1、charcteistcs ad riguary of eoug h, ee noug hfr grss root s pubk opi nin Dynnmi cs su<ey for galsrots tyi如 drie eis. For pe , rua cuke tamacie, . Im not acIvy aae the iniatve I tae u, telack of sii of daig to, risulig in some job hhd a l ot of pow e, but no angi I e esuts li d, inovai on, a ck of
2、motiain. Emacpain di d not end inovaindoos not exstI p tial wok, not yurIladpevios w Irk - pe-nce l ack of inovat on iIat<es, sudy onthe caacei sis .f proppga nda and i deolgcl wrk undde the newskaion throug, grpon gassoos i de ologi c. tends ad caglsae notdee, Iprm I e new inIatvls ad -pl ire ne
3、w me hods of de olgi c. a nd culua w Irk snot muc, ad some lack of reeanne a nd - eie4, disil ie l owei I g, ad ha d work ae a ckig Wi e wki ng and eerr ng spii dw n. Norra sl uin to teas honors thei compa cecy ad wrk I se thi more s more e checi ng hs ow sortcmi ngs lie lo ise I to the paie,sUskd f
4、ae, onl ne pr omoin, Ie e aetyicl , a d lck of hgI sadads and s - trrqiirmes, Ie e-c s rra.Secnd had drv e lss O ha d andB.统计分析系统D.制订计划系统B.信息来自企业内部D.用于短期局部决策B.信息具有可消耗性D.信息具有可转化性B.决策信息的数量越多越好D.高层决策只需结构化信息B.系统开发策略D.系统开发绩效the pricpleof pl- E A pr eg on. Items of a- iked to the m aacnstucion and incese
5、and - - * repa cats a- proje c. "a” Csof wae, ee crci y-sat-e c- s a.p taipo' “ea-of taain, ad set- ina- of p._cion cmpany i n 5 yeasa.r the Itemsof iacig intig rlon of a- axa resurces and cn.t-t "Gvernme>t edt +buSn - cedi" ceUfy m, -smet of ma - cmme- a smet a. i-Cng a“; fecv
6、e Bnkentr p s p*v to " -in.usy op.ize the -Vronm-t and el ndustr - Toceae "ol cylow -nds Hg ha iegiy of se - la nd - a . d" -te g. toptm - te ara .drdevelpmete "-mi_atve aw efcet deamets to atime per snne d.i- t and s - scae d wtbbsi nes_ in t hs - cor. We n tee aesU_nta isue s&l
7、t;e.r es ara.d t pesnay itevee inpe sn p-tng ie a b.1 .gage elgt -<y lieo .the - a nd sa .da die a-in_at-eamiain and aprova itms simpl2 al efce * Snne te e-caionapa.-ayhmsef <er prrctca cntrl cental" egt *g "tee ' tesii of Jay.aesand cec swi -g,一- a nayi s ad eecin. Wl now che s
8、is,-hee c. dic nta pro- .n, inof 1,i cmplace ayspoltca ds'li-C.ns nta ayspolial dicilne ai - by te Ue ay caad manai nhgy con_e nt wtte CPC Centa says polt-l etaa. egVsons Imp.- ng rrsea c,-a. gras w hic egtee Se c srcyi a ons t St-.the . . of me. jnf een.e. Thid br.s-lue ivo-e s a adi de olgy sm
9、em- ”nne- of .ns ths ara neds f.te全国2012年10月自考信息系统开发与管理试题课程代码:04757、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题纸”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。1 .以下信息系统属于战略型管理信息系统的是A.综合查询系统C.报表报告系统2 .非结构化决策的特点是A.问题不易确定C.模型容易描述3 .以下关于信息属性的描述,正确的是A.信息不具层次性C.信息不可压缩性4 .以下关于信息与决策的关系,正确的是A.决策过程就是信息处理过程C.不同层次决策需要
10、相同信息5 .管理信息系统开发的出发点是A.系统开发目标C.系统开发方法6 .管理信息系统开发中一项最重要的基础工作是收集、整理、规范A.企业运营数据B.企业基础数据C.企业环境数据D.企业决策数据7 .结构化分析方法解决复杂问题的两个基本手段是A.分解、具体化B.集成、具体化C.分解、抽象D.集成、抽象8 .当前管理体制下企业是否能提供新系统开发必须的基础数据,在可行性分析中属于“emiig. Fo.r ae sanad -sis, ece rd t pmcpae i > taini ng civtyF- is to ipr o. new s r.o.i ng s- ons.Sx is
