已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、情态动词m us t -ca n-could-may-m i g h t 表推测的用法作者:日期:情态动词 m us t, c an, c ou 1 d,may, might表推测的用法:情态动词中的 must, can, coul d, may, might都表推测。其中mu st的可能性最大,can / could次之,may / might最小。具体用法如下:1. m ust的用法?(1)表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“一定、准是”,语气较 肯定,较有把握。He mus t be Am e r ican. = I t is certa i n t h at he is Ameri c an

2、 .他准是个美国人。(2) mus t表推测只能用于肯定句。如果要表示“一定不、肯定不”的意思时, 应用can't ,如询问某种可能时,应用c an。He m ust kno w m y addre s s.他肯定知道我的地址。(一定) ?He ca n't k n ow my addres s . 他肯定不知道我的地址。(一定不)Can he know my add r ess? 他知道我的地址吗?(询问可能性)?(3)mu s t 表示推测时,可以推测现在/正在发生的动作/过去发生的动作。?He must have a car no w. (现在)他一定有辆小汽车。He m

3、ust be doin g his e xercises in the clas s r o om.(正在进行)他一定在教室里做练习。 ?He mu s t h ave f in i shed the w o rk.(过去发生)他一定已完成了工作。?注:mus t表示推测时很少用 于将来的情况。一般不用 He mus t come tom o r row .可用I t' s cer t ai n / I'm sur e t hat he will come to m or row.? (4) 在反意 疑问句中,当附属部分含有表示推测意义的 must时,疑问部分的助动词应与m u

4、s t后面的动词在非推测情况下的用法保持一致He must be a w o r ker , isn' the?(现在)他准时个工人,是吗? I t must have r a i n ed last nig h t , d i dn ' t it ?( 过去)咋 晚一定下雨了,是不是?You mus t h ave learne d Engli s h fo r many years , h a ve n 't you ?(完成时)你一定学了好多年英语,是吗?2. ca n / could 的用法(1) ca n表示推测“可能性”时,往往用于否定句或疑问句。Ca n&

5、#39;t ”一定 不”,语气很肯定。c an在疑问句中意思是“会、可能” 。?He can't b e a t home. = It is im p oss i ble that h e is at home . 他一定 不在家。(2 ) can /can't后可接进行时/完成时,表示对现在发生的动作或过去发生的动作进行推测。They can' t be re a di ng in the library. 他们一定不在图书馆 读书。?He can't hav e gon e to Shanghai f o r I s a w h i m a m inu t

6、e a go.他不可能去了上海,我刚才还看见他。? 11' s so late. W e re can she have gon e ? 天晚了,她可能去哪儿了呢? ?(3)在反意疑问句中,当陈述 部分含有表示推测意义的c a n' t时,疑问部分的助动词应与c a n' t后面的 动词在非推测情况下的用法保持一致.?He can' t be a t e a cher, i s he?他不是教师,是吗?She ca n't h ave fi n i shed her home work, has s he?她一定没有完成家庭作业,是不是?(4) coul

7、d 可用于表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实。?Don' t eat it. It could be poison ous. 不要吃它,可能有毒。The plan e could be d elaye d by fog.飞机可能会因为雾晚点。(5 ) could还可以用于表示客气、委婉、礼貌的请求语气。Excuse me, coul d you t e 1 l m e t h e way t o t he bus sta t ion ?Co u 1 d y ou help m e ? ? (6) c o u 1 dn ' t表示否定推测,表示某事不可 能真实,或由于特定事实或环境某

8、事肯定不会发生。It cou 1 dn't po s s ib 1 y be p ois on. 这不可能是毒药。?注:有时 与形容词的比较级连用强调某人或某物不可能再更多地具有某种属性。?丫。ucou 1 dn' t be mo re wrong.你真是大错特错。?I c o u ldn ' t b e happ ier.我简直是幸福极了。3?. may和might的用法?(1) ma y, mig ht表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“可能”、“也许”,语气没有 must肯定。?He ma y / mi g ht be Ame r ica n . = I t is po

9、ssible tha t he is A merica n .?他可能是个美国人。注:mi gh t不表示过去时态,只是语气上比may更委婉,表示的可能性更小。(2) ma y, might表推测时,可以用于否定句,意思是“可能不、也许不”, 但不用于疑问句。He may / migh t not be at hom e . 他也许不在家。(3) may, might可以推测现在正在发生的动作或过去发生的动作。He m a y / mi g ht be sleepin g n o w .(现在)他可能正在睡觉。The boy m ay / mightnot be watch i ngTV at

