



1、五下U5复习-、单词发音及相关注意点:(1) parent :巾e?r?nt n.父或母 常用 复数:parents(2) clean : kli:n v.擦;洗 adj.干净的;清洁的(3) cook: k?k v.烧;煮 n.厨师(4) busy: ?b?zi adj.忙的,忙碌的 反义词:free adj. 空的,空闲的(5) grow: gr? v.种植(6) garden : ?ga:dq n.花园;果园(7) sweet: swi:t adj. 甜白n n.糖果(8) pest: pest n.害虫(9) ladybird : ?e?dib?:d n.瓢虫、语法:现在进行时(1)结

2、构:be动词+动词-ing形式(现在分词)例句: Are you / they singing ? 特殊疑问形式:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句?例句: What are you / they doing ?(3)现在分词变化规则:一般在动词后加-ingread - cooking及 reading ; cook -以不发音的e结尾的动词去e加-inglive - writing» living ; write 一以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一 个辅音字母的(基本都是辅+元+辅”结构)动词,双写该辅 音字母再加-ing现在分词sit - sitting begin f beginning三个

3、以ie结尾的动词变ie为y 再加-ingdie 一 dying ; tie 一 tying ; lie f lying(4)标志:时间状语 now 和 look、listen 、Don talk 、Be quiet !等暗示词。三、同位语的用法:(1)用法:由两个或两个以上同一层次的语言单位组成的结构,若其中前项与后项所指相同,句法功能也相同,那就把后项称为前项的 同位语。如果前后项关系紧密,则可以不用逗 号隔开;如果后项只是作前项的补充解释,则需用逗号隔开。例句: Mr. Smith , our English teacher , is from England. He tells me h

4、is brother John is a doctor.四、busy的用法:(1)用法:busy是形容词,意为“忙的,忙不的”;它的反义词是 free ,意为“空的,空 闲的"。busy 常用于两个短语: be busy with sth 和 be busy (in) doing sth 。一般前 面短语with后加名词,后面短语后加 动词-ding形式。例句: He is busy with his homework.He is busy doing his homework.五、like to do的用法:(1)结构:like + to do + 其他.(2)用法:like to

5、 do 意为“希望、想或愿意做某事”,指喜欢做特定的、某一具体的行 动或一时的爱好。例句:I like to play basketball toady.|(3)拓展:like to do 和like doing都可以表达“喜欢做某事”,但是用法稍有区别。like to do 意为“希望、想或愿意做某事”,指喜欢做特定的、某一具体的行动或一时的 爱好。like doing 意为“喜欢做某事”,指长期的兴趣和爱好。例句:I like to play basketball toady. I like playing basketball.六、watch sb doing sth 的用法:(1)用法

6、:watch sb doing sth 意为“看见某人在做某事”,表示看到动作正好在进行, 强调动作发生的过程。例句:I watch the boys playing basketball.(2)拓展:watch sb doing sth 和watch sb do sth者B可以表达“看见某人做某事”,但是用法稍有区别。watch sb doing sth 意为“看见某人在做某事”,表示看到动作正好在进行,强调动作发生的过程;watch sb do sth 意为“看见某人做了某事”,表示看到动作已经完成,强调动作发生的结果。后者多用于经常性发生的事情或动作,一般在句子中会有提示性的单词或短语,

7、例如always > often、usually、every week等。类似可跟do和doing用法的还有 see、hear、listen to等动词或短语。例句:I watch the boys playing basketball.I watch the boys play basketball everyday.七、省略句的用法:(1)用法:在英语中,为了避免结构或语句繁杂冗长而省去某些重复部分的现象叫省略。省略句是英语的一种习惯用法, 形式多样,从单词、短语到从句都可以省略,而且各有一定 的衔接关系,不能随意臆断。本课中的"The pests go away, but

8、 the ladybirds do not." 就是省略句,其完整形式应该是"The pests go away, but the ladybirds do not go away.” 例句:-Would you like to go with me ?-Yes , I ' d like to ( go with you ).八、字母组合ing的发音规则:bring、morning等单词中的辅音字母组合ing发/i ?/音,发音时舌尖触下齿龈,舌面隆起至硬腭,鼻腔共鸣成声,发音时声带振动。类似单词还有ring、sing、dancing等。九、本课重要单词、词组、句型

