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1、初中精品资料欢迎下载上海牛津英语八年级词汇短语总结Unit 1Part 1: Wordsv.破坏:毁坏n产品n.毁灭,毁坏v.生产v.呼吸n.科学家n.呼吸n科学adj.科学的adj.纯净的adj.化学的adv.纯净地n.化学物质V.净化,使纯净n.化学学科n.化学家v./n交流,交换V容纳v./n.改变,替换n容器V.交流,沟通v.公告,宣布n.交流,沟通n.发言人n.声明,公告【强化训练】Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. The farmer looked sad when his vegeta

2、bles were d_ in the flood. He didn knowwhat he could do.2.1 think box ing is very dan gerous. Maybe it leads to terrible injuries like brain d_ andmakes people to be viole nt by turning fight into a sport.3. The morni ng exercises can keep your whole class l_ and healthy.4. Carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)can

3、do h_ to humans, so it is very dangerous tob_ in.5. Pan das are in great dan ger, so people provide special p_ for them.6. These products are not popular, because many people think they are n atural and contain somec_ .7. Better com muni cati on can lead to an e_ cooperati on(合作).8. The air in the r

4、oom was p_.9. Food will last Ion ger if kept in an airtight(密圭寸的)c_ .Keys:v.破坏;毁坏destroyn.产品productn.毁灭,毁坏destruct ionv.生产producev.呼吸breathen.科学家scie ntistn.呼吸breathn.科学scie neeadj.科学的scie ntificadj.纯净的pureadj.化学的chemicaladv.纯净地purelyn.化学物质chemistryv.净化,使纯净purifyn.化学学科chemistry初中精品资料欢迎下载n.化学家chemist

5、v./n交流,交换exchangev容纳con ta inv./n.改变,替换changen容器containerv.交流,沟通com mun icaten.交流,沟通com muni catio n3bathev.洗澡;沐浴1. destroyed2. Damage5. protect ion6. Chemicals3. Lively4. Harm, Breathe7. Enjoyable8. Pure9. Con tai nerPart 2: PhrasesI.平均年龄_3保护某人免遭_5.生物_7.连接在一起 _9.把释放进_II.对了解许多 _13.尝起来难吃 _Keys:I. the

6、 average age3. protect sb. from sth.5. livi ng things7. jo in together9. releasentoII. know a lot about13. taste nasty2._事实上4._和交流6._从吸收8.因感谢某人 _10. 1.5公顷 _12.警告某人不要做某事 _14.把某物递给某人 _2. In fact4. Communi cate with6. Take from8. Tha nk sb. for sth.10. One and a half hectares= one hectare and a half12.

7、 Warn sb. n ot to do sth14. Pass sth. to sb.Unit 2Part 1: 8B U2词性转换整理序号单词value1 valuelessvaluablen.adj.adj.词性释义价值无价值的;不值钱的2treatme ntn.处理;加工treatv.治疗;对待有价值的初中精品资料欢迎下载bathn.洗澡;沐浴4scie neen.科学scie ntistn.科学家scie ntificadj.科学的;系统的5freezev.使冻住;使结冰froze nfreez ingadj.adj.冻结的;冷酷的寒冷的6comfortn.舒适;安慰comforta

8、bleadj.舒适的un comfortableadj.不舒服的;不安的comfortablyadv.舒服地;充裕地7patie ntadj.耐心的;能容忍的impatie ntadj.不耐烦的impatie neen.不耐烦;无耐心【强化训练】Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms1. Arguing about such details has wasted many hours of their_time. (value)2. The pain disappeared because he rec

9、eived timely_ . (treat)3. Meat from New Zealand is_ and brought to England in special ships. (freeze)4. _ inven ti ons such as computers have raised labour productivity. (scie nee)5. Blinded by the steam, he had to fish around for the soap in his_. (bathe)6. She leads a happy and_life, never lacking

10、 for money or friends. (comfort)7. When people have to wait a long time, they will become uncomfortable and_ .(patie nt)8. The great ship was like a_ building. (float)【答案】1. valuable 2. treatment3. frozen4. scientific5. bath 6. comfortable 7.impatie nt8. floati ngPart 2: Phrases初中精品资料欢迎下载Unit 3I. Fi

11、ll in the blanks.8B Unit 3 Words & expressionsserva ntn.仆人electricityn.电;电能serveV.为提供服务electricadj.电动的;用电的servicen.服务electricaladj.与电力有关的electricia nn.电工electro nicadj.电子的foolishadj.愚蠢的mon thn.月份fooln./v.傻瓜/愚弄mon thlyadj./adv.每月的/每月一次expla nati onn.解释;说明in visibleadj.看不见的;隐形的explai nv.解释;讲解visib

