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1、.word.zl.初中英语冀教版必背知识点归纳人气:368导读重点短语leave for前往某地give a talk作演讲/报告take care of /look after照顾,照料look up在词典/字典.查询look for寻 找look over医生等仔细检查Lookout/take care/be careful小心!give advice to给.提建议ha nd in交上as soo n重点短语leave for 前往某地give a talk 作演讲 / 报告 take care of / look after 照顾,照 料 look up在词典/字典查询 look fo

2、r 寻找 look overt 医生等仔细检查 Look out/take care/be careful小心 ! give advice to 给.提建议 hand in 交上 as soon as 一.就be scared of 害怕enjoy on eself /have fun/have a good times 得愉快 not.until.直到.才.be good at/ do well in 擅长./在.做的好 fall off摔下来 get off 下车,舟占.get on 上车,舟占.be/bee interested in 对.感兴趣 make into 把.制成.be ma

3、de of/from 由.制成 be used for 被用来做.slow down 减速 be proud of 因.而骄傲/ 自豪 protect. from.保护.不受的 侵害keep/stop/prevent.from doing.阻止 以免发生某事 because of 因为 make friends with 和交朋友 look like 看上去像play a joke on 和.开玩笑 put on 穿上take off 脱下 put up 支起/举起/建造 put off 推迟/延期 put out 熄灭 be famous for/as 以闻名regard as 把当作 se

4、nd for 派人去请 / 叫 be filled with/ be full of 充满 take part in 参力卩 tryon 试穿 as long as 只要 turn on 翻开 turn off/ out关掉 turn up 放大; 调高 turn down 关小; 调低 hear from 收到的/信件 hear of 听说 help sb withsth.帮助某人做某事be/get ready for 为做好准备 be goodfor 对.有益 be bad for 对有害 grow up 成长/长大 up to 到达 ringup 给.打as well as 也/ 又 g

5、ive up 放弃 even if/though 即使 / 纵然 be able to/can 能/ 会 be over 完毕catch up with 跟上/赶上 fall behind 落后/跟不上 be used for 被用来干.be located in /on 位于 get on/along well with 与相处很好 th ink of 想起 / 考虑.word.zl.find out查明/发现e up with发现/找到work out计算出/解决wait for等待 pay for 为.付款 havesuccess in /succeed i 在.方面成功 work ha

6、rd 努力工作 /学习 fall ill/sick 生病 e true 实现 go over 复习 / 检查 It is said that 据说 agree with 同意 be madat/be angry with 生.的气 belong to 属于 praise for 因为某事表扬某人except for 除.之外 prefer to.更喜欢某事物help on eself to 请随便吃点. devote on eself to sth/doi ng sth 致 力于 / 献身于同音词 father 父亲)-farther 较远,far 的比拟级)hear 听见)- here 这里

7、)high (高)- hi (喂)eye 眼 睛)- I(我)know(知道)-no (不)meat (肉)-meet(遇见)one(一) - won (获胜,win 的过去式)our 俄们的)- hour (小时)pear 梨)- pair (一对一双)sea (海)- see 看( 见)son(儿子)- sun(太阳)their(他们的) -there(那里)weak(弱的) week (星期) weather (天气)- whether (是否) write (写)- right (对的;右) wear (穿;戴)- where (在哪里 ) whole (整个的 )- hole (洞)

8、反义词 above 在.上 -below 在下 all 全部 - none 全无 answer 答复 -ask 询问 borrow 借进 -lend 借出 /return归还 best 最好的 - worst 最坏的 better 更好的 - worse 更坏的 both 两者都 - neither 两者都不 busy 忙碌的 - free 空闲的 buy 买- sell 卖 cheap 廉价的 - expensive/ dear 昂贵的 clean干净的 - dirty 肮脏的 clever 聪 明的 - foolish 愚蠢的 cold 寒冷的 - hot 炎热的 cry 哭- laugh

