1、excel练习题及答案文化根底练习题Excel2000I. Excel文件的扩展名是().(A) doc (B)xls (C) exe (D)ppt 2. Excel 是一种()软件.(A) 邮件治理(B)数据库(C)文字处(D)电子表格3. Excel菜单栏包括()个菜 单项.(A) 7 (B)8 (C)9 (D)104. Excel菜单项中带下画线的字母与()键合用可选取该菜单.(A)Shift(B) Ctrl (C)Alt (D)F1 5. Excel I作表编辑栏中的名字框显示的是().(A)活动 单元格的地址名字(B)活动单元格的内容(C)单元格的地址名字(D)单元格的内容6. Ex
2、cel工作表编辑栏包括().(A) 名称框(B)公式栏(C)状态栏(D)名称框和编辑框7.当鼠标通过Excel工 作表的工作区时,鼠标指针为().(A)空心“ + 字形(B) “I形(C) 箭头形(D)手形8. 当鼠标通过Excel工作表的菜单栏时,鼠标指针为().(A)空心“ + 字形(B) T 形(C) 箭头形(D)手形9. Excel _E作表的编辑栏中的编辑框用来编辑().(A)活动单元格中的数据和 公式(B)单元格中的数据和公式(C)单元格的地址(D)单元格的名字10. Excel工作表的根本单位是().(A) 单元格区域(B)单元格(C)工作表(D)工作簿II. Excel工作表的
3、行和列名称有()标识方法.A种B两种C三种D四种12. 地址R7C6表示的是单元格.use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, econo
4、mic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical man
5、agement and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requir
6、ements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solu
7、tion and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief
8、 engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of(A) G7 (B)F7 (C)G6 (D)F6 13.在选中的Excel主菜单的下拉菜单名命令中, 带下画线的字母与()功能键合用可选取该菜单命令.(A) Alt (B)Ctrl (C) Shift (D)Del 14.在Excel菜单中,如果命令选项
9、后面有 三角符号,表示选择这个命令时将().(A) 有子菜单(B)有快捷菜单(C)有对话框(D)什么也没有15. Excel工具按钮().(A) 只有利用鼠标才能使用(B)利用鼠标和快捷键都能使用(C)只有利用快捷 键能使用(D)任何时候都有效16. Excel工作表行号和列标交叉处全选按钮的作用是().(A)没作用(B)选中 行号(C)选中列标(D)选中整个工作表17. 在Excel中,冻结窗口的条件是().(A) 新建窗口(B)翻开多个窗口(C)分割窗口(D)没有条件18. 在Excel菜单中,如果命令选项后面有“,符号,表示选择这个命令时将 ()出现.(A)有子菜单(B)有快捷菜单(C)
10、有对话框(D)什么也没有19. Excel编辑栏中的“X表示().(A) 公式栏中的编辑有效,且接收(B) 公式栏中的编辑无效,不接收(C) 不允许接收数学公式(D) 无意义20. Excel编辑栏中的表示().(A) 公式栏中的编辑有效,且接收(B) 公式栏中的编辑无效,不接收(C) 不允许接收数学公式(D) 允许接收数学公式21. 在Excel中,执行自动筛选操作的条件是().(A)在数据清单的第一行必须有列标记,否那么筛选结果不正确use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final
11、accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for projec
12、t completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assi
13、gned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I co
14、mpany and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keepi
15、ng system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two
16、 aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of(B) 单击需要筛选的数据清单中任一单元格(C) 点击任意单元格(D) 数据清单的第一列必须有行标记22. 在Excel中,说法正确的选项是().(A) 当需要利用复杂的条件筛选数据清单时,必须使用“高级筛选(B) 执行“高级筛选之前必须为之指定一个条件区域(C)筛选的条件可以自 定义(D) 执行筛选命令后,筛选结果和原数据清单一起显示在屏幕上23.以下说法 正确的选项是().(A)Excel将图表分为标准型和自定义型两大类(B)图表标题只能有一行(C) 在产生图表时,使用者无法自行限制图表
