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1、Unit 1 Encyclopaedias评价标准语百 知识语音朗读句子,掌握句子重读规那么,凸显重要信息.词汇高频词human , dinosaur , inventor , musician , scientist , born , countryside , intelligence , ability , perhaps , invention , notebook , include , even , however , suddenly , nobody , win , dollar高频 词组n the countryside , human being , die out , f

2、ind out , go for a walk功能谈论百科全书中自己感兴趣的知识和信息.语法1 .掌握限定词some和any的用法;2 .掌握/、定代词 somebody , anybody和nobody等的用法.语百 技能读运用略读和寻读相结合的方法狄取信息.听捕捉数字等关键信息,并正确地记录卜来.说运用所学的词汇和百科全书中的信息谈论人物或事物.写根据提示词和图片完成看图写作.文化 品格1 .使用白科全书的知识和信息;2 .分享查阅白科全书的方法,交流读后感.思维 品质培养好奇心,激发求知欲,努力探索新知识.学习过程Reading一、词汇讲解1 . Leonardo da Vinci (1

3、452 1519) was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.莱昂纳多达芬奇1452 -1519)是意大利画家、创造家、音乐家、工程师和科学家.词干加后缀"-er/-or / -ist / -ian 表示行为者,的人.e. g. He has many dreams such as becoming an actor, an artist and a reporter.他有很多梦想,比方成为一个演员,一个艺术家和一个记者.2 . Da Vinci was born in the country

4、side. 达芬奇出生在乡村地区.(1) be born in/on 意思是"出生于",后加地点或时间.e. g. He was born in a poor family.他出生于一个贫困的家庭.She was born in April, 她是四月出生的.He was born on March 9. 他生于 3 月 9 日.(2) in the countryside 意思是“在乡村,在农村,在郊区.3 . For example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines.例

5、如,他的笔记本中有一些有趣的飞行机器图纸.include用作动词时,意思是“包括,含有(某人/某物),句型:A include B; including 用作介词,意思是“包括(某人/某物)在内,句型:主语+谓语+其他,including sb. / sth.e. g. The tour included a visit to the museum.旅游工程包括参观博物馆.The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.乐队演奏了许多歌曲,包括几首我最爱的.4 . Then , suddenly , they all di

6、ed out . 然后,他们忽然灭绝了.die out意思是“灭绝,消失.e. g. The moth has nearly died out.这种蛾几乎绝种了.The old traditions are dying out.旧传统正在消失.5 . Nobody knows why,没有人知道为什么.nobody相当于no one , not any one ,表否认.作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数形式.e. g. There is nobody in the room. = There isn' t anybody in the room.房间里没有人.二、经典句解析1 . From

7、 an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability.从很小的时候起,他就很聪明,具有艺术天分.show/ elligence 意思是“有头脑,聪明";show/ have - ability 意思是“具水平".e. g. Emma had spirit and intelligence as well as beauty.爱玛不仅有活力、才智,还有美貌.2 . Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big

8、as ten elephants.有的恐龙像鸡一样小,有的跟十只大象一样大.(1) as+adj. /adv. +as ,意思是“像一样.e. g. She played the piano as well as his sister,她弹琴弹得跟他姐姐一样好.Some people like drinking black tea while others like green tea.有些人喜欢喝红茶,而另外一些人喜欢喝绿茶.(2) Some.Others.意思是“有的有的:列举情况.Listening听力小贴士听前对所需要填写的单词词性进行大胆猜想,通过文段主题及上下文情景,展开合理推测,

9、预测考查内容,带着问题有意识地去听录音.听时可适当记录,记录要简略,如人名、地名用首字母,时间、 数字用阿拉伯数字等.注意记数时采用国际习才每隔三位数用一逗号分开,即:1,000以上的数,先从后向前数,每三位数加一第一个号前为thousand ,第二个号前为million ,第三个"号前为billion;以billion, million和thousand为中央,听时集中注意力听清楚是多少个billion,million和thousand ,及时记下并在它们的后面分别用工分开,没有具体数字的就打上“0.1 .听课本录音并模仿朗读.2 .熟记画线局部的词组和句子.Host: Last