9、笑 cool 凉爽的 -warm 温暖的 caref ul 小心的-careless 粗 心的 dan ger 危险 -safety 平安 safe平 安的-dangerous 危险的 dark 黑暗的-bright 明亮的 dry 枯燥的-wet 潮湿 的 early 早的 - late迟的 easy 容易的 - difficult/ hard 困难的;艰巨的 empty 空的 - full 满的 far 远的 - near 近的 begin 开场 - finish 完毕 first 最初的 -.word.zl.last 最后的 forget 忘记 - remember 记得 soft 软的

10、 - hard 硬的 high 高的 - low 低的 in side在里面-outside在外面heavy重的-light轻的 n oisy吵闹的- quiet安静的 old旧的-new新的old年老的-you ng 年轻的 possible 可能的 -impossible 不可能的 pass 通过;及格-fail 未通过;不及格 poor 贫穷的-rich 富裕的 pull 拉-push 推 plus 力卩-minus 减 right 右边 的 -left 左边 的right 正确的 - wrong 错误的 same 一样的 - different 不同的 short 短的 - long

11、长的 short 个子矮的 - tall 个子高的 sleep 睡觉 - wake 醒来 small 小 的-big, large, great 大的 strong强壮的-weak 虚弱的 take 拿走-bring 带来 thin 瘦的-fat 胖的 thin 薄的-thick 厚的 with 有-without 没有 many 许多 -few 几乎没有 more 更多-less 更少 polite 礼貌的-rude 粗鲁的 receive收到-send 送/ 寄同义词 (组)arrive in/at=get to=reach 至 U 达 be fine=be well=be OK身体好 b

12、e from=e from 来 自 bein=be at home 在家 be away=be out=be not at homei 夕卜 be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth忙于做某事 give sb a call=give sb a rir 给某人打 go on doing sth.=go on with sth.继续干某事hear from=receive /have/ get a letter from 收到某人的来信 help sb with sth=help sb (to)do sth帮某人干某事 look out=be careful=take

13、 care 小心 prefer.to=like better than 更喜欢 ring sbup=call sb 打 send for sb=ask sb to e 派人去 请 take exercise=do spor 做运动 teachoneself=learn all by onese 自学 walk to=go to .on foot 步行 a lot of=lots of/plenty of 许多 aquarter past two=two fifteen 2:15 at times=sometimes 有时 at last=in the end=finally 最后 amomen

14、t ago=just now 刚冈 H at once=right now/away 立刻 / 马上 more than=over 超过 nolonger=not.any longer=no more=not any more 不再 two and a half years=two years and a hOlf年半 stay healthy=keep fit/healthy 保持安康 How do you like.?=What do you think of.你认 为.怎么样? one more =another (one 再一个 almost - nearly 几乎; 差不多 answ

15、er-reply 答复autumn-fall 秋天 gift-present 礼物 grow-plant 种 clever - bright 耳聪 明的 expensive - dea 昂贵的 difficult - hard 困难的;艰巨的 easy - simple 容易的; 简单的 famous - well-known 著名的 helpful - useful 有益的; 有用的 ill - sick 生病 的 maybe - perhaps -probabl 可能;大概 real- true 真正的;真实的 whether - if 是 否.word.zl.名词复数1.-s apple

16、 苹果 boy 男孩 key 钥匙 2.s,x,ch,sh-es bu 公共汽车 class 课;班级 box 箱子 watch手表 match 比赛 brush 刷子3.辅 +y ies city 城市 country 国家 library 图书馆 family 家庭 factory.工厂 baby 婴儿 story 故事 century 世纪 dictionary 字典 4.0-es hero 英雄 potato 马铃薯 tomato 西红柿 5.0-sPhoto 照片 piano 钢琴 radio 收音机 zoo 动物园 kilo 千克 6.f(e) v4Krife 小刀 leaf 树叶

