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1、.菏泽学院本科生毕业设计(论文)高中英语课堂导入应用研究 英语专业学生 董庆霞 指导教师 刘敬涛摘要:课堂导入是新课标下高中英语教学中广泛应用的开课方式之一,导入的有无及方式是否得当直接影响到教学与学习效果。本文阐述了高中英语课堂导入的基本目标、主要原则、常用方式等,根据对课堂导入的一系列理论探讨和研究,本文以探索高中英语课堂导入运用现状为目标,展开了实践调查研究,并通过调查结果探讨分析了课堂导入应用中可能会出现的问题和注意事项以使课堂导入更有效地适应教学和学习要求,调查结果充分证明了课堂导入适用于高中英语课堂,课堂导入的应用,一方面可以促进学生和老师之间的互动,提高学生的积极性及独立思考的能

2、力,落实素质教育;另一方面可以为学生的学习和教师的教学提供理论指导,提高课堂学习效率,达到良好的教学与学习效果。 关键词:课堂导入; 新课标;高中英语教学On the Application of Classroom Lead-inIn Senior High School Student majoring in English Dong Qingxia Tutor Liu JingtaoAbstract: Classroom lead-in is one of the most widely employed ways to begin a class under the applicati

3、on of the New Curriculum Standards in senior high school. Whether there is classroom lead-in or not in a class and the way it is applied will bear a direct influence on the effectiveness of both teaching and learning. This paper talks about the basic target, primary principles and common types of th

4、e English classroom lead-in in senior high school. According to a series of discussion and research about classroom lead-in, this paper regards the verification of present situation of application of classroom lead-in in senior high school as target and develops experimental study, according to whic

5、h the paper further discusses the existing problems needed to be paid attention to. The major findings of the test fully prove that classroom lead-in is applicable in senior English classroom. To study the application of the classroom lead-in will, on the one hand, help students and teachers to bett

6、er interact with each other, improve students enthusiasm, and enhance their ability of thinking by themselves so as to put Quality Education into effect. On the other hand, it could provide theoretical guidance in students study and teachers teachings, enormously improve the efficiency of class, and

7、 thus, obtain effective education.Keywords: classroom lead-in; New Curriculum Standards; English teaching in senior high school CONTENTS要. iAbstract.iiIntroduction.11 Literature Review.2 1.1 Previous Studies Conducted at Home and Abroad.21.2 Theoretical Background of Classroom Lead-in.2 1.2.1 Social

8、 Constructivism.2 1.2.2 Krashens Input and Affective Filter Hypotheses.3 1.3 The Main Principles of the Application of Classroom Lead-in42 Research Methodology62.1 Subjects.62.2 Instrument.62.3 Data Collection.62.4 Data Analysis.73 Results and Discussion.73.1 General Situation of Adoption of Classro

9、om Lead-in.7 3.1.1 Situation of Students Attitudes Towards English Learning.7 3.1.2 Some Problems Existing in Present Application of Classroom .83.2 The Main Methods of Classroom Lead-in in English Class.9 3.2.1 Free Communication.9 3.2.2 Reviewing the Old materials.10 3.2.3 Set Suspense or Question

10、s.10 3.2.4 Background Information.11 3.3 Implications for English Teachers.11Conclusion.12Bibliography.14Appendix.15Acknowledgements.17IntroductionClassroom lead-in is a kind of activity in which the teacher directs the students to make some mental and knowledge-concerning preparation for the new cl

11、ass. In order to let the students learn at a better state, teachers are required to adopt a variety of ways to create lingual environment to provoke students learning interest. Such functions as pulling students attention back to the lesson from class-break, reviewing the lesson learned before and f

12、urthermore leading in the new and the transition of each step of the new lesson teaching could be accomplished through classroom lead-in. As the saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle”. Lead-in, which aims to motivate the students and makes learning more effective, play an important role

13、in English teaching. Textbook and teacher are usually regarded as the most important elements of traditional approach in senior high school. Most of the people consider education as a process where teachers constantly convey knowledge and students mechanically take in it. In order to accomplish the

14、target required by the so-called exam-oriented education, teachers usually pay more attention to improving the academic marks than to the overall development of the students. As a result, a large quantity of students lose their interest in study,failing to focus their attention on study. Some even a

15、re not willing to attend classes, which lead to obvious decline in their marks and their overall ability.With the implement of Quality Education, an increasing attention has been paid to intelligence and personality development of individuals. Urged by English Curriculum Standards, English teaching

16、emphasize such points as teaching according to the practical condition of different kinds of students, and leading students to independent learning to improve class efficiency and the like.Presently, there exists a contradiction between the time devoted to the English teaching and efficiency of the

