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1、美好的英文短语导读: 本文是关于美好的英文短语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点 评和分享!1、以前笑有你在,现在笑却没有你,所以再怎么笑也不出以前 的甜美。Laughter has you in the past, but now you do not laugh,so no longer how to laugh before the sweet.2、因为有梦,所以勇敢出发,选择出发,便只顾风雨兼程。Because of the dream, so brave of choice, they only trialsand hardships.3、什么叫快乐?就是掩饰自己的悲伤对每个人微笑。What

2、is happiness? Is to hide his sadness for everyone smile.4、也许一个人要走很长的路,经历过生命中无数突如其来的繁 华和苍凉才会变的成熟。Maybe a person to go a long way, life in countless suddenly lively and desolate will become mature.5、爱,就大声说出来,因为你永远都不会知道,明天和意外哪 个会先来。Love, say it out loud, because you never know, tomorrow and accident wh

3、ich will come first.6、涐拥有的并不多,但留在身边的涐会珍惜。I have not much, but here I will cherish.7、感觉自己和个木偶一样,经历多了也就麻木了。Feel like a puppet, experience more and more numb.8、一缕青烟,袅袅升起,青蜓点水,柳絮飘扬。浮生若梦,静 如止水,不问情愁,只愿君一安好。A wisp of smoke curling up, green suffered water, catkins flying. Life is a dream, such as static se

4、aling, not only a good intelligence worry.9、毕业了,还会怀念我们第一天的自我介绍,我们的军训,我 们的曾经。Graduated, will miss our first day of self introduction, our military training, we have.10、过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。The last page, can not turn, do not turn, turn off the dust will be lost in the eyes.11、蒙娜丽莎之所以笑,是因为她看到达芬奇哭了

5、。Monalisa was laughing because she saw Da Vinci crying.12 、我忘记了无论怎样面向阳光生长, 依旧会有阴影留在身后。 如影随形。I have forgotten that no matter how the sun grows, there will still be a shadow behind me. As the shadow follows the希望对您有帮助,谢谢 form 。13、你看,桃树大约有三米左右高,像一把小小的伞。You see, the peach tree is about three meters high

6、, like a small umbrella.14 、桃林蓓蕾初绽,密密的枝丫上好像挂满了银色的微型的灯 泡,串串洁白的花苞珍珠似的晶莹闪耀。Peach bud Chuzhan, thick branches as if covered with a silver miniature lighting, strings of white bud like pearls shining.15 、当我坐在毕业典礼的会场上,一瞬间竟有落泪的冲动,有 些复杂的滋味涌上心头。When I sat on the graduation ceremony, the moment there was a cr

7、y of impulse, and some complex taste in my heart.16 、江水孤寂,两岸墨绿,到处站的都是你的身影。The river is lonely, blackish green on both sides, are you standing around the figure.17 、如果可以和你在一起, 我宁愿让天空所有的星光全部损落, 因为你的眼睛,是我生命里最亮的光芒。If I can be with you, I would rather let the sky all the stars all the damage, because you

8、r eyes, is my life the brightest light.18 、生命的真谛不在于呼吸的次数,而是那些令你无法呼吸的时刻。The true meaning of life is not the number of breaths you take, its the moments that take your breath.19、静水流深,沧笙踏歌;三生阴晴圆缺,一朝悲欢离合。Still waters run deep, Cang Sheng tage; three wanes, once grief at separation and joy in union.20、不知

9、何时,还能看到那个拥有似樱花般温柔笑容的少年。I do not know when, but also to see the cherry like a tender smile like a juvenile.21 、落花无意,流水无情,两两交错,生生永不相见,寡欢!No flower, 22 students staggered, human feeling is like running water, never meet, love!22、很多的迷惘,散不走的伤可惜了自己还是一个人在忙。Many of the lost, casual injury is a pity that he

10、is still a busy.23 、早上空气清新,叫你事事顺心;上午阳光明媚,祝你薪水 翻倍;下午小风娇好,愿你青春不老。The morning air is fresh and told you everything is satisfactory; sunny morning, I wish you a salary doubled; afternoon wind good charming, may your youth, not old.24 、那刺穿云块的阳光就像根根金线,纵横交错,把浅灰蓝灰 的云朵缝缀成一幅美丽无比的图案。The pierce the clouds the s

11、un like root gold, arranged in a希望对您有帮助,谢谢 crisscross pattern, the grayish blue and gray clouds sewn into a very beautiful pattern.25、梦里,谁的玉笛悱恻缠绵,谁的歌声悠扬婉转?In the dream, who the jade flute melodious song endless, who?26 、你静默不语,双眸沉沉郁郁,我躲在静好的时光里,看岁 月老去,徒留一场遗世的安逸和静谧。You silent, eyes heavy depressed, I h

12、ide in the quiet time, see the years old, leaving a left the world of ease and quiet.27 、心痛了,梦醒了,曾经的伤只是人生的一次经历。天涯海 角,物是人非,曾经的一切都已过去。Heartache, wake up, the injury was just an experience. The remotest corners ofthe globe, Wushirenfei, once everythinghas gone.28 、我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放 不下你。I put do

13、wn the dignity, put down the character, put down the stubborn, just because you can not let go.29 、红颜薄命,空有一世才情,一泓情泪,种成两世相思,再 相逢时,桃花还依旧,人面已全非。Unlucky, empty have a talent in the world, Yihong Casely, into worlds of Acacia, when to meet again, peach blossom still,people have been beyond recognition.30

14、 、满天星非常清秀,一朵朵像星星的紫色小花非常娇贵,漂 亮极了。The stars were very handsome, like the stars purple flowers very delicate, very beautiful.31、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。Any one thing, as long as willing, always can become simple.32 、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我 身边的时候,我才最寂寞。You never see my most lonely time, because only yo

