



1、牛津译林八年级英语上册期末考试试卷班级姓名学号一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)()1. It is raining from morning till ni ght. What ul day!A. aB. anC. /D. the()2.I want to tell you about it by e-mail.OK. You can email meSan dys unshin .A. forB. withC. atD. on()3.“ What should I do n ext?” I thought hard. Sudde nly, a good idea wentmy

2、 mind.A. overB. acrossC. aboutD. through()4. When Millie meets homeless people, she always has n them.A. pityB. luckC. mistakeD. joy()5.En glish is difficult, I n early give it up.Please don ' t. Nothin if you put your heart into it.A. importa ntB. impossibleC. in teresti ngD. in correct()6. Mr.

3、 Joh n spe nt 10 yearsthe birds in the wild.A. studyB. to studyC. study ingD. studied()7. I saw a nu mber of pan cakes in the plate, but now there is ft in it.A. noneB. someth ingC. nothingD. no one()8. The sentence structure (结构)of “ Teachers often ask us to read more.” isA. S+V+DOB. S+V+PC.S+V+IO+

4、DOD. S+V+DO+OC( )9.The group of the treessome shadeus.A. offered, for B. provided, with C. provided, for D. offered, with()10. We were play ing basketball in the parkuddenly the storm started.A. whe nB. whileC. un tilD. before()11. Every year, isitors go to the wetla nd park to watch the birds.A. th

5、ousandsB. ten thousandsC. thousands of D. thousand of()12. The students had different ideas. they didn' t make a decision.A. I nstead ofB. As a resultC. Because of D. By the way()13. Look at the sentences here, please_ on your notebook.A. write it dow nB. write dow n itC. write them dow n D . wr

6、ite dow n them()14. Mr Wu always advises us n glish as ofte n as possible.A. to speakB. speak ingC. speakD. spoke n()15. I fell off the bike and hurt my leg yesterday. Be careful next time.A. Never mind B. No problem C. What a shame D. I ' m sorry to hear that二、完形填空(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,

7、然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A rainstorm hit Alabama (阿拉巴马州) on Friday, 6 October.Ben could hear strong winds 16 outside his home. Black clouds were making the17 very dark. 18 light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that aheavy rain storm was in the area.Every one in the n eighbourhoo

8、d was 19. Ben ' s dad was putt ing pieces of wood overthe windows while his mom 20 sure the flashlights (手电筒) and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table. Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat 21against the windows. 22 dinner, they tried t

9、oplay a card game, but it was 23 to have fun with a serious storm happe ning outside.Ben could not sleep at first. 24, he fell asleep when the wind was dying down ataround 3:00 a.m. When he 25 up, the sun was rising. He could 26 the noise八年级英语第1页(共8页)2found the n eighborhood in a_. They joined thest

10、orm broke many28thefrom the neighborhood. He went outside with his family mess (乱七八糟 ).Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were neighbors29 clean up the neighborhood together. 30things apart, it brought families and n eighbors closer together.()16. A. blowB. to blowC. blowi ngD. blew()17. A. sk

11、yB. groundC. n eighborhoodD. window()18. A. ForB. WithoutC. ToD. By()19. A. happyB. busyC. sadD. afraid()20. A. madeB. has madeC. is mak ingD. was mak ing()21. A. slowB. slowlyC. heavyD. heavily()22. A. BeforeB. AfterC. WhenD. While()23. A. hardB. easyC.goodD. bad()24. A. At the endB. In the endC. A

12、t the end ofD. In the end of()25. A. wakesB. waki ngC. wokeD. was wak ing()26. A. hearB. seeC. watchD. find()27. A. andB. butC. orD. so()28. A. somewhereB. any whereC. no whereD. everywhere()29. A. helpB. helpedC. to helpD. helpi ng()30. A. SinceB. IfC. BecauseD. Although (尽管三、阅读理解A.阅读下列短文,选出每小题的最佳选

13、项(共15题,每题2分,计30分)AMany ani mals are in dan ger around the world. Here are some examples.The blue whale(蓝鲸)lives in oceans around the world. It is the largest ani mal in the world, but it eats the smallest ani mals for food. Many people kill the whales. And not eno ugh clea n water is also a problem.