17、的大小(D)图表向导的第一个对 话框是确定图表的类型24.在Excel中,以下说法正确的选项是().(A) 更改图表中信息必须用鼠标(B) 图表中图例只能位于图的右侧(C) 图例可以显示也可以不显示(D) 除图表向导中指定的内容外,不能增加任何内容25.在Excel中,使用打 印预览命令().(A) 可以预先看到打印结果(B) 可以实现对文件的最后编辑(C) 可以检查分页、页眉、页脚及页面设置情况(D)可以节省许多打印的校对 工作,提升打印效率26.在Excel中,以下说法正确的选项是().(A) 公式是由系统预先建立好的函数(B) 常用函数的种类并不会因使用者使用其他函数而改变(C)函数的参
18、数与参 数之间以逗号分开(D) 常用函数的种类会因使用者使用其他函数而改变27.在Excel中,()不是 函数 MIX(2, 5, FALSE)的执行结果.(A)2 (B)3 (C)-l (D)0 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so
19、on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technica
20、l documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand enginee
21、ring command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the app
22、eared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, an
23、d construction technology low-down we bytechnology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of28. 在Excel中,对NOW函数的正确说法是().(A)该函数要给出一个参数(B) 可利用该函数在单元格内输入当前日期和时间t (C)该函
24、数返回系统日期(D) 该函数值是一个系列日期,时间值,包括一个整数(日期)和一个小数值(时间)29. 在Excel中,对SUM函数不正确的说法是().(A)只能对“列信息实现 求和(B) 可对所选矩形区域的所有内容求和(C) 可实现对由多个矩形域组成的单元格区域的所有数值数据求和(D)不能实 现对由多个矩形域组成的单元格区域求和30.在Excel中,对"A1:C3这个3行3 列矩形区域所有数据求和,正确的函数写法是().(A)SUM(Al, A2, A3, Bl, B2, B3, Cl, C2, C3) (B)SUM(Al:C3)(C) SUM(Al:A3, C1:C3)(D) SU
25、M(Al:Cl, A3:C3)可以改变.31.在Excel中,表格边框线的A粗细B颜色C线型D形状32. Excel单元格可以接收数据.A文字B数值C图表D公式33. 在Excel中,单元格数字格式的调整可通过进行.A菜单栏中的插入 菜单B菜单栏中的格式菜单C菜单栏中的工具菜单D数字格式工具按钮34. 在Excel中,输入不能得到负数.A"-10 B 10 C-10 D '-10'35. 在Excel中,单元格中的文本内容可以.A删除B旋转C缩进D 跨列居中36. 在Excel中,单元格不可以接收数据.A文字B图形C图表D 日期37. 在Excel中,页眉和页脚的内容
26、可以是.A文本B工作表C图表D日期use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signatu
27、re recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an impor
28、tant part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordi
29、nation solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectificatio
30、n of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible
31、for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of38. 在Excel中,对排序问题以下说法正确的选项是().(A)如果只有一个排序关键字,可直接使用工具栏中的“升序或“降序按 钮(B)可实现按列纵向排序(C) 可实现按行横向排序(D) 只能对列排序,不能对行排序39. 在Excel中,点击排序对话框中的“选项按钮,在弹出的“排序选 项对话框中().(
32、A)选择排序方向(B)选择排序方法(C)指定关键字(D)指定有无标题40. Excel提供了()命令来筛选数据.A选择B自动筛选C高级筛选D有效数据答案如下:I. B 2.D 3. C 4. C 5. A6.D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. BII. B 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. A16. D 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. D21. AB 22. AC 23. AD 24. CD 25. ACD 26. CD 27. ABC 28. BD 29. ABD 30. ABCD 31. ABC 32. ABD 33. BD 34. AD 35. ABCD 36
33、. BC 37. ABC 38. AB 39. BC 40. ABCDuse it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical do
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