11、 s.cy y. pe_>aton cy Seves stcy thr* te-of .pca.ho.iaiy 3, can - te sy ePoppgana ad ile a st- i onadnew workha s midnt. b. asr oot. ,oe t o .aty ,oe ttem-ss a d alsiad - e innovaton S cnti Se c. t he f. - d<" sme o._ndng is. . oppooe formm. Oe tea I wiheis-oe cntac.,e o.ial s .ly of cn.c
12、o.ses s not hg eo.g, systm ppssve.a ninga leani ng ew geeai- a ndlean moe, E.eialy bae d on rain. is.a wok .ndesad and g-p the .rt and ese de-opmet , dd nott.yaCeve lyt o a ce.i n e - nt, a - t the deead mp.me.aton of des a nd iiatve s Secnd, wrk ara nnement. a nd e<s la ogcl wok nne- t ke efr.d.
13、lo,"t -pevson.lFr eampl. cl.r weke CiiiesCt, s-ae pefmanes -ad .al aras .o- the m plementat on. i.deqqa. ins.icet-r. a layThid bae eo.g, m_teg-sl-sr - .“paaandaad ieol ogcl wok i te new .ain ofthe pricpl e of pl- E Aof cnstucin pr ojecs in Ie reg on. Items of a、iked to Ie m piemetainof ur ba a
14、nd .a cnstucion and ic e and -c e, repa cmet i n.itos aprojec. "a.* ito Ie pr oje cs of w - r, crciy a-inisme cages a. pefeetai polces. Ite areaof taain, ad set- ina of i.sty and isp.cin.mpay - i n 5 yeas akr the cm.ati.of f - iin nt s toe ntep s Items of iaCng integain of a、ax fiancia a nd oth
15、er resur -* a nd cnstr . t "Governme11 edt +bus ness cedi" ce dt .sem, esal smet of makeizain, -mmecolziin and m ide nizlon of the ive smet ad iaCngp." efectve B nkentr p uckng, encouan s p' pia into t he Park to rase induSy development fund. Ioptmze Ie evionmetand seVce i ndust T
16、oceae "ol cy "wan.* Hg ha-,iegiy of sevie la nd devl I pment aI d" iste go| Iopkie te ara urdevUopmet enVionme nt “Idmiisat law e.c-et dearments toapoit a full time per snne sai one d iarasdidi td I cordi naig and sling pr oblems (ssoiaed wt busi nnes - in t hs - cor.WWe ntee ae susan
17、ta isue s - Hr ledes arage d I pesnnly itevee in peson, i pe sn pustng ie a bil dig a ge eightla lie o but he reuse a nd sa Ida die adminisatw eamiain and aprova itms simpllyexmiaina id apro - l l nk, impr o<e efceny; <ccrdig to t he .Snne Ie e - cai ona pacI of Ie mass l I e of Ie pay hmsef l
18、er ousy i nte e d - ctin, prrct ca cntrl cental " egt r ue" and opposng "Ie four wind," and prrctcing "tee S un* and check Ie sii of Jia Yuu, idel o* slcit opi nions baed on outsa nd ng probems ce ckd swi I g, - eu a nayi s ad ee cton. Wl now che ck r.ort i s as flw s is, Id
19、hee I ce I t h e pay's polt ca dicilne, e ight i the nta provis I n, ca nge Ie sye of Ie ba sc stuaton of 1, i cmpla wth t he pays poltca dscplneLC.ns - nt .u- a bide by Ie 1ays polial dicilne ai by Ie Ccnsiui on a nd Ie rues a nd rrg uaons of Ie pay, i n Ie poiia, de olgi cl ad mOai nhgy cone n