14、 There may be on ly 1,300 blue whales left.The wild Bactrian camel lives in Northwest China and Mongolia. It is a large camel and the only species (种类)in the world with two humps (驼峰) . There are perhaps 950 left in the wild.Many Asian elephants live in India but you can find them in other countries

15、 as well. There are many elephants which work for people. There might be 35,000 Asian elephants left in the wild.()31. How many ani mals does the passage talk about?D. Five.D. 35,000A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.()32. Which is the largest an imal in the world?C. The Asia n elepha nt.D. We donB. All over t

16、he world.D. In In dia and some other coun tries.t know.A. The blue whale. B. The Bactrian camel.()33. Where does the wild Bactrian camel live?A. In ocea ns around the world.C. In Northwest China and Mongolia.()34. How many Asian elephants might be left in the wild?A. 950B. 1,300C. 3,500()35. Which o

17、f the followi ng is NOT true?A. The blue whale eats the smallest ani mals for food.B. The whales do not have eno ugh clea n water.C. The wild Bactrian camel is the only species in the world with one hump.D. There are many elepha nts which work for people.BMarchIn the snowing and the blow ing.In the

18、cruel (残酷的)sleet(雨夹雪),Little flowers begin their growingFar beneath (在下面)our feet.Softly taps (轻拍)the Spring, and cheerly (欢快的),"Darlings, are you here?"Till they an swer, "We are n early,Nearly ready, dear.""Where is Win ter, with his snowing? Tell us, Spri ng", they?.

19、Then she an swers, "He is going.Goi ng on his way.Poor old Win ter does not love you ; But his time is past;Soon my birds shall sing above you,Set you free at last."(选自初中英语读本)()36. This is most probably.D. a no ticeD. Far ben eath our feet.D. Dear.“ Tell us, S”ri ng", theyD. tellD. bi

20、rdsA. a playB. a poemC. a story()37. Where are the little flowers?A. In the snowing. B. In the blow ing.C. In the cruel sleet.()38. Which of the followi ng words rhymes with here ”A. Sleet.B. Feet.C. Nearly.()39. Please think of a word to complete the sentenceA. talkB. speakC. say()40. The underline

21、d you ” "refers to(指的是) .A. little flowersB. Win terC. Spri ngCThursday 3 FebruaryWe live on the edge (边缘)of a small town north of Sydney. Our house looks out acrossbush and a gum (橡胶树)tree forest.We have n ' t had much rain this summer, so the forest is very dry. Every one is worried about

22、 bushfires (林区大火).People keep aski ng, “ Will this be one of those years?”I hear so much about bushfires that I' ve decided to keep my own diary over the summer.For weeks, the forest workers were clearing firebreaks (防火障) with bulldozers (推土 机) . A firebreak is a gap made in the forest to help s

23、top fire spreading.Before our tow n got so big, the forest workers used to bur n off parts of the forest i n win ter so there would be gaps to stop any summer bushfire spread ing. This is called a “ con trolled burn ”.In the last few years, people have built houses n ear the forest. This has made it

24、 dan gerous to do any more con trolled burns.(选自新理念英语阅读)()41. This passage is mainly about .A. a gum forest B. bushfiresC. firebreaks D. con trolled burns()42. Why is every one worried about bushfires?A. Because they haven' t had much rain and the forest is very dry.B. Because their houses look

25、out across bush and a gum tree forest.C. Because people have built houses n ear the forest.D. Because they hear so much about bushfires. ()43. Who cleared firebreaks with bulldozers?A. The writer.B. Every one.C. The forest workers. D. People in the tow n.()44. In which seas on did the forest workers

26、 use to burn off parts of the forest?A. I n spri ng.B. I n summer.C. I n autu mn.D. I n wi nter.()45. What does the sentence “ Will this be one of those years? mean? ”A. Will they have much rain this summer?B. Will there be a bushfire this year?C. Will people hear so much about bushfires?D. Will the

27、 gaps help stop fire spreadi ng?B.阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(共10题,每题1分,计10分)Do you like win ter? It' s the coldest seas on of a year. Here are some things every one shouldknow about win ter.Winter WeatherWin ter is the seas on whe n the temperature drops, deep white snow covers the ground. Wh

28、en the temperature is below zero, water freezes (结冰) and ice forms.Winter FunAfter a heavy sno wfall, childre n play in the snow. They build snow houses, make sno wme n and have sno wball fights. People also enjoy skii ng, skat ing and sleddi ng in the win ter.Win ter Dan gerThe cold weather can als

29、o be dangerous, people slip on the ice and cars slide down hills knocking into each other. Some people also catch a cold whe n they stay out in the cold.Winter WarmBecause win ter is so cold, people have to find ways to keep warm. People wear heavy coats, scarves for their n ecks, gloves for their h

