3)有关运动的词汇:doing a puzzle, play ing basketball, fish ing,cycli ng,play ing computer games, making a model, going on a pic nic, collect ingstamps in door activity, outdoor activity, practice swim ming.4)表示时间频率的词汇: once a mon th, three times a day, twice ayear.5)

21、 其他: revisi on, compare, bar chart, simple, record, sheet, timetable.2功能:1)询问原因:-Why do I always have a headache?-You always have a headache because you watch too much televisi on.-Why do I always have a cold and a fever?-Why do I always have a stomach-ache?学习资料2)询问特定信息What s your favorite indoor/ou

22、tdoor activity?3) 询问数量How many of my classmates like watch ing televisi on best?4)询问频率-How ofte n does Danny do some revisi on?-He does some revisi on once a mon th.-He onee a day/twice a week/times a year.-He never .3语法点:本单元重点时态是一般现在时。单元名称 Unit 5 What will I be like?教学时间 4/1-4/10一、教学内容:1. Readi ng:

23、 My possible future.2. Liste ning and speak ing: Grow ing bigger.3. Writ ing: A report on my future.4. Readi ng: What will you be?二、教学要求:1本单元中重点学习了“ He/She/You will be_cen timeters taller./_kilogrammes heavier. ”“ He/She/You will be_ and_ . ”“ He ll/She ll/You ll possibly be a/an_ .” 等使用一般将来时来叙述将来事实

24、的句型.一般将来时在前面的课文中已经学过,但在课文中增加了与现在的 一个比较,还要进一步的进行巩固性操练。2be good at sth/doing sth的用法在 6A 的课文中出现过,在本单元中大量使用,并且新增了反义词组be poor at sth/ doing sth的使用.教师可通过问题化设计,让学生进行操练并掌握.3用 First, Next, The n, Fin ally等副词来表示时间顺序在6A 中被介绍使用过,在本单元中让学生进一步巩固复习。4在本单元中涉及的有关工作的词汇,建议以旧带新,在复习的基础上掌握新的内容。三、教学重点、难点1关键词及词组:1)各类 职业:repo

25、rter, model, baker, driver,sin ger,teacher, doctor,den tist,bus in essma n, bus in esswoma n, football player, nu rse, pilot,farmer, fisherma n, astr on aut, cook.2)副词:possibly 的位置及用法。3)词组:press the butt on, put into ,be good at/ be poor at, n eed to do sth, dress up,practise sth, lear n to do sth2功

26、能:1)Show agreement (同意)anddisagreement(不同意)-Peter will possibly be a policema n.学习资料- Yes, I agree. /No, I don t agree.I think he ll possibly be a fireman.2)Talk about future s appearances (谈论将来的容貌)-What will I be like?- You will be 15 centimetrestaller/ be five kilogrammes heavier/ haveIon ghair/ b

27、e more beautiful.3) Show possibility (可能性)I ll possibly be a policeman or a fireman.3语法点:本单元出现了不少一般将来时的句式, 应作为本单元的重点来进行教学。情态动词 haveto 后面跟动词原形,应进行重点来操练并巩固。不定式 need to do /learn to do应通过归纳总结的方式来使学生掌握。单元名称 Un it 6 Seaso nal cha nges教学时间 4/11-4/19一、教学内容:1. Readi ng: Uni forms for differe nt seas ons.2.

28、Look and lear n.3. Liste ning and speak ing: School life in summer.4. Writi ng: School life in win ter.二、教学要求:1本单元中出现了表示月份上旬、下旬的表达,如:early October, late April等,教师有必要在课堂教学中帮助学生回顾一下十二个月份的读音、拼写,并对上述表达 加以一定的操练。6在本单元中首次出现了用with 的介词短语表达服装的用法,如:white shirts withshort sleeves, white blouses with short sleev

29、es等,教师可提供多张不同服装的图片,供学生进行操练。7在本单元中还出现了一些表示时间的介词,如:before, after, un til等。建议教师以旧带新,帮助学生加以区分,并在句中正确地使用。4seedoi ng sth.的动名词短语在本单元中首次出现,在此后的几个单元中还将反复出现,建议教师多创设情景,让学生使用这一结构。5在本单元中,出现了使用 not many 和 more 表达数量,建议帮助学生一起复习一下大量表示数量的词,如:a lot of, plenty of, a few, a little, much, several,a small amou nt of 等,并鼓励

30、学生根据表达需要进行综合运用。三、教学重点、难点1关键词:3)服装与式样: summer uni forms, win ter uni forms, white shirts/blouses withshort/ long sleeves , a pair of trousers,grey shorts/skirts,short whitesocks.4)常见的介词:in, until, before, after学习资料3)季节与月份: spri ng, summer, autu mn, win ter, January- December, earlyOctober, late April

