1、BANQUET BEST PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION RECORD咖啡厅最佳操作规程实施记录ITEMJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUN1 All air-conditioners are switched on only one hour ahead daily operation is beginning餐厅的空调系统电源在营业前一小时才能打开2 All electrical appliances are switched off when not in use所有电器不用时需关掉电脑3 Switch off lights after use 不用时关灯4 50%li
2、ghts on for pre set-up and staff set-up 在布展及摆台时把灯光调至50%犬态5 Turn off lights bulbs after daily operation is finished每日营业结束后关闭所有照明电源6 Turn off lights of Ballroom and B1 foyer when function finish宴会结束后及时关闭二楼及B1走廊灯7 Turn off elevator when function finish在宴结束后及时关闭扶手电梯8 Reuse of glass covers 重复利用杯盖9 Reuse
3、of coasters 重复利用杯垫10 Reuse of pencil and note pad重复利用会议用纸及铅笔11 Reuse of matches boxes重复利用火柴12 Shut off the water tap omnivorously, do not use hot water随时手关闭水龙头,不必用热水就不用13 Close all refrigerators door omnivorously, as well all ice machines cover board随时手关闭冰箱冷柜的门与制冰机盖板14 Use reusable paper for all int
4、ernal purpose 内部使用可重复利用的纸张15 Banquet not using bronzed logo head paper for meeting宴会部不以烫金抬头纸作为会议用纸16 As much as possible to use natural lighting resources尽量使用自然淘汰或其它能源17 Banquet takes back unused bread which been from coffee/tea break, and send back to Pastry for other purpose宴会部咖啡/茶点,多余的面包须送还饼房18 B
5、anquet use artificial flowers to decorate tables instead of fresh flowers宴会部摆台以人造花替代鲜花19 Warmer/Heating Trollies should be turned off after use加热器用后须关闭Checked and signed by检查:Outlet Manager部门经理:Verified and signed by审核:Director of F&B餐饮经理/总监:*Please put a tick if completed请在完成的项目栏中划对号COFFEE GARD
6、EN BEST PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION RECORD咖啡厅最佳操作规程实施记录 (7-12月)ITEMJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC1 Unused butter is returned to the kitchen for cooking 将客人未用过的黄油送回厨房用于烹调(咖啡厅)2 Use environmental friendly shopping bags 利用环保购物袋3 Recycle story foam buffet decoration and outside of hotel重复利用自助餐装饰泡沫可用于外卖4 Reuse of stirs
7、搅棒的重复使用5 Reuse of cocktail picks 果签的重复使用6 Reuse of match boxes 火柴盒的重复使用7 Shut off the water tap omnivorously. Do not use hot water whenever it is unnecessarily随手关闭水龙头,不必用热水就不用8 Reuse used Infrasys single and duplicable double layer paper rolls to make note pads for staff 双联与单联打印纸,制成记录本供员工使用 重复利用杯盖9
8、Close all refrigerators'door omnivorously , as wellall ice machines' cover board随手关闭冰箱冷柜的门与制冰机盖板10 As much as possible using of napkin instead of paper napkins尽量使用面巾,以减少纸巾的使用(咖啡厅)11 Use reusable paper for all internal purpose 内部使用可重复利用的纸张12 RoomService takes back fruits amenities from guest
9、rooms, and must send to kitchens and bars for other purpose if quality is acceptable送餐部从客房收回的水果,如无裨上的问题,必须送给厨 房与酒吧用于其它用途13 Superfluous hot coffee/tea can be used for iced tea or coffee多余的热咖啡/茶可用于制作冻咖啡/茶14 The lemon used for cold lemon tea can be used for washing dishes冻柠檬茶用过的柠檬角,可以用于浸泡餐具Checked and
10、signed by检查:Outlet Manager部门经理:Verified and signed by审核:Director of F&B餐饮经理/总监:*Please put a tick if completed请在完成的项目栏中划对号 .LOBBY LOUNGE BEST PRACTICES TMPTEMENTATION RECORD大堂酒廊最佳操作规程实施记录(1-6月)ITEMJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUN1 All air-conditioners are switched on only one hour ahead daily operation is beg
11、inning餐厅的空调系统电源在营业前一小时才能打开2 All electrical appliances are switched off when not in use所有电器不用时需关掉电脑3 All chandeliers are turned off during the day 吊灯在白天可以不用4 Switched off lights after use 不用时关灯5 Unused individual sachest/container from tables are not thrown but reused after checking将餐桌上客人未用过的单包装的物品重新