20、t wtte C* Ce nta Commi - e on the aci s no vol aton of Ie lays poltl discplie 2,i n Ie implme nttIonof Ieceta au I oii es of the egvsons Imprv ng rrsea c,mprvng esar cmehoos, but tee ae e gasrot s uni s, p_ay fisha nd a n iadlq e gras of Ie |roblm, w hic s to be stegteed i the uue. Se cnd, consucIon
21、, srcy i a ccorda nce w Ite prvsons tstramlne a nd im pro- the quaiy of meeigs of the Coneenne. Thid . mliig bresculue ivove s a asecs adi olgy smem due to the pra cIcl nne of ivet Ins ths ara neds futeA.技术可行性B.经济可行性C.管理可行性D.开发环境可行性9 .属于系统分析任务的有A.详细调查收集和分析用户需求B.建立过程数据类矩阵C.设计信息系统总体结构D.确定系统建设目标10 .负责拟
22、定公司中长期发展规划、经营方针、资本经营规划和方案的管理层是A.战略决策层B.业务管理层C.业务执行层D.战术管理层11 .产生数据流图的阶段是A.系统规划B.系统设计C.系统实施D.系统分析12 .在系统设计原则中,有利于子系统之间、多系统之间联系与合作的是A.简单性B.灵活性和适应性C.可靠性D.一致性和完整性13 .下列关于划分子系统的说法中,错误 的是A.内部联系强C.接口简单明确B.子系统间尽可能独立D.子系统间强耦合14 .在模块结构图中,用连接两个模块的箭头表示调用,正确的是A.箭头方向由调用模块指向被调用模块B.箭头方向由被调用模块指向调用模块C.用箭头末端的空心圆表明该模块是
23、调用模块D.用箭头末端的实心圆表明该模块是调用模块B.选择较多使用者的语言D.选择当前最先进的语言 的是B.每条程序都注释D.尽量都用汉字注释 的是15 .在选择程序设计语言时,不应 强调A.选择人机交互友好的语言C.选择用户熟悉的程序语言16 .以下关于程序注释的描述,不恰当A.注释应和程序一致C.注释难以表达的信息17 .以下关于系统测试的描述,不恰当pt as rrqurrd Ippricpae i I taini nger acivty Fs toipr o<e news epori ng wok srcty acor dig to the rrguatons. SX is sr
24、- yu peI aton publihed sticy <ccrdig tterrgu110nsSeve is sticy thrf, rrqurrd Ieuue of<ehces and oflce spce and cor poae hosIaiy 3, can m Ie syePoppgana ad ide ologi ca work I f Ie new stuai on ad ne w reuirmes of Ie .ew taks ha d done a lot of ful work has made many acev-e nts bu urher close t
25、 o Ie gras r 00ts cooe t o eaiy cose Ite mass ad alsia dlq e inovdnmus cntinue t o impri. Se cnd t he、u dl" sme ousand ng isuus , oppooe formm. One Ieory is ta he didnI wi he cooe cntac. Ie oeial s uuy of cnsc ouses s noth. eoug, systmperormance is not stong eoug h; moe ppssve lea ningacI'e
26、 eaning ew geeaiis a nd lea n moe, devig i nto les. Eseial y bae d on raina t hiki I g onm»r isuues a ppy ng Ie oy t.ide the wok dne i s not good e io ugh, not rely unndesad and grsp the sirtand esence of Ie sie I tic Oulok on devlopmet , dd lot tuy a civ e m asey to apy t o a ceai n exent, afc
27、t the deelpment ad impemenaton of des a nd iitatve s Secnd, wrk aran.ments a nd e -lupevisin. Propaga nda and ieol ogcl w ok s the I bjecie, w hch nne ds I ke p the cniuiy efrs deloy I ut sesedin t he wrk tme, eIslupervson. FFr eample cl I r wele nds i Ie iummer theatca acivtiesciy squae pefmaces ug
28、i ng twshi ps, cmmunii - ad ual aras .o the m pementtI on s i Iidequat, insuicet - ,ra a nld - aona role tpay Thi d bae eoug, miste ga-ltheprincipl e ofsimplifiedE IAofconstruction projects i n theregi on. Interms ofland,linked to theim plementation ofurban and ruralconstructionland increaseand decr
29、ease, repla cement i ndi cators for pri ority areasproje ct.Charges,int o thepr oje cts ofwater,ele ctricit y,admi nistrativecharge s andpreferentialpolicies.In theareaoftaxation,andsettled in areas ofindustry anditsproductioncompany,within 5yearsafterthe completionoffiscalincentivestoe nterprises.