10、night, Jane Dickinson won Magic TV Quiz. Ten million people watched the programme.She answered questions about many different subjects. Some people now call her the “Human Encyclopaedia ." Now we have Ms Dickinson here.Hi, Jane. You did really well last night. Nobody could answer so many questi

11、ons like you. How did you do that?Jane: Oh, I just read a lot of books. My house is like a library. I have 3,346 books in my house.Through books, I can find out about many interesting things.Host: But not everyone can learn so much knowledge like you do.Jane: Actually, we can all learn. It just take

12、s hard work and time.Host: Is there anything you don t know?Jane: Of course, there is, but I can always look it up in books.Host: Thank you, Jane.Jane: You' re welcomeGrammar一、some 和 any 语言观察1 . I have some questions about dinosaurs.2 . I don ' t haveany questions about dinosaurs.3 . Do you

13、have any questions about dinosaurs?4 . I have some time to talk with you.5 . I don ' t have any time to talk with you .要点归纳some和any用来表示数量,意思是“一些.用法:1例句1? 5: some/any放在复数可数名词或不可数名词前;2例句1、4: Some用于肯定句;例句 2、3、5: any用于否认句或问句.6 . May I have some noodles?7 . Would you like some tea?要点归纳在期待对方作肯定答复的问句中.

14、或表示邀t#、要求等交际用途的问句中不用any而用some.二、不定代词 somebody, anybody, nobody 等语言观察1 . I saw somebody/ someone/ something.2 . Did you see anybody/ anyone /anything?3 . I did not see anybody/ anyone /anything.4 . I saw nobody/ no one/ nothing.5 . There is not anybody / anyone / anything in the room.6 . There is nob

15、ody /no one/ nothing in the room.7 . Somebody is waiting to see you.8 . Nothing ever happens in this town.要点归纳some-/any-/no- 和 body/one/thing 等构成复合不定代词, somebody = someone, anybody=anyone, nobody=no one, nothing=not anything . 用法:1 例句 1 ? 3: some-构成的不定代 词用于肯定句,any-构成的不定代词用于否认句或疑问句;2例句4? 6:否认句的两种表达方式

16、 ,not any= no-,如 not anybody = nobody, not any things nothing;3例句 7、8: somebody, anybody,nobody, something 等不定代词后加单数谓语动词.Speaking and Writing一、说的策略指导一般来说,在句子中需重读的词都是实词:名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词等,一般关键词;不重读的多为虚词:冠词、连词、介词、感慨词等.二、写的策略指导看图写作是根据给出的图画,写一篇英语短文.一般要求写记叙文,有时也要求夹叙夹议.整体上可分为两个过程:一是弄清画面展示了什么情景;二是理解画面的内涵是什么.

17、可以参照以下步骤:1 .读图:分析图画信息,发挥想象力,正确理解图画内容.2 .试写:结合图片中的情景,用自己熟悉的结构和词汇列出要点,忌用生疏的结构与词汇;将罗列的要点根据合理的顺序排列,然后选定恰当的主语与人称,再根据动作发生的时间与逻辑关系连词成句.3 .扩写:增加情节和过渡性词语,围绕图画和试写内容扩充、挖掘.写作常用词汇:表达过去行为的动词:常用过去时态.写作模板时间地点人物One day, Sammy went for a walk in the mountains.增加情节和过 渡性词语,围绕 图画试写一篇 短文.事情的起因、经过和结果He found.He took .A we

18、ek later, Sammy.感想、感悟T think - /In my opinion, .精彩范文Keywords (Picture 1: Sam, read, want, dog; Picture 2: tell, family, everyone, want; Picture 3: go, buy;Picture 4: look, many, hard; Picture 5: jump, all, like, take )Buy A DogOne day, Sam read a book about dogs. He became interested in dogs so much

