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1、2020年9月云南、贵州高考英语听力试题、答案及听力材料原文听力试题第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间 来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 Why does Jane become thinner!A. She has been on a diet.B She has had an illness.C She has exercised a lot.2. Where are the speakersA. Ill a libraiy.B. Ill a booksho

2、p C. In a classroom.3. What time does the bus usually arrive?A. 7:30.B. 7:35.C. 7:40.4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and sonB. Husband and wifeC Teacher and student5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Kate's friendsB. Today's weather.C Jim's weeke

3、nd.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、 B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你 将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题:听完后各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对 话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。6. What does the woman doZA. She's a doctor.B. She's a waitressC. She's a teacher.7. What is the man going to do?A. Give up liis unhealthy diet.B

4、. Have a fiuther examinationC. Go on sick leave from work.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。8. How long has Peter been in LondonA. One day.B. Thi'ee days.C. About a week.9. What does Peter say about the hotel?A. If s not large but wannB. It's not so good but cheapC It's no comenient but quiet.10. What i

5、s Peter going to do next?A. Get something to eat.B Ask for another roomC Have the heating fixed听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13题。11. Wlio is Nat King ColeOA. A pop singer.B. A researcher.C. Abus driver.12. What did the researchers study about bus dri-ers?A. Their health problems.B. Their facial expressions.C Their

6、 working condition13. What is proved liannfxil to the bus drivers' health?A. Working overtime.B. Bad thoughtsC Forced smiles听下面一段对话,回答第14至17题。14. What lias Professor Brown been busy with these days 二A. Training teachers B. Teaching studentsC. Writing textbooks.15. What does Professor Brown think

7、 about what he does?A. It is enjoyableB It is hard work.C. It is important.16. At what age did Professor Brown start to leam music?A. ThreeB. Six.C. Twelve17. What is Professor Brown good at in tenns of music?A. Playing the piano.B Writing words to songs.C Remembering music pieces 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20题

8、。18. What is the speaker doing JA. Hosting a radio programB. Conducting an inten4ew.C. Reporting a piece of news.19. Wliich countiy is the largest coal producer in the world?A. Australia B. The US.C. China.20. What do we know about coal-miiiiiig jobs ill America?A. They* re bon ng.B. They1 re danger

9、ous.C They1 re poorly paid.参考答案I- 5 BAB AC610 ABCBCII- 15 ABCC A1620 BC ACB听力原文Text 1MZ Jane Care you on a diet Z You look thiimer than before WZNot exactly.The day after I began to diet ZI got sick.I stayed in the hospital for the last two weeks and lost five kilos.Text 2MZ Hi, I need to check out

10、this bookW: Sure May I have your card?M: Okay.W: Sorry, Pm afraid you have to retiim one of the fiv亡 books you1 ve alieady borrowed before you check tliis one out.Text 3M: What time is it,Maiy? Wer ve waited here for about ten minutes.W: It's 7:40 now.M: Oh, our bus is late today.W: Yes, it shou

11、ld have arrived fivu minutes ago.Text 5W: Hi Jim. Did you hav亡 a nice weekend?M: Yes, Kate It was gieat. I went camping with my friends in the Catskills.W: Really? How was the weather there?M: It was very niceText 6W: How long have yoii been having the pain?M: I first felt it in No*ember last year.W

12、: Well, you should have come in earlier. Have you changed your eating habits in any way?M: No, not really.W: Is there a certain type of food that would cause stronger pain than other types?M: Hmni. Heavy foods like steak or cheese usually bring it on.W: I see Wliat about if I touch here, does it hur

13、t?M: Ouch! It does hurt. What do you tliiiik it is?W: Pm not sure We need to take an X-ray to see if anything is wrongM: Okay.Text 7W: Hi Peter. Hav亡 you been in London long?M: Hi Maggie I got here last Friday. Ifs about a week now.W: I just arrived wliafs the hotel like?M: It's okay Not perfect

14、, but for tliis price, not badW: Why? Wliafs the matter with it?M: Well, the heating doesn't always work. And it was freezing in here yesterday. Breakfast is very early ill the moniing. Today I overslept and missed it completelyW: You overslept? Why was that?M: Well, there's a man with a boy

15、 staying next door. They* vc been here for three days nowZ and the boy is really noisy. I didn*t get any sleepW: Oh no. Well, I don't know what we can do about the breakfast or other guests. But why don't you ask the hotel to look at the heating?M: Hmm. Good idea T 11 talk to them about it r

16、ight now.TextsW: Do you know Nat King Cole?M: You mean the pop singer? Yeah. What about him?W: In his song "Smile", he tells people to smile through heaitbreak But now, research suggests that false happiness may just make things worse.M: Really? Tell me more about it.W: Researchers took pi

17、ctiu es of bus drivers and then looked into the expressions on their faces.M: Tliey did? Wliat happened then JW: After following the drivers closely, researchers found that the drivers had to force a smile at work. They felt so bad that they wanted to give up theii-jobs.M: I ne-er imagined it could

18、be so serious Why is that?W: The report says when people tiy to hold back bad feelings, it turns out that the feelings become even stronger and last longer.M: Look at my face. Do I smile a real smile?Text 9WZ Professor Brown Z which do you prefer Z writing or teacher traiiiiiigZMZWellZI enjoy both v

19、ery much. Ill factZI wouldn't want to give up either. These days most of my time is spent on writing. I go to the university just two half days a week to work with graduate studentsWnWhat plans do you have for the fiitiire JM: Now that we haw completed a textbook and its new CD progiam, we plan

20、to develop more textbooks for other markets. People sometimes say to me, MYou work too hard/The truth is I enjoy what I do, and I don* t consider it to be work.W: Wliat do you like to do that's not education related?M: I like playing the piano.m fbitiuiate to have been bom with the ability to pl

21、ay the piano by ear. If I remember a music piece. I can play it. I'm not sure how I do it, but T ve had that ability since the age of twelve I took music lessons from the age of six. I also write music. Although Pm a language teacher, I can't write words to songs I have to turn to others for the words. Actually. I have more confidence in my book-writing ability than my song-writing ability.Text 10W: Our listener question this week comes from Australia. Jeff Bailey has been listening to our program since 2004. And he wants to know more about coal-mining in the United States. The U


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