31、3) 其他:get dark, shine, air-conditioned。2功能:1)Expressing obligation (表达义务)All stude nts must wear summer uni forms in September, early October, late April, May,June and July.3语法点:本单元出现了不少使用一般现在时表示客观事实、兴趣等的句式,如:Itgets dark early in the eve ning in win ter./ More stude nts like stay ingin the library b

32、ecause it is air-c on diti on ed.应作为本单元的知识点重点教学。单元名称 Unit 7 Travellingin Garden City教学时间 4/29-5/10、教学内容:1. Readi ng: Travell ing by bus.2. Liste ning and speak ing: Travelli ng in 10 years/ time.3. Writi ng: A poster of future travelli ng.二、教学要求:1本单元中出现了较多的一般过去时用法。如运用一般过去时的一些句型已经出现,如 Therewere(was)等

33、。作为认知内容,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的机械性训 练,如操练过去时的动词变位。2与交通有关的名称在本单元中大量出现。课文中主要是预测今后的交通发展趋势。教 师可以结合6A 中的多个交通名称,通过图片,文字再现等让学生进行回忆,巩固, 并逐步引出新词汇。3在 6A 中,学生已学习过 future tense: will 的表达方式。本 unit 中增加了 There willbe/will not的表达方式。4形容词的比较级最初在 6A 中就已出现。本单元中用来表数量的多少,在此后的6B 几个单元中还将反复出现。三、教学重点、难点1关键词:1)perhaps2)any Ion ger3)

34、Some of/none of/all of/most of4)时期表达法:in ( ) s time; in the past ; Nowadays2功能:1)Comparison(比较)学习资料In the past, there were no air- conditioners in the buses.Nowadays, most buses have air- conditioners.Perhaps we won t travel by ferry any Ion ger.In the past, all of the buses had a fare-box2)Agreemen

35、t and Disagreement(同意与不同意)Yes, I agree./No, I dont agree.3 语法点:用形容词来描述数量,如:most , some, none, all单元名称 Unit 8 Windy weather教学时间 5/13-5/22一、教学内容:1. Liste ning and speak ing: Windy days.2. Readi ng: The typho on.3. Look, read and match.4. Writing: A poster.二、教学要求一:1本单元中出现了 when 的时间状语从句。女口what can you s

36、ee when there is a gentlebreeze?由 When 引导的句型已在 6A 中出现过,但学生对复合句运用不够熟练,教师应组织 学生对此句型在模仿的基础上加以操练和巩固运用。2副词在句中作状语表方式如:The clouds in the sky moved quickly.副词的用法在前两册教材中都已反复出现,但学生对用法还是不能熟练掌握,教师应结合课文,设 计语境,对进行有意义的操练。3May, should 情态动词的用法。May 表示可能性,should 表示应该做某事。在 6B 中都 出现过,在本单元中用来表达台风的预警措施。4Let s fly a kite.

37、Good idea属于本单元的语言功能部分;Let s 表示建议,在6A 中已出现过,在本单元做适当复习。5 本单元出现动词现在进行时。这种时态用法在6A 中一出现过,属于复习,不作新知识处理。三、教学重点、难点1关键词: 不同的风:gentle breeze, strong wind, typhoon用副词描述动作的方式:tightly, lightly, fiercely, slightly, sudde nly去 quickly, immediately 等。 其他:fall(fell),sink(sank),clean-up,go windsurfing, put tape on la

38、rge学习资料win dows2功能: 用 what 来询问对方的信息女口: What can you see on a windy day? 用 let s 表示建议-Let s fly a kite.-Good idea.-Let s go to the con cert. -Good idea. Let s.3语法点:副词的构成:形容词+ly情态动词+动词原形(3)复习动词一般现在时的用法单元名称 Un it 9 Sea water and rain water 教学时间 5/23-5/31、教学内容:1. Readi ng: The ocea ns, rain and water.2.

39、 Look and read: What will happe n if there is no rain?3. Liste ning and speak ing: How can we save water?4. Writing: Let s save water.二、教学要求:1本单元介绍了 use water to do sth.和此句型的另为一种表达方式:use water fordoing sth.,教师可以从 useto do. 弓 I 出 usefor doing用法。教师让学生用身边的例子和生活经验,导入此句型。,鼓励用此句型进行操练。2本单元出现了 ifwill的复合句,要加强操练。学生对复合句的用法不很熟练,应设计各种情景,强化此句型的操练,以达到熟练运用。3新的句型:we can save water by doi ng sth.学生在接受时会遇到困难,应该多加


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