17、 life 生命 thief 小偷 7.单复同形 Chinese 中国人Japanes 日本人 sheep 纟帛羊 deer 鹿 fish 鱼 8.词根变化 man-men 男人 woman -women妇女 foot-feet 脚 tooth-teeth 牙齿 child-children 小孩 mouse-mice 老鼠 9.局部变复数 girlfriend -girl friends 女朋友 10.全部变复数 man teacher -men teacher 男 教师 11. Germa n Germa 德国人 12 不可数名词 表数量 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a piece

18、of paper纸 three pieces ofnew 匸条消息.word.zl.five pairs of shoes 五双鞋a bottle of water 一瓶水 two glasses of milk 两玻璃杯牛奶形容词/ 副词的比拟级和最高级1.-er/est clean tall cold low 2.e-r fine nice large late 3. 辅+y f ier/iest busy easy heavy happy healtiy early 4.双写末辅 +er/est big fat thin hot wet5.more/most +多音节或局部双音节形容词

19、/副词 careful 小 心的 useful 有用的 famous 著名的quickly 快地 slowly 慢地 interesting 有趣的 beautiful 美丽的 important 重要的 popular 流行的;受欢送的 6.不规那么变化 good / wellfbetter; bebad /badly/ illfwoss e;lWtle 几乎没有fless ;leastmany / muchfmore; mostfarffarther; farthest ()/fuith 体的远 thest(抽象的远 )基数词f序数词1.-th four 四ffourth 2.-h eig

20、ht 八feighth 3.去 e-th nine 九fninth4.veffth fiv 五ffifth twelve 十二ftwelfth 5.yfieth twenty 二十ftwentieth 还有 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九 十 6.特殊变化 one ffirst two 二fsecond three 三fthird 7.twentyonetwen-tfyirstone/a half 三分之二 two thirds 四分之一 one四分之三 three fourths/three

21、 quarters重要分数:二分之一fourth/one(a)quarter.word.zl.youyouyouryoursyourselfhehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfitititsitsitselfweusouroursourselvesyouyouyouryoursyourselvestheythemtheirtheirsthemselves反身代词构成的短语I.enjoy on eself 过得愉快、玩得快乐)2.help on eself to 请随便吃点 )3. teach on eself =lear n by on eself 自学

22、)4.look after/take care of on eself 照顾自己)5.hurt on eself 伤害自己)6. leave one by on eself= leave one alon 把 某人单独留下)7.devote on eself to 致力于)第三人称单数简称:现单三1.-s look play 玩 enjoy 喜欢2.s,x,ch,sh,o-es fiX 修理;安装 watch 观看 teachwash 洗 wish 希望 do go 3.丰甫 +y ies study 学习 try 尝试 4.have has 现在分词1.-ing help 帮助 read 2

23、 去 e 不发音)-ing have live 居住 write 3 双写末 辅 +ing get sit put cutrun swim beg in 4.ie yin gie die过去式,过去分词规那么变化和不规那么变化人称代词物主代词反身代词主格宾格形容词性 - 名词性 -memyminemyself.word.zl.A.规那么变化 1.-ed pant 种植 play 2.e-d live use 用 3.辅 +y ied study worry 担忧4.双写末辅 +ed stop 停顿 drop 掉下 plan 方案B.不规那么变化见表AAA 型 cut cut cut 切,害 U

24、 put put put 放 set set se 下沉;放置 fit fit fit 适宜 costcost cost 值钱read read reacts hurt hurt hurt 伤害 shut shut shut 关闭 ABB 型 buy boughtbought 买 think thought thought 想;认为 bring brought brought 带来 fight fought fought 战斗;打/ 吵架 teach taught taught 教 catch caught caugh 捉住 send sent sent 送; 寄 spend spentspe