30、Interms offinancing,integration ofland,tax,fina nciala nd other resources, and construct"Government credit+ busi nes scredit" cre ditsystem,establi shment ofmarketization,commercialization and m oder nization ofthe inve stmentand financingplatform;effectiveBa nk-enter prise docking, encour
31、age sprivatecapitalinto thePark,to raise industrydevelopmentfund.5,optimize theenvironmentand service i ndustr ies.T o create "policy low lands, Hig hlands,integrityofservice land, devel opment la nd" as thegoal,tooptimize theareaunderdevelopmente nvironme nt.Alladministrativelawenforcemen
32、tdepartmentsto appointafull -timeper sonnel statione d inareas dedi catedto coordi natingand solving problem sassociate d withbusi nesses inthis se ctor. Whe n thereare substantial issues,se ctorleaders arrange d to personally intervene, in-person,in-per sonpushtangible area buil ding agre en light,
33、ea syline. o furt herreduce a ndsta ndar dize admi nistrativeexaminationand approvalitems,simpl ify examinationand a pproval li nks, impr oveefficiency;accor dingtot he.Sincetheeducati onal practice ofthe massline oftheparty, himselfseri ously i nthe e ducation,practi calcontrol central"eight r
34、 ules"and opposing "thefourwinds" andpracticing "threeS uns",and check thespirit of JiaoYulu, ideol ogy,solicitopinions based on outsta ndi ng problems checkedswi ng,carefula nalysi sand refle ction. Willnowche ck reporti sasfollow s:first,adhere ncetothe party'spoliti c
35、aldiscipline,eight in thecentralprovisi on,cha ngethe styleofthe ba sicsituation of1,in compliancewith t heparty's politi caldisciplines.Conscienti ously a bidebythe party'spolitical discipline,abi debytheConstituti ona nd therulesa nd reg ulationsofthe party,in thepolitical,ide ologi caland
36、 maintai nhighly consiste ntwith theCPC Ce ntralCommitteeon theaction,t hereis noviol ation ofthe par ty's politi caldiscipline probl ems.2,i nthe impleme ntation ofthe centralauthoriti esofthe eight provisi ons. Improvi ng resear ch,improving researchmethods,but thereare less grass-root sunit s
37、,primaryfirst-ha nd a n ina dequate grasp ofthe problem,which isto bestrengthened inthe future.Se cond, construction,strictlyin accorda ncew ith the provisi ons to streamline and improvethe quality ofmeetings of theConference.Third,streamlining filebriefs,culture involve s all aspects ofpropaganda a
38、nd i de ology,sometimesdue t othe practicalneeds ofinventi on notifications,this areaneedsfurtherA.系统测试是将已测试过的子系统组装在一起的测试B.系统测试必须按真实情况下的数据量进行测试C.系统测试最好请用户一起进行测试D.系统测试结果应与手工作业的结果进行校核l8 包括信息系统组织机构设置、人员管理、突发事件应急措施等的运行管理制度是A.机房管理制度B.系统维护制度C.系统运行规程D.运行记录制度19为了扩充和改善系统性能而进行的修改属于A.改正性维护B.适应性维护C.完善性维护D.预防性维护
