



1、形容词与副词1、理解形容词副词的意义教学目的2、掌握形容词副词的用法3、熟练掌握形容词和副词的比拟级和最高级教学内容、形容词、副词的概念什么是形容词.副诃呢?*形容词:我们把用来 修饰名词、代词的词称为形容词.形容词主要描述人或者事物的性质、特征和状态.?例:Simba is a good lion.(表性质)It ' s a red lantern.表特征)He is (asleep .表状态)(1)形容词通常用丁名词的前面.译为的She is a famous actress. 她是位有名 的演员.He is a warm-hearted man. 他是一个热心的人.a nice

2、watch一只漂亮 的手表an empty box一个空箱子a clever boy一个聪明的男孩a beautiful girl一个美丽的女孩an interesting book一本有趣的书a blue car一辆蓝色的小汽车(2)形容词用在系动词后作表语.Monkey is smart.猴子很机灵.It ' s hot in summer. 夏季, 天彳艮热You look fine .你们看上去很好.中间用原级.如:(3) as- as (与. 一样),not as (so) - as (与.不一样)The story is as interesting as that one

3、.The question is not as (so) difficult as that one.译:1、他和他的朋友Jim 一样年轻.(young)He as as Jim.2、我跳得和Mike 一样远.(far)I as as Mike.old youngZhao Benshan is old.Zhou Jielun is young.形容词的反义词beautiful -ugly 美丽,丑陋thick-thin 厚薄big-small 大小quick-slow 快慢old-new 旧新luck-unluck 幸运 , 不幸运good-bad 好坏wild-strict广阔的,狭小的st

4、art-stop 开始,结束hot-cold 冷 热up-down 上下left-right 左右black-white 黑白important-unimportant1S要,不S要形容词的反义词comfortable-uncomfortable 舒适,不sure-unsure 确信,不确定thin-fat 瘦胖long-short £ 短many-little多少much-few多少clever-foolish耳莒明高easy-difficult 容易 难smooth-rough 光滑粗糙 friendlyunfriendly友好,不友好写出以下形容词和副词的反义词? 1.fast

5、?10.fat? 2.tall?11.cold? 3.heavy?12.dry? 4.empty?13.slowly? 5.fat?14.easily? 6.easy?15.little? 7.clean?16.few? 8.safe?17.good? 9.late?18.while100%0%4T副词:说明事情发生的 时间、地点、原因、方式 等含义的词,我们称之为副词.多用来修饰动词或 整个句子.二、副词的用法:副词多用来修饰动词.1. 修饰动词小明开心地笑了.Xiaoming smiles happily.2. 修饰形容词、副词小明真的很开心.Xiaoming is really happ

6、y.3. 表示事情发生的频率频率副词alwaysusuallyoftensometimeshardlyneverThey live happily. happily快乐地,幸福地,修饰动词 liveThey are listening to the teacher carefully. carefully认真地,修饰动词 listenDon' t speak loudly in class. loudly大声地,修饰动词 speak1时间now / finally /early5频度always / often/sometimes / never / seldom2地点here / n

7、earby / outside 6疑问how / where / when / why3力式quietly / fast / slowly7连接how / when / where / why / whether4程度nearly / very / rather8关系when / where / why我是小小魔术师,看我的变化,我能 把形容词变成副词,不信吗?那就随 我来看看吧!三、形容词变副词1、局部形容词加-ly可以变成副词.如:副词quicklyslowslowlyquiet+> ly quietlyhappyhappilycarefulcarefully形容词quick小试牛刀

8、一在形容词词尾直窗卜|见如:careful-carefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietly二以辅音字母加5结尾的形容词要变y为i然后再加也?lO:busy-busily; angry-angrily; easy-easily三以姬结尾的词去e加M如:true-truly四以le结尾的词去e加外$O:gentle-gently possible-possibly五其他以料结尾的词一律加l $O:nice-nicelywise-wisely名词形容词友好的friend + lyfriendly可爱的love + lylovely注意1 :并

9、不是以ly结尾的单词都是副词,有些 词+ly也能变成形容词.词形变换 1. easy 反义词-3. big 最高级 5. new 反义词7. worst 原级' 9. nice 最高级 11.China 形容词2 .busy 比拟级4. hungry 比拟级6. well 比拟级8. red 比拟级10. little 比拟级12.cheap 反义词注意2:有些名词+y可以变成形容词.下雨的下雪的阴天的咸的有风的如:名词 t 形容词rain ) rainysnowsnowycloud +y cloudysaltsaltywindwindy1. Winter is a(cold) sea

10、son of the year.2. This radio is not so(cheap) as that one.3. Please listen to me(careful).4. The child doesn ' t(write) as(fast) as the students.5. I can swim as( fast ) as the fish, I think.三、形容词.副词的比酸级与最高 级海泡少JiftW'匕/ 矿 PQPKKSEDUCAT1Obigbiggestbigger二形容词.副词原型变比拟级,最高级的规律构毗法原级比胶级最高级L 一般情况在词