19、 that he wanted to have a dog. So he told his family about this idea. The family were happy to hear his idea. Everyone wanted to have a dog. A dog could do many things with them. On Saturday, the whole family went to a pet shop to buy a dog. They looked at many different pets, including some dogs. I

20、t was hard to choose one. At last, they saw a lovely brown dog. The dog was jumping up and down. It seemed happy to meet them. They all liked the dog. Everyone wanted to take it home. From then on, the dog was called Floppyand became part of Sam ' s famiam was so happy.More Practice一、词汇讲解1 . The

21、 idea worked. 这主意奏效了.work意思是“方法、方案等产生预想的效果 .e. g. I think Jill 's suggestion will work.我想吉尔的建议可行.2 . Merinos are a type of sheep.美利奴羊是一种绵羊.a type of意思是“一种,一类,后加可数名词.二、经典句解析1. It was made in 1964 by John Landy.它是由约翰兰迪在1964年建造的.be made表被动,意思是 “由/被制造“,常搭配不同的介词:be made in+时间/地点;be made by+制造者,be mad

22、e of+看得出的材料,be made from+ 看不出的材料.e. g. The wine is made from grapes.红酒是用葡萄酿成的.The box is made of good paper.这箱子是用质量好的纸做成的.2 . Landy wanted something to make people come to his fruit shop, so he built the Big Banana.兰迪需要一个东西吸引人们到他的水果店去,所以他建造了大香蕉.make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,make后加动词原形,类似的动词还有let, have-so意思

23、是“因此, 所以,并列连词,放两句子中间,表结果.Culture CornerA great painter - Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da Vinci was a painter, and he was good at working out problems. He painted a lot of famous paintings and he learnt from his uncle Francesco: One should ask questions and look for answers.Da Vinci was so great because

24、 of his own curiosity. He never lost his wish to learn new things. He loved studying things. One time he wanted to know how old a tree was. He studied it and found out: By using the rings, he could know the answer. Another time, he wanted to know: Could he use solar power? And by using mirrors 镜子,he

25、 heated water.Da Vinci was so great also because of his love for learning. He read and studied every book he could find. When he read, he wrote down new words, so he could learn them later. One of his notebooks had over nine thousand words.When he studied something, he would have more questions and

26、more interests. For example, when he studied light and how it helped a person see, he studied the human eye, and then the human body.Think: Why was Da Vinci so great?学生评价课堂评价Reading一、根据句意和所给的首字母完成以下句子1 . P, he will come to help us, but I ' m not sure2 . Miss Li collected all the n after class. S

27、he wanted to check her students ' .notes3 . S, I saw a tall man coming toward the policeman.4 . He can do many things. He can e fly a plane.5 . I ' like to help you. H, my hands are full.6 . This new dictionary i many new words and phrases.二、根据中文提示完成以下句子1 .人会说话,而动物却不会.can talbut animals can

28、.' t2 .如果我们不阻止污染的话,将来的某一天我们会灭绝的.If we don 'stop the pollution, we one day.3 .她生在法国,但父母是英国人.She France but her parents are British.4 .我的朋友和我一样友好.My friends are me.5 .有的东西有用,有的只不过是作装饰用的.things are useful;are only for decoration.我们绝大多数人都是从父母那里了解钱是怎么回事的.Most of us money our parents.三、用所给词的适当形式填空

29、6 . Sally has no(able) in that kind of work.7 . The(science) could find enough money for his research.8 . There is(body ) in the room. Where are they?9 . He looks forward to working with a famous (music)10 . There are ten people in this office, (include ) me.11 . (invent) are now working on electric

30、 cars.Listening一、根据中文提示完成以下句子1 .要屈1得比赛是需要下苦功的.It takesmatches.2 .这图书馆能容纳数百万册书.This library can hold.3 .我会弄清楚他的地址后,再打 给你.I his address and ring you back.4 .你也可像他一样拥有自己的梦想.You can have your own dream just.二、听取信息Wikipedia is a A. encyclopedia. There are B. articles in C. languages, including over 4.2 m

