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1、2012届福建省泉州市初三升学考试(样卷)英语试卷学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单选题1. MOre than fivePeOPle Went to the COnCert IaSt night.A. tlousandB. tliousandsC. thousands Of2 一 are those vegetables?IWO yuan a kiloA HOW manyB HOW muchC What3 The boy is to take Care Of himselfA enough OldB enough young C Old enough4. Wllere is your fathe

2、r?HeBeijillg On business. He WiIl be back soon.A IlaS gone toB. has been toC. IIaS been Ul5 What is the PrlCe Of your skirt, Lucy? It IOOkS SO pretty.Itme more than 12OyUan.A Pald B. COSt C SPent二、完型填空从每小题A. B. C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案DO you need trust (信任)from others? Yes! EVeryOlle needs 6 his or her

3、 ParentS- ParentS WOUld Ilke to give VoU 7 SPaCe if they tnst you. If you WalIt your ParelltS to trust you, you have to ShOW 8 through action.Let your ParentS 9 what's gomg On at SChOOl ad SOmetlImg else. KeeP your bedoom door OPeII Wllell you're back. DOn t be nad When they See WIlat yon,Ie

4、 10 On the Iiltenet. InVite your friends11 yor house to meet your parents.When you do 12 wrong It Can break trust. It's easy to find SOme IeaSOnS IIOt to tell your ParentS What you've done wrong. FOr example, you don't Want them to be 13 With you and .The IiSt Can go on and on. BUt if th

5、ey find the 14 you'll be in hot Water BrOkell trust takes IOng time to recover (恢复). 15 you Can do things gradually (逐渐地)to help your ParentS believe i you agam.6. A Ieany B. finally C especially7. A. many B. more C. most8 A Illm B her C them9. A. know B. to know C. knowing10 A. IOOkIngfbrB IOOk

6、ing throughC. going through11 A. OnB. toC. &om12 A. SomethillgB anythingC everything13 A. IlaPPyB.angryC.PleaSed14 A. tntlB IeaSOnC.Way15. A. OrB adC. but三、填写适当的句子补全对话16根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项Certainly, What is it?BUt for how long?Here is the key.Where are you going?Mike: May I USe your car

7、, Jane?Jane: Yes, Of COUrSeJ Mike: JUSt One Or two hoursJane: OK. By the Wayf Mike: I' m going to the train StatiOn to meet a friendOf mineJane: Can you do SOmething for me?Mike: Jane: WilI you buy SOme apples for me On your way?Mike: 17. 阅读下列短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。A farmer, S dog, Dolly, h

8、ad babies, and the farmer needed to SelI them He Painteda Sign and PUt it in his yard 1, a IittIe boy Walked UP to himUSirJ M he said, UI Want to buy One Of your dogs”oWell, ” Said the farmer, UtheSe dogs are Very expensive"'2" asked the boy.USUre, M Said the farmer "Here, Dolly!”

9、 he CalIedDOlIy ran OUt from the doghouse and four IittIe dogs followed her The boy became excitedThen, the IittIe boy noticed another dog ThiS One WaS SmalIer3oI Want that one, '' the boy said, POinting to the IittIe dogThe farmer said: "4 He WilI never be able to run and PIay With you

10、Iike these Other dogs”The IittIe boy reached down and rolled UP One Ieg Of his PantS He ShOWed a CaSt (右 膏)On his Ieg and a SPeCialIy made ShOe He said: UYOU see, sir, 5 , and he WilI need SOmeone WhO UnderStandS MA Can I just look?B Son, you, d better not ChOOSe that dogC. I do, t run too WelI myse

11、lfD AS he WaS PUtting UP the Sign四、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂(A),错的涂(B)。PIaIItS are Very ImPOrtallt lh4ng things. LIfe COUld not go If there Were no plants. TlliS is because PlantS Call PrOdUCe food from die air, Water and SUnght. AnlnlaIS and Illall CalmOt PrOdUCe food from the air, Water and SUilUg