15、u are not around me, I was the most lonely.33 、离别不是结束,而是美丽思念的开始;海内存知己,天涯 若比邻;送君千里,当需一别。Parting is not the end, but the beginning beautiful thoughts; a bosom friend, Tianya Zorpia; send you a thousand miles, when a stop.34 、这个世间, 谁都不会是谁永远的美丽, 生命中有很多相遇, 能在一起的叫朋友,不能在一起叫过客。This world, who is not who wil

16、l always be beautiful, there are a lot of life to meet, can be called friends together, can not be called together.35 、有的桃花,迎着轻软的春风露出了可爱的笑脸,有的却像 怕羞的姑娘紧咬着嘴唇,不放尊口。Some peach, facing the soft spring breeze revealing a lovely smiling face, others like shy girls and biting her lip, do not put your mouth.

17、36 、我们就是这样苍老的, 从时光的一端辗转到时光的另一端, 请别说再见,不需要再见。We are so old, from the time of the end of the way to the other end of time, please do not say goodbye, dont need to say goodbye.37 、不管你喜不喜欢我,对我来说,你就是我珍视的人,这点 绝对不会改变的。Whether you like me or not, for me, you are the one I cherish, and this will never change

18、.38、一个人孤单地降落,拥挤得只剩下寂寞。A person lonely to fall, crowded only lonely.39 、我喜欢喧嚣,我喜欢安静,我喜欢自己金色的毛发,奔跑 时带起一溜阳光。I love the hustle and bustle, I love quiet, I love his golden hair, running with a sun.40 、我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见,心里存着感谢,感谢 你曾给过我一份深厚的情谊。We have to separate, quietly say goodbye, thank you in my heart,

19、thank you once gave me a deep friendship.41 、少年自有少年狂,藐昆仑,笑吕梁;磨剑数年,今将试锋 芒。自命不凡不可取,妄自菲薄更不宜。Its young boy crazy, Miao Kunlun, Lvliang smile; sword for several years, this will try to edge. Pretentious is not desirable, but not improperly belittle oneself.42 、故事中,重逢时过于惊喜得总以为在做梦。现实中,重逢 之后睁开眼睛才发现真的在做梦。In

20、the story, the reunion is too surprising to think that in a dream. In reality, after the reunion opened his eyes to find really in a dream.43、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。Hold my hand, close your eyes, you wont get lost.44 、我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。 他们说你的笑容,又漂亮又落拓。I count your smiles every day, but youre so lo

21、nely when youre smiling. They say you smile, beautiful and unconventional.45 、躺在树荫下,感觉着风轻轻拂过脸庞,一缕缕阳光透过树 叶间的缝隙,在地上映出一片斑驳。Lying in the shade, feeling the wind face and the wind blowing gently, the sun continuously through the gap between the leaves, on the ground is shown on a piece of mottled.46 、秋天的

22、山野,到处是火红火红的枫叶,朝霞初照,像落在 山腰的红云彩;晚霞辉映,像一团团玛瑙。Fall of the mountain, everywhere is full of fiery red maple leaf, alpenglow, like fall in hillside red clouds, sunset shine, like clouds of agate.47、当我问你怎么了,不是为了听你随口说一句没事。When I ask you how, not to listen to you casually say nothing.48 、向阳而开的花开起来就像阳光般灿烂颜色,向日

23、葵失去了 太阳就是失去了旋转地目的和方向。Sunny open flowers like sunshine, brilliant color, sunflower, losing the sun is lost to purpose and direction of rotation.49、些上演着繁华不肯谢幕的年华里开出一朵地老天荒的花。Some refused to put on a lively curtain call time out of aThe end of life flowers.50 、你现在就使劲不理我吧!等哪天我不理你了,你就知道后 悔。You just cant i

24、gnore me now! And when I dont care about you, you know the regret.51、我真的没有多难过,可是没有你,我真的不快乐。I really do not have much sad, but without you, I really do not happy.52 、暗夜里听不到自己的呼吸。呼吸这样重要的事情往往是被 忽略。无关紧要的泪水切常常会引起注意。You cant hear your breath in the night. Breathing such important things is often overlooke

25、d. Irrelevant tears often cause attention.53、秋去春来,谁怜曲院风荷,韶华白首,不过浮生一阙。The autumn to spring, who pity Quyuanfenghe, Shaohua white first, but also a que.54 、牵手漫步在午后阳光遍洒的小道上,日光在地面投下斑驳 的阴影,你的笑靥是这里最美的风景。Walk hand in hand in the afternoon sunshine trail, daylight on the ground cast mottled shadows, your sm

26、ile is the most beautiful scenery here.55 、旅行是一种病,当你把身边的人都传染了,而你自己根本 不想从中跑出来。Travel is a kind of disease, when you put the people around me are contagious, and you dont want to let out of the.56 、春天来了。它使桃树长出了绿色的嫩叶。绿叶中心还有几颗红色的花蕾桃花就要开了。Spring is coming 。 The peach trees in the green leaves. The center

27、 of the green leaf and a few red buds the peach blossom is about to open.57 、尘埃落定,洗尽铅华,是谁为她袖了双手、倾了天下,又 是谁拥得此佳人,陪她并肩踏遍天涯。The dust has settled, Xijinqianhua, who for her sleeve the hands and the dumping of the world and who embrace the beauty, accompany her side by side and travels to the horizon.58 、摘下的一瓣花能美丽多久?一时的放纵又能快乐多久?有 志者要为一生的目标孜孜以求。How long will it take to pick a flower? How long will it takefor a while to be happy? Where there is a will to diligentl


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