10、 home .(现在)?这个男孩可能没在家看电视Th e se st u dents m ay/ migh t h ave seen the filmb efo re .(过去)?这些学生以前可能看过这部电影。4(?) may, mig ht还可以推测将来的情况。?I t h i n k we should take rain c o at wit h us, it may rain.我想我们应该带上雨衣,可能要下雨了。?She mig h t not c o me thi safternoon.她今天下午可能不来了。情态动词和虚拟语气练习4 0题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处

11、的最佳选项。1. A re yo u i n a hurry ?-No, in fa c t I' ve go plenty of time. I wait.A.mustB. n e edC. may D .shou 1 d2 .So m eo n e is knoc k ing at the doo r.it b e V e nis?No, itb e her; s he left for New Yo r k t his m o rn ing .? A.Ca n ; m u s tn tB.Migh t ; can't?.He didnt agree with me at

12、fi r s t ,but Ip ers u adehim to s i gn the agr e e ment la t er.A . c o u IdB. m ight C.shouldD. w as ab le to4. I s t herea movie on in th e cinema to n igh t ?Th ere be. I wil 1 p ho n e the cin e ma and f i n d it ou t .A. mightB .should C. can D. could5.Y o ub e ca r e ful when you cr o ss here

13、 th e t r affic1 igh t s ar eB. o ught toC .mightD. m ay6.Youo utast night. I ca lledy ou sev e ral ti meso dy a ns w ered. ?A.mus th a ve bee nB. must beC.migh tave beenD.cou ld b e7 .Youpass the en t r ance exami n at ion i fs tu d y harder. ?A.s h a llB.couldC.mu s tD.shuld ?8 .Whwass tudyinga t

14、Beijg U nivers i ty,t akewalk al o n gthelake every e ven i n g.A. w iB.w o u 1 dC .cou 1D.shall 9?.Thepaoutto bea f ai 1rath e ri t.A. not hav e attend e dB .n o tttend ?to attendD .notto ha v e attended10?.S i r,youb e sittiin thiss e at. It iforwom e n or chren only.B . oughtn 't o?C. won 

15、9;D.ne?.一S hallI tell Li M i n g about them atte r ?N o, y ou _ _Hehas knowna b ou t it alre a d y .A.oug h t n ' t toB.needn ?' t C.s h oul d n 'tD.mu s tn12.一Mus t I ta k e a b u s ? ?No, you.You can w alkhere. ? A. m u s t n otB .don t'?C.don't haveD. ha d bett e r not t13.一Wh

16、do you ma k eme doso? ?Iam s o r ry thatyoud o such athi ng. ? A. wou IdB. c anC.shouldD. m14.一Will youst a y for lunch?S o rr y.My brots c o mingt o see mA. m u s tn'tC.needn t 'D.won ? t5 .W h auld h a v ehappe n e d,asas t heriverban k ?goA. i fC .ha d16.OhBob has walkBob walkyou wA. b e1

17、 7 .1 t 'sB.shalle d f a rti f Bob sh o uldwalk farterd faD.sh ould Bob wal ka rth erJane, y oshed it .c arefulroken an otherB.t o c areougwh eC.ha v e c a reD.to ha v e been c arefulhightimeto the thea ter. ? A . wigoC.ar ego i ng toD.wen1 8. Co uld I us e yourt e 1 e p hone?-Y e s , of corse y

18、oA. c ou 1 dB.wi 1 lC .canD.mi ght9 9.It ' s st ran that t heynothi nout th i s matt er. ? A.should kn o wB.would know? C.had knowD .knew20 . Do y ou still reme mbert he day when w e we nt to the Gr e at Wall ?-I can ' t re ember itw e ll,bu ts o meti m elas tautum n ?A .might it beB. c ouh

19、a ve beenC. c o uitbeD. musti t hav e21. 一 Icant getthrought o the general mn a geo f f icanyho w .1 ineis bsy. Someo nt he telep hone .ngA.mustu seD. m ust beu sin g 22B. u ses?. H e s u gat o n ceC. will gA.h adwa iB.se25.m omens h o ul d No, wen'tC. must n26. I f Ip h ra s es.rwi s e wew ill

20、be 1 ate. ?D . w ouldB .woul dC.willg o? 2 3 . Ifsee C.sh o ulg o and fD.mu ss r ath e r cold here. Sb ecaus e t hi nB.canonlyh allweremus t have been ust s wet o th eci n ed seemu s t g oB.gm e yestery!D. s a w24 ?.Ifour manag e r.light a f i re?ouA. c aeasy to c at c h fire . ?A.woy ou, I _rea t t