12、储存,检查后再利用不丢掉6 Turn off all lighting bulbs after daily operation is finished每日营业结束以后关闭所有照明电源7 Reuse of glass covers 杯盖的重复使用8 Unused paper napkins to be collected back for recycling餐巾纸的重复使用9 Reuse of coasters 杯垫的重复使用10 Reuse of cocktail picks 搅棒的重复使用11 Reuse of used match boxes果签的重复使用12 Reuse of used
13、match boxes火柴盒的重复使用13 Shut off the water tap omnivorously, do not use hot water wherever it is unnecessary随手关闭水龙头,不必用热水就不用14 Reuse used infrasys single and duplicate double layered paper rolls to make note pads for staff随手关闭冰箱冷柜的门与制冰机盖板15 Use reusable paper for all internal purpose 内部使用可重复利用的纸张16 Su
14、perfluous hot coffee/tea can be used for iced 多余的咖啡/茶可用于制作冻咖啡/茶17 Warmers should be turned off after close lobby lounge加热器在大堂吧关门后关闭18 The lemon used for cold lemon tea can be used for dish washing冻柠檬茶用过的柠檬角可用于泡餐具Checked and signed by检查:Outlet Manager部门经理:Verified and signed by审核:Director of F&B餐
15、饮经理/总监:*Please put a tick if completed请在完成的项目栏中划对号Hotel Orientation Schedule of August 2003饭店入职培训计划AUG260900-0920Get to Know You破冰Training Dept0930-1120SLIM Introduction集团介绍Training Dept1130-1140EXCOM Introduction管理人员介绍EXCOM1140-1200GM Speech总经理发言QM1300-1330Warm up Exercise暖身活动Training Dept1330-1430
16、Grooming & Hygiene仪容仪表Training Dept1430-1545Product Knowledge-Rooms房务部介绍Room Team1545-1630Product Knowledge-F&B Service餐饮部介绍F&B Team1630-1700Finance Introduction财务部介绍FC1700-1730S&M Introduction销售部介绍DOMAUG270900-1010Customer Delight Program Introduction /Training DeptExcellent Service
17、 in Rasa Ria Resort令客人喜出望外计划1020-1100Employee Handbook员工手册HRM1100-1200HR Philosophy人力资源部介绍HRM1300-1330Warm up Exercise暖身活动Training Dept.1330-1500Fire & Emergency Procedure紧急措施Chief Engineer1500-1530Hotel Security饭店保安Security Manager1540-1620Telephone Courtesy电话礼仪Training Dept.1630-1730Hotel Tour
18、饭店介绍Training Dept.AUG280900-0950Golden Circle Program金环计划Christina Lin1000-1050Strategic Plan战略计划Training Dept.1100-1200Vision & Guiding Principle远景目标Training Dept.AUG291300-1330Team Building团队合作Training Dept.1330-1400Shangri-La Food Safety香格里拉食品HygienistManagement System安全管理体系1405-1505Basic Eng
19、lish Training基础英s文Training Dept.1510-1630Product Knowledge Quiz & Feedback产品知识测试Training Dept.0900-1730Shangri-La Care I香格里拉翔IAngelsJOB DESCRIFTIONSECTION ONEJOB OUTLINEJob TitleService AssociateDepartmentFood and Beverage-ServiceReports Directly To: Food and BeverageJob CodeFBSAJob Grade 5Repor
20、ts Directly To: Service ManagerSupervisesOther Relationships:KitchenSecurityStewardingFinanceHousekeepingFront OfficeEngineeringHumanResourcesJob Summary/Purpose:To upsell and provide food and beverage services in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the hotel. Delights our customers by pr
21、oviding them with the highest possible service excellence.Key Areas:1. Multi Skilling3. Training2. Customer Relations4. Environment AwarenessPrepared by:Approved by:Date:Updated by:Approved by:Date:JOB DESCRIPTIONSECTION TWOKEY ARFASJob TitleService AssociateRESPONSIBILITIESACTIVITIES1. Multi Skilli
22、ngHostessing:a. Answering of telephone calls according to the minimum standards.b. Takes reservationsand coordinatesbooking.c. Welcoming and greeting guests.d. Thanking guest upon departure .Waitering/waitressing:a.Seating the guests.b.Presenting the menus.c.Taking drink orders. d.Serving beverages.
