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1、内蒙古呼和浩特市新城区 2018 届九年级英语上学期期中试题20172018学年度第一学期九年级英语期中试题第卷Cft 择題.共计略分)L 单顶选择洪 15 小甌 每小题 1 分,滞分出分).Look! Whos_ gid under the tree?一Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is_ honest girl.A. the; anB. a; rheC. the; aD. an; the2. YouTve been here_ a. month. Dont you miss your parents?YesfI plan to come back home

2、_ a month.A. in , inB. for;inC. for; afterD. after. after3. Tom said it was one of_ exciTing_ .A. most, experiencesB. his mosiEexpi亡nwsC” the mostTexperienceD. moreTexperiences4.1 wouft go to see the film tonight because I_ my ticketA. lostB. have loseC. will loseD. lose5” It is ten years_I last saw

3、rher,A. alterB. forC. sinceD. before6 ” VXTiare axe your dad and brother, Lisa?been waiting for them for tenminutes.WellPDad_ Tom for losing his glasses in the Lixing room.A. punishes B. is punishing C. punishedD. will punish1, After duinerThe used to_ computer games, but now he gets usedB. playing,

4、 walking C. play, walking D. playing: walk九年级英语期中试题第1页(共丄1页)A. play, walk28, More than_people visited the_car exhibition.A. tw?o million; eight-dayB. two millions: eight days7C two millions; eight*dayD tiro million; eight days9 Amyf_, or you will have to get out of the reading room.Oh, sony.A. stop

5、shoutingB. stop to shoutC. stops shoutingD. stops to shout10. fve decided to go to Las Vegas to spend my summer holiday._. VMiat about going there togdher?A. So do I B. So will IC. So did!D. So have I】1. Lu Han is_ an excellent actor_ most teenagers like him.A, such; that B. so ; thatC* too; toD. en

6、ough; to12.1 dont knor_ .Can you tell me.B. how to swim ; what to do it13.1 dont know when it_ . Ifit_ = I_ some flowers in the woodsA. will rain: rains, will plantB. rains, rains, will plantC. will rain, will rain, will plant14. This is the first thing you are_after you get there.A. suppose to doB.

7、 supposed doC supposed to doD” supposed doing15. A new road_ near my school next year.A. buildsB.诫11 buildC. is builtIL 完形填盔(共 20 小題 每小题 1 分满20 分)One day during a Spring Festival. I was taking a walk near my house when suddenly therecame a voice*i4Excuse me, sir I turned around and saw an oldA, how

8、swim; vha_t to doC. how to what to doD* what to swim; how to doD” rains, rains, plantD. will be built九年级英语期中试题笫3页(共11页3九年级英语期中试题第2页快11页)b亡ggai(乞丐).Have you 16_ some money, about fifty yuan, around here? I lostit just now/ He looked at me and 37 my reply. Sorry: I havaTtT answered. He ent awaysaying

9、in a low voice.ltVTiere is it? 18 should I do now?I really need the money.17I could sense that heWHS19. Then I got an idea. I cook out a fifty iiannote(i氏币)and dropped it on the ground,ltHere! Here is the money! picked it up and 20_it to him. Then I walked towards my house.A week later, on a snoTaft

10、ernoon. I heard someone knocking at the door. It the oldbeggar with a heavy bag on liis shoulder. He put down the bag 21 and said. Thank you so much.I knew you gave me your own 22 that day, for the money HostWHSin change(零华先),But my wife was 23. and I really needed itto buy some medicine for her. So

11、 I didnt return it to you丁He added. I have nothing to pay forvour 24LHeres some rice I got from door to door for your children. As the saying goes. A childwhois fed by many families gro-s stronger/ I will be pleased25 you like it* Hearing his words, myand I rere so moved that tears ran doTiour faces

12、.16. A. madeB. lentC.seenD. dropped17. A. looked forB. paid forC. left forD* waited for18. A. HowB+ WhichC氐ImD.Why19. A* worriedB. boredC. interestedD* relaxed20. A. pushedB. passedCJedD threw2L A, carefullyB” easil yC carelesslyD hardly2Z A. foodB. drinkC. clothD* money23. A. wellB+ sickC, busyD fi

13、re亡24. A* cuten亡$B, illnessC. kindnessD. sadness25. A. beforeB. whetherC* thoughD. if九年级英语期中试题笫4页(共11页3Nowadays, WeChat is becoming more and mot亡26 in China. No matter here we are;we can sign up and send text or voice messages to our friends. We can also find a stranger to talkto by shaking the 27.

14、Another funny fbnctioiid乍用)isthat WeChat can help to search for people 28 live nearby with the program on. Many people likethis function. 29 it can help them to find more people who they may know.In my opinion:WeChatLSreally 30 useful chatting tool It can help peopk 31 with theirfriends more easily.