21、enti o n t o E n gli s h idiomsandA . w as; shall pa yB .am ; will pa yC.w o ul d be; would payD . w e re; would pay27. W o uld you have to Id him the a n swe rhad i tbe e n pos sb u s y t he n.ible? ?I w o ul d have, but I soA.had bee n B.w e reC.wa sD. w o u ld bepool ? ?Y e s. Howe ver, a tt h e

22、m sel v es.A.d a re28 . Can children swim in this n o time _ _ _ they d o so byB.shoul d ? C.n e eD. c ould 29?. Ku nming i s c a 1 led "pSr i n gCity ,but itsno w i n w int e r .A.sh allB. c an C. must D. m igh t 30?. Wh at' s them t ter wi th you ? ? -Oh, I' m no fe e ling we 1 l in t

23、he sto m ach. I so much f ri e d fishjust now.A. s houldn' t eatB.mu s t n ' t have eaten C.should n ' t have eaen D. m u s tn ' t eat 31 . Y o u 100 k so up set. Wh at'喝 rong wit h you? The door . Can you he Ip me ? ? A. won' t op nB.won 'b e openedC .ca n ' t openD

24、.can 'b e o pe n ed3 2 .Mum,I cl i mbed to get t he Teddy B ear f rom the top of the shelf .M y g o od n ess ! Y o uyourselfYo u mus t nt do th at next t i me . ? A.must h ave hurtB.should have hu r tC. m ay have hu rtD.can h a ve hurt ?3 3. Chil d re n under 12 years of ag ein t hat co untrybe

25、und e ra d ult sup e rv i sionw h en he isu b 1 ic lib r ary.A.mus tB .m a yC.canD.n e e d34. Vhei ntere s tbe div i ded i n to five par t s, ac c o rding t othe agreemen t ma d e byboth s i de s ,d e c l a redt he j u d ge.B.shouldC.mustD. shall 35?. I dontmitelling you whatYo ut a s king you for i

26、t.A.mustn ' tB.may n otC.can't D. n e e dn'tv e b een studyingE n glish s i nc e8 o'o out an d pw ith Tom fo rwhile?r a idnos,its iranin g o u tsid enow.A.C an 'tB.Wouldnt ? C.Da re noD .Wo37. Who ithegirl sta nding over th ere?you know, h e r name is Mabe 1A .m a yB .canC.mustsh

27、 a 13 8. The dre r has d runk too much wineanddang e roush i n gshap penany t ime. ? A .shouldc anC. mustD.nee d 3? 9 .WeLook, thisr e st aur a nt i s almo se mp t y.A. must haveB.cant haveC. shou 1 d h aveD.nee d ntih V e ?4 0.Li s ten ! The fi re en g ine i s roarin g . The r e be a fire some wher

28、e.A.shou 1 d B.must C.w ill D. o u gh t to?【答案及部分解析】15 C DDAB 610 AA B AB 1115 BCCBC 16 20 DD CAB 2125 DBAC C 2 630 DCBBC 31 35ACADD 364 0 ACADB1. may表示可以“。2. can用在疑问句和否定句中,表示可能性的推测。c an '表示 不可能”。3. .情态动词can和be abl e to都可表示能力。当表示过去成功地做了某事”时,常用 wa s (w e r e ) able to。4?.由下文的 I will phone the ci

29、nema an d fi n d it out可知此处应用m i g ht。m ay或m ig h t用在肯定句中,表示可能性的 推测。5. oug ht to表示劝告。6?.题意为 我昨天晚上打了几次电话都没有人接,你一定是出去了 "。m u st have done常用来表示对过去发生情况的肯定推测。7?. s h all用于第二人称或第三人称,表示说话者的意愿,有命令、警告、威胁、强制、允诺和决心之意。 此题用s h all,表示警告”。8 .情态动词woul d可以表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作。与u sed t o相比,wou1 d不含有 现在已无此习惯”的意义。9 .题意为

30、那次聚会以失败告终,我宁愿没参加“。wou ld r ath e r ( n ot)h a vedone表示的是过去发生的情况。10 .由题意可知,此处应用。ugh tn' tto表示 不应该”。1 1.由he ha s known about it already 可知,此处应用n e e dn ',表示 没有必要”1 2 . don ' t haet o 表示 不必”。13. s ho u Id 常用在形容词 sor r y, anxiou s , h appy , del i g h t e d 等后接的 t hat从句中,表示 竟,会”等意义。15. had B

31、ob wal k e d far t her 相当于 if Bo b had wal k e d farther。在虚 拟条件状语从句中,省略if时要把had, sh o uld , we re等提到句首。? 16. ou g ht t o have done表示过去本来应该做某事而事实上并没有做到”。17."It ('h$18out) time后所接从句时,从句谓语动词常用过去式。1 8.问句中情态动词 cou 1 d表示委婉客气。19 .题意为他们竟然对此事一无所知,真令人奇怪"。"Its ' stra n ge, p o ssible. .