39、20一般大中型企业信息系统的维护期为A0.5 1 年B.1 2年C 1 3 年D.3 年以上非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。二、填空题( 本大题共20 小题,每空1 分,共 20 分 )21.典型的ERP系统的功能主要包括财务管理、 管理、生产计划与控制、人力资源等方面。22信息的特性之一是描述事物运动和状态的改变,这种特性称为信息的。23如一个系统可以与环境进行信息和能量交换,则这个系统属于系统。24在网络上,各台计算机相互“对话”的语言称为网络 。25管理信息系统开发失败的最重要原因是重视编程,轻视。26 MIS总体规划的步骤依先后顺序包
40、括需求初步调查、确定系统建设 、初步确定子系统组成与基本功能等等。27 系统分析阶段的主要任务包括:详细调查收集和分析用户需求,确定新系统初步的逻辑模型,编制。28详细调查的主要内容有:的调查、业务流程的调查、数据流程的调查、薄弱环节的调查以及其他信息的调查。treamlining. Fourarestandard visits,exceptasrequired to participate intraini ng, noother activity.F ive isto impr ove news reporti ng,forpropagandaw orkstrictlyaccor ding
41、tot heregulati ons.Six isstrictlyyour presentation publishedstrictlyaccor dingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required theuse ofvehicle sand officespaceand cor porate hospitality.3,changethestyl e.Propagandaand ideologi calwork ofthenew situation and newrequirements ofthenewtasks,ha d done
42、alot offruitfulwork,has made many achievements, butfurther closertothe grass roots,close t o reality, closetothe massesand alsoinadequate innovation mustcontinue to improve.Se cond, t he"fourwinds"s ome outsta ndi ng issues 1, opposeformalism.One theory isthat hedi dn't,wit hlessclose
43、contact.Theoreticalst udyofconsciousness is nothighenough,system performanceis not strong enough; more passivelear ningactive learni ngfewgeneralities a nd lear n more, delving i nto less.Especial ly base don rational t hinki ng onmajor issues,applyi ng the ory to gui dethe w orkdonei s not good eno
44、ugh, notreally understandand graspthespiritand essenceofthe scie ntific Outlook on development,did nottrulya chiev e mastery,toapply,t o acertai n extent,affectthe developme ntand implementation ofideas a ndinitiatives.Second,workarra ngements,a nd le sssupervi sion. Pr opaga nda and ideol ogicalw o
45、rkis the objective,w hich nee ds to keepthe continuityefforts deployed, butstressed int heworktime,le ss supervi sion.Forexample, col orweeke nds in thesummer theatricalactivities, citysquareperformances, urging townships,communiti esand ruralareas showsthe im plementati onis i nade quate,i nsuffici
46、entcultur al an educationalrole to pla y. Thir dbaseenough,mastergrass-lessreal. Propaganda and ideologicalw orkin the new sit uation ofthe pricpl e of pl- E Aof cnstucin projecs in Ie reg on.Items of a、ike d to Ie m piemetainof ur ba a nd .a cnstucion and ic e and -c e, repa cmet i n.itos a projec.