31、illion in the D . Wikipedia. It has become E. and F general reference work on the Internet, with nearly G . readers around the world. Wikipedia has also been praised as a news source because it can update the breaking news H.Grammar一、判断句子的正误 T/F1 . Would you like any more tea? ()2 . Are there any st

32、udents in the classroom? ()3 . He didn ' t say something ()4 . Do you need anyone to help you? ()5 . Someone are waiting for you outside the school. ()6 . Would you please give me some paper? ()7 . He told me nothing about the test. ()二、根据句意从方框内选择适宜的词语填空(可以重复使用)any, some, something, anything, no

33、thing, anyone, someone, no one, nobody1 . I bought butter but I didn' t buy bread.2 .I'm thirstyCan I have water?3 . Have you got brothers or sisters?4 . There isn ' t in t b5 . The house is empty.lives there.6 . I don ' t know he re7 . broke the window.Speaking and Writing、画出句子中的重读单

34、词1 . Da Vinci was born in the countryside.2 . The Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world.3 . His notebooks include some interesting drawings.4 . Australia is a very big country.5 . Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human beings.、看图写作根据图片内容及提示词完成下面的短文Wet

35、PaintLast Saturday, Sam 's father was painting the back door. The children (play, outside, dog ) , Bobby. When Father just finished painting, ( Bobby, want, go, house ) . put, paws ) . Father(have to, paint, again ). Afterhe finished painting the second time, an accident happenedbefore, dry). Sa

36、m kick ball, hit ) . It meant that Father had to begin painting again. At last, (angry ) . He said, What a job! Father was so poor, wasn t he?More Practice根据中文提示完成以下句子1 .这玩具是中国制造的.The toy China.2 .这些椅子是竹子做的.These chairs bamboos.3 .我想尽方法让那小男孩笑.I tried my best to the baby boy.4 .我们的方法会行得通的.Our idea.5

37、.商店里又有一新式 出售了.There iscell phones on sale.阅读专题阅读小助手:科普类文章科普类文章通常指介绍科学知识、社会知识的短文.阅读这类短文时,要以事实为中央进行思考, 抓住事物的特征、用途、相互关系等.如果是介绍社会现象的文章,要联系平时的阅读经验,掌握所谈 现象所反映的本质.文章中出现较多的科普单词,可以通过构词法、词根或后缀进行大胆猜想.例如 roboticist=robotic+ 后缀 ist,根据平时积累的单词 scientist, artist, dentist ,那么可猜到 roboticist 意思是从 事跟机器人有关的人员机器人专家;micro

38、controller微限制器=micro 微小的+ controller 控制器.AMany children use the Internet to get useful knowledge 知识and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using it in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.? Make rules for Internet u

39、se with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can go online.? Check with your parents before going into a chat room期P天室 .Different chat rooms havedifferent rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents must make sure its a rightpl

40、ace for you.不舒服的,leave the site and tell? Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents ' permission 允许 Never meet anyone you met online alone.If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable your parents or teachers right away.? Remember not everything you

41、read on the Internet is true. 181 words 1. How many rules does the writer give us?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.2. What should we do if we see or read something uncomfortable online according to the passage?A Use it in a good way.B Turn off the computer.C Keep on reading.D Leave the site and tell

42、your parents or teachers right away.3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . You can meet someone you met online with your parents' perm issionB. Internet is not safe for children, so you shouldn't use Internet.C. Chat rooms have the same rules but attract different kin

43、ds of people.D. Everything you read on the Internet is true.4. What' s this passage mainly about?A . How to use computers.B. Surfing on the Internet.C. Information on the Internet.D. Safety rules for Internet users.BCycler robot, sometimes called Recycler, by David Buckley, has been in business

44、for more than 10 years.Cycler was created to help teach children to recycle. Cycler can control some functions 作用on his own, but for some bigger functions he is controlled by a coach.David Buckley is a roboticist from the UK. He has been making robots since the 1970s.Cycler is specially designed and