15、 32. it is also bad for people, especially forstudents. As you s:some people use WeChat 33 too long. It is not healthy to them. So I havesome advice to use it in a correct way. First, we should not use it when we are studying. We cantfocus on oui study if we use it. Second, we must be careful. We sh

16、ould neither show too muchpersonal information 34 trust strangers so much,We should team how co use it properly. Remember. We Chat is not everything in your life.35_ depend too much on it26. A. popularB. cheapC. poorD. rich27+A, radioB.phoneC” computerD. head28. A. whereB. whatC. whoD. whom29. A. th

17、oughB, butC. becauseD* so30. A.:B. anD. the3L A. argu亡B. comtnumcateC. danceD. sing32. A. HoweverB. WlioeverC. WTiereverD. Vrenever33. A. forB.inC. onD of34. A. orB. norC. andD. also35. A. DoesntB. Don:tC. IsntD. Not九年级英语期中试題第5页(共11页)5U fl齐梓 2、*E * w广 III阅读理解(共 2 刍小题 每小題 2 分.満分 50 分)Peng Liyuan, Fir

18、s! Lady of China, made a speech in English at theUnited Nations on September 26, 2015. She talked about education andshared her Chinese dream with the worldPeng began her speech with a story of hex father. Her fathergrew up in a small illage in China. In those davsTnot many villagers could read, so

19、her fatheropened a night school(o uach them. Wth his hdphmany people learned to承*rit亡their names andread newspapers for the first time. And many womn were able to teach their children how to read.Pengs father love for education influenced her dply. She was lucky enough to have a goodeducation. Later

20、, she followed her fathers footsteps and became i professor of musk.Education is unportant, but still, some children in China cant go to school Penghopes that all children can have a good educationdand that is her Chiutw dream.36. VMiaCs PengLhuans speech mainly about?A. Her fatherB. EducationC. Mus

21、icD Dream37. Who was mentioned in Pengs speech at first?A. Her husbandB. Her fatherC.Her brotherD. Her motherD. Their motherA. Becoming a music professor is her dream.B. She got a good educaiicn.C. Png was mfluerLced deeply by her fatherDTPengTs father has deep love for music.40.5Miat is the best ti

22、tle for the passage?A, Peng Liyuanl FatherB* Peng Liyuanl Speech6BAmerican schools are quite different from those in China. In America, at the beginning of theterm, students must select their subjects and teachers first.Selecting is very important for your marks in America, So at the first term, don

23、t select toomany subjectstor youll feel甘eiy nertrous and tired. Then you have to ask for some teaching plans.There is some infomiation about subjects, time airangingTmarks and textbooks. At the same time,you must choose the teachers. Different teachers have different teaching mtthods. If the teacher

24、 iscalled killer by th亡l脯t grade, many students will give up choosing him. because this kind ofteacher will leave too much hom亡work, too many亡xams and give too low grades. Tbere isanother thing after you select th亡subjects and the teachers. Howto buy textbooks makes eachstudent feel hard. Tbe textbo

25、oks in America are very expensive. Each one is about S30-50. In orderto save money, many students buy some used textbooks, and some students usually bonov*textbooks from the school Ebrarv.n dass, discussing is very important. The teacher encourages you to ask questions or showyour own opinions. They

26、 dont usually ask you to sit well. Instead they allow you to sit or stand亡v亡rywhr亡you like.41.does the underlined常ord Selectmean?A. ChooseB. LikeC. TreatD Take42. According to the text, American students_.A. dont have to ask for teaching plansB. dont have o choose teachersC, would like to choose str

27、ict teachersD, usually buy some used textbooks in order to save money43. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Students wont choose the teacher who leaves too much homeworkB. Students won t choose the teacher -ho leaves too many examsC. Students wdll choose the teacher who is called killef1.C. Chine

28、se Dream of Peng LiyuanD. Father of Peng *s Love for Educaiion7D* Students wont choose the teacher卅ho gives too low marks九年级英语期中试题第6页(共11页)HifaI-Jift.44. WTiat is important in American class?A. ReadingB. WritingC. Discussing45. The passage is mainly about_.A. the differences betTeen American and Chi

29、nese schoolsB. American schoolsC the differences between American and Chinese students D” American school subjectsCPeople are always afraid of making mistakes. But sometimes its not bad to make mistakes, andhere is why”At first, mistakes are a dear sign that you are trying new things. Its always goo

30、d to tryHEVthings, because when you ar亡trying new things, you are growing. If you never try new thing头how can you improve? How can you create? The simple answer is;NYou cant. Look around you.everythi口呂you see is the result of someone trying new things.Another good thing about mistakes is this: when

31、you are making mistakesyou are learning.Consider this: Edison failed 10T000 times before he invented! the light bulb. Tien he w卷askedhow he felt to fail that many times, he said that he hadnt failed 10000 times, but ratherf而是)hadleamed 10.000 things that didnt work,Finally, whoi you make a mistake,