12、leadj.看的见的;明显的caren.留神;用心politelyadv.有礼貌地;客气地v.担心;关心;在意politeadj.有礼貌的;斯文的carefuladj.小心的;谨慎的polite nessn.礼貌;优雅carelessadj.不小心的;粗心的rudelyadv.粗鲁地;无礼地carefullyadv.小心地;仔细地impolitelyadv.无礼地;没规矩地containv.包含;容纳clearadj.明白清楚的containern.容器clearlyadv.明显地movev./n.移动,挪动/移动succeedv.成功movementn.动作successn.成功succes

13、sfuladj.成功的1._大量的_3._倒入5._掉入7._记得去做某事_9._回应Keys:1. a large amount of + u3. pour into5. drop into7. remember to do2._开着4._环顾四周_6._加速下滑_2. be on4. look around6. speed dow n8. remember doing初中精品资料欢迎下载millio nn.白力hopev.希望初中精品资料欢迎下载millio nairen.白万富翁hopefuladj.有希望的chemicaladj./n.化学的;化学物质worryv./n.担心chemi

14、stryn.化学worriedadj.感到担心的chemistn.化学家beginv.起始;开始realadj.真实的beg innern.初学者reallyadv.真实地begi nning_n.开始at last = in the end = fin ally最终in packets / in bags以包装的;呈形状的look happy看上去开心look like看上去像.look sadly at伤心地看着get a bill for sth.得到一张.的账单changeinto把变成be careful with sth.当心.; 小心.in a way从某种程度上说think o

15、f想一想in some ways就某些万面而言think about思考think over仔细考虑connect A with B把A和B连接起来connect A to B =A be connected to B把A连接到B上去power stati on发电站switch off = turn off关(灯、电器等)II.知识点梳理: 词组1. one evening2. get me a packet of electricity3. go out4. at last5. buy it in packets6. look foolish7. flow through a wire8.

16、 measure the amount you use9. get a bill for10. i n a way11. much more dan gerous tha n12. be careful with13. look like14. scratch ones head15. cha ngeinto16. thi nk of一天晚上给我带一包电出去最后一包包地买看上去很傻流过电线测量你使用的电量得到一张的账单 在某种程度上比 危险得多小心对待看似.样挠头把变成想一想;想出来初中精品资料欢迎下载17. a light bulb18. come from19. differe nt fo

17、rms of en ergy20. be conn ected to21. bury un der the street22. a power stati on23. come back24. May I have,please?25. on his face26. Here it is.27. Didnt you know that?28. switch off电灯泡来自于各种能量被连接到埋在路下发电站回来我可以吗?在他脸上 它在这儿你不知道吗? 关上词性转换1. dan gerous (a.)危险的 宀dan ger (n.)危险2. servant (n.)仆人serve (v.)服务s

18、ervice (n.)服务3. electricity ( n.)电electric (a.)电的electrical (a.)有关电的4. foolish ( a.)愚蠢的fool (n.)傻瓜/(v.)愚弄5. mon thly ( ad.)每月一次mon th (n.)月份6. explanation (n.)解释explain (v.)解释7. careful (a.)小心的care (n. / v.)关心carefully (ad.)小心地careless (a.)粗心的8. invisible (a.)看不见的visible (a.)看得见的9. change (n. / v.)变

19、化changeable(a.)多变的10. different ( a.)不同的difference (n.)不同点11. power (n.)力powerful (a.)强大的12. politely ( ad.)有礼貌地polite (a.)有礼貌的impolite (a.)没礼貌的13. con ta in (v.)包含con ta in er (n.)容器14. clear (a.)清楚的clearly (ad.)清楚地Unit 4Part 1: Wordsv.出版,发表n.出版商adv短暂地adj.简短的,简洁的v.选举,推选n决定n.选举,当选v决定adj.当选的v.建议,提议n选

20、择n.建议,提议v.选择,决定n.读者v.同意,赞成v.阅读n.协议,同意v.仔细考虑,细想v设计初中精品资料欢迎下载n.考虑,关心adj.体贴的,考虑周到的n.设计师【强化训练】Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. Bosses are always in terested in_ of raisi ng mon ey.2. The_of a n ewspaper are the people who read it.3. In_ , you did a good job.4. I was asked

21、 to_ the best title for the passage among these titles.5. The writer_ to don ate some money to the poor stude nts.6. Jane_to my pla n about the holiday.7. This magaz ine is_mon thly.8. Tom was_chairman of the StudentUnion.9. I have no_but to do stay at home.Keys:V.出版,发表publishadv短暂地brieflyn.出版商publi

22、sheradj.简短的,简洁的briefV.选举,推选electn.决定decisi onn.选举,当选electio nv.决定decideadj.当选的electedV.建议,提议suggestn.选择choicen.建议,提议suggesti onv.选择,决定choosen.读者readerv.同意,赞成agreev.阅读readn.协议,同意agreeme ntv.仔细考虑,细想con siderv.设计desig nn.考虑,关心con siderati onn.设计师desig neradj.体贴的,考虑周到的con siderate1. suggesti on2. reader