12、ht as PIantS do. AIIinlaIS get their food by eating PIantS or Other animals WhlCIl eat plants. SO animals ad man need PIantS Iil Older to live.If you IOOk CarefUlly at the PlalItS aroud you, you WiIl find that there are two kmds Of plants: flowering PIantS and non-flowering ones.FlOWermg PIantS Can

13、make seeds. Tlle SeedS are PrOteCted by the fhuts. SOme fhts hav已 One seed. SOme have two, three or four. SOme have many. BUt a fev fruits IlaVe no SeedS at all. All example Of a fruit WithOUt SeedS is the banana.MOSt IIOllflowedng PlalItS don't grow from seeds. They grow from SPOreS (抱子).SPOreS

14、 are very, Very SmalL SOme SPOreS are SO SmaIl and IIght tlat they Call float In the air. We Illay Say that SPOreS are quite the Same as the seeds. When these SPOreS fall On Wet and Shady places, they USlIany grow into new plants.18 PIantS are Very important to life.19 BOth annuals and PIantS Can Pr

15、OdUCe food from the air, Water and sunlight.20 Banana is a fruit that does IlOt have seeds.21 All the flovermg PlantS have many seeds.22 SPOreS Call grow into new PIantS wherever they fall.五. 阅读单选根据短文内容,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选岀一个最佳答案。There are many UnUSUaI hotels around the WOrld In GreenIand, there is a ho

16、tel made OUt Of ice, OPen between APriI and DeCember every year In Turkey, there is a CaVe hotel With a television, furniture, and a bathroom in each room And in BOIiVia, there is the Salt PalaCe HOte 1ThOUSandS Of years ago, the area around the SaIt PalaCe HOteI WaS a Iarge Iake BUt OVer time, all

17、the Water disappeared Today, the area has OnIy two Small IakeS and two Salt desertsThe Iarger Of the two deserts, the UyUni SaIt desert, is 12,OOO SqUare kilometers DUring the day, the desert is bright White because Of the Salt There are no roads across the UyUni desert, SO IOCaI PeOPle must ShOW gu

18、ests the Way to the hotelIn the early 1990s, a man named JUan QUeSada built the hotel He CUt big blocks (块)Of SaIt from the desert and USed the blocks to build it. EVerything in the hotel is made OUt Of salt: the walls, the roof, the tables, the chairs, the beds, and the hotel' S bar.The SUn hea

19、ts the WalIS and roof during the day. At night the desert is Very12 rooms A Single room COStSPIeaSe don' t IiCk the walls cold, but the rooms Stay Warm The hotel has $40 a night, and a double room COStS S 60.A Sign On the hotel, S WalI tells guests,it doesn* t taste good!V23 PeOPIe Can go toto V

20、iSit theice hotel in APri1A GreenIandB TUrkeyC BOliVia24. The SaIt PaIaCe HOteI is UnUSUaI becauseA. it has a IOng historyB. it' s made OUt Of SaItC. the rooms Stay COId all daythe hotel COme from?25. Where did the SaIt USed forA. A SaIt factory.B. The desert.C The lakes.26 The UnderIined WOrd T

21、ick"meansin Chinese.C.舔A.摸27. The best title for the PaSSage is A. UnUSUaI HOtelSB SaIt DeSertC A StOry Of JUanQUeSad六、填空28. 根据描述为下列人物选择应该借鉴文章中的哪条建议(将相应数字序号填在横线上) HOW to Make FriendS1. 11, S hard to make friends if you Stay home alone all the time Get OUt Of the house and do things that Will PU

22、t you in touch With Other PeOPle JOin a CIUb Or PIay a SPOrt Attend meetings Or Other groups It' S easier to make friends When you have SimiIar interests2 Learn from PeOPIe WhO Seem to have IOtS Of friends WatCh CarefUlIy how they make and keep friends Don' t COPy all Of the things they do,