30、ands and boots for their feet.Children drink hot milk when they come in from the cold. And families sit around the fireworks at night and talk about the things they did during the day.Things we should know about( 46)Winter WeatherIt ' s the colde(s47)of a year.The ground is (48)in deep white sno

31、w.When the temperature is below zero, water freezes and ice( 49)Winter Fun(50)build snow houses, make sno wme n and have sno wballfights.People also enjoy skii ng, ( 51)and sledd ing in the win ter.Winter (52)People slip on the ice.Cars knock into each other ( 53)of sliding down hills.Some people al

32、so catch a cold whe n they stay out.Win ter WarmIn ( 54)to keep warm, people have to wear heavy coats,scarves , gloves and boots.Families sit around the fireworks and talk about ( 55)theydid duri ng the day.C.阅读与回答问题。(每题2分,计10分)Yan che ng Nature Reserve is in Jia ngsu Provi nee in East Chi na. It co

33、vers an area of over 4,530 square kilometres. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. It became one of the world's most importa nt wetla nds in 2002.Yan che ng Nature Reserve is home to differe nt kinds of pla nts and rare birds. It is a perfect place to go birdwatching. There ar

34、e not many red -crowed cranes in the world, but there are some in Yancheng Nature Reserve. About 300 to 1,000 red -crowned cranes fly to Yancheng Nature Reserve every year to spe nd the win ter. It is the sec ond largest home to the red -crow ned cranes in Chi na.People celebrate the World Wetla nds

35、 Day on 2 February each year. We should protect the wetla nds not only because they are home to many pla nts, birds and ani mals, but also because they are importa nt to the health of people all over the world.56. Where is Yancheng Nature Reserve?57. What can Yan che ng Nature Reserve provide for th

36、e wildlife?58. What would people most like to do in Yan che ng Nature Reserve?59. How many red -crowed cranes fly to Yancheng every year?60. What day helps people un dersta nd the importa nee of the wetla nds?四、A .根据句意和提示写出单词,完成句子,每空一词。61. The bridge broke down in the(地震)。62. At the (开始) of the less

37、 on, we lear ned some new words.63 What' s wrong with you-?-1 was too(紧张的)to answer the teacher' s question.64.ln the wetlands, birds can 易地) catch some fish for food.65. When little Timmy saw the snake, he ran away and shouted in (害怕)B .根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。66. Every year, a lot of (tour)

38、go to the Great Wall for a visit.67. It will be a beautiful, hot day again today, with temperature in the thirty ).68. It will be (fog) in Yan che ng tomorrow.69. People walked in all (direct) after getting off the bus.70. He went to bed very late last night, so he feels (sleep) in class this mornin

39、g.C 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词。A Grade Eight stude nt was havi ng a draw ing class in a tent on April 23. Guess what she drew a house with win gs. When the teacher asked w 71 she did so, she said if her house could fly, it wouldn' t fall down in an earthquake.A strong earthquake h 72 the g

40、irl ' s hometown on April 20. At least 196 people lost their lives. Many people b73homeless. Soldiers and doctors quickly arrived in the area tohelp all those people in n74. Earthquake is very terrible. But do you know what to doduring an earthquake ? Here is some a 75 for you.During an earthqua

41、ke, do not jump out of high buildings because it is very d 76.Another way is to c 77 your head and neck with your arms and hands beside a strong table or desk. I 78 there is no shelter (躲避处) nearby, you can also stay by a wall. And then you must tell y 79 to calm dow n and stay there un til the shak

42、 ing stops.Although we can ' t preventearthquake from happening. But these ways may help you stay a_80 after an earthquake.八年级英语第5页(共8页)五、书面表达(本题共 10分)近年来,世界多地灾害频发,引起了全球对环境保护以及动物保护的思考。假如你是 李萍,要求你用英文写一封加入动物保护协会的申请信,要点如下表:八年级英语第8页(共8页)Dear Chairpers on:I would like to join the Ani mal Protect ion

43、Society.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sin cerely Li Pi ng六、附加题。 短文缺词填空。每空一词。(每题1分,计10分)My Faithful FatherMy father used to work in the city and seldom stayed at home. But he would come back help to 81 rice every year.One autu mn, he promised to help our n eighbor, who lost his

44、arms in a traffic82 in1999, to harvest his rice. After Father harvested our own, his little rice picker broke. What' sworse, he had to 83 that Father would n 'to work the next day because his part ner was ill in hospital. It mea ntt be back in a few days. It now seemedto help the n eighbor.Father told us that he wouldn ' let the neighbor 'rice rot (腐烂)i


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