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1、般现在时1 every day/week/month/hour/ten minutes,every other day (每卩畐一天)=every second day=every two days;every three days (第三天,艮卩每隔两天),every few days2 in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night3 once a week, twice a year 4 often, usually, frequently, always (也会出现于现在进行时,表示过于频繁),sometimes, at times (时不时 ),

2、from time to time, every nowand then (时不时),frequently,once in a while (时不 时)never (它 也会出 现于现 在完成 时),seldom (很少),hardly5 on Sundays (=every Sunday) 6 right now (此刻,目前)现在进行时:now, at the moment, at present, for the time being( right now 现在)(此刻,目前)(也可用于一般现在时)always (表示过于频繁发生)现在完成时:1 for +段时间(可用于各种时态),si

3、nce+点时间(表示段时 间) (ever sin ce, since the n)(注意这两个时间状语要求句中谓语动词是可延续性的)2 in/over the past 30 years (注意只用 in the past 是一般过 去时)3 lately, recently, just (冈lj冈lj ) , these days (根据情况有时也可用于一般现在时)4 so far, by now, up to now; up until now (直至U现在 )5 ever (肯,疑);never (否);6 already (肯);yet (否,疑)般过去时:1现在+过去5(即一般现在

4、时的时间状语+个过去的时间,女口 every day last year, on Sun days last year)2 yesterday,.ago, just now ( 刚才),the other day (前几 天)3 last year/night/month4 in the past5由 when引起的时间状语从句中.(I was watching TV when he came in)(见后常用句型)过去进行时:1 点时间 + 过去 (3 o'clock yesterday; this time last month)2 由 when 引起的句中(I was watch

5、ing TV when he came in)(见后常用句型)3参照上下文4 while两端都用进行时过去完成时:1 by + 过去一点时间(by the end of last year)2 Hardly.when; no sooner.than.(否定句部分)(见后常用句型)一般将来时1 soon, tomorrow, this evening, tonight2 in+段时间,after+点时间3 in the future4 next year/month/week/morning/Sunday.5 right now(立刻,马上)(注意与现在进行时的意义上的区别)将来进行时点时间 +

6、 将来(3 o*clock tomorrow; this time next month)将来完成时by + 点时间(by the end of next year)过去将来主要用于虚拟和宾语从句,从时间上讲还是过去常用句型:When(3) was/were doing when did had done when did was/were about to do when did (无时间状语)(was/were going to do when did) since(2) it is sinee did it was -sinee had done no sooner -"than; hardly/scarcely when(否定部分倒装,过完,than, when 般过,不倒)No soonerthan :否定后倒装+过完,than, when倒装Hardly when后一般过,不 主将从现(主情从现,主祈从现)(状从主将从现)If (如果),until, unlesswhen, once, beforeas soon as, the moment, every time, by t


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