25、n 花费 build built built 建筑 lend lent lent 借出 tell told told 告诉 sell sold sold 卖 sleep sleptslept sweep swept swep 扫 pay paid paid 支 付 lay laid laid 放置;产卵 feel felt felt 感觉;触摸 find found found 发现;找到 hear heard hear 听见 keep kept kept 保持 leave left left 离开; 留下 lose lost lost 失 去 say said said 说 dig dug

26、dug 挖 get got got 得至 U have/has hadhad 有/ 吃 hold held held 握住; 举行 make made made造; 使得 meet met met 遇见 sit satsat 坐 win won won 赢 shine shone shon 发光;照射 feed fed fed 喂养 AB 型 beat beat beaten打 ABA 型 bee became be 成为 e came e 来 run ran run 跑 ABC 型 am/is was been 是 are werebee 是 begin began begun 开场 sin

27、g sang sung 唱 swim swam swum 游 泳 drink drank drunk喝 ring rang rung 响;打 grow grew grown 生长;种植 know knew known 知道;认识 blow blewblown 吹 drive drove driven 驾驶 draw drew drawn 绘制;拉 give gave given 给 rise rose risen升起 take took taken 拿走 show showed shown 出示 break broke broken 打破 choose chosechose 选择 speak

28、spoke spoken 讲话 do did done 做 fall fell fallen 跌;落 go went gone 去 seesaw seen 看见 wear wore worn 穿;戴 eat ate eaten 吃 fly flew flown 放; 飞 lie lay lain 身躺 wakewoke woken 醒 来 steal stole stolen 偷盗 hide hid hidden 隐藏 ride rode ridden 骑; 乘 forgetforgot forgotten 忘记 write wrote written 写情态动词只有过去式:can could

29、 能; 会 may.word.zl.might 可以;可能 will would 将;会 shall should 应该 have/ has to had to 不得不must 必须名词 1.+er sin ger 歌唱家 teacher 教师 player 比赛者 worker 工人 farmer 农民traveller 旅行者 owner 所有者 foreigner 夕卜国人 writer 作者 driver 司 机 winner 获胜者 runner赛跑者 swimmer 游泳者 2.+or visitor 参观者 inven tor 仓U造者 act 表演 actor男演员 3.+io

30、 n inven ti on 仓U造describe descrip 描写 operate 动手术 operation 手术 4.+ing building 建筑 training 训练meaning 意思 warning 警告 smoke smokin 吸烟 5.+ist artist 美术家 scienee 科学scientis科学家 6.+ness illness 疾病 busy busines 商 业;生意 happy happine 幸福;愉快 7.+mentdevelopment 开展 8.t ce different differe nee 不同 con fide nt con

31、fide自 c 信 importa ntmporta nee 重要9.不规那么变化:advise a 建 Jteproud prid 骄傲 high 高的 heigh 高度weigh 称重量weigh 重量 long 长的lengtl 长度 strong 强壮的strength量 succeed success 功 safe safe 平安 friend 朋友friendship 友谊 die death 死 encourage 鼓励courag 勇气 law 法律lawyer 律ffchoose choic 选择 decide decis 决 n 定 speak speeci 说话 thin

32、k 思考though 思想 produce 生产 product 产品 形容词1.+y cloudy多云的 windy刮风的snowy下雪的rainy下雨的lucky幸运的 healthy安康的noise no 吵闹的 sunny 晴朗的 funny 可笑的 2.+ful carefuluseful helpful 有帮助的 peaceful 和平的 thankful 感谢的 wonderful 精彩的 colourful 艳丽的successfu 成功的 pa inful 病痛的 3.+ly frie ndly 友好的lovely得意的 lively 热闹的;有生气的 4.+ous dang

33、erous 5.+ing/ed interesting interested excitingexcited 兴奋的 6. a- alive 活着的asleep 垂着的 awake 清醒.word.zl.differen+ed wounded 受伤的 close clos 关 d 着的 worry worries忧的 pleased 快乐的;满意的 9. +ern eastern的 western 西方的 northern 北方的 southern 南方的 10 特殊变化 pride proudwell gooddie deadenjoy enjoya!愉 e 快的 open open per