45、 built for the environment and education charityWaste Watch tobring their waste prevention message of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to schools around the country. Waste Watch " has three Cyclers operating in different parts of the US and their names are Shakespeare,Byron and Shelley.Then how does C

46、ycler work? To help Cycler in his job he needs a coach to tell him what to do.Cycler has five microcontrollers微限制器 for a brain and nervous system 神经系统.An MP3 soundfile player, an amplifier and speakers allow him to talk, and seven electric motors make him move. The coach can make Cycler drive around

47、, move his arms, move his head and have full control over the MP3 player allowing highly interactive交互的 dialogs to take place. 212 words 1. Who invented the Cycler robot?A. Shakespeare. B. Byron.2. How long has the Cycler robot appeared?A . For about 5 years.C. Since about 10 years ago.C. Shelley.D.

48、 David Buckley.B. For about 30 years.D. Since about 40 years ago.3. What s the main aim 目 的 to design the robot, according to the passage?A . To help recycle the waste from schools.B. To help students download MP3C. To teach children to protect environment.D. To control our brain.4. Which of the fol

49、lowing is TRUE in the passage?A . Cycler can control all functions on his own.B. An amplifier and speakers make Cycler talk.C. Cycler is not allowed to drive around by the coach.D. Cycler has seven electric motors to make him move.5. The best title for the passage is.A . Waste Watch B. A Roboticist

50、C. David Buckley D. Cycler Robot单元评价一、听力共两节,总分值 15分第一节听力理解每题1分,共10分听下面一段对话,答复第 1? 3题.1. The two speakers are.A. husband and wifeB. friendsC. mother and son2. Simon couldn ' t at scho olA . read or writeB. be unkind to others C. miss his mother3. Why didn ' t Simon want to go back to school?A

51、 . He missed his mother.B. He couldn ' t do anything there.C. He was afraid of his classmates.听下面一段对话,答复第 4? 5题.4. How much did Tony borrow?A. Ten dollars.B. Thirteen dollars. C. Thirty dollars.5. Which one is True?A . Tony didn ' t have moneyB. Tony wanted to leave at once.C. Sally got her

52、money back.听下面一段对话,答复第 6? 7题.6. Why did the man go into the shop?A . He wanted to buy a map.B. He wanted to talk to the woman.C. He could not find Third Street.7. The man was.A . a movie actor8. going to buy the map9. blind听下面一段对话,答复第 8? 10题.8. This dialogue may come from.A.a radio programmeB.a movi

53、eC. a newspaper9. A family in London usually spends about on food for each child.A .¥ 988 a monthB.¥ 260 a monthC.¥ 364 per month10. In London, parents also spend some money on visits to.A .hospitalsB.theme parksC.schools第二节听取信息每题1分,共5分Leonardo da VinciAround the worldLeonardo may be

54、A . genius people know.Around B. He lived in Italy.About his workMany of C . seem modern to us today.He was one of the great D . of his day.Sometimes he drew a hand in E.ways before he was ready to paint.二、语言知识及运用共三节,总分值 20分第一节 语音每题0.5分,共5分A.找出以下单词中画线局部的发音与其他不同的单词.11.A. evenB.setC. headD.welcome12.A

55、. nobody_B.abilityC. cityD.type13.A. dinosaurB.sawC. aitD.before14. A. fossilB. nothingC.sonD.countryside15. A. encyclopaediasB. perhapsC.tellsD.saysB.找出以下单词中重音与其他不同的单词.A. includedB. includesC. includingD.with22. Can you lend meA4 paper?B. lot ofC. manyD.some23. Some children are playing games andar

56、e talking happily.A. othersB. otherC. the otherD.another24. Do you havequestions? Please raise your hand.A. someB. anyC. muchD.few25. Billy can play badminton asas our captain.B. betterC. wellD.good26. This army started from four to fivesoldiers.A. hundreds ofB. thousandsC. thousands ofD.thousand27. Without saying,he left in a hurry.A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD.some28. Maple sugar is madethe sap 树液of maple trees.B. ofC. fromD.by29. What a cool car! It looks


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