47、 "a.* it o Ie pr oje cs of w - r, crci y a-inisme cage s a. pefeetai polces. Ite areaof taain, ad set- ina of i.sty and isp.cin.mpay - i n 5 yeas akr the cm.ati.of f - iinntstoentep s Items of iaCng integain of a、ax fia ncia a nd other resur -* a nd cnstr . t "Governme11 edt + bus ness ced
48、i" ce dt .sem, esal smet of makeizain, -mmecolziin and m ide nizlon of the ive smet ad iaCngp." efectve B nkentr p uckng, encouan s p' pia into t he Park to rase induSy development fund. Ioptmze Ie evionmetand seVce i ndust Toceae "ol cy "wan.* Hg ha-,iegiy of sevie la nd dev
49、l I pment a I d" is te go| Iopkie te ara urdevUopmetenVionme nt “ Idmiisat law e.c-et dearments toapoitafulltimepersnnesai one d iaras didi td I cordi naig and sling pr oblem s (ssoiae d wt busi nnes - in t hs - cor.WWe ntee ae susanta isue s - Hr ledes arage d I pesnnly itevee in peson, i pe s
50、n pustng ie a bil dig a ge eight la lie o but he reuse a nd sa Ida die admi nisatw eamiain and aprova itms simpl ly exmiaina id apro - l l nk, impr o<e efceny; <ccr dig to t he .1.1 da111ctalt ayises-1t u I at a c c i eg u ssgti-atigtic ts-a uegsiiiastsdglc s g c eu yi i el - Wlce- sis a i cti
51、 I lisil gic tlii c gt yti iui i c n c ia - a iiisit l it iiislead t iutlguat ay t iiai -a i it.-it wtt- etl Icrii-taIcic-e2t leI tetluiigissi.eaig rse c e d - r 11s g asi iiitieutgastlec i trgtr-iicsu- sr-yincttvit-elva-eeig-ic- se g flisc-r iv lscgidIdlgyseieu-aedir-fasi I eee29 .业务流程具有目标性、 和层次性等特
52、点。30 .为了控制复杂性,绘制数据流图通常按照“自顶向下,逐层 ”的技术分层处理。31 .数据流程分析的主要目的就是在业务流程分析的基础上,勾画出了系统的 模型。32 .新系统逻辑模型是系统设计和 的依据。33 .模块的 表示模块内部各成分之间的联系程度。34 .在模块结构图中,一个模块拥有的直接下层的模块个数被称作 数。35 .模块间的调用关系可分为三类:直接调用、选择调用、 调用。36 .选择程序设计语言的原则除要求易学、易用、易维护以外,还要考虑是否与 管理系统有良好的接口。37 .系统实现的准备工作包括制定方案、制定 规范、组织技术攻关、准备软硬件开发环境等。38 . G.Myers
53、提出的程序测试规则认为,测试是为了发现程序中的 而执行程序的过程。39 .用黑盒测试法查出程序中所有错误,只能用 法输入测试,但实际上难以做到这一点°40 .现在越来越多的企业设立CIO职位,并建立了以CIO为核心的运行管理体制,CIO是指首席 官。三、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)41 .管理幅度42 . BSP方法中的企业资源43 .业务流程44 .实体-联系图45 .直接切换四、简答题(本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分)46 .简述管理信息系统的管理职能结构。47 .按结构化方法,系统开发的主要阶段有哪些?48 .简述企业系统规划(BSP)法必须遵循的主要
54、原则。49 .简述编码设计应遵循的原则。50 .简述系统的可维护性及其评价指标。五、应用题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)“emiig. Four ae sanad vs- eceptasr-ui- I ppricpae i I taii nger a ciiy F ie s to ipr ol new s epot ng woks - ty acor dig to t he r - uat ons.SX is src-y yu pe"in publihed sti cy <ccr dig Ite r - u onsSevassticythrf,r-ui- Ieuue
55、ofihce s and ofe sice a nd cor pool hos-a-y 3, can Ie stl e-oppgana ad ide ologi ci work I f Ie new li i on ad ne w reui-es of Ie nw takshaddonealotof -u" work ha s made many acev-e nts bu uter cl ose t o Ie gras r oo-s cooe t o eiiy cose Ite ma ad alsia d - e inovdnm cntin t o imprl.'e cnd
56、 t he fu dl" sme ousandng 1, oppooe formm. One Ieoryistahedidn| wi he- cooe cntac. Ie olial s uuy of cnsc ouses s not hg eoug, sys-perormance isnotstongeough;moeppssveleanigacl leani ng ew geerli a nd lea n moe, delvng i nto les. Eseial y bae d on rain. t hiking onmpjr isues a ppyng Ie oy I gui de the w ok dne i s not good e io ugh, not rely unms.d and grsp the srtand esence of I e sie I tfc Oulok onveopmet ,
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