11、末尾加-er 和*stgreat stronggreater strongerthe greatest the strongest2.以不发音字母七结星,只 加-和-stfine nicefinernicerthe finestthe nicest3. “辅元辅刀结构的单词,须先 双写这个辑音字母.再加七和一 estbig hot thinbigger hotter thinnerthe biggestthe hottestthe thinnest4以辅音字母加y结尾,变v为L 再加-er W-esthappy heavyhappier heavierthe happiest the heav

12、iest5,多音节单词,在隼词前面 加 more .fUmostdifficult slowlymore difficultmore slowlythe most difficult the most slowly其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more, most来构成比拟级和最高级.原级比拟级最局级beautifulmore beautifulmost beautifulinterestingmore interestingmost interestingimportant重要的more importantmost important原级比拟级最局级good 好的well 好的better

13、bestbad 坏的ill 有病的worseworstmany 多的much 多的moremostoldolder (elder)oldest (eldest)little ( 少的)lessleastfar 远的farther (further)farthest(furthest)i己忆小窍门: 合二为一有三对,“病坏 “两多与“两好, 一分为二有两个, 一个“远来一个“老, 还有一个双含义, 只记“少来别记“小.你来猜 猜猜看:引号内的分别代表什么?四、形容词、副词的比拟级和最高级的用法1、形容词、副词的 比拟级,用丁两个同类的人或事物的比拟,比拟对象用than来连接old olderZh

14、ao Benshan is old. Grandpa is older.Grandpa is older than Zhao Benshan .than比比拟级+ than比更She is cleverer than the other girls in the class.她比班里的其他女孩聪明.Bill is Tom.(old). 汤姆 (Tom 上匕露西 (Lucy) 高.(tall )2、形容词或副词的最高级,用丁三者或三者以上的人或物的比拟,表示人或事物在某个范围内“最帕意:形容词最高级前一定要用“the根本结构是:“A+be"ithe+最局级+范围Yao Ming is

15、the tallest in Chinese basketball team.姚明在中国篮球队里最高.Cairo is the city in Egypt. (big). 约翰(John)是班里最耳鼠明的男孩.(clever)、按要求写出以下单词的比拟级和最高级l. good 2.thin 3.heavy4. happy 5.long 6.little7. far 8.careful 9.slow10.well 11.low 12. beautiful13.large 14.famous 15. eresting 17.important18.cheap 19.e

16、asy 20.high、根据句意,用所给形容词或副词的正确形式填空1. Jim works(hard), but his brother works(hard) than him.2.It ' s much(hot) today than yesterday.3. Mr Smith is the(rich) man in this office.4. This match is(exciting) of the three.5. My mother is the(busy) in my family.6. Beijing is one of the(beautiful) city in

17、 China.7. This book is(interesting) than that book.8. Which goes(quick), the bus or the car?9. Look! His hands are( big ) than mine.10. I think you do these things( well ) than your classmates.11. Whose bag is( heavy ), yours or mine?12. Does Jim run as( slow ) as David? Yes, but Mike runs( slow ) t

18、han them.13. I ' m very( thin ), but she ' s( thin ) than me.14. My eyes are(big) than(she).25. My brother is two years(old) than me.三、单项选择题1. Which subject do you like, maths or English?A.good B.better C.well D.best2. This red rose is of all flowers.A.beautifuler B.much more beautiful C.the

19、 most beautiful D.beautiful3. My book is newer than.A.he B.his C.our D.we4. He is student in his class.A.good B.better C.the best D.best5. Look! The bee than the bird.A.fly higher B.is flying higher C.as high as D.flies higher6. His hens are and fat.A.big B.biggerC.biggest D.the biggest7.She knows a

20、bouthistory than most people.A.more B.muchC.most D.many8.It was really an story.A.afraid B.excitedC.excitingD.worried9. Which city is from here, Beijing or Shanghai?A.far B.farther C.farthest D.the farthest10. This building is that tree.A.so tall as B.as tall as C.so tall as D.as taller as四、译句子:1. 谁

21、比Jim年纪大?是你.is than Jim ? are.2. 谁比David更强壮?是 Gao Shan.than David? Gao Shan.3. 谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的.pencil is,or ? is, I think.4. 你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的.as as your uncle? Yes, I am.5. Lesson One is interesting. Lesson Two is more interesting.(合并为一句话)Lesson One is than Lesson Two.6. 她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦.as as t

22、win?No, than him.7. Yang Ling 每天睡得比SuYang晚.Yang Ling to than Su Yang every day.8. He runs faster than any other people in the class.(改为同义句)He runs in the class.9. Tom比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快.Tom than you? No, he as as.10. He isn ' t so tall as his father.(改为同义句)His father than him.五、选择正确的词填空.Sarah is

23、 12 years (old,older).She is one year(older,oldest) than me.But I am 0.1 meter(taller, tallest) than her.She studies in Guangzhou interationalShool.She studies the(harder,hardest) in her class.Everyone likes her.Yesterday ,she was ill.She took some medicine and she feels(good,better) now.I.better/best2.thinner/thinnest3.heavier/heaviest4.happier/happiest8.more careful/most careful 9.slower/slowest5.longer/longest 6.less/least7.farther/farthest further/furthest10.better/best11.lower/lo


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