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1、瓦尔登湖英文读后感瓦尔登湖是美国作家梭罗独居瓦尔登湖畔的记录,描绘了他两年多时间里的所见、所闻和所思。以下是XX 精心准备的瓦尔登湖英文读后感,大家可以参考以下内容哦!瓦尔登湖英文读后感【1】Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862),the authorofWalden,was borninConcord,Massachusetts. When he was a child, he always went tothe woods and field with his old brother. So he lovesthe nature very much. In the m

2、iddle of 19th century,Americaneconomiesdeveloped sorapidlythatmostpeoplepursuitthemateriallifeandignorethespirituallife.But Thoreau wantstolivea simplelife.Also for the Transcendentalist Movement was centeredin Concord and Emerson had a great influence on him.Allthese made Thoreau go to builda cabin

3、on theshoreof Walden Pond and live alone to close to the naturein1845.Later,he wrotethe famous book,Walden,whichmainly talksabout hislifeand thoughts duringhe livedalone in the woods near Walden Pond.When Walden was published in 1854, it was not wellaccepted by people. Instead it was regarded as.He

4、also writes that though he lives alone in thewoods, he iscloseto natureand makes himselfas a partof nature. He lives alone, but sometimes he also talkswith his visitors who are honest, sincere, thinkableand loving their life.Thoreau also mentions that the noise in the townand the whistle of train di

5、sturb the quite life of thetown.However,inthe woods lifeisquite.Whenhe livesin the woods, he can listen to animals sounds such asbirdssinging,owl s hooting, cockerels crowingetc.He lives with animals friendly. He also describes theWalden Pond. The water,blueand green,clearand pure,freezes in winter

6、and melts in spring.When Iwasreading Walden,IfeltthatIwaslisteningtoa wise mans talking.The words and phrasesaboutthenatureespeciallytheWaldenPondarebeautiful and fascinating. The sentences are full ofwisdom and philosophy.Reading this book reminds me of those peoplewho work hard to earn money,waste

7、lotsofmoney tobuy luxuryand expensive things,waste timetoentertainthemselves.Inmy pointofview,theymayeasilylosethemselves,andthoughtheirbodies are full, their minds are hungry. The real lifeis to make every complicate thing to be simple andenrichour heartand soul.Ina word,justsimplicity、simplicity a

8、nd simplicity!One of Thoreaus thoughts about solitude attractsme deeply for I m the person who likes to be alone.There are some reasons for why I like to be alone:Firstly I think that living with others is easy goingto havea conflictwhateveryouarebest friends.Secondly just as Thoreau saying a man th

9、inking orworking always alone and let him be where he will .I always spent most of time tostudy,and Iliketomakemyselfbusyallthetime,so Ihave littletimetostaywith others. In addition to, whatIm thinking and interested in is quite differentfrom others. I like studying at library and readingbooks butdo

10、ntlikepursuitfashionableand new trendthingsforitmakes me feeltired and bored.So Ialwayslive alone and people who around me think I must be lonely. Actually its not true. They dont understand me at all. When Im studying, learning or reading, I dont think other things, just immersing in the oceanof kn

11、owledge .My heart is quite calm. And if learn newknowledge I got a feeling of happiness, satisfactionand fulfillment.So Iwas so surprisedthatwhat Thoreausaid was exactly same to what I thought. I was so gladto find a person who has the same idea with me. WhenThoreau livedaloneinthewoods,peopledidnot

12、understand him, even Emerson thought what he did waswrong. And now, people who around me think my life isnot good. But I think Thoreau s life was successful,meaningfuland happy,so do I.Because Ithinkthatthesuccess and happiness of life all comefromexactlyvalue. Everyonedeeplydesiresofthemselveslife.

13、When youknowwhatthevalueofyourselfis,meanwhileyou canenjoyyourlifeaccording to the value every time. You will find thateveryday you have full of energy and enthusiasm to doanything,hear the sure sound from your heart,and oftenfeel intense achievement, the most important is thatyour heart is peace an

14、d calm.Last but not least, I envy Thoreau so much for helives insuchabeautifulandcomfortablenatureenvironment. He can breathe the fresh air, live withwild animalfriendly;appreciatethesceneryofWaldenPond etc.Whileinmodern society,peoplepursuittheirown interests to hunt and kill animals, cut down tree

15、sand pollutetheriversand so on. As a result,thenumberof wildlifeis decreasing,thearea oflakeisshrinking,and the water is not pure any more. The environmentproblemssuch as globewarming,climate change and airand water pollution have been becoming increasinglyserious.Readingthisbookmakesmebeawareofprot

16、ectingtheenvironmenttorealizetheharmonybetween human and nature.Theconceptofresponsibilityisanecessaryfiction. Although socitiesmust hold their individuals accountable for theirown actions, peoples behavior is largely determinedby forces not of their own making.On one hand, the highest social animal