23、3.brief4. Choose5. decided6.agree 7. published8. elected9. choicePart 2: Phrases1.当地新闻2.排队等候3.投票赞成4.主管,掌管5.应该,应当6.详细讨论,详谈7.列出清单8.有点,一点9.作出决定10.一致冋意11.安排12.一周以后13.总共,共计14.围成大圆圈15.把扔进16.对感到好奇17.导致,通向18.对感到厌倦19.同时19.把切成两半初中精品资料欢迎下载Keys:1. Local news2. Queue up3. Vote for4.Take charge of5. Ought to6.Tal

24、k.over7. Make a list of8. A bit9. Make a decisi on10. Agree on11. Arrange to12. In one weektime13. In all14. Form into big circles15.Throw into16. Be curious about17.lead to18.Be tired of19.At the same time19.Cut in halfUnit 5I. Fill in the blanks.序号单词词性释义1sightn.视力,视觉,风景seev.看见(saw, seer)2sensen.感觉

25、,意识,感官sen sibleadj.明智的3diev.死deadadj.死的,无生命的dyi ngadj.濒临死亡的,奄奄一息的;deathn.死亡4safeadj.安全的,平安的,n.保险柜safelyadv.安全地,平安地savev.救,挽救,节省safetyn.安全,平安5draman.戏剧性事件dramaticadj.戏剧化的dramaticallyadv.戏剧性地6describev.描述descripti onn.描述7pers onaladj.本人的,亲自的pers onn.人初中精品资料欢迎下载pers on allyadv.本人,亲自8recepti onn.接待处rece

26、iveV.接受9exclaimV.惊叫;呼喊exclamati onn.惊叫;呼喊claimV.声称;断言10hotadj.热的heatn.热量V.使温暖;加热11leadern.领导者leadV.引导,指引,导致II.知识点梳理: 词组1. at first sight2. out of sight3. i n sight4. heart and soul5. keep on es bala nee6. lose on es bala nee7. fire alarm8. go off9. below the surface10. come to the surface11. look at

27、 the surfaceonly12. on the surface13. borrow sth. from sb.14. le nd sb sth15. le nd sth to sb.乍一看看不见,在视野之外看得见全心全意保持平衡失去平衡火警报警器(警报器等)突然发出巨响深入;实际上显露出来只看外表表面上;外表上从(某人)借借给(某人)Unit 6Part 1: Words初中精品资料欢迎下载adv.往国外,在国外n./vt.(n)影响,感化力;(v)影响adv.上船/飞机/车adj.有影响力的v.设计adj.能(干)的Cn.装饰图案vt.使. 丧失权利(from)n.设计者n.能力hav

28、e the to do sthv.放松v.吸引n.放松的事情n.吸引(力),吸引人的事物adj.令人放松的/(人)放松的adj.吸引人的/不吸引人的Cn.景象(可含人和物),场景n.城堡Un.自然风光(泛指)n.首都adj.自然景色的n.目的地,想去的地方n.视力,视野n.著名、有影响力的地点n.三角形v.重新油漆,重画n.三色,特别指法国国旗v.重写n.三轮车v.复述,重讲vt.使大为惊奇v.战胜某人(不能用win)Un.惊讶,惊奇to ones v.赢得(比赛、奖、竞赛)adj.令人惊奇的/感到惊奇的n.获胜adj./adv.更远的/更远地/更进一步n.农业(的)地adj.农业的adj./

29、adv.更远的/更远地vt.推动,促进【强化训练】Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. The d_ of their flight is Paris. They are going to spe nd their holiday there.2. It is a_to watch the matches of the Tennis Masters Cup.3. The King of France d_ the British in 1789.4. Thousa nds of young stude

30、nts go to France to f_ their study every year.5. F_ and Germa n are widely used in Europe.6. China is so a_ that many foreig ners come to visit it every year.7. The guide will take you to see the most s_ parts of the city.8.Have you ever bee n a_?Yes, Ive bee n to Australia and New Zeala nd.9. His b

31、ike e_ him to travelli ng all over China.Keys:abroadadv.往国外,在国外in fluencen./vt.(n)影响,感化力;(v)影响初中精品资料欢迎下载aboardadv.上船/飞机/车in fluentiaadj.有影响力的desig nv.Cn.n.设计 装饰图案 设计者abledisabladj.vt.n.能(干)的使. 丧失权利(from)能力have the to do sthdesig nerabilityrelaxv. n.adj.放松放松的事情令人放松的/(人)放松的attractv. n.adj.吸引吸引(力),吸引人的事 物吸引人的/不吸引人的relaxati onattractionrelax in g/relaxedattractive/un-sce nesceneryscenic sightfCn.Un.adj.n.景象(可


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