32、you are that much closer to success. Tiy?Because you have said科you should say, and you have done what you should do.Even7time vou make a mistake, vou are doser to success. But it doesn mem that vouJ1 1 - i 1- 1 ? 11111 i 1_1i_l- 一 - _ _ - - can make mistakes without thinking- Instead, when you irv n

33、ew things, you have to chink them overso th it von can keep away from some unnecessary mistakes.We shouldnt spend all our time and money on the only one way, but use them correctly.Because our time and money are limited侑限的).There is an old saying. If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying h

34、ard enough/ So gobravely and make mistakes. And leant. And grow. And succeed.46. If you are making a mistake, that means_A, youre carefulB. your亡kindD. Listening8C+ youre growingD. you know nothing九年级英语期中试題第7页(共11页)47. If you never try new things, you cant_A” improveB” createC. spendD. A and B48. Af

35、ter Edison failed 10.000 times, he_A. gave upB. invented the light bulbC. invent亡d the computerD. invented 10.000 new things49. Tien you make a mistake, you are doser to_A. tineB. moneyC. successD,everything50. IMiat s the main idea of the passage ?A. Never make mistakes.B. You can make mistakes wit

36、hout thinking.C. Sometimes itPs good to make mistakes.D. Making mistakes is terrible.DWefve seen 3D films. 3D TVs and so on. They are so interesting that young people like to xv吐ch them very much. Have you ever read about 3D newspapers? That wa.s the Belgian (t匕利日寸的)newspaper. La Demi ere Heure. tri

37、ed to do for Its readers. This was Europes first 3Dnewspiper.It took the team two months to make the 3D nexspaper. The team printed 115, 000 copies ofthe special edition of La Demi ere Heure. It唁哉s more than the usual number of the printedcopies.Each of these newspaper came *vith a pair of free 3D g

38、lasses. All the photos and ads in th亡newspaper were in 3D and the text was the same as usual. Readers could get the best result byholding the paper 50 ems away from the eyes. In fact, if people dont wcai the 3D glasses, thencSpaper will be terrible to read because the imagin(图像)are not dear.Many rea

39、ders tried to buy this kind of newspaper. In fact, some of them bought it just for fun.The publishes(岀版商)had no plans to continue it because it cost too much.根据文章内容,9判断文后句子的正确(T)与错误(F) 九年级英语期中试题笫8页(共11页51. The name of the first 3D newspaper is La Demiere Heure.52. The team printed 11500 copies of th

40、e newspaper, more than the usual copies.53. You can see the photos in this nespaper dearly with 3D glasses,54. A few readers tried to buy this kind of newspaper because it vas expensive.55. The writer is sure that 3D newspapers svill take the common newspapers:place.E 日常对话从下面的方框中选择适当的选顶补全对话”侑两顶是多余的)

41、M i W亡11, Linda, were coming to the ead of this wxk” I almost can t wait for the holiday.Wt Me:too. Tom:56M: Fm going to dimb (hehills with mv classmates. 57 and have a good rest. How about you?W: 58. You know he has a big firm in the countrywide.M: If s great. Do you often go to see him?V:Yes, Once

42、 Iam &ee:Iwill go there. The air isso fresh and everything isso quiet and dean. Willyou be free next weekend959M: I:d love to. but Vm afraid I wont have time. 60and repair the roof of ourhouse. I have to help him.Wt I see. Maybe you woif r be free until summer vacation.A. Would you like to go th

43、ere vith me?B. My father is going to paint the wallC. I think I can forget about all the hard workD. Would you like to say something about it?E. what are you going to do this Sunday?F. I?m going to visit my undeG. Mr. Bron will giv亡us the lesson at four in the afternoon1056,_ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._九年级英

44、语期中试题第9页快11页)第 II 卷(非选择題,共计 35 分)B用所给词或短语的适当形式填空乂 (共 10 小暑 每小題 1 分,满分 10 分)61 肌小題silent; give up ; fall asleep ; by accident; invent, go missing; nature * include,prepare for; instead of;6L She7s won many world competition._ four gold medals in theOlympics.62. It is _ to forget new ords when you are

45、 learning languages.63. Mr. Black doesnI like traveling. He stayed at home_ going outall the summer.64. TAhy didnt you go to see the film at 7:00 p.m. last Sunday?I_the exam to be held the next day then.65. Work hard to get them when chances appear, or they_soon,6& really dont want to know your

46、secret. I only found it_ .67.Last night he found it difficult_because of the loud noise outside.68.Many times I thought about_ : but I fought on.69” All of us are reading the test papers in_”70. The world changed faster after the_of the computer.矶阅读理解填词二(共 1G 个生每空 1 分,满分 10 分)刃刘空Our eating h_(71) are very important for good health and a strongbody* Tbere aie time


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