17、 as humanbeing is, any individual has his specific role in acertainsociety.Andthisspecificrolegivesonesocial identity and individual responsibility througheducationinschools and influenceofethicaland moralstandards. Though some times one would feel that thecertain responsibility is obligation from t

18、he societyandorganizationsratherthanhisindividualresponsibilityatfirst,inmostcases,theaccountabilitywouldpresumablybecomeonesowneventuallyfollowedbythefinal identificationof hisspecificsocialidentity,andthendirectonesbehaviors without the force from the exterior world.For example, a soldier would th

19、ink it is his duty toobey the rules withoutany hesitation;a surgeonwouldconsider healing the patients as hisaccountability; and a historian would feel it ishisresponsibilitytodiscoverwhatisbehindthehistorical descriptions. In fact, different careersand roles form diverse individual responsibilities,

20、which result in individuals voluntary behaviors.On the other hand, there are not only specificindividual responsibilities in diverse areas but alsosome fundamentalvaluesand accountabilities,which weallhuman beingscherish. From themoment one can speakor even isborn,thesocietybeginsto instillthemorala

21、nd ethical standards, which is so called humanity inevery onesmind. The olderone is,the deeperinfluencethe humanitywould be. Whenone isjusta littlechild,he would go directlytowhat he likeand claimit.Thenwhen he is old enough, he would realize that it isincorrectand ashamed. And becauseofthe awarenes

22、sofwhat is right and wrong, one would probably never doanymisdeedagain.Actually,humanityisjustthecommon individual responsibility shared by all of us.However,every onelivesinacertainsocietythereby ones behavior is more or less influenced byforces notoftheirown making.And to operate normally,everysoc

23、iety has itslaws, though manytimes havedifferencesamong them.Itistruethathumanityplaysan essentialrole inrulingindividualsbehaviors;yetlaws are necessary. Under the control of laws, peoplewhohavelittleindividualresponsibilitywouldprobablynotdaretodoany crimeinfearoflawpunishment.Besideslaws,forexamp

24、leinschool,rulesare alsoanimportantfactoras wellas individualresponsibility.Nowadays, inmostuniversities,astudent who does not pass some certain courses in his four years college life would not get his diploma of bachelors degree. So even if a student does not likehis discipline, or dose not care ab

25、out his GPA, thepressureofgraduatingforceshimnottoplayingcomputer or basketball all the time.In addition, individual responsibility and forcesfrom outside world have overlapped parts some times.For instance,studyingdiligentlyis some hard-workingstudentsindividualresponsibilityas wellasthepressure fr

26、om schools and society.Generally speaking, it is hasty and incorrect toconcludethattheconceptofindividualresponsibilityisa necessaryfiction.On thecontrary,individualresponsibilityplaysanimportantrolewhich cannot bereplaced.However,lawsandtheexterior force also have their significance as well.Thus we

27、 can not put either of them aside and pay moreattention to anotherAlthough I may not understand Thoreaus thoughtscompletely,I m reallybenefited from reading thebook,Walden.瓦尔登湖英文读后感 【 2】read throughsome ofthemore than half of the walden pond, to be honest lookat a lot of paragraphs do not really und

28、erstand, butsay itis funsectionsof animalsthatpeoplereadfresh.thefirstanimalistheroosterattention,and thatthe most common birds, however the authors pen in theair allofa sudden and verypoor.thoreauisthe authordescribedthemthisway:therooster,pheasantwasoriginally,andtheirchirpingistheworldsmostbeauti

29、fulmusic,betterthan alltheotheranimals,butmost ofthetimeto fillthegaps intheir voiceistheirwife - the mother chickens are noisy, its no wonderthat they ultimately can only be the poultry, not tomentionwhat kind ofa chickenegg. thesewords can nothelppeopledesperatelywanttorememberthemusicchenming roo

30、ster,the result was aloss,exceptinwritingfromthemechanicaloosound. as forthehen,they can only remember them after the end of each timeit is under the giggle to stop the called.waldenpond,how can thereare so many wildanimal?everyday itseems thattheauthorand notthename theysay hello. are familiar with

31、 ant, but where the ants are like the soldiers how to ah, make that an ant war was afraid to read the small bio of contempt. lovely fledgling partridge destitute people, they only obeythe instinct of mothers and their own oh, the fullnessof their long feathers of the body of small branchesand leaves

32、togethertomaintainthesame posture,whereto stay motionless, it picked up when a stranger orfollow it, it continues to stay as motionless, or takeyour eyes clean. scary, of course, most diving birds,and it alwayssentlaugh,when it isfrom thislakefirstdive, the observer much hunting or after a lot of fu