17、class, which urges to find out solution to the problem. English class is the chief place where Chinese students study English, so class efficiency is of much importance, which determines whether students can master, English language indeed. Accordingly, lead-in skills play a most important part to i

18、mprove students interest in English learning in senior high school. However, the standard of evaluating the teaching quality in some senior high school is only the scores, which gets English teachers to carry out their work in a traditional way, paying little attention to lead-in in class.This paper

19、 provides valuable guidance for the application of the classroom lead-in in English teaching in senior high school. If classroom lead-in is well designed, it will benefit both teachers and students. It has been publicly accepted that study in senior high school is heaviest and most important, which

20、has a direct influence on the students future career. As a result, it is of vital importance to improve the efficiency of education by optimizing teaching structure, in which classroom lead-in plays as an indispensable constituent.1 Literature Review1.1 Previous Studies Conducted at Home and AbroadI

21、n the 1970s C. Turney and some other theorists put forward that the functions of lead-in is to attract the attention, arouse the motivation, construct the teaching aims and make sure the learning tasks. They argue that when introducing the new contents, it is essential to draw students attention. Al

22、so the desire for the knowledge is rather active and once started will do much good to the efficiency of teaching. At the same time, the scholars and educators at home also show great interest in the topic, carrying out their individual researches from a wide range of aspects. In 1996, it is put for

23、ward that lead-in is a very important link, which may happen at the beginning, also can be through the whole teaching (Hu Shuzhen, 1997). In 1999, the principles that lead-in should follow as well as some strategies are presented (Yan Chengli, 2000). In 2000, an argument appears that different lead-

24、in can lead to different teaching functions (Li Rumi, 2005). In 2005, it is expanded that lead-in can truly have an influence on the quality and efficiency of the teaching (Fu Jianming, 2005). In a word, all that they have in common is that they emphasize and highlight the importance of classroom le

25、ad-in.1.2 Theoretical Background of Classroom Lead-in1.2.1 Social Constructivism In the past few years, an increasing number of educators and researches have been attracted to a different psychological theory, that is, constructivism. The social constructivism has just been proposed by William and B

26、urden (2000) from a pedagogical perspective, who combined the ideas of both Vygotsky and Feuerstein and put forward that the teachers should not see the students as a mechanical object but an organic individual that actively construct hisher learning based on prior experiences. Constructivism is not

27、 accepting what you are told, but your prior knowledge about what you are taught and your perceptions about it. The new idea is not imposed on the learner. The learner is actively reconstructing hisher past and present experiences. Students active involvement is emphasized in constructivism; the kno

28、wledge is then rooted into their memory. Besides, it is social constructivists idea that the process of constructing knowledge could arise from social conversational interaction. Learners do not transfer knowledge from the external world into their memories; rather, they create interpretations of th

29、e world based on their interactions in the world. How someone constructs the world, their existing metaphors, is as least as powerful a factor influencing what is learned as any characteristics of that world (Cunningham, 1992: 36). Theorists such as Vygostky (1978) argue for the importance of cultur

30、e and context in forming understanding. Learning is not a purely internal process, nor is it a passive shaping of behaviour. They favor a concept of learning as a social construct, which is mediated by language via social discourse. One social constructivist notion is that of authentic or “situated

31、learning”, where the student takes part in activities which are directly relevant to the application of learning and which take place within a culture similar to the applied setting (Collins, 1989). As a facilitator who coaches, mediates, prompts and helps students develop, the teachers should take

32、account the students cognitive characteristics, design the classroom tasks and activities that are close to the students actual life, create a nice study atmosphere so that the students are engaged in the classroom actively not passively.1.2.2 Krashens Input and Affective Filter HypothesesIn the 197

33、0s, Krashen, a famous linguist in USA, put forward a famous theory: Language Acquisition, which is one of the most powerful theories in the world. This theory is mainly formed by 5 hypotheses, of which Krashen point out that “Input Hypotheses” was the core of the theory. The Input Hypotheses answers

34、 the question of how a language acquirer develops competence over time. It states “inputting term” which was contacted by acquisitions was neither more difficult nor too simple. Specifically speaking, a language acquirer who is at “level I” must receive comprehensible input that is at “level i+1”. “

35、We acquire, in other words, only when we understand language that contains structure that is little beyond where we are now.” This understanding is possible due to using the context of the language we are hearing or reading and our knowledge of the world.The affective filter is an impediment to lear

36、ning or acquisition caused by negative emotional responses to ones environment, which is a field of interest in educational psychology. According to the affective filter hypothesis, certain emotions, such as anxiety, self-doubt and mere boredom interfere with the process of acquiring a second langua