23、but try to notice What they do. Therl try SOme Of those things your sei f3. Don* t be afraid to ShOW PeOPIe What you' re really good at. IaIk about the things you Iike and do best Don' t hide your StrOng POintS PeOPIe WilI be interested in you if there is SOmething interesting about you.4. P

24、Ian things to talk about With PeOPIe Find OUt what, S in the newspaper headlines, IiSten to CDs, Iearn about What, S new With your favorite TV Or movie Star The more you have to say, the more PeOPIe WilI be interested in having a COnVerSatiOn With you5. LOOk PeOPIe in the eye WherI you talk to them

25、That way, they* 11 find it easier to talk to you. It' S Very difficult to have a COnVerSatiOn With PeOPIe WhOSe eyes are IOOking to the left, to the right, Or at the floor PeOPIe may think you* re not interested in them and may StOP being interested in you.6 Be a good IiStener Let PeOPIe talk ab

26、out themselves before talking about ome, me, m. '' ASk IOtS Of QUeStiOnS and ShOW an interest in their answers丄a.TOny is never SUre What to talk about When he meets PeOPIebROSe WantS to know Why her CIaSSmate, Cindy, is SO good at making friendscAdam StayS home every Weekend and WatCheS Vide

27、OSdBenSOn is a Very good dancer, but he never tells anyone about it.e Martha doesn* t Care for OtherS She always talks about herself =f Wherl PedrO feels UnCOinfOrtabIe talking to someone, he StartS to IOOk away.a -L ; b; c.; d; e.:f 29. 根据短文内容,填写下列衣格。“USA? Britain? WhiCh COUntry is better to StUdy

28、in?” We Often hear SUCh discussion. AS China OPenS its door, StUdying abroad has become a dream for many ChineSe StUdentS They Want to Iearn about the WOrld It' S true that StUdying abroad Can help StUdentS develop themselves LangUage SkilIS Will improve and it may be easier to find a job BUt th

29、ere are PrObIemS that ShOUld be COnSidered LangUage is the first StUdentS must SPend a IOt Of time Iearning another IangUage and getting USed to a different CUltUreStUdentS must also Iearn to IiVe WithOUt parents* Care and deal With all kinds Of things they haven * t had to do before, Iike IOOking a

30、fter themselves There are reports about ChineSe StUdentS abroad Sinking in an OCean Of difficulties and giving UP easily. When they have to take Care Of themselves, it is hard for the StUdentS to StUdy well.FinalIyJ StUdying abroad brings a heavybUrden (负担)to the family. FOr most ChineSe Parents, th

31、e COSt Of StUdying abroad is Very high BUt is it WOrth it?We know that there are many famous PeOPIe WhO SUCCeed in great things through their hard WOrk in China LiU Xiang is a good example OnCe an AmeriCan teacher invited him there but he refused He kept training hard With his ChineSe teacher He SUr

32、PriSed the WOrId When he WOn a gold medal at AthenS OlymPiCS SO When you WOnder WhiCh COUntry is better to StUdy in, COnSider Whether StUdying abroad is the right ChOiCe1 StUdying abroad Can help StUdentS develop themselves It Can help improve them 1SkilIS It may be easy for them to find 22 PrOblemS

33、 StUdentSthat ShOUId be COnSidered before StUdying abroadShOUld SPend much time Iearning another IangUage and getting USed to StUdentShave to Iearn how tothemselves.(3) The COSt Of StUdying abroad is VerySO that it brings a heavy burdento the family.3 IS StUdying abroad the right ChOiCeDifferent PeO

34、PIe have different ideas In fact, Whether they SUCCeed Or not dependsOn their请根据每题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。a different30. glad, meet, Old Iriend33. be PIeaSed with, good results七. 根据句意填空选择括号内恰当的单词或词组填入空白处,使句意完整、正确。34- (WhOSe / WhiCh) bag is this?-I guess it, S Jack' s35. 一3 -What' S the (P