33、n.what itis,you can go tothe bottomofthelaketofishin the bird.afterallthehuman animalis,ah,justhigh-levelanimals.theauthorpredictedthattheresultofhumanprogress must be to give up meat, as the savage to thecivilizedaroundafterpeoplegiveup bad habits,likeeating.ido notknow human beingsarenotone day gi

34、veup meat, it is very curious about the rabbit call. inthebook,theauthorsaid:rabbitto the end,thetruthwasachildcry.onrabbits,themostprofoundimpression that the tree hit a hare, but there is nowritten record of our had been a poor hunt rabbits.瓦尔登湖英文读后感 【 3】Walden is a masterpiecewrittenby HenryDavid

35、Thoreau, whowasborn inConcord,Massachusetts. The age he livedhad witnessedthe flourish of capitalism as well as the prosperityof industrializationand urbanization.During the19thcentury,theAmerican economy developedatso fastratethatmost peoplewere bound up inpursuingthe materialsatisfaction , while i

36、ngored the spiritual life to agreatextent.ButThoreauwasquitedifferentfromotherpeople,he disdainedthe modern civilizationandattachedmoreimportancetothespiritthanthematerial. He thought many people of his time lived ina non-human-likemodernsocietyandmanymodernappliances, such as trains and telegraphs,

37、 had doneharm topeoplesharmoniouslifepeace and alsobrokenthe relationship between human and nature.Inordertoprovethatwithoutthemoderninstruments ,peoplecan also livea happy life,in1845,he moved into a cabin on the shore of Walden Pond andlive there alone for two years to get close to the nature .Wal

38、den, is the famous book mainly talks about his life and thoughts during those days living in the woods .Thoreau was so happy with the life living near thelake of Walden that he felt it a sweet grace to havethe nature accompany and even the sounds of rain andthesightsaroundhishousewerefullofsincerefr

39、iendship. In his eyes, the nature was an intimatefriend of him and all things in the nature were livelyand vivacious. And all kinds of animals in the wood,such as field mouses,robinsandwild rabbits wereamicablytreatedandregardedashisadorablecompanions. He even thought that plants were also hadtherig

40、httoliveequal withhuman beings. Justbecauseof this, he even blamed himself for hitting chestnuttreeswithstones.From many words or sentences,we caneasilyfeelThoreaus deep loveand caretowardsnature.Besides,Thoreau was a pioneeringnaturelover,whocalledon people tostopdestoryingnaturebutprotectitbysetti

41、nghimselfanexampletoothers.Theconsciousnessoftheenvironmentalprotectionisbecoming more and more importantinour modern society,whilethewholeworldistrappedinsomeseriousecologicalcrisisesresultingfromhuntingand killinganimals, cutting down trees and polluting the riversforpursuitofhuman beingsown inter

42、ests.Weallhavethecommon sensethatthenumberofwildlifeisdecreasing,theareaoflakeisshrinking,and the waterisnotclearanymore.Whatsworse,environmentproblemssuch as globewarming, climatechange and airandwaterpollutionaredeterioratingduringthecommercial process . So its high time that we shouldrealize we n

43、ever be the dominator of the whole worldconquringnature,butshouldspareno effortstoimprove theenvironmentrightaway. Thatis,we shouldcomplywiththenaturallaws,makereasonableutilizationofnaturalresourcesandkeeptheharmoniousdevelopmentbetweenthesocietyandtheenvironment.Only inthis way willwe has an oppor

44、tunityto embrace a bright future and achieve a sustainablesociety .In the book, Walden, Thoreau not only advocated the protection of nature, but also encourage people to comprehend and return to nature. He told us using hisown experience that by living a simple life close to nature, we human beings

45、will find out the true value of life and significance of existence.After reading the book, what impressed me most isthe description of the fascinating scenery around theWalden pound, especially these sentences: A lake isthelandscapesmost beautifuland expressivefeature.Itisearths eye;looking into whi

46、ch the beholdermeasures the depth of his own nature. The fluviatiletrees next the shore are the slender eyelashes whichfringe it, and the wooded hills and cliffs around areitsoverhangingbrows.To Thoreau,theWalden lakeislike a charming and melting girl , who has slendereyelashesandlikestodressherself

47、indifferentbeautifulclotheswiththechanges ofdifferentseasons.Everymorningaftergettingup,Thoreauwould havea bathintheWalden laketostarta new day. Afterthat,he used to wander around the pond and refresh himselfwith the fresh air. In summer days , he cultivated apieceoflandandgrowedbeans,blackberries,johnsworts and the like. The depiction of his leisureruralityspontaneouslyremindsme ofTao Yuanming,thefamous Chinese poet, who lived in the Jin Dynasty andmade his lifemeaningfulby returningtothenatureandperfec


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