34、son 人persona 个 人的 副词1.+ly clear 清楚的 quick careful quiet rea 真的 final 最后的 soft softly2.y ily easy luckyangry happy 3不. 去 e+ly safe wide 广泛的 polite 有礼貌的 4.去 e+ly true真实的5去e+y terrible可怕的 6.特殊变化 one once次;一倍 two twice 两次;两倍 hard 困难的 har 努力地high high fast fast 英语时态复习 一、一般现在时概念: 1 .表示经常性,习惯性的动作; 2.表示现在的事

35、实或状态; 3.表示自然规律或普遍真理。女口: I get up at 6:30 every day. She es from China.His shirt is blue. It snows in winter. The moon goes around the earth.构造:1.动词原形或单三(口诀:He/She/lt+单三;其它人称+动原);2. am /is /are+表语女口: I like apples. She likes pears. I am a teacher. You are a student.She is a nurse.标志语:often经常,always一直

36、,usually通常,sometimes有时,every/ day /week /month /year每天 /周/ 月 /年变否认句,疑问句选用 do/does 的口诀:见到动原借助 do,见到单三用 does 谓语动词皆为原。般过去时概念:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态构造:过去式的 7.ce tdiffere nee.word.zl.标志语: yesterday, the day before yesterda, yago, last., in 1998变否认句,疑问句的口诀 :一切人称用 did,谓语动词要复原除 was/were 外三、一般将来时概念 :表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态

37、 .构造:will+动词原形,be going to+动词原形标志语: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next., in + 时间段, in 2021四、现在进展时概念 :表示正在发生的动作构造:is/ am/ are + 动词-ing标志语: now,置于句首的 Look, Listen五、 过去进展时概念:表示过去正在进展的动作构造: was/ were + 动词-ing标志语:at this time, at+时间点 + 过去时间at 9:00 oclock last night, when, while.六、过去将来时概念:表示从过去某时看将要发生

38、的动作构造:would+动词原形标志语:常用于主句是一般过去时的宾语从句中七、现在完成时构造: has/have +过去分词概念与标志语:1表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果, 与 already, yet, ever, never, just,so fa.word.zl.到 目前为止,before 连用。2表示过去发生的动作持续到现在,还可能要持续下去,常与fo 叶时间段,since+过去的时间点连用,提问用 How long.八、过去完成时概念:过去某时之前已发生的动作构造:had+过去分词标志语:1以 by,before+过去时间2主句为一般过去时的宾语从句中。被动语态的构成1.

39、一般现在时: is/am/are+ 过去分词2. 般过去时:was/were+过去分词3. 般将来时:will+be+过去分词4. 含有情态动词的被动语态:can/may/must/shall/should+be+ 过去分词5. 现在进展时:is/am/are+being+过去分词6 现在完成时:have/has+bee n+过去分词动词不定式,动名词 ,动词原形 ,过去分词一 .动词不定式1.构成:肯定式:to + 动词原形否认式: not to + 动词原形2、动词不定式的用法A、 不定式作主语 To learn English well is not easy f Its not eas

40、y to learn English well.B、 不定式作宾语 I hope to be a doctor.word.zl.Want/ would like想要/plan方案/decide决定/learn学会/ hope希望pretend 假装)cant wait迫不及待to do sth.C、 不定式作宾语补足语 My mother always likes me to get up early.want(想要” wish希望/tell(告诉)/ask(请、叫)/allow(允许)/warn(警告order (命令)/would like(想要)/en courage 鼓励)/teach

41、(教)/ sb to do sthD、 不定式作定语Something to eat / something to drink/ much work to do/lots of housework todoE、 作表语His job is to feed animals.F、 作状语表原因或目的等Im happy to hear that. He went to England to learn English.G、 不定式与疑问词连用,构成不定式短语,作宾语I dont know where to go /what to do/how to get there/which to choose