23、 e.Taking food orders. f.Serving plated food. g.Clearing plates and glasses. h.Changing ashtrays.i.Serving dessert.j.Serving after dinner drink, coffee or tea.k.Checking guest satisfaction.l.Presenting bills.Bartendering:a. Prepares bar for opening.b. Check the opening/closing stock levelandrecord i
24、nventories for requisitions.c. Report alldiscrepanciesinappropriate.e. Cleans and refill ice bins.f. Ensure bar area is clean and dry at all times.g. Prepares all drinks as per recipes with correct glass wares.h. Closing the bar and completes daily reports.Cashiering:a. Receives float money at the b
25、eginning and depositat theend of duty inaccordance with hotel policy.b. Record allfood,beverageandmiscellaneous sales accurately.c. Ensure all kinds of transactions are verified. and cleared appropriately in Infrasys system.JOB DESCRIPTIONSECTION TWO KEY ARFASRESPONSIBILITIES2. Customer Relations3.
26、Training4. Environment AwarenessACTIVITIESJob TitleService Associatea. Handles all interactions with a smile, calm and courteous manner.b. Attend to guest' s needs and requirements promptly.c. To check customers satisfaction during meal period.d. Ensure service sequence is accorded to the conven
27、ience of the guests.e. To Demonstrate respect, humility,courtesy, andhelpfulness through sinceriyt.f. To achieve customer loyalty through delighting the customers by practicingrecognition,anticipation, flexible anda. To attend all personal development classes assigned or nominated.b. To participate
28、food and beverage menu knowledge session weekly.c. Consistentlypracticeguidingprinciplesachieving customerdelight.a. Reduces waste and re-use as much as possible.b. Recycles whenever possible.HOW TO INTRODUCE ITEMS & DISPLAYhe/sheEach Step must include: Demonstration, Explanation, Questions and
29、asking the Trainee if has any question before they repeat the step by themselves .TASK BREAKDOWNTask: How to introduce salad, dessert and display.Job Title: Waiters/Manager/Assistant/In-charge/HostessSTEPINVOLVEMIENT(Questionsrelatingtothestandards-begin with who/what/where and how)STANDARD (Measura
30、ble/Observable)1. PREPARATIONWhat should you know about it?What else should you know?What are they?Names of productsThe prices of the productsThe ingredientsor thecomponentsThe preparationand thecooking methodThe items that change daily Ice creamsSaladFresh juices Meats2.IntroductionWhen do you expl
31、ain to the guests the items or the display?Is there an exception for not explaining it to the guest?How do you introduce?What could you use instead of Sir/Madam?What is very importantwhenpresenting the item/display?When you excort the guest to the tableNo and NoSir/Madam,letmeintroduce you- -, as yo
32、u can see we have different meat dishes, wines served by the glasses.Guest ' s nameClear voice and no hesitationHow to introduce items & displayWhat to important your posture while explaining?What body language should you use ?SmileStand straightFace guestHow far stand?from the guestshouldyo
33、uPostureDistanceEye contact3. Explain the displayWhat words should be used?Our special tonight, is the roastedturkeyserved withgarlicpotato or sir/Madam thisis our winedisplay.We have aselectionofAustralianChardonnayand Hatten Rose for 25 dollarsUP-SELLING5.Handlingdifficult situationinup-sellingWha
34、t happens if the guest refuses to your suggestion?What do you do if the guest complains about the price of the item you suggest?What do you do if the guestdoesn' twant any suggestion?When the food is served , what is important for you to know?Suggest another itemIf the guest says" no"T
35、wice , stop up-selling Suggest a less expensive itemApologizeOffer to come back laterTo know the guest feedbackToimproveyourup-selling skillsAny question?Trainee does so farUP-SELLINGEach Step must include: Demonstration, Explanation, question and asking the Trainee if he/she has question before the
36、y repeat the step by themselves.TASK BREAKDOWNTask: How to Up-sell?Job Title: Waiters/Mangers/AssistantIn-charge/HostessSTEPINVOLVEMENT(Questionrelatingtothestandard beginwithwho/what/where/how)STANDARD (Measure/Observe)1. Up sellingWhat do you mean by the word Up selling?What is the advantage of Up
37、 selling?What do we mean by salesmanship?Offeringitems to theguestwiththeobjective to sell more that what the guest wants originally Increasesales andprofitIncreasejobsatisfactionBe proud of what yousucceed in up selling Increase communication with the guest and his satisfactionGood knowledge of the
38、 productGood skillsof upsellingandcommunication friendly attitude2. Opening lineHow would you start your conversation with customer?What must you avoid?“Good Evening, Mr. Robert, how are you today?"M May I take your order?"W What shall I serve you ?”UP-SELLINGWhat words or expression shoul