37、ge. They function as a filter between the speaker and listener that reduces the amount of language input the listener is able to understand. These negative emotions prevent efficient processing of language input (Krashen, 2003). The hypothesis further states that the blockage can be reduced by speak

38、ing interest, providing low anxiety environment and by bolstering the students self- esteem. 1.3 The Main Principles of the Application of Classroom Lead-inMost of former researches were centered on the main principles guiding application of classroom lead-in, which could be concluded as follows.1)

39、Easy to understandSince the main purpose of the adoption of the classroom lead-in is to lead students to a better state so that they can absorb knowledge more effectively and efficiently, the teachers are supposed to employ some inspiring words and use words which are familiar to the students so tha

40、t they can induct from the learned knowledge to the main theme and aim of the study themselves. 2) Keeping up with the updating informationAs a tiny part of the teaching process, classroom lead-in can indicate the teachers professional ability, which requires English teachers improve the teaching qu

41、ality in a variety of ways. In order to gain fresh insight into what have learned through reviewing of the old material, teachers are required to have a comparatively good command of the teaching material, the system and the content and fully understand the students current grasp standard of the kno

42、wledge; in setting the question, it requires the teacher to have the vast knowledge and a creative mind; The free talk, the morning report demands the teacher have a strong control of the class and the ability to deal with abruptly occurring events. The teachers must be good at English production. H

43、e or she can use the story to lead the students into class naturally; furthermore the multimedia teaching requires the teacher to advance themselves to operate the educational modernization equipment, and skilled grasps of the multimedia modernized teaching aids such as computer, Internet and so on.

44、 At the same time, the teachers should pay attention to the new information coming up with the rapid development of the society. In a word, English teachers should keep up with the modern development requests and improve their own quality accordingly. Only In this way, can entirely new, effective an

45、d fascinating classroom lead-in be designed to serve better the following teaching process.3) Appropriate for the characteristics of the studentsThe design of the lead-in is supposed to vary according to the characteristics of the age and psychological state of the students. Consequently, the teache

46、rs should choose different kinds of way to apply classroom lead-in according to the features of the teaching materials. Since the main purpose of adopting the classroom lead-in is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, make out the theme of the teaching, make necessary preparation for the new l

47、esson, lack of specificity will definitely affect the effectiveness of the classroom lead-in.4) Interesting enough to attract students attentionAs the old saying goes, “Interest is the best teacher”. Possessing great interest in the subject, students will naturally regard study as a kind of enjoymen

48、t and be eager to delve into it. From a psychological point of view, interest is generated in the process of the understanding of substances. The lead-in method should be diverse, often offer students the feeling of freshness. Therefore the teacher should change lead-in method frequently; at the sam

49、e time, according to actual utilization, the teacher could unify several ways of classroom lead-in according to the content of the material. In order to stimulate the students study enthusiasm and seeking knowledge desire, they should provoke students interests, according to their age and psychologi

50、cal characteristics, choosing the best way and the material that interest them.5) Relevant to the subjectRelevance means there must be a natural link between the known and unknowns, which is accurate and easy to be accepted. The materials chosen for lead-ins should be related with the main aims of t

51、he lesson. That is to say, lead-in, whose goal is to lead the students into the new lesson and provide the students an active atmosphere in the purpose to make the students place themselves unconsciously into it, must serve for the main body of the class. However design of the lead-in should not be

52、too gaudily, too complicated and the time should not last too long (generally no more than 5 minutes). And also we must pay attention to the style consistent with the classroom overall design. In order to serve well the classroom main body, competition must be prohibited, which will easily lead to a

53、n out-of-control of the class, avoiding the enormous contrast as beginning with heating and ending with coldness.2 Research MethodologyIn order to find out the present situation of adoption of the classroom lead-in, this paper carries out a series of research on the English teaching situations in se

54、nior high school.2.1 SubjectsA total number of 100 students in Heze Number 1 Senior High School were selected in random to participate in the questionnaire survey of the study for part 1 (See Appendix). The author also collected materials showing the situation of present adoption of classroom lead-i

55、n from 20 English teachers selected from Heze Number 1 Senior High School for part 2 (See Appendix). 2.2 InstrumentThe instrument of the present study is a questionnaire that includes two parts. The first part explored their present attitudes toward English learning and classroom lead-in. While the

56、second part mainly dealt with the main types of the classroom lead-in employed in the practical English teaching, including their opinions about the adoption. These two parts could best cooperate with each other since the investigation of students present attitudes toward English can best exemplify the necessity of the classroom


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