35、riCe / COIOr) Of your new shirt?-One hundred yuan36. -COUId you tell me how to be a greener?-NO PrOblem. We ShOUld SaVe (money / Water) in OUr daily Iife37. AS We know, EngIiSh is (wide/WideIy) USed around the WOrld38. -It' S SnOWing heavily at the moment, isn' t it?-YeS We, d better ( PUt O

36、rI / take Off ) more CIOtheS beforeStarting根据首字母提示,补全单词,使句意完整、正确。39. -COUId you tell me What COIOUr does Jane like?-I think She IikeS r.40 -Why are you in SUCh a h ?-BeCaUSe I am going to have a meeting in five minutes41 The girl is SO S that She is afraid Of SPeaking in PUbliC42 JaCk is much S than

37、 before because he exercises every day.43 If We othe traffic rules, We may get a fine and even be in danger根据中文提示写出单词或词组,使句意完整、正确。44. -HoW many (邮票)have you COlIeCted?-MOre than 500. 2.45 -EXCUSe me. HOW many times have you ever been to Europe?-俩次).46. We ShOUld try OUr best to (保护)the WiId animals4

38、7 There are (至少)5000 WOrkerS in that factory.48. The radio(发明)by GUgIielmO MarCOni in 1895.八、用单词的正确形式完成句子阅读下而短文,根据短文大意和语境选择方框内的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处, 使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。Send expensive WaSte PrOblem COOlDear headmasterm a StlIdent Of Grade 9.1 ant to tell you SOmetmg. In OUr SCllOOL many StUdentS have

39、mobile phones. Tlley trnk it,S 49. to IlaVe a mobile phone. Yes, the phones Iet SnIdentS talk Witll their ParentS and friends at any time. BUt I don,t tmk it's good for SnIdeiItS to IISe them at SChOOL Mally SnIdentS SPelId IOtS Of time in 50. messages by mobile phone, SOme StUdentS even USe the

40、m to PIay games in CIaSS or Cheat (作弊)i the exams. SOme SnIdentS always hope to buy the new Or 51, mobile PhOlleS and this Will 52, theirParents' money. Alld my father tells me that most mobile PhOneS CaIl CaUSe (引 起) many health 53. COUld you do SOmethiIlg to StOP it?YblIrs,SOPhia九、材料作文54. 假如你是

41、泉州淸源山风景区的管理人员,请你用英语为游客订出一些规章制度,内 容包括:环境卫生保护、森林防火安全、乱涂乱刻(crave).树木保护、人身安全等,至 少5句。NOtiCe to die TOuriStS1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 55. 你校与英国某中学结成姊妹学校,英方校刊编借(Ann)来信了解你校的课外活动 情况及你们的建议,请你根据下面提供的内容用英语写一篇80词左右的短文,(文章的 开头已给出,不计入总词数)生词:兴趣小组mterest group 活动act ty活动时间:4: 50-5: 50主要内容:(I)体育类:篮球、足球:(2)兴趣小组活动:绘画歌舞电脑等:(3)英

42、语角(周三下午)。建议:(1)增加课外活动时间;(2)减少作业量。DearAlin, IIke to tell you SOmethlllg about die OUt- Of-CIaSS activity in OUr school. We USllany十、看图作文56. 暑假就要到了,某社团将组织部分青年参加一些志愿活动。请你根据面前的海报和你个人特长,选择参加其中两项活动,谈谈你选择它们的原因以及你准备具体做些什么?(词数80左右)O(UnteeT WantedD ViSit OId PeOPle S HOme TeaCh in the VInage SChOOl HeIP Clean

43、 UP the City ParkS二 HeIP SiCk Children In die HOSPitalCome adjoinus!57. 下而是Sarah给SUe的e-mail.请你仔细阅读原文,然后根据你的情况,以SUe为名给Sarah发一封emL字数在80个词左右。请注意:1.不得写出自己或学校的真实名称;2.不得照抄原文。Dear Sue,HOV are you? SUmjneT holiday began IaSt Week JIy brothe and I ae having OUr holiday. During the holiday We are planning: to