9、:重要单词:parent父或母、clean洗,才除、cook烧,煮、busy忙的,忙碌的、grow种植、garden花园,果园、 sweet甜的、pest害虫、ladybird 瓢虫重要词组:sweep the floor 扫地、 wash the dishes 洗碗、 make the bed 整理床铺、 clean the car 洗车、 clean the table擦桌子、 wash clothes 洗衣月艮、 grow grapes种葡萄、in his |garden在他的花园里、cook breakfast 做早餐、in the kitchen 在厨房里、in the living

10、room 在客厅里、in his bedroom 在他的卧室里、 cook dinner 做晚饭、somepests 一些害虫、 on the grapes 在葡萄上、 go away 走了,离开重要句型:(1)询问对方正在干什么的的句型及答句:What is he doing now ?He is sleeping. |(2)表达同位语的句型:Ben the dog is sleeping too(3)表达某人很忙的句型:My mother is busy.(4) 表达某人在某处干什么的句型:Bobby grows grapes in his garden.(5)表达离开的句型:The pe

11、sts go away , but the ladybirds do not.十、针对性练习(1)英汉互译:1> makeclothes 2、做晚饭3、his parents 4、扫地5、wash my hair 6、整理床铺7、I think so. 8、洗碗9、go to the party 10、做家庭作业 (2)写出下列动词的现在分词:1、work 2 、lie 3、play 4、study5、 dance6、have _ 7、run 8、let9、 shop10、put11、take12、tie(3)根据首字母或中文提示完成句子:1、- What are you doing i

12、n the kitchen?-I (烧饭)for my family.2、She is (帮助)Miss Li in the teachers ' office.3、 Can you (洗) some fruit for me ?4、Many children are in the (商店)today.5、- What are you doing ?-I (看)TV.6、You shouldn 't eat anything(甜的)7、- Are these (葡萄)good ?-No , I don 't like to eat them.-She is doing

13、the d in the kitchen.9、- Are l good or bad ?-They are good , they help drive(赶走)the pests away.10、My father is c his car in the garden.(4)用所给单词的适当形式填空:1、The teacher is busy. He only ( sleep ) six hours a day.2、Listen ! John (sing ) in the classroom.3、Mary (like ) wearing a skirt. Look! She (wear) a

14、red skirt today.4、What your sister (do) now?5、Look! Tim (have) a new bike.6、Don't talk ! The students (have) an English lesson.7、- Where is your grandpa ?-He (read ) newspapers in the living room.8、-Helen (wash) clothes ?-Yes , she is.9、Be quiet ! The baby (sleep ).10、He (not water ) the flowers

15、 everyday.(5)选择填空:()1、 It is Monday morning.A. inB. onC. /()2、My father is very busy , I should helpA. heB. him C. her()3、- Where is Tim ?-in bedroom.A. He's; his B. His ; he'sC. He's; he's()4、Helen and I asking the way.A. amB. isC. are()5、There vegetables and meat on the desk.A. beB

16、. isC. are()6、It 's five o'clock. I should.A. go away B. leave away C. leave behind()7、- Do you like eating fruit?-Yes , I do. I like very much.A. parrots B. pears C. pens()8、It 's six o 'clock in the evening. Liu Tao his homework.A. doesB. doing C. is doing()9、I like to the flowers

17、grow.A. lookB. listen C. watch()10、There is a dog in the garden.A. playingB. playsC. play(6)句型配对:()1、Where are my chopsticks ? A 、Sure. It 's easy.()2、Do you like Saturday ?B 、They are on the table.()3、What do you do on Sundays ? C 、Yes, it 's small but nice.()4、Can you draw a flower ? D 、I

18、usually help mymother do housework.()5、Is this your garden ?E 、Sure. I can get up late.(7)句型转换:1、reading , children , library , are , in , books, the , the (?)(8)选择合适的句子补全对话:A Is it spring ?B What is that in your hand ?C It looks so nice.Dk Yes, it is.E、What is he doing ?Su Hai : Hello , Su Hai. Wai

19、t for me.Liu Tao : OK. Hurry up.Su Hai : Liu Tao : It 's a picture of my garden.Su Hai : Really ? Is it big ?Liu Tao : Look ! We grow many flowers and trees here.Su Hai : Liu Tao : Yes, the flowers come out and the trees are green.Su Hai : Who is the boy ?Liu Tao : He's my cousin.Su Hai : Li

20、u Tao : He is flying a kite.Su Hai : I want to visit your garden some day.(9)阅读短文选择正确答案:Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn'tknow how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a school girl. She is ten. She knows howto read and write. One day , Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at th


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