



1、英语四六级作文不得不用的好的结尾句1. The most effective means to solve this problem is that_ .In that case,2. Everything has its own two sides, no exception with AAA. For one thing,_ . for ano ther,_ .3. My experie nee tells me that to_n eeds a thorough and perseveri ngprocess, and in this process you had better abi

2、de by the principles mentioned above.4. On the whole, it is high time that we recog ni zed the sig nifica nee of_ .5. As a result, we should take some effective methods to_.6. Judg ing by the figures, we can draw a con clusi on that_.7. In a word, the whole society should pay close atte nti on to th

3、e problem of_ . On ly in this way can_ in the future.8. In my opinion, we should place much emphasis on the importa nee of9. But_ and_ have their own adva ntages. For example,_ , while_. Compari ng those two, however, I prefer to10. In my opinion,_ is just as com mon as_. If_ , it may be very useful

4、. Whatever_ , the key poin t lies in .11. Are their opinions correct? To my mind, the first idea seems_ . Asfor the sec ond idea,_ .12. As a popular say ing goes,_.In my op in io n what really counts is not_ , but_ . I believer that as long as_ , we will_. So I amfor the opi nio n that_.13. In my op

5、inion, both sides are partly right. When we_ , we shouldtake into con siderati on all aspects of the problems, and the n make the right decisi on.14. Pers on ally, I believer that_. Con seque ntly, I m con fide nt that abright future is await ing us because_.15. In my opinion, all of the people shou

6、ld be brave eno ugh to show our disapprovaland criticism whe n confron ted with_.16. People are coming to realize the importa nee of_ . They have beg unto try their best to_. We believe that_.17. All in all, we cannot live without_ . But at the same time we musttry to find out new ways to cope with

7、problems that would arise.18. Whatever you do, please remember the say ing-_ .If you un dersta ndit and apply it to your study or work, you II defi nitely ben efit a lot from it.19. With the development of society,_. So it essagyetii andnec_ . If every member is willi ng to con tribute himself to th

8、e society, it willbe better and better.20. It is difficult to say whether_ is good or not in gen eral as itdepe nds very much on the situatio n of_ . However, from a pers onalpoi nt of view I find_ .21. It is esse ntial that effective acti ons should be take n to end the situati on.22. It is no doub

9、t that special atte nti on must be paid to the problem of_.23. But both_ and_ have disadva ntages. For example,_ . Which to choose,_ or_? Careful consideratio n is n ecessary before you make your own choice.24. From what has bee n discussed above, we may reas on ably arrive at the con clusi onthat_.

10、25. We must search for a quick acti on, because the prese nt situati on ofis grievous, ifallowed to proceed, will certai nly lead to26. No doubt, if we ignore the problem, there is every cha nee that_willbe put in dan ger.27. We need to take a second look at the matter from a wider standpoint, other

11、wise, wewon t_ .28. It is high time that_ . Here are some of the measures that might betake n immediately.29. In con clusi on, we should know about the problem of_, and objectto_. Only in this way_ .30. Although it is affected by many factors, still there are certain ways that can makethe situati on

12、 better. The most import is_. Ano ther way is_ . Still ano ther one is_ .31. Many soluti ons are offered here, all of them make some sen se, but none is adequateeno ugh. The problem should be studied in depth.32. No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of_ . But thecom mon recog niti on o

13、f the importa nee of_ might be the first step onthe right way.33. It is clear, therefore, that the task of_ dema nds great atte ntio n.34. We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal. But once we are on the way,the chance to reach it is greater.35. But for me, I would rather think of

14、 the matter in an optimistic way. Because Ibelieve_.36. We all know the story of_. this less on tells us that_ , we should_.37. My own point of view is that_ is a no rmal behavior in our society.There is no doubt that_. As an old say ing goes,_.38. If we can taketuseful means, we may not control thi

15、s trend, and some undesirableresult may come out un expectedly, so what we should do is_ .39. However, this graph may not predict the entire situation in the future. I believe40. From the graph it is evide nt that_ .41. From all the reas ons above, we know that great cha nges had take n place in_ .

16、And I believe that_ .42. Taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that43. For the reas ons give n above, I stron gly recomme nd that_ .44. Give n the factors I have just outl in ed, I believe that_.45. Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the con clusi on that_ .46. Re

17、cog nizing the fact that_ should lead us to con clude that47. In short, I support the stateme nt that it is better to_because48. After pon deri ng this questi on on many occasi on s, I have fin ally reached thecon clusi on that_ is somethi ng I truly want to do and it is worthwhile.49. My point of v

18、iew in_ largely results from the fact that50. Now after close exam in atio n, it is not difficult to draw the con clusi on that51. From what has bee n discussed above, you can get your prefere nce. Pers on ally, Ithink_has more adva ntages.52. On the one han d, it has helped chi na_ . On the other h

19、an d, it hasin creased china s_ , and at the same time, made great con tributi ons toour n ati onal developme nt.53. In my opi nion, to solve this problem there might be two ways. One way to tacklethis questio n is_. Ano ther way that is worth adopt ing is54. As far as I am concerned, I trust the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages.


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