44、 IeaXn swiingj CliJnb the JllOUntaiIIS and. do Inany Other things Yesterday We Went to the JnUSellIn With Iny parents. On the Way home, We Werrt ShOPPingi Ny mother bought Ine a beautiful Skirt and a new TeCOrder for JTIy EngliSh StUdy- We are S-UTe 11 have a VeTy good, timeHQV abu t youj Iny de ax

45、friend? HaVe you Jkade any PIanS fox your suuex holiday? PLeaSe WXite me SOOnSarah.Dear SaTahJTharLkS for yo e"ail. I' JTL glad you are enjOying your holiday NO耶 Let Jne tellyouSOInethiiIgaboutJnyholiday 十一、话题作文58. 童年是难忘的,有快乐、有悲伤。请你以“ChildhoodMemories”为题,写一篇短文,和大家一起分享你童年中的喜怒哀乐吧!词数:80左右温馨提示:

46、childhood n.童年ChlldhOOd MemOrIeS参考答案1. A【解析】试题分析:英语中数词表示概数时,后面加s,和介词Of搭配使用。用原形时表示具体数字 和数词搭配使用。句意:昨晚超过五千人去了音乐会。故选A。考点:数词用法点评:英语中关于hundred, thousand和million三个数词的用法只需要记住一个原则就行。 即:前有数词则不加s,加S必加OfC2. B【解析】疑问词辨析。HOW many多少个;HOW much多少钱;What什么;根据答语内容两元千 克,可知上文提问价钱,故选B。3. C【解析】词义辨析。OId老的:young年轻的。句盘:这个男已经足够

47、人照顾自己,enough修饰 形容词,位于其后,根据意思,可知答案C。4. A【解析】has gone to表示已经去了某地,主语表示已经去了某地,或者正在去某地的路上,根据后文 的内容HewlllbebaCkSoon.,说明他已经去了某地,故选A5. B【解析】试题分析:SPend 用于 Sb spend. on StlI 或者 Sb spend.n doing st (in 可以省略),SPelId 的 主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;CoSt用于Stll COStS Sb Sth,主语必须 是物,多指花费金钱,少数情况可指花费时间、气力,有时表示成本的消耗:Pay的基本用

48、 法: (1) Pay (sb.) money for sth.付钱(给某人)买。(2)Pay for sth.付的钱。(3)Pay for sb.替某人付钱。(4)Pay sb.付钱给某人。句意:它花了我超过120元。根据下文主语it,可知选B。6. C7. B8. C9. A10. B11. B12. A13. B14. A15. C【解析】6. 根据上下文的内容,可知答案为C,表示特别地。7. 根据文章内容和上下文的内容,可知答案7jB,表示更多的。8. 根据文章内容 If you want your ParelltS to trust you,可知答案为 C,表示 them9. Iet

49、SbdOStlI ,表示让某人做某事,故选A10. 本题考查的是动词词组的搭配,和固左意思,故选B,表示浏览的意思。11. 本题考査的是mvtesbtosp,表示邀请某人去某地。故选B12. 在肯定句中,不左代词用Somethmg,而且形容词修饰不泄代词时,位于其后。13. 根据前文的内容,自己做错了事,并且不想父母对自己生气,故选B14. 根据上文的内容可知答案为A,表示find the truth,表示发现的意思。15. 根据前后文的内容关系为转折的意思,故选C。16.【小题1 B【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】A【小题5】E【解析】【小题1】根据答语一或两个小时,可推断出上句问的是多久