39、d we use to recommend our item?Never say “ What do you want?"Would you like ?May I purpose?May I suggest?3.Describefoodandbeverage itemsHow should we describe a drink or a dish?What should you avoid when describe an item?How should your tone be?What positive statement could we make about an F&a
40、mp; B item?Explain the ingredients the way if prepared Avoid saying everything is good or nice Boring descriptionClear, confidentandenthusiasticVery tastyVery popular Delicious/refreshing/s pecialWould you like to try it?Any question?Trainee does so far4. Example of upsellingHow should you up-sell a
41、 Roast Platter Combination?What must we consider when up-selling?“Mr. Robert May I recommend our roast platter combination? It consistofthreedifferent item, which is roastduck,honeybarbecued pork and soya chicken.Popularstarter, would you like to try it?Don' t hesitate to sell one of you favouri
42、te dish that you know how to describeDon' t be too concerned about the pricesDon' t say everything is “good t be specificlESSON PLAN22.2 Restaurant Rules and Regulations1. Be punctual for work2. Maintain good personal hygiene and grooming3. Wear name tag at all times4. Wear the prescribed un
43、iform5. No fighting6. No laughing7. No standing together8. No talking together9. No running10. No gambling11. No yawning12. No picking of noise13. No scratching hair or body14. No arguing15. No smoking16. No cleaning of nails17. No picking of teeth18. No coughing unless into a handkerchief19. No sne
44、ezing unless into a handkerchief20. No pushing21. No hands in the pocket22. No staring at guests23. No leaning against the wall24. No sitting on the chair25. No combing of hair26. No eating or chewing27. No drinking28. No personal telephone calls29. No shouting30. No friends or relatives waiting in
45、the restaurantLESSON PLAN 23.3 Courtesy EnglishExamples of Courteous Phrases1. When greeting a guest:“Good (time of day), Sir/Madam/Mr/Mrs/Ms ” (Name of guest)2. When greeting a group of men and women:“Good- (time of day ), Ladies and Gentlemen3. When leading guest to the table:“This way please. Sir
46、/Madam/Mr/Mrs /Ms (name of guest)4. When called by guest:“May I help you Sir /Madam /Mr /Mrs /Ms (name of guest)5. When item ordered is not available:Excuse me , Sir /Madam, your (name of drink/food ), Enjoy your drink/food6. When item ordered is not available:Would you care tonice day / evening“I a
47、m sorry , Sir/ Madam (item ordered )is not available today . have (alternative item) instead? "7. When checking if guest made a reservation:“Are we holding a reservation in your name , Sir /Madam?"8. When you cannot attend to the guest immediately:T ll be with you in a moment , Sir /Madam
48、”9. When guest thanks you :“My pleasure " / "You are most welcome ”10. When presenting a check (bill) to guest :“your check, Sir /Madam ”11. When returning change to guest :“your change , Sir /Madam , Thank you very much ”12. Whenbidding guest farewell:"Thank you , Sir /Madam ,have a
49、pleasant/LESSON PLAN 313. Courtesy English-Page212. When answering the telephone:“Good- " (Time of day)“"(outlet identification e.g. Garden Terrace Restaurant)(Identify yourself) speaking“May I help you , please? ”Note- Never say “Goodnight Sir/ Madam " when greeting a guest that is c
50、omingto patronize your outlet.Some of the magic words that open all doors are:PleaseExcuse mePardon meQualification of F& B employee:You must be:1. Healthy:Your job requires you to be in close contact with guests/co-workers and food . You must be healthy to avoid spreading disease and to maintai
51、n a good appearance. A healthy waiter looks good andhas the energy to perform the job properly.1 .健康:我们的工作要求我们与客人、同事,以至食物等频繁接触,我们应保持身体健康,以免疾病传播,每日 工作都墙整洁的仪容仪表,一名健康的服务人员不仅令人赏心悦目,而且有足够的精力去从事工作。2. Reliable:Management must be able to depend on you to fulfill the responsibilities to which you were hired.
52、- You must report to work on time- Serve the hotel guests properly- Complete all tasks assigned to you2.诚实/可靠上级需要各位的鼎力协助,完成好工作。- 你必须准时到岗- 提供客人的高质量的服务- 每天完成好分配给你的任务3. Personality:A waiter or waitress should take the initiative to be friendly patient and courteous to guest co-workers and management 3.
53、性格/脾气: 一名好的服务人员应当待客/同事/上级友善,耐心,礼貌.4. Co-operation:You must be willing to work with co-workers in a common effort .Towards completing work assigned .You must also adapt to the Hotel policies .4.合彳/团队精神:你须乐于配合你的同事,发挥团队精神以更好完成工作,对于酒店规章制度应自学遵守。5. Knowledgeable:A good waitress or waiter must learn appropriate serving methods. And how to apply them in a smooth efficient manner . You must have and extensive knowledge of the food
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