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1、献给无所不能的妈妈 Everything Mom这是一首已成人的男子写给母亲的诗歌,记忆力母亲对自己无 微不至的呵护,母亲创造我们的生活,诗歌本身不押韵,采用改了自 由诗的形式,更像是一封信一条短信。How did you find the energy, Mom妈妈,你的能量源于何处?To do all the things you did,可以完成所有的事,To be teacher, nurse and counselor当一个老师,护士,和顾问。To me, when I was a kid.在我还是一个孩子的时候。How did you do it all, Mom,妈妈,你是如何做

2、到的。Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,当一个司机,厨师和朋友,Yet find time to be a playmate,还要抽时间陪我玩耍。I just can ' t comprehend.曾经我不能理解,I see now it was love, Mom现在我知道了,妈妈。That made you come whenever I'd call,是爱让你在我需要时来到我身边,Your inexhaustible love, Mom是因为你对我无穷无尽的爱,And I thank you for it all.感谢你为我做的一切,妈妈。妈

3、妈,你是世界上最伟大的母亲,如此的温柔,又如此的坚强。 是你给我的种种呵护,让我的心灵有了归宿。你无所不能,我犯错时 你耐心纠正,我迷惑时你指引我方向。我比你想象的还要爱你,我的 母亲。Super MomMom, you're a wonderful mother,So gentle, yet so strong.The many ways you show you careAlways make me feel I belong.You're patient when I'm foolish;You give guidance when I ask;It seems

4、you can do most anything;You're the master of every task.You're a dependable source of comfort;You're my cushion when I fall.You help in times of trouble;You support me whenever I call.I love you more than you know;You have my total respect.If I had my choice of mothers,You'd be the

5、one I'd select!when you feel you are alone in the crowd,熙熙攘攘之中,你若感觉孤独when you think no one can understand you,没人能了解你心中的痛苦when your love is rejected by others,当你付出的爱得不到回应and when you hate your life,当你憎恨生活just close your eyes, and see, her face who loves you闭上双眼,你会看到那爱你之人的容颜more than any one else,

6、她爱你胜过世上所有who care for you in loneliness,在孤独中抚慰你and dies when you cry.因你的哭泣而伤心欲绝she is no one, but your sweet loving mother.她不是别人,正是你亲爱的母亲love your mom first and always.请将你的爱回报给她the super most example of love in my life.充满爱的瞬间:when apples were 4 and we were 5,四个苹果,五个人分then my mother said,妈妈于是说i don&#

7、39;t like apples.我不喜欢吃苹果。爱尔兰民间有一首家喻户晓的诗,mother machree也是歌颂伟大的母 爱的一首诗歌,母亲在每个孩子心里都有一个不可替代的位置。mother machree 慈母颂there ' s a spot in my heartwhich no colleen may own;there ' s a depth in my soulnever sounded or known;在我心中有那么一隅,任何少女也不能占据。它埋在我灵魂的深处,我从不声张从不表露。there ' s a place in my memorymy li

8、fe that you fill;no other can take it no one ever will;在我的记忆里,生活充满着你。别人不能替代,永远也无例外。every sorrow or carein the dear days gone by;was made bright by the lightof the smile in your eye;逝去的欢乐日子里,也曾有烦恼和忧伤。但你眸中微笑的光,总可以把一切照亮。like a candle that ' s setin a window at night;your fond love has cheered meand guided me right;宛如一支点燃的蜡烛,茫茫黑夜中透过窗户。你温柔的爱鼓舞着我,指引我走上正确道路。sure i love the dear silverthat shines in your hair;and the brow that ' s all furrowed and wrinkled with care;我爱你美丽的头闪烁着熠熠的银光。我爱你额上的皱纹,


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