50、,所以选B:【小题2】根据OK.表示答应了,所以把钥匙给他,选C;【小题3】根据答语打算去火车站接朋友,可推断岀上句问的是打算去哪?所以选D:【小题4】根据上句问的是你能帮我做点事吗?下句应该为当然可以,什么事呀?所以选A:【小题5】根据上句你能在回来的路上给我买一些苹果吗,下句应该做岀肯左的回答好吧, 所以选E。17.【小题U D【小题2】A【小题3】E【小题4】B【小题5】C【解析】【小题1从前面的He Painted a Sign and PUt it in his yard.可知是在竖起标志牌的 时候,选D”【小题2】从后而的Sure, ” Said the farmer. “Here

51、, Dolly!,可知男孩想看看©选A【小题3】从后而的ThiS One WaS smaller.可知这只狗行动缓慢,想赶上其他狗。选E【小题 4从后而的句子 He WilI never be able to run and PIay With you Iike these Other dogs. ”可知农夫让男孩不要选那只狗。选B【小题5从后面的句子:he WilI need SOmeOne WhO understands.可知是男孩说,我也 跑不好。选C18. A19. B20. A21. B22. B【解析】18 根拯文章内容 PIaIltS are Very ImPOrtan

52、t IIVIng things.可知答案为 A19 根拯文章内 容 PIantS Call PrOdUCe food from the air. Water and SUnlIglit. AnmlaIS and manCaniIOt PrOdIICe food from the air, Water and SUilllght as PlalltS do.石J知答案为 B20 根据文章内容 BUt a few fhuts have no SeedS at all. An example Of a frt WIthOUt SeedS is the banana.可知答案为A21. 本题的的内容说

53、的特绝对,故选B22. 根据文章内 容 W7e may Say that SPOreS are quite the Sanle as the seeds. Whell tlese SPOreS fallOn Wet ad Shady places, they USUally grow IntO new PIantS.可知答案为 B23. A24. B25. B26. C27. A【解析】23. There are many UnUSUaI hotels around the WOrld In Greenland, thereis a hotel made OUt Of ice, OPen be

54、tween APril and DeCember every year 可矢口答案 为A24 根拯文章内容 the area around the Salt PaIaCe HOteI WaS a Iarge Iake BUt OVer time, all the Water disappeared Today, the area has OnIy two Small IakeS and two SaIt deserts.可知答案为B25. 根据文章内容 The Iarger Of the two deserts, the UyUni SaIt desert, is 12, OOO SqUare

55、 kilometers DUring the dajr, the desert is bright White because Of the SaIt 可知答案为B26. 根拯单词的意思和文章语境的需要,可知答案为C27. 根据文章内容大意可知答案为A28 421365【解析】要根据文章的内容,来填空。注意人物与描述的搭配。a;这句话说TOny 遇见人无话可说,而第四项的内容讲的是教人们如何储备说话的材料,它们正好吻合。b. 2这句话说RoSe的同班同学Cindy特别擅长交友。而第二项讲的是向会交友的学习,学习他们的交友方式方法,但不是全盘照抄,然后自己践行。c. 1这句话说Adam每周末呆在

56、家里看录像。而第一项讲的是通过参加各种活动来交 友。d. _3;这句话说BenSon的舞跳得特别好,但他不告诉别人自己的长处。而第三项讲的 是不要隐藏你的优势,与别人一起分享。e. _6;这句话说Martha不关心他人,一开口就说自己。而第六项讲的是当一个好听众, 让别人先谈谈自己,然后才轮到你说说自己。f. 5这句话话说当PedrO感到与某人说话不舒服时,他开始眼神开溜。而第五项讲的 是说话时眼睛看着对方,而不是一会看左,一会看右,一会看地而。29.【小.题1】IangUage【小题2】jobs【小题3】CUItUre【小题 4】take Care of/ IOOk after / Care for【小题5 high【小题 6】hard WOrk / effort)【解析】【小题 1】根据 LangUage SkillS WilI improve 可知填 IangUage【小题 2】根据 and it may be easier to find a job.可知填 jobs【小题 3】根据 and getting USed to a different culture.可知填 CUltUre【小题 4 根据 StUdentS must also Iea


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