32、十th a t从句”的句型中,从句谓语常用“ should+词原形”。20 . can( c ould)h a ve d on e表示对过去发生情况的可能性推测,常用于否定句或疑 问句中。21 . mus t be d o i ng表示对现在正发生情况的肯定推测。2 2. suggest , ord er, d e m a nd , req u est等表示建议或命令等的动词后接宾 语从句,从句谓语常用“ should(常省略)+动词原形2 3. if only表示但愿”。如果表示现在的愿望,句中谓语动词常用过去式;如果表示将 来的愿望,句中谓语动词常用w ould(could)+动词原形”;

33、如果表示过去的愿望,句中谓语动词常用“ had+去分词工2 4. will表示 愿意”。?2 5. mus t n'表示禁止"。26?.表示与现在的事实相反,从句用一般过去时,主句谓语常用"wo u ld,co u 1 d,shoul d, might+动词原形”。?27 . h ad it b e en p o s sib 1 e 相当于 if it h ad been p o ssib 1 e。but 分句是描述当时的事实,故用一般过去时态。2 8. at no time(在任何时候都不)位于句首时,句子应用部分倒装语序。should表示 应 该“。29?.此处

34、用c a n表示 .时之可能"。?31. The door wo n 't op e n .这门打不开。will表示 功能”,可译为 能,行”。又如:Each classroom will sea t 60 s t u d e nts.每间教室能容纳 60名学生。32 . may (might) have d o n e表示对过去发生情况的可能性推测,常用于肯定 句中。?33.题意为:在那个国家12岁以下的儿童在公共图书馆时必须(must)有成年人监护。”?3 4.由j udge (法官)一词可断定,此处有强制、命令的语气,故填s hall。36 . 此处句意为:难道我不能(

35、c an ')出去和汤姆玩一会儿吗?”38. sh ould表示 很可能”。3 9. n e e dn ; t hae d o ne表示 本来不需要做某事而事实上已经做了“。4 0. must be表示对现在发生情况的肯定推测。英语语法专项习题-情态动词1?( )1J ohn_ come to seeu s toni g ht, but heisn7t ve r ys ure yet.?A.may B.c anC. hasto D. must( )2 They d o wel 1in the ex am.A. can be ableto B.b e a blet o C. c anab

36、 1 eto D.areablet o?( ) 3 May I take th i s boo k out?-No, yo u _ _.A. c an,t B. maynot C.need n't D. ar e X t ?()4Yo ugoan d see a doctoratonce because yo u 're gotafeve r.A. can B . m ust C. dare D . wou 1 d ?( ) 5 -Can you spe a k J a pan ese? No, I. ?A. mustn' t B. can't C . need

37、n,t D . may not ?2( ) 1 -He b ein th e c 1 a s sr o om ,Ith in k.-No, h e be inthe classroom. Isawhimgo homeaminute ago.A. can; m ay not B. must; may not C. may; c an't D. may; mustn't ()2 -Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?-T h anks, but you, I 'v e had e noug h .A. may no t B . mu

38、s t n ot C . can7 t D. ne e dn't()3 Even the top students in our class c an't work out this p ro b lem, s o i t be very di f f i c ult . ?A. may B. must C. can D. need?( ) 4 He is n't at s ch o ol. I thin k he be 川.? A. can B. shall C. must D. has to()5 I take this one?A. May B . Will C.

39、 AreD. Do? 3 ( ) 1The chil d r e n p lay foo t b a 1 l on the road.A. can't B. can C. mustn' t D. must()2 You b e 1 ate for s chool again next time. 2A.mu stn'tB. nee d n't C. d on' t have to D. d o n't need to()3 -MustI do my h o mework at o nce? -No, you_ _.A. need n't

40、B. mus t n't C . c an'tD. may n ot4( ) 1 His arm i s a ll right. He_ go and see the docto r .?A. h as not to B. don't h ave to C. have n't to D. doesn 7 t ha v e t o()2 H e had to give up the plan, _ _ he?A . di d B. didn't C . does D . d o e s n't ?( ) 3 T hey had to walk he r e , they?A . mustn, t B. did C. didn / t D. h adn' t 5?( ) 1 He had bet ter stay here,he? 2A. didn,t B . d o n 't C. h adn,t D . i s n't ?() 2 You7 d b etter la t e n e x t time. ?A. n ot to be B . not be C. won't be D. don 7 t b e


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