42、 .H、 常见固定搭配1.too . to doThe desk is too heavy to carry .2. 形/ 副 + enough to doTheroomis bigenough for10people to live in .word.zl.3.Itstimeto dosth 或 Itstime for sb to do sthItstime (for us)to play football4.Ittakessbsometime todo sth .Ittakesme threedays tofinishthe job .二、动名词1. enjoy 喜欢)/fin ish(完

43、成practise 练习)/mind(介意 ” be worth(值得 ” keep (on)继续 / be busy (忙于)/feel like (想要” spend. in花费时间 /have fun 做某事 有趣/devote on eself to 致 力于)doing sth2. keep 保持)sb doi ng sth 使某人保持某种动作3、 介词 +v-ingThanks for helping me.4、 词组搭配中 ing 的形式No smoking 制止吸烟 No parking 制止停车 go swimming hiking ,fishing,skating,shop

44、pingdo some cooking,reading,washing,cleaning,shopping)三、动词原形1.Why not do sth/Why dont you do sth 为什么不做某事?2.had better do sth 最好干某事3. Had better not do sth 最好不要干某事4. Will you please do sth 请你做好吗?5. Will you please not do sth 请你不要做 好吗?.word.zl.6.情态动词 + 动词原形.word.zl.7.使役动词: Let/ make / have /sb do sth

45、使某人做某事 感观动词 :feel/hear/see/watch/find/notice sb do sth 感觉 / 听到 / 看见某人做过某事 或经常做某事 feel/hear/see/watch/find/notice sb doing sth 感觉/ 听到/ 看见某人正在做某事 以上使役动词和感观动词在主动语态中后接动词原形, 但改为被动语态时要接带 to 的动词不定式。 1)I saw him go into the classroom just now. 2 He saw a purse lying on the ground on her way home.口诀:一感和一听,三让

46、和四看,主动语态接动原,被动后接不定式。感观动词很特殊,一感一听和四看,后接动原表过程,后接分词表进展四、过去分词I.have sth done 让别人做某事,表示动作由别人来完成6.hate doing sth一直不喜欢做某事 hate to do sth偶然不喜欢做某事1 I will have my hair cut.2 I had my bad tooth pulled out.2、常见短语:A boy called Jim a man named John五 . 动名词与动词不定式的用法区别1.stop doi ng sth 停顿正做的事2.go on doing sth 继续干某事

47、3.forget to do sth 忘记要做某事4.remember to do sth 记住要做某事a broken glassstop to do sth 停顿一事干别事go on to do sth 接着干另一件事forget doing sth 忘记做过某事remember doing sth 记得做过某事 5 ikedoing sth 一直喜欢做某事like to do sth偶然喜欢做某事.word.zl.7. need to do sth需要做某事,人做主语need doing sth需要被做某事,物做主语交际用语一. 问候.1.A:Good morni ng/afternoo

48、 n/ eve ning! B: Good morni ng/afternoo n/ eve ning!2.A :Hello/ Hi! B: Hello/ Hi! 3.A:How are you? B:Fine, thank you. And you? A:Very well,thanks. 4.A: How do you do?B: How do you do? 5.A: Nice/ Glad to meet you? B: Nice/ Glad tomeet you, too.二. 介绍 My/ Her/ His name is .,This is.,Im .,She/ He is.三.

49、辞另 1.A:I thi nk its time for us to leave now /I must go now. Goodbye! B:Bye-bye/Bye! /See you later/ tomorrow.2.A:Its nearly ten oclock.Its time for you to go to bed.B:Goodnight.四打 A:Hello,3256778 B:Hello, May I speak to Mr Smith,please? A:oh,sorry. He isnt here/is outright now. B:Is that Mrs Smith?

50、 A:Yes,it is.Who is that? B:This is John.A:Hi! John, Can I take amessage for you? B:Yes,please.Ive got a bad cold.Im afraid I cant go to work today. A:Imsorry to hear that.Youd better go to see a doctor and take good care of yourself. Ill tell him assoon as he es back. B:Thanks a lot. Good-bye.五. 感和

51、应答 1.A:Thank you for offering us such a good meal!B:Im glad you all enjoy it.2. A:Thank you/ Thanks for helping me.:BNot at all. /Thatsall right./ Youre wele.六. 祝愿、祝贺和应答 1.A:Congratulations to you on passing the maths exam B:Thanks a.word.zl.lot.2.A:I did quite well in the English exam this time.B:C

52、ongratulations!3.A:Happy NewYear! /Merry Christmas!B:The same to you.4.A:Happy birthday to you.B: Thank you.5.A:Im going to the south for a few days.B:Have a nice/ good time./Enjoy yourself!6.A: I have passed the maths exam:!BWell done/ Congratulations!七 .表达意愿 1.A:Im going to spend my summer holiday

53、 in Hawaii.B:What a lucky guy!Have anice/ goodtime!And dont forget to send me a post card.2.A:Jack,I will go for a piic with myparents after the exam.B:Have fun!/Enjoy yourself!八抱歉和应答 A:Im sorryto trouble you. B:Thats all right./ It doesntmatter. /Thats nothing.九 .遗憾和同情 1. A:I didnt pass the maths e

54、xam again.B:What a pity! 2.A:There was anearthquake in Yunnan on June3,2007and several persons lost their lives.B:Im sorry to hearthat.十 .邀请和应答 1.A:Can you go shopping with me tomorrow? B:Id love /like to,but I have tostudy for my chemistry test.2.A:Would you e to the party tonight? B:Yes,Id like to

55、.十一.请求允许和应答 1.A:May I go on a trip to Beijing?B:Yes,you may. 2.A:May I borrow/haveyour pen,please? B:Sure./Certainly,here you areA.:Thanks ./Thank you.B:Thats allright.3.A:May I use your puter this afternoon? B:No problem. 十二.表示同意和不同意1.A:Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive. B:I agree.It

56、s dangerous. 2.A:Is Mrs.Blackreally badly ill?B:Im afraid so.Shes in hospital. 十三.谈论天气 A:Whats the weather liketoday?/ Hows the weather today ? B:Its fine/sunny/cloudy/ windy/ rainy/snowy.word.zl.十四购物 A Good morni ng , Madam. Can I help you? /What ca n I do for you?/ls there anythingI can do for you

57、? B: Im looking for a skirt for my daughter. A: What size does your daughterwear? B: Size M. She likes cotton skirt.A: How about this one ? Its made in China. B: OK, Letme have a look. How much is it ?/How much does it cost? A: Its 260 yuan. B: But Im afraid itsa little more expensive,and I dont lik

58、e the colour.A: Do you like this red one ? Its cheaper thanthat one. Its only 180 yuan. B: Hmm. it looks nice. Can she try it on? A:Sure. B: Well, it fits herwell. Ill take it. Here is 200 yuan .A: Thank you. Here is your change.十五.问路和应答 1.A: Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the Childrens Hosp

59、ital ? / Excuseme,can you tell me how I can get to the Childrens Hospital ? B:Go down this street and thenturn right at the second crossing. Its between the bank and the hotel. You cant miss it.A:Howfar Is it from here ? B: Its only 200 metres from here . You can walk there. A: Thanks a lot. B:Youre

60、 wele. 2.A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the hospital? B:Sorry,I dont know. Imnew here. A:Thank you all the same. 十六.问时间或日期及应答 1.A:What day is it today? B: ItsMonday.2.A:Whats the date today? B:Its on January 10th.3.A: What time is it?/ Whats the time,please? B